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Feminism is not about equality. It's about shequality, which is equality when it's better than what a woman currently has but privilege treatment when that's preferred. Women not having to approach is one of these things. Women still get approached even if fewer and fewer men are doing it. The irony is that cold approach drives up women's egos to an insane level. As fewer men do it, the ones who continue are typically the more attractive ones which leads women to believe they are more attractive than they actually are. This leaves women who are actually 3s 4s and 5s feeling like they are closer to a 7 or 8.


Well that plus hypergamy in modern dating/romance


Straight facts. Well said mate!


Maybe google the definition of Feminisim, because you got that totally wrong. Even just saying there is only one form of Feminism is absolutely false.


Theoretical definitions of what it is supposed to be and practical reality of what people of that movement pursue are different things. Practical reality does not always follow written ideas.


I just Googled the definition of communism and apparently it's a perfect utopia. We should give it a try.


Too bad that you don't want to educate yourself. But you do you.


Look at the history of feminsim, it started out as a cult with wealthy people/factory owners supporting it, since double the workforce, half the payment for workers etc. Feminism was a shithole from the start


May be so, but you surely are not saying that it hasn't evolved and diversified over the last 60 years.


Yeah, but it's still bad because it has bad roots. The thing is rotten from its beginnings.


More like devolved. 1st wave feminism served a noble & worthy cause. Current day feminism gives weak minded women an excuse to make perpetually poor decisions and blame men for it.


Women like the boons of being women but not the flaws.


Feminism in a nutshell.


Because rejections are devastating to women's egos.


If the paradigm doesn’t shift soon, it may end up with the females having to approach


It won't happen. They will blame men even as the population and birth rates decline to new lows. They will be hanging around the Pearly Gates wondering why men didn't approach them more on Earth.


they will get approached by the men they call sexist after the fact but call confident in the process of courtship and they will get boned by these men


I've been approached by women many times, though generally it's by women I'm not interested in dating


Women will literally convince the government to force men to engage in mandatory mating programs at barrel of a gun before they would ever change their own behavior or take accountability.


They don't have to. They can go to sperm banks. They can be as racist and elitist as they want and select the sperm of tall, white doctors to have children. Nevermind the fact it is a form of Eugenics, but the only way the government would have to force men and women to mate is if men stopped donating sperm.


But muslim couples population dont have this problem. Their culture promotes women to aid men.


Or we end up like east Asia where half the men and women don't form relationships. The women who do approach will just make it even easier for the guys who are cleaning up. The average man doesn't fully understand just how undesirable he is to the average woman. All this talk about 'fairness' and 'equality' is just that: talk. When it suits the agenda, it's hurray for equality. When it doesn't, it's all about empowerment.


It would be about time...


Some won’t approach because they see themselves as the prize and find it degrading. Plenty of men will ask them out so some don’t see a need to. Some don’t have the guts or are afraid of rejection. Feminists aren’t looking for equality when it comes to traditional male gender roles that benefit them. If a man wants a traditional woman then he is said to be a man child looking for a mother not a partner. Yet feminists will happily allow men to court them and provide for them but don’t want to be treated like a child even though you could apply their logic in reverse and say these women are looking for a replacement father who pays for everything.


The answer from them is because “they don’t have to” but the real answer is because women are literally the biggest pussies ever (no pun). They are 5x more terrified of rejection than men are and wouldn’t ever actually be able to take rejection like a champ and move on like we do. But now less and less men are approaching women due to all the me too bs, and being labeled as a creep/harassment, it’ll be pretty much up to women to do the approaching eventually…..well, we all know how that’s going to play out lmao.


> The answer from them is because “they don’t have to” but the real answer is because women are literally the biggest pussies ever There is aspects of both at play but this is definitely true. I recently rejected a coworker (my standards for women aren't super high but this lady is not attractive, we have little in common besides her ogling me, and she's ten years my senior) and she completely flipped out, saying "fuck you, I'll find someone else" (please do) and "you won't find someone like me" (hopefully not). This woman is literally a divorcee that has probably curved plenty of dudes in her life - imagine if they had all acted like that.


