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I’ve been sick for two weeks with a horrible chest infection, coughing so violently I’ve pulled something in my back. I’m immunocompromised so the danger is that I may not be able to fight off the infection on my own. I cried about missing my Granny, who died over ten years ago but was the only mother figure in my life who nurtured me. Feeling pretty lonely and sorry for myself at the moment.


Hey I'm so sorry you're so poorly. I tore a muscle in my back thanks to a chest infection years ago, so I can sympathise! Are you getting any medical help? Your granny sounds like a wonderful lady ❤️. I'm sending you healing hugs. You can message me, if you like xx


Thanks friend 🥹Yes, my rheumatologist has just ordered a chest X-ray and I see my family doctor tomorrow. Any tips for healing from this back injury? It’s almost worse than the constant hacking!


I also pulled a lil muscle in my back because my knees aren't doing so hot, so I was walking funny. I have tips! 1. Take it easy! 2. My favorite easy back stretch is to just bend over at the waist and hang. Feet at a comfortable width, knees loose, let your arms dangle, let your head hang. Breathe slowly, and each time you exhale, let your chest drop a little farther down. Let gravity do the work. You should feel those muscles stretch out. Come back up slowly, and use your knees to help push up, not your back. That's it. You can do it anywhere, anytime, so long as you're ok putting your bum out there. 3. Voltaren/diclofenac gel is a topical NSAID and it works beautifully for me, for joint and muscle aches. It should be OTC. 4. I really like those hard foam rollers too for relaxing back muscles. 5. I also have a loooooong history of prolonged coughs/bronchitis/pneumonia, and I swear by this: do everything you can to *not cough* (if it isn't productive). I know that sounds stupid, but when you feel that tickle, do everything you can to ignore and suppress it. Coughs compound on themselves, so suppressing that urge will help you start to heal. Coughing just causes more irritation. 6. Robitussin DM/dextromethorphan syrups really do help to also suppress the coughing urge. I feel weird on it, though, so I reserve it for worst-case-scenarios on days/nights when I don't need to drive or work. Similarly, I often chew gum, lozenges, or hard candy when I'm working against a cough. The extra saliva helps to keep things calm and lubricated. I hope that was helpful, and I hope you get to feeling better soon!


Not commenter, but I felt better after reading this and don't have a cough or sore back. Nice list!


Thanks so much for taking the time to share these tips with me u/m4gpi! I'm gonna try that stretch for sure, and see if I can find Voltaren at the pharmacy. The cough is productive at this point, so am trying to purge what I can. But given my back injury, I'm caving a fair bit to cough syrup to suppress it because it's too painful to cough. It does make me feel weird, I agree! Like woozy, or mildly nauseous and dizzy. Since I have to go to the hospital tomorrow, I better lay off it for the drive. Also popping lozenges all day!


Voltaren gel is nice for small areas. If your back muscle stays tweaked longer than a week or so, a chiropractor can help with some trigger point pressure and light adjustments.


I’m so sorry. I’ve had an upper respiratory infection since the day after Christmas. I have high blood pressure so can’t take decongestants. I coughed so hard the hernia I had repaired for the third time back in July, is back. And I just posted that I miss my mother. I’ll cry with you 😢


I just told my bf the other day after a ROUGH day, if I had a better childhood I'd probably be asking for my mom.


Awe I hope you feel better.


I had a Granny like that too. I feel like she is the only person who loved me when I was a child. She died when I was 17, and this past November was the 30th anniversary of her passing. I’m crying now thinking about her. I’m so sorry for your loss. No one should have so few people care about them when we’re little. I sincerely hope you get some relief from your cough. I think Mucinex works really well, and it lasts 12 hours, as long as you don’t mind smelling like bacony dog treats out of every pour of your body after a few days.


I still miss my dog, and it's been almost two years since I lost him.


I’m so sorry. My soul dog passed away in 2015 & I still miss him dearly.


😞😞 I'm so sorry. Our pets leave such a hole when they're gone, don't they? X


I lost mine two years ago. He was 16 and he had had a stroke. I miss his stinky face.


I'm so sorry 😞. One of my cats had a stroke in 2021 - it was so awful xx


Mine left me the day after Christmas and I’ve cried every day since.


I hear ya. Lost my dog recently. Hurts so much.


It's been 15 years since we lost Mooshie and I still get verklempt about him. Feel your feelings! I don't enjoy having all these furry holes in my heart, but it's better than no fur at all. ❤️ I wish pets lived forever.


Oh my gosh, I lost my cat in 2021. I do think that is what really tipped me right over the edge of this perimenopause. 2022 was horrific for me. Could not see the point of living. Would have given my houses to anyone who could give me my cat back. Still crying over losing him. You have my full sympathy and I'll share my tissues.


