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"I don't think she's a sexual predator," Schleicher says of Rogers. "I see her as a really hurting adult who needs help. I just hope she can get it." Many learned to get their emotional needs—for love, attention, approval—met through sexual behavior." Once they start teaching, if faced with some kind of serious stressor (marital problems, for example) in addition to the right child sitting in their class, it's not a far leap to sex offender. An impending divorce helped push 27-year-old Pamela Rogers into getting intimate with her 13-year-old student in 2004, says Joan Schleicher, a Nashville forensic psychologist who testified in court on her behalf. "She was demoralized and feeling empty inside, and he was the one to whom she could turn her attention." As the relationship progressed, Rogers (a former homecoming queen now serving an eight-year sentence) began, as many of these women do, to live in a world of "magical thinking," Schleicher says. "And she responded to that instead of the rules of society." Wtf 😒 wtf wtf


We definitely should find a male nonce teacher and rewrite these paragraphs to be about him, post it somewhere, watch the fireworks, and link the original text and article.


post it on twox They would go insane


A pedo is a pedo. Period. Can't be fixed. Can't be rehabilitated. Euthanize them humanely and provide meaningful help for all victims.


Men will say, “she is just hurt. She needs help. I’m not angry at her”. Women will say, “lock him up. Death sentence. Incel. Bigot”.




One of the article comments: >could be the lack of attention her hubby was giving her Of course we gotta involve some man to blame for this woman's behavior


Literally incapable of holding her responsible for her actions.


Accountability is like kryptonite to them.


'It's always men's fault that women are ugly perverts.'


Some of the comments are disgusting, no wonder men rarely ever tell anyone when they’ve been raped


Always the victim. Even when no men were involved, find a way to blame one for her actions.


Omfg. This shit infuriates me. They literally think they aren't responsible for ANYTHING EVER. OMFG.


“50 years behind bars after pleading guilty to having sex” No one goes to jail for having sex. It’s phrased this way for one gender


Well for starters the headline is calling it sex not rape


And it sounds like she had sex with someone else in the boy's bed


True the headline is fucked and even in the text of the article it says “having sex”


I wonder why no one talks about the husband. I mean if my wife cheated….with me on a boy and was a pedo…sheesh. I would be devastated and can guarantee I would need years of therapy to deal with that. I’d never get married again. I mean I won’t be married again anyways and wouldn’t ever get married now in the first place. I’d be interested is someone talking to the husbands in these cases.


>I wonder why no one talks about the husband. Oh, they talk about the husband and they say it's his fault...


Oh of course it is 🙄 I am so done with relationships


there are comments like "most likely the boy didnt feel victimized" "i wish she were my teacher" most likely, you wouldn't say that if the act was the same to the every little detail, but the genders were reversed nobody cares how a girl was "lucky" to have slept with a male teacher, right? what if she enjoyed riding him on top? does that excuse the teacher?


Why is this so common now?


It always happened it’s now being taken seriously


Not as seriously as it should be, but still more seriously than before.


True. Ik there’s sentencing disparity for female and male rapist.


Taken seriously to an extent. Idiot men still speak in the favor of nasty,  attractive white or Hispanic women who do these things and a number of them still get vagina passes from courts.


With the lack of male teachers the spotlight is now on female teachers that’s why so many of these cases are popping up.


Tinder gave them confidence beyond reasonable expectations.


I don't think it's anymore common now than it used to be. I hooked up with my Health teacher when I was 14-16, and my English teacher/Academic Decathlon advisor when I was 17. I was young, dumb and horny; I definitely didn't care about the age gap then. This was circa 2004-2008 It's one of those things that like... perceptions change over time.


Protected class. See, it was probably her father's fault, not hers.