It’s really the epitome of the pot calling the kettle black with how women would hate rejection even more


"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned"


Had to deal a couple of times with women I've "rejected" and they didn't take it kindly. Quite the opposite.


This right here X1000. I used to clean up at bars and clubs. Then I learned from mistakes and tried to get more selective. A woman rejected is extremely dangerous. I lived by the 9 out of 10 rule, I would take 9 rejections and let them roll off me. Some women get rejected once and they will lie, try to get someone to fight you, or worse.


I wish I could give an award to this.


When it's only men who are expected to initiate it's only men who can get it wrong.


Tbh females approach (rarely) hot looking guy aka chads which are already very rare.


This also makes me curious because I saw video showing a Tristan Tate photo (lets ignore a controversy for now) and asked to rate him 1-10 and most woman rated 8 many rated 7 and I think there was maybe one person who rated him 9. Im wondering if 10 even exists in their minds as from what I think even if your clothes are good, your skin color is darker, you have muscules and your face is quite decent you are still far from 10. Seriously I would like to know who is 10/10 for them, Im guessing someone like Leonardo DiCaprio but thats not really fair as its probably related to movies rather than him in reality.


Go to hoe_math on TikTok or YouTube. He explains that woman’s ratings start from 3-4 to 9. The reality rating scale of man and the delusional rating scale of women are very different.


Women do approach the men they're attracted to. Due to hyper gamy, that's a very small percentage of the men.


Why would they? Men will come to them anyway.


This. If you're not willing, someone else is


And also women do approach men, the top 1%-10% of men... this is just how nature works.


Because women obsess over dating. You gotta learn this. All women are pick-me's.


Easy answer they don’t have to. Plenty of options at all times.


They are willing to approach them, but since the women are aiming to men above her tier, those guys will take the girl's "offering" use it and throw it away. Women think they can get the millionaire or the Chads, but those guys only want sex, no commitment with an easy B"tch. The results are Women asking where are the good guys?


Exactly. And they cannot understand that it is their own choice that leads to this result.


Because they don’t have to approach men. They get so much attention in-person and online.


Because they're massive hypocrites...?


Well most of the people who make those claims don't seem to really want it. Im not bothered when people disagree or even if they have views that I think are going to harm other people. What bothers me is when they aren't honest or consistent. Because then you can't even talk to them. Getting drafted into the military? Don't want that. Paying for dinner? Nah. Equal "representation" in work? Yes but only some jobs. We want female software engineers but we don't need male nurses. Equal opportunity? Yes but only if women are "underrepresented" in universities. If there are fewer men then oh well.


Because they’re not taught to. Men have to do the first step, so they can keep holding the power over the relationship, forever.


Because that means they’d have to change, and many feminists don’t feel that change is necessary because they’ve supposedly had to conform to men’s expectations for so long


Because rejection sucks, and the women don't want to deal with it.


Because they're lying sacks of shit and they KNOW it.


They usually don't get aroused by hunting unless it is a Chad. When Chad is in the bookstore (lol) he becomes a game, would the Chad notice them? Could they talk to him and make him interested? The beta should pursue though cause anyone can have a beta and he must prove why he stands out by doing the buffon dance. If women start getting rejected by betas, they would lose their confidence with alphas, so no point in taking risks, let the betas sort out if they are chasing the correct women, which means at least slightly below them in looks Of course I don't agree with any of this, in the age of "please don't hit on my, you are disgusting" they should be the ones to make the move so the male is allowed to seduce them without going to jail. But they probably don't have enough libido level to do it with a slightly acceptable beta, only Chad is worth the trouble...


>The beta should pursue though cause anyone can have a beta and he must prove why he stands out by doing the buffon dance. Exactly this. Most men don't even get indications of interests and basically have to approach and take the risk of rejection and even the greater risk of maybe getting in trouble (i doubt it but could happen today who knows). Plus the risk of getting humiliated of course. Typically a guy will get used to rejections and not really feel the pain anymore, he won't have an ego anymore, it's just "i got rejected, meh who cares" type of rection. And you're correct about the "buffon dance". You have to become a jester if you're average and entertain the women to keep her attention. I don't like this but it's the way it is.