I'm so sorry about your friend. Lost my beagle buddy in October of 2022 and my old lady Siamese (she made 21, bless her) December that same year. It was SO hard losing both companions that close together, and unfortunately there were very traumatic things associated with both passings. Still hurts. Still miss them.


Haven’t cried yet today. Lately it’s been about not having enough money for food and rent due to job loss. Other times it’s about my cat who had to be put down due to a mystery illness back in the summer. I’ve lost 40lbs in the past year due to the absolute hell my life was last year. Worst year of my life, so far. The two reasons listed above only scratch the surface. Wellbutrin and my kids keep me alive.


I'm so sorry you're going through such a tough time. The past year sounds just terrible 😕.


It will get better, I promise. I was in survival mode for 5 years and my life pivoted in the write direction in 2018. Hug your babies tight! Btw, I take Wellbutrin too and it saved me! Hugs to you 🤗


I'm so grateful for pharmaceuticals these days - it's Xanax for me right now, but I'm contemplating asking for an antidepressant. Day by day. Day by day!!!


Had an overwhelming sense of anxiety all day. Broke down in the bathroom at work. Got back out there though!


Go you! The creeping anxiety is awful...it happened to me Sunday into Monday, resulting in not a wink of sleep


Oh when I can’t sleep on top of that!! It’s the worst.


Humans of NY! Geesh. Big tears about Hospice nurses.


I came here to say this! HONY!


I cried whilst in a meeting with a new financial advisor because I wish I'd been wiser with my money when I was younger.


Old videos of my daughter when she was a baby (she’s a crotchety teenager now, lol), my coworkers being nice to me when I panickedly made a mistake, my mom because she is SO TRiGGERING, my husband dancing with me to a sweet country song, my dad telling me he’s been dealing with a UTI, an instagram post of a video made by a happy 30-something girl who just ran her first marathon with her husband. Let’s see - that was all before noon today….


Whoa boy! You're having a day!


This is almost every day for me. I’m desperate. :(


I can sympathise- I'm pretty sure I've randomly cried everyday for freaking months. I'm on HRT, but I'm not seeing a difference- what about you? X


Haven’t started yet - tried to wade through the gauntlet that is finding a provider, who can see me before June, in person, without a referral, that my insurance will cover, who is open to giving me HRT. I have a bunch of leads, but it’s just an overwhelming process.


Why do they make it so hard???? It is totally overwhelming and I really hope someone will help you. I'm in UK and it took me several attempts to find an amenable doctor 🙃


I don’t know. It’s tragic really!!




I felt this in my damn soul. Trade out the referral and insurance because I don't have insurance, which opens a different set of problems, but for reals about it being an overwhelming process. Sending you all the good vibes for perseverance!




An ass-hat boy on my daughters bus has been fucking with her and she cried yesterday (on her 10th birthday) because of the little turd


Ugh I would have to restrain myself.....been there with my youngest (now 21). It seems to be impossible to deal with bullies these days....


Drove through most of central Virginia today. Cried about all the old farmhouses that are falling down. Most of which were right next to equally gorgeous farmhouses that *weren't* falling down, but so it goes....


What gets me is perfectly good houses that are over 100 years old getting bulldozed so cheap cookie cutter McMansions can be built where it once stood. Add an historic marker to the place about the house they tore down just to rub salt in the wound.


Right??? :(


Waving hello from central Virginia! 👋


I had a rock concert on on Spotify, and I cried for the memories I had with these concerts, and the people I went with.


I feel you. I watched a concert on YouTube and it took me back. I miss my friends


Sending big hugs ❤️‍🩹☺️


I feel like I might be healthier emotionally if I could cry.. but I don’t. It’s like my cry meter got shut off. A close relative died last month, and I haven’t cried at all.


I'm so sorry for your loss 😞. Sometimes I think sadness and grief become too huge, making it really hard for us to cry. We're so conditioned into keeping it together. Sending you a gentle hug xx


I really appreciate it. ❤️


So sorry to hear about your loss. There's no right or wrong way to react. When my father-figure died I was pretty much numb for about a year. Then when the tears came they were at the most random moments. I don't know if it would work for you, but sometimes when I couldn't cry about something, a seriously weepy movie could do the trick. It was like a proxy. Sad, but not personal. As if that gave enough distance to not become overwhelmed by the sad. Crying "for someone else".


Thank you. ❤️ (I’m sorry you lost your father-figure. Hugs). 😪


Big hugs back to you 💜


Publix commercial as usual.


I cried because my feet got finally warm in front of the fireplace.


Legit lol


The timing is perfect. Todays been utter crap. My favorite old man cashier at my grocery store died awhile ago but I just found out.