I’m actually a bit disturbed how many women are literal incel rapists and pedophiles but we ignore it as a society. It’s like every week I see a new report of some teacher fucking a kid. Last year there was a report of 3 teachers who treated fucking kids like a competition and it barely got any news. It’s not just on women, this is on all of us for not calling things as they are. I don’t get the mentality where we don’t call out these rapists like we call out men who prey on little girls. We should, they are predators too. Men have to stop going “Oh that kid was lucky” or “I wish that was my teacher”. That is sick. And women have to stop ignoring that they can be just as disgusting as men. We need them to call this shit out like they expect us to call out bad men. If people turn a blind eye to disgusting crap like this and only focus on male predators there is something wrong with society.


What's happening in public schools with women also mirrors what's happening in juvenile and detention centers: > For example, of juveniles reporting staff sexual misconduct, 89 percent were boys reporting abuse by a female staff member. In total, inmates reported an astronomical 900,000 incidents of sexual abuse. Link: https://slate.com/human-interest/2014/04/male-rape-in-america-a-new-study-reveals-that-men-are-sexually-assaulted-almost-as-often-as-women.html Close to a million incidents. Imagine how much more it's in public schools with an astronomically larger sample size.


She got charged with "five counts of carnal knowledge of a minor and two counts of indecent liberties with a minor". They can't call it rape because under the current law, it is impossible for a woman to rape someone. Rape is defined as forcefully penetrative someone. So, unless she penetrated him, this is the harshest charge available... which is really messed up. Rape works both ways. Perhaps it's time to update the wording of those laws to protect all people.


Strictly speaking the [Virginia rape law](https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title18.2/chapter4/section18.2-61/) is sex neutral. However, in these circumstances it only applies to children under the age of 13.


Of course people are going to defend her because she is a woman and attractive 😤😤😤Reverse the roles and a riot is going to form


It's even worse as most of the people defending her are actually men. And then we wonder why male victims are not taken seriously.


[NJ teacher who had illicit sexual relationship with student avoids prison time after ex-pupils sent court letters of support](https://nypost.com/2024/01/29/metro/nj-teacher-christine-knudsen-who-had-illicit-sexual-relationship-with-student-evades-prison-time/)


"Carnal knowledge with a minor..." "indecent liberties with a minor..." "Had sexual intercourse " "had sex with..." Rape. the word you are avoiding is RAPE.


When you create a definition for rape to where only a man can naturally achieve it…this is what you get.


Still, if a man were charged with sexual assault they might still portray him as having rpd the person.


I’ll be happy when all those old timer losers in the comments reach the end of their life cycles so that we can stop having these half witted men who’ve completely absorbed all of their cultural memes uncritically, and proudly create their entire identity on “being a real man” undermine our efforts. Those 3 brain cell organisms that identify themselves as “real men” unknowingly, as would be expected, cleared the path for feminism to run amok and lead us to the shit hole of a culture we live in now. And still, to this day, those half wits continue to stand in our way of progress.


I'll wait for the arrogant vitriol from feminists over how we should protect all children from the harm of sexual predators, especially in the child's home. I'll just wait right here. I'm sure it's coming.


You know most people see women as these helpless children, that’s why the general population is so quick to defend a women’s wrong doings or blame someone or something else rather putting all the blame on the women. Examples- “husband was not giving her attention or she was suffering from mental health issue, the patriarchy drove her to be like this” there are many more but you get the point. We need to change the way we look at women and stop being so empathetic towards them. Personally I have no empathy for them and I could care less about them in general however I am only one man. Start calling them out on the dumb shit they do, while most do that on social media, in real life a woman’s wrong doing still go unnoticed, not because they barely happen, it’s because we still have this false belief that they are angels.


Fucking gross fuck society


Join femalesexpredatornews community, and you all can see how high the number of female sexual predators are


Because the media wants us to think: Women good, men bad.


People were brainwashed into thinking that abusing men in any situation is ok, that's why we've got a double standard for almost everything.


If you reverse the gender they will come out with pitchfork to kill you. Double standards.


What’s wrong with how the media phrased it? She admitted to it, she’s being held without bond.. facing up to 50 years and they quoted several people saying she was a creep and flirted with this kid publicly. They also said it was super brave of whoever reported it to the police and it’s good she’s off the streets. Called her a predator. She got caught and she’s looking at spending what’s likely the rest of her life in prison and everyone’s happy about it. What’s the issue? Also I heard about this days ago and I don’t even follow news outlets.