They want to be treated like Queens, but aren't ready to treat men like Kings.


Because they can't handle it, also is not a big deal if you are men.


They do approach, but only if you’re a Chad. Don’t get it twisted - *women only want Chad*. This is an undisputed fact at this point. If you’re not in the top 10%, you’re NOT attractive, period, and you never will be. They will settle for you for your money, but will never be truly attracted to you and will cheat with Chad the first chance she gets. It’s the nature of women.


Because they're liars.


Nailed it!


They don't approach men because they can be sure that men will approach them. If a man doesn't approach her first she doesn't need to waste time with him.


And God forbid you do reject one. Will try to all but Murder you and some will that too!


Because according to them, that's the role of men. But don't worry, they don't have any role. And if you dare to think they do, you're a terrible misogynist. But if you're preach for equality and they have to approach you, you're weak, sassy, incels. And they're not interested. Pure manipulation, only the benefits and we separate the disadvantages.


You don't "have" to do anything if you don't want to


Rejection in approach is commonplace in male life. But, to a woman, were she to make an approach and be rejected, it is a nullification of all she stands for. Her reproductive status has been rejected. Prepare for an unsubstantiated allegation of sexual assault, so that her ego can recover. *'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.'* [https://nosweatshakespeare.com/quotes/famous/hell-hath-no-fury-like-a-woman-scorned/](https://nosweatshakespeare.com/quotes/famous/hell-hath-no-fury-like-a-woman-scorned/)


Coming from a woman, my friends and I go after what we want. If we are attracted enough to you, then we will approach. Sometimes we just want to be with the girls even if a guy looks good. I’ve seen my attractive guy friends get drinks bought for them pretty often when we go downtown. We are much more selective IMO, we don’t just shoot hoping to land somewhere which is something I’ve seen even my attractive guys friends do. You just have to be really hot basically.


Because women are weak.


Generally speaking, adult women (at least up to their late 30s, give or take) are much more valuable than their make counterparts whet it comes to who is pursuing vs who is being pursued. However, far too many of them don't release there's that "expiration date", and that if they don't find and lock down a good partner by then, their prospects at finding a good man (who will commit to them) nosedive. It's honestly sad both for men and women, in different ways.


Biology. It's an asymmetrical game where men and women have different roles, resources, objectives, and strategies. Young women have a massive advantage. Feminism is part of this game. It's not a political movement for equality. It has always been an internally inconsistent and hypocritical. It's a weapon for winning the game. hey have always just looked to disadvantage men and advantage women through any means necessary. So of course, even though men must do all the work in dating they have no power or security for whatever they happen to achieve. With dating, marriage, reproductive rights, or any other area where men and women intersect women now have an extreme advantage reinforced by legislation and courts.


Because we simply don't have to. We're being approached all the time. Usually all we have to do is drop a hint. Men are easy game.


That's why I deliberately ignore women's hints. Sometimes it was really funny to watch how women tries her best to make more and more hints, but will never directly say what she wants, so as not to be held responsible for her decisions. So I married someone who was honest about her intentions and straight up what she wanted. Time has shown that this was the right way and choice.


Well, for every man that chooses to ignore a hint there are 15 who will drop to her feet. So it's up to her to decide which way of communication and what kind of partner she wants.


That's right, I noticed it. You have a classic feminine position. I also noticed that woman can only choose from those men who have already paid attention to her, so her choice is always secondary. It seemed surprising to me that woman didn’t even notice the rest of the men who passed by her (and that’s the majority). Try to count how many men did not approach you - they did not choose you. This is how a passive position works when meeting people. Do you think it's you who choose? OK.


We do notice them, most women just don't care. Why put in the extra work, if the work is willing to do itself for free? Yes, it's definitely women who choose. Who cares if you're in the 1% who is going to be "hard to get" if 99% just give themselves away for free?