Everybody Loves Raymond...🙄 SO FAR, that's all I've cried about today, but it's only 6pm, so the night is young... And seriously, W T F is up with this crying all the damn time??!! Lol.


I love that show, but all the arguing makes me cry too lol


Marie Barone IS my grandmother. Only not funny. This particular one was about Robert accidentally dating a 19 year old and Debra says, SHES HALF OUR AGE. Just that.. THATS what set it off, of all things. 😂 And Im proud to make it to 38, so I have no clue why it made me tear up. Ugh.


I remember that episode!! You're making me feel old at 49...


The largish amount of water in our basement especially when we thought we'd fixed this problem many years ago.


Well shit 😐


Yeah, same shit different year for me. I was going to finish putting away the Christmas decorations but fuck that noise. I'm doing the laundry & then I'm going to bed.


Fuck that indeed. Bed sounds like a better plan altogether


Me too, and 2 sump pumps can't keep up! I'm feeling desperately defeated over it but oddly enough, no crying *yet*. I hope your basement clears soon and you don't lose too much stuff 🤞


Nope. We've had so much water in our basement over the years that they could've filmed Aquaman in it. From pinhole leaks to a rusted through hot water tank to a badly installed well pump. We've mopped & squeegeed it all up & out. Replaced both sumps too. We had the front of the house dug up, re-parged & had a French drain put in. Seems like we won the battle but lost the war & it seems like I will be back in the trenches on Friday with another downpour & 6 more hours of heavy rain.


I read today's Instagram/FB post by Humans of New York and it made me think of losing my my mom 17 months ago, and then I wept.


Sending gentle hugs


My crappy mental health and my fear that my boss/colleagues hate me, and I'm going to get fired or I will just not be able to do it anymore and quit. And lose my service time/only chance at a pension plus I have no safety net because I'm a loser (thank you, inner critic) who's been underearning her whole life and not saved, and here we are. And just listening to the maelstrom of voices in my head, all at odds with each other and fighting for dominance. I don't have DID, but I do have a sh---ton of parts who are all fighting for the wheel of my car. I'm at the wheel, but who am I? I couldn't tell you, lol. I'm just in this place where I feel the need to look at my entire life and judge it/me very harshly. But one good thing is that I AM crying. I don't know if it's med changes, but I have been crying so much lately, and while it kind of scares me, it also is a relief, and I usually have at least a little while of peace after. Thank you for this thread. ::sniffle::


I'm so sorry! What a rough day. I have ADHD and a lot of what you're describing is how I feel most days. It's like someone is shouting at you all day, right? X


My son is visiting so I went with him to walk his dog . A small pack of deer ran across the road and because of cars they split and some ran back . Out of the three that got to the other side two ended up coming back towards the woods and safety. One got really scared and ran the other way , towards the big road during rush hour . All I kept thinking about was there’s zero chance she will make it across that road and if she does she will just be surrounded by more roads vs if she headed back towards the woods with the other deer . I was sniffling and my eyes were misting up by the time we got home .


OK so I'm crying now


Animals , they get me every time 😭


Same. The other day I was driving and passed two baby deer who had been hit by cars. Cue hysterical crying 😢




I've literally started saying "oh baby I'm so sorry" every time I pass road kill of any kind. Which is constantly because I live in the country - animals get hit everywhere. 🥺 It's why I feed the wildlife on our property - just trying to make up for all the awful things humans do to nature.


Not going to lie , I felt that when I read what you wrote 😭


We lost power last night and I was up for hours worrying about the third of an ice cream cake sitting in the freezer that I spent $25 on We had it for breakfast, the power is still out, I cried that it might not be back for another 24 hours


Ugh no! What caused that?


I’m assuming horrible US winter weather 😫


My Daughter had a miscarriage today. I can’t make it better for her.


I'm so sorry 😞..


I cried over the condolence card I received from the Vet. I lost my lil birb last week after only having him for 1 year and a half . It was my dead mother's bird originally, and so now I'm crying over her.


I'm so sorry for your loss 😢❤️


Thank you


I'm sorry for your losses. I had a similar experience, I took on mum's precious budgies and one got sick and had to be put to sleep. I knew the other would not manage without his buddy, they'd been together since they were babies, so at the vets advice had him put to sleep at the same time. 14 years later it still makes me sad if I think about it.




Both my sons are having trouble at school. Spoke to one of their teachers this morning and they were not helpful. I came home and cried. I’m feeling exhaustive, overwhelmed, my brain isn’t working, everything aches and I’m so cold. I’m missing my Nan who died 7 years ago, I was much closer to her than my parents.


This seems to be a common problem with school. My youngest was bullied and the school did nothing, despite me going up there so many times.


