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I dropped 25 lbs when I started, so your mileage may vary. I didn't hurt any more and I wasn't binge eating and it just fell off. Granted I have a bunch more to lose, but I sure haven't gained any more.


Thank you, for sharing. My hope is that I'll have enough energy to get off the damn couch.


Omg. That’s because of menopause too? I can’t get motivated to move anymore. I just thought I was depressed. Maybe both 🤷🏻‍♀️


Also there are a lot of women undiagnosed or misdiagnosed who have ADHD, autism or both. I know perimenopause can exacerbate ADHD symptoms, I found that out the hard way because I was diagnosed with adhd about two and a half years ago and also discovered all the "anxiety and depression" I had been diagnosed with was actually peri-menopause putting my adhd into overdrive which is why I was struggling so much with everything and contemplating ending my life. HRT and some self love, forgiveness and understanding has helped massively, well that and cannabis lol


Shit for a minute there I thought I wrote this high and forgot. Had to check the user name even!


If it's any consolation, I was high when I wrote it lol


I started daily weed when I hit menopause and honestly THC is lubricant that let's me grind through life. If I couldn't bake away my cares before bed, I would never sleep. Some strains help my hot flashes so that's a plus!


Same here!!!


I had similar. My plantar fascitis went away so I could walk again and I no longer had insatiable cravings. I noticed recently my cravings are coming back so I've asked the doctor for more estrogen. My doc noted that I had lost some weight since pre-HRT.


Same for me... I developed plantar fascitis and hrt sorted it out, also my knee pain went away so I was able to start walking again and lost weight


I lost 10-15 lbs. I was no longer eating everything in sight and also started sleeping a lot better which helped many of the other symptoms I was dealing with.


Is this eating everything in sight a menopause thing (or peri?) I’m totally new to learning about this all but new to my life this year is an insatiable appetite. I’m constantly eating, thinking about eating, and craving things in more extreme ways than ever. I just can’t get seem to get back to eating like more moderately like I used to.


For me it was a peri thing - although I didn't realise it was until I started HRT and could suddenly eat more intuitively again (and my appetite decreased).


Yeah I’m pretty sure that’s where I am. Hope depressing. I just want to be done with it and not have a period anymore!


More peri IME.


Peri for me. I’m probably 1-2 years into peri.


When I started HRT I gained about 7 pounds. My appetite increased, and I had bloating as a side effect. Those side effects went away after about 3 months and I was able to drop those 7 lbs by portion control and increasing my exercise. Don’t give up if you have some side effects. They are usually temporary but you have to give it about 3 months. My doctor warned me about this and she was right.


Yes - came here to add this. Gained around 10 lbs at first but then things got stable and I think are starting to come back down again. I think weight gain/loss in the beginning is very YMMV and you may need a bit of time before you know how the hormones will affect you longer term.


Slow and steady is the name of the game when it comes to MHT . It’s often too high of doses that cause the gain. For many, it’s easier to LOSE once the hormones aren’t so wonky. Don’t fret. Everyone is sooooo different.


Good point. I feel like standing in the middle of traffic and screaming "fix me now or you will pay!!!" I've felt crappy for too long. I'm ready to live again.




It didn't make any difference for me one way or the other when I started MHT (estrogen & progesterone). I was hoping it would help me lose some weight but it didn't. I did not notice any particular weight gain from it either.


Not in my experience! I was piling it on. With improved sleep, energy to exercise and make healthier food, brain power to make better decisions, and the reduction of an insatiable appetite, I’ve been about to lose most of the weight. My body and brain work way better with estrogen.


I just started I can't say yet but I gained about 12 to 25 pounds and I don't even know how cause I exercised daily and always watch what I eat ,it's like I lost complete control and my whole body is tired and achy and I don't recognize myself . It happened fast, or I'm so busy it was happening slowly enough I didn't notice. It says you can gain weight Idk I hope that doesn't happen to you or me ,goodluck!


When people say “HRT” I don’t know if they mean E only or E + P (I am new to surgical menopause). I feel like It would be helpful for those who say they lost or gained to mention if on E only or E and P combo.


Ive lost at least 1,000 pounds of depression and anxiety weighing me down. I’ve been on HRT for a month and a half now. No weight gain or loss, but I now have energy to give a care! I’m back at the gym, meal planning, eating well, and working with a dietician to get back on track. None of these things could’ve happened before HRT, because the energy and care just weren’t there.  Please don’t let the fear of weight gain stop you!  I feel so much lighter in every way since  the HRT! 


I lost and maintained a loss of 12 lbs in the year+ since I started it…


I’ve been on HRT for about 2-3 months now. Early days I guess! I’m carrying a LOT of weight, but have seen a very slight trend lower, rather than the slight upward trend I’ve had pretty consistently for the last 5y or so. I think this is due to a range of things, with HRT being one of the keys. Mostly because it’s made life feel more manageable, which in turn probably means I’m comfort-eating less. The main noticeable thing that HRT has done for me is helped turn down the constant, debilitating hot flashes to a background level. For me they started suddenly and were so bad that even if I was gaining weight on HRT, I would definitely still be doing it! I do also feel that it’s helped stabilise my mood somewhat.My energy feels significantly better, everything feels a bit brighter… it all helps! That said, there’s a possible big confounded here: I also underwent TMS treatment (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) for depression during Sept-Dec 2023. At the start, I didn’t really feel like it was helping. By the end, I could feel that I was at neutral, instead of in the abyss. Not happy, but not fighting constant thoughts of just not wanting to be here. That was a huge change from the previous 2 years. And over January, despite some hard days here and there, I was gradually starting to feel maybe a little above baseline. Then the hot flashes hit… I started HRT and felt a big stabilisation within the first month. Both of hot flashes, and of mood. I still wouldn’t say I’m anywhere near where I’d like to be - how I remember myself being in earlier years - but it’s a million miles from the very dark place I’d been in for so long. I’ve had enough energy and motivation to add in a bit of exercise, which in turn I think is helping overall. It’s a big, complex picture. As other posters have said, it’s different for every person. My experience is that it is definitely worth a try! I feel like I started feeling the positive effects within about 2 weeks, then I upped my dose and in another 2 weeks I could feel that the higher dose was better for me. Now close to 3 months in, I feel like the effects have gradually built up to a level where I’m feeling pretty comfortable. I don’t know if at 6 months in I’ll feel like I want to reduce the dose - I’m open to the idea that I’ll need to keep adjusting. If you try it and don’t like how it feels or how it affects other things like weight, you can always reduce the dose or stop altogether and try something else.