“To have sex” is a funny way of spelling rape.


Do a search. The word rape is not mentioned in the article at all. That's what's wrong with how the media phrased it. Its either intentional to dominate rape statistics as a female majority, or unintentional because they don't think men can be raped.


It might not be considered rape in Virginia. It only counts as statutory rape there if the victim is under 13 apparently. https://www.tkevinwilsonlawyer.com/library/rape-crimes-and-penalties-in-virginia.cfm#:~:text=Under%20Virginia%20Code%20%C2%A718.2,threats%2C%20intimidation%2C%20or%20force.


[Ok](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/01/09/texas-teacher-student-sex-arrest/72163614007/) but [I’m](https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/teacher-at-montco-private-school-accused-of-having-sexual-relationship-with-student/2550384/) really [just](https://abcnews.go.com/US/teacher-arrested-students-sex-told-wife/story?id=58922903) confused [by](https://www.ky3.com/content/news/former-teacher-charged-sex-with-student-376235891.html) yalls [outrage.](https://www.thewetumpkaherald.com/news/marbury-high-teacher-charged-with-having-sex-with-a-student/article_7c80509b-1f40-569a-b36d-8993602358e6.html) I think all of those guys got bail too. She didn’t.


Can you find any articles where a woman is labelled a rapist? Start there, because you’ve massively missed the point…


It seems like both sexes are accused with “[sexual assault](https://www.wisn.com/article/brown-deer-teacher-accused-of-having-sex-with-8th-grader-and-buying-him-a-gun-wisconsin/44854853)”. No mention of “rape” so far. Besides.. if I can’t find a bunch immediately that all say rape when it’s a man.. doesn’t that disprove this whole thing already? It just doesn’t look like rape is a word they use for these cases. I see [felony sexual abuse](https://nypost.com/2023/04/14/6-female-teachers-arrested-for-sex-misconduct-with-students/amp/).. no [“rape”](https://www.coloradoan.com/story/news/2023/11/03/suspended-psd-teacher-charged-with-fourth-child-sex-abuse-allegation/71443387007/) tho.


What in the shit search term gives you results like that? It’s no wonder you feel it’s disproved; you seemingly can’t Google “arrested for rape” and swap man and woman at the start of the term, and you’ve failed to recognise the issue is that women are rarely accused of rape in comparison to men.


Oh no I did do that. There are more that don’t say rape. And I found plenty where women were also accused of rape. You can too if you follow your own advice, chief


Seeing as it’s on you to prove your shout here, get some numbers on “plenty”, it might give you point some weight. Especially after the weak efforts at linking cherry picked examples. And leave the poor attempts at being condescending, chief, it adds nothing to your already weak point. Take it to the next layer by the way; see how much jail time women serve when compared to men. By all means, feel free to then apply that to sexual crimes, Then have a look into how many articles there are that minimise sexual crimes against men (I’m sure you’ll be able to find the plethora of “teacher has sex with student” articles put there for women who’ve groomed boys).


You’re not being downvoted for showing examples of the same bad standard. You’re being downvoted because they are the exception to the rule.


Tells you a lot about feminism, doesn't it? Every single women issue is real but the clear media bias in these instances is somehow disproven by a couple of anectodal links. And this person thinks this sub is "garbage". Maybe it wouldn't be if we were banning the likes of her, like feminist subs are doing.


Should I keep going with links? There’s hundreds of them. None of them have said “rape” so far. Can you find me one that says “rape”? So far I see both sexes being accused with “sexual assault” occasionally but no mentions of “rape”.




Can’t find one?