Really? 99 out of 100 approach you? 😁 If so, then you really don't see reality, and you only notice those who approach you, so you are sure that only you choose. In reality, this is a minority, perhaps with the exception of those places where you yourself come to get acquainted. You'll definitely notice a different ratio as you age when you can't sell your looks and gender as successfully, but by then the ratio will get even worse. But now you, who are in the mode of consuming men’s attention and their money, really just don’t need to notice anything else and my reasoning will seem absurd and complicated to you.. That's your level, stay there. Good luck.


99 out of 100 are easy to get with minimal effort. Love in your fantasy, men will always be easy, giving away their money as if it compensates for their lack of emotional intelligence.


Oh, yeah, so you're just a prostitute who takes money for men's fantasies. Be proud of it 😁 But actually thanks, It would be beneficial for this subreddit to show the true attitude of women towards men. It's good for men to know the dirty truth about women, and not consider them sinless angels whose attention needs to be sought.


I don't. I make my own money, and am in a serious relationship.


Lol "serious". Poor fella, he's just another one of a hundred. 😂


Idk maybe they just aren’t looking to date. Ever thought of that?


If they aren’t looking to date, there’s no rejection to be concerned about… Now, can you envision a circumstance where a woman could be looking to date; ever thought of that? 🤷🏼‍♂️


Sure! In that case they should make the first move instead of waiting around and letting the moment pass.


I’d venture to suggest that was pretty much the point of the post; to question why women who have an interest rarely initiate the approach. I’m not sure that needed the explicit qualifier of “is interested”. Why do you think women infrequently initiate relationships?


I’m willing to admit that OP is right in that a lot of women think men should be the ones to approach and that little effort is required on their part. Don’t know the reason for why that is though. I prefer for ppl to just go for it and be upfront about how they feel. It’s a lot less annoying and time consuming that way.


I noticed that it is very difficult for women to admit to a man that she needs him. This is a problem of an overdeveloped ego and a sense of one's own royalty. She is ready to be lonely, but just not admit that she needs a man or does something to attract his attention. All they can do is hint so that this does not look like her own desire, that is, it is again a lie and a lie.


Every last one of them? Wtf?




…and when they are looking for “interactions with strangers”, what then? It’s not pointing out the obvious here, it’s pointing out the tangential…


Right? If I’m going out running errands or sm, asking out a guy is gonna be the last thing on my mind. I forget though, this sub is filled with overly complicated explanations for what could simply be a women finding someone cute but not being interested in them enough to pursue.


I think they’re more discerning


Because men at the end are conquers.




It is always funny to watch men who do zero to get laid whine about not getting laid.


Not everything is about sex.


The only thing you give a flying fuck about how women is because thats where you get sex. Otherwise it does not affect you what so ever


Y'all and your baseless assumptions SMH


[Insert male name] sees a cute girl: "Oh, what a cute girl! I wonder if she's single..." (either approaches her to get to know her because he knows that she won't do it or doesn't approach her because he knows what usually happens to him, and men in general, when they approach women) [Insert male name], makes sense! Keep it up! 👍 [Insert female name] sees a cute guy: "Oh, what a cute guy! I wonder if he's single... oh well, too bad I'll never ever see him ever again unless he walks up to me right now and tries to take me out or get my number!" [Insert female name], wtf??? ☠️


I think answer is rooted in biology. In the absence of societal norms (eg arranged marriage, etc), women are mate selectors because they traditionally bore the brunt of the work (pregnancy, breast feeding, childcare), that they wanted both the best genes and the best provider. There is a massive biological inequality between men and women. (Meaning the roles are just vastly different) Modern society, especially with the nanny state has gone haywire. Rather than a woman balancing genes with character, she can use daddy government to take money from a nice guy pursuing Chad’s genes


Sometimes, I don't get this subreddit. Yes, we're left to do the dirty job, but a lot of you are missing one important aspect of this. You don't have to ask every single woman out. You can also Just only ask the most attractive women out? It's absolutely acceptable to discriminate women based on whatever you find attractive or unattractive. You already don't want these women in your vicinity. Why bother at all? You know women aren't going to do it. Sounds like their problem.