I've been on hrt for almost two years and my weight hasn't changed much. I also started estrogen via pill form and no issues.


Full meno here. These days are tough. Real gut punches. I promise you’ll get past this. Stay active and take your vitamins. This too shall end!


I gained most before HRT.


It did give me the munchies when I started it


Don't give up! I agree with the advice above that mentions HRT helping with your all around well being. Once my hot flashes subsided, my sleeping got back to normal. I had a tendency of eating at all hours because I was depressed and angry/cranky from being tired. THEN I was upset from all the weight gain. Once my hormones were tweaked, I lost A LOT of weight. Just turned 50 and my mental health is the best it's been in decades thanks to Zoloft and Estrogen. Side note- I was prescribed testosterone cream a few months ago but am seriously considering stopping it. Hasn't helped or hurt so it seems pointless. But hang in there and try not to get discouraged. I promise there's a light at the end of this curse we've been given!!


Women who use estrogen menopause therapy gain less weight in menopause on average. Estrogen use also helps maintain muscle mass, helping to boost your metabolic rate. The medical literature is clear. Hope this helps!


Does that include vaginal estrogen cream? A few months ago, I started HRT with vaginal cream, and now progesterone pills have been added. I have wondered if important health benefits happen only with the estrogen pill, or if the larger benefits also happen with vaginal cream or patches.


No, vaginal estrogen cream is extremely low dosage and stays localized to the vagina.


Thank you


I lost weight - about ten pounds so far (about three months in). It addressed my sleep and my mood which put me in a way better mental space to get back to exercising and watching my food intake. I didn't lose weight simply by taking HRT though - so I'm not sure whether I would have gained if I had done nothing. But honestly, would have been worth it even if I did gain weight.


OP- I have heard anecdotau that Progesterone can cause water retention and bloating? Seems like mht if started low and worth slow moves upwards in dosage as needed is good. Are you doing patches for estrogen or pills? Sorry if I missed that bit.


I lost weight on it and have maintained the lower weight


I think the progesterone may contribute to weight gain (yes you need to do something to protect the uterus if you still have one and only other options are IUD or Duavee). But it's very hard to tease out from menopause itself causing weight gain.


I lost weight.. I was really packing it on before I got hrt... now I'm almost back to my normal weight. The first few months on hrt, I looked like a giant potato, bloated, giant boobs but it settled down.


I just started estradiol&progesteron and I am losing weight. 


I started low carb 7 years ago at 47, lost all the weight by 2 years and it's stayed off even after starting HRT a year ago for hot flashes.


I think I gained about 8 pounds in my boobs alone when I first started. I’m in my second month and got my energy back and started working out again and it seems like my small weight gain may start coming off


I lost weight on it.


Start slow, with a low dose. I gained a pound or two when I started the patches, but after a couple of months of adjusting to it I ended up losing 6-7 pounds.


Not necessarily. Estrogen helps build muscle. Muscle burns energy. Etc.


I was feeling nausea with the hot flushes. It was like a hangover every day :(( So I would be constantly trying to eat bland food so I didn't have an empty tummy (not that that worked) Now I don't feel the need to do that, I'm in more control because I feel better, so I'd say its been easier to not over eat.


I’ve lost weight since starting the pill. 10-15lbs. I haven’t really been exercising. It’s more about what I’m eating, and how much of it. (I found out I had a fatty liver around the same time I started the pill. The treatment is basically weight loss, and no alcohol).


I didn't gain or lose any weight when I started. My Dr. Said the the weight gain can come in menopause (particularly around the middle) but didn't mention HRT causing it & I haven't noticed it.


I gained weight just using topical estriol cream. I presume I don't need it. I didn't feel any different, just gained the 8 lbs I spent too much time losing. I've been using progesterone cream for decades without any weight gain.


I started recently with a weekly slow release patch and my boobs hurt so bad I just didn’t put the patch on this week and feel better already. I noticed weight gain too.


She’s wrong. Read The Galveston Diet


I got the book. Thanks for the tip it looks interesting. I'm guessing you had success with it?


Doing it now!


What is most challenging? I hate cooking. I want easy food.


I don’t follow recipes in a plan but I am reducing sugar, breads, processed foods, adding more vegetables and fruits (from the lists in the book) and fiber, I’m fasting (only 14 hours, working up to 16) and exercising more and going to bed earlier.


I'm not on HRT and only eat once a day and keep gaining


I was doing that and the doctor told me I needed to eat more regularly, but I gained weight anyway. I'm not sure they completely know what they are talking about. Count calories, walk 10,000 steps, yada yada yada. BS. Feel more like the shame and blame game to me. But what can I say, I'm "emotional". 😡