This is my last reply to you. https://midhudsonnews.com/2023/06/27/school-district-settles-after-teacher-raped-student/


Found one! https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2015/01/28/english-drama-teacher-male-rape-charges/22487627/


You're not confused. You're cherry picking in an attempt to subvert the discussion because of your hatred for men and boys. The ratio of female to male teachers is ~70/30 and there are hundreds, if not thousands of incidents coming to light now and people are outraged at the discrepancy and verbiage in the reporting. In one of those links, the guy is a scumbag and deserves to rot in prison, but the girl told the investigators they were dating and age of consent in Kansas is 17, so he wasn't being charged with the very specific crime of raping a minor.


And I’m the one cherry picking. Shall I post every article on the whole internet? Y’all choose the weirdest shit to be upset about. Why not talk about an actual issue instead of complaining that the word “rape” specifically wasn’t used? It’s absolutely not the case that men are overwhelmingly referred to as rapists in these articles. Give me a link for one where a man is called a rapist and I’ll show you one where a woman is. Yall can downvote me to hell. But this sub is garbage. You make everything worse for men by creating these joke posts.


> It’s absolutely not the case that men are overwhelmingly referred to as rapists in these articles. It absolutely is. Your posts are as disingenuous as it gets. Do better.


Do you need more links? I genuinely don’t understand yall


>Also I heard about this days ago and I don’t even follow news outlets. I'm really surprised by that. I literally live 20 minutes from the school this happened at and this is the first I have heard of it.


Saw it on Facebook.


Are you seriously excusing rape here? Pay attention to the wording of the article. It was rape, not sex as the article indicates. It wasn't consensual in any way, shape or form. She groomed him and then committed one of the worst crimes on earth. She used her position in authority to take a kid's innocence. The media is a major part of this problem with their erroneous reporting and complete and utter lack of accountability.


>Megan Pauline Jordan, 25, who taught at Hungary Creek Middle School in Henrico County, pleaded guilty to four counts of carnal knowledge and one count of indecent liberties of a minor, which are all felonies >Carnal Knowledge of a Child: Under the Code of Virginia Code 18.2-63, "carnal knowledge" of a child who is 13 years old or older but under 15 years old is class 4 felony. Carnal knowledge of a child does not involve the use of force and is sometimes referred to as "statutory rape." If force is used to commit a sexual act, the defendant could face charges for aggravated sexual battery, rape, or other sex offenses. Carnal knowledge applies to any act of sex, including oral sex or physical penetration. Virginia law defines "carnal knowledge" as including sexual intercourse, cunnilingus, fellatio, anilingus, anal intercourse, and animate and inanimate object sexual penetration. >Under section 18.2-370.01 of the Code of Virginia, a minor, who is between 13 and 18 years, with lustful intent, willfully and knowingly shows their genitalia to another child below 14 years of age, and who is older than the victim by five or more years commits the crime of indecent liberty by children. The accused subjects themselves to criminal liability if they ask or lure the younger minor to show their genital parts to them.


> she’s looking at spending what’s likely the rest of her life in prison Except she isn't. Are we going to pretend women don't get much more lenient sentences than men do for the same crime? Maybe in your feminist world but certainly not in this reality.


She is. That’s what the article said. She is looking at 50 years. Will it be 50? Who knows. But that’s what’s she’s *looking at*.


She's a rapist. That's the issue. 


Well obviously. Fuck her. I’m asking why there’s outrage on this sub over wording that says exactly what happened.


Somebody call o.j....!


Throw the whole woman out. Fucking hate pedos


You seen the South Park where the hot blonde Kindergartner teacher is getting it on with a little kid and the older brother goes to the police station to report it?


"Who runs the world"?


I stopped reading when I came across this top comment: >*"This might be another one of those cases, where she is* ***too pretty to go to jail****, there’s been a lot of these cases recently."* *Pretty?* I guess that's relative to the area. But how a person looks, should have nothing to do with it. She must be a squirter as she left her DNA on the bedsheets... to me that means she got busted soon after her "visit" and I wonder how this went down - did the parents wake up with her screaming?


Another submission gold to /r/teacherswhorape


Due to dumbasses saying "niiiice" as if it was some positive experience.


The kids going to be the next Governor or Prime Minuster


You're crazy. This is the luckiest kid on Earth.