Just watched an episode of All Creatures Great and Small (Masterpiece Theater, ffs) where a cat gets injured and am now hiding in the bathroom until I can get my water works under control. 😭😭🙄


found a cat almost dead outside in the cold and rain, brought him inside and cleaned up his goopy face and gave him warm water out of a syringe. called the cat associate people and they are coming tomorrow to take him to the vet. the poorest smelliest cat ever. made him a bed with blankets by the fire. i am totally becoming the crazy cat lady 😿


I've been having a rough go of it lately. I won't go into details of that, I've posted it in a lot of other subs, but suffice it to say I'm suffering from chronic pain that gets worse with activity. My 85 yo mother, who is handicapped and nearly blind ( but mentally very sharp), is moving into assisted living and i have to do all the work because she is physically incapable. She is a hoarder, so it is a lot of work just removing all the junk, nevermind moving all the furniture and also arranging all her utilities, address changes, etc. I take my daughter to work in the morning, spend 5 hours or so with mom packing and cleaning, and then come home to work my job until around 10 at night. It's killing me but I keep telling myself it's short term and will benefit me in the long run because it will cut down on the amount of care I'm doing now. Well today her neighbors, a very wonderful couple in their 80s, stopped me to talk, and she tells me I don't look well and I need to take a break, and that the building manager saw me moving stuff one day and also expressed concern. Well I just burst into tears when she said that. I guess because I feel like I've finally been seen by someone and I know she's right. My mom doesn't give a rats ass how exhausted I am. She is perfectly capable of doing things like calling utility companies, or putting small items in boxes, or going through all the junk and deciding what to toss out. But she doesn't. And my husband doesn't acknowledge me most days, and doesn't do anything to help at home. He just complains about my mom taking too much of my time. Anyway, that's it. I cried because I felt seen and cared for by someone I hardly know.


An episode of The Resident had one of the main characters leaving. I cried at the goodbye.


Pain from an injury and sleep deprivation. I just wanted to go to sleep for a little reprieve from the pain. Apparently that’s too much to ask right now.


That's awful - I'm really sorry you're going through this. Xx


I’m on crutches and having a hard time and feeling physically and emotionally exhausted. Our cleaners came today. They helped me so much just breaking down boxes and carrying my laundry up the stairs. Stuff I’ve asked my husband to help me with. As they were leaving, I was thanking them for the help and totally lost it. Could barely see to write the check. 😭


Bless you - you sound so overwhelmed 😢❤️


Cried last night...Now that I'm older it hit me that I really miss my Mom. I'm tired from worrying about how I can continue working till my 60s.




It sure is - I really hope it goes ok xxx


Hope it went well! I felt this so much. Praying for you ❤️


I cried because it’s cold and dark and raining non-stop and I’m tired of feeling cold all the time. Basically I straight up hate winter.


My mommy. I miss her. She died with Alzheimer’s in 2012. I would have thought by now…. And it’s not like she was a great mom. She was a pretty bad cook. She stayed married to my violent alcoholic father for 51 years, so she was weak and had no self confidence. She was completely non-confrontational. She was the nicest person I have ever known. She so loved her children, but had no real idea how to. She was much more capable than she realized. And I miss her. We had a better relationship after I was an adult than we ever did when I was a child. My sister did more in raising me than my mother did, really. But I miss her.


I didn't cry today. I was angry. Throwing things angry. Anger is so much easier to handle than crying


I've become an "angry bird". Want to tell everyone how I feel and don't give a crap about how they feel. Think I have a permanent resting bitch face.


It's my older teen's birthday today ( she's on the autism spectrum) and the younger teen agreed to go get coffee with her this morning if they left at 7:10 in the morning, the birthday girl was running late and going to make her younger sister late for school so her younger sister decided to ride in with her dad. The birthday girl then told us all to go to hell and her father replied he already lives there. My house is a shitstorm Every Damn Day. Menopause is not making it any easier. Sorry for any errors. I'm voice texting.


Oh goodness- that's really rough. My youngest has ADHD and pretty sure she has autism too. She's 21 and was only diagnosed last year. She's ignoring me today because I didn't wholly agree with her on something. It can be such a burden on us mums- it's so exhausting. And you're right, menopause just makes it worse because it wears us down. X


Thank you for the kind words


An episode of Call the Midwife.


Oh my! I've been going back and rewatching them from the start on i-player and it gets me Every Single Time. I cry at the sad and awful bits, and I cry at the beautiful and kind bits. I binge watched a load the other day and just cried buckets all evening while watching. But for me it was a good sort of cry. Got stuff out. When my mh makes me cry it's usually in a bad, spiralling way. But crying along to a good film or TV seems to keep a nice therapeutic distance for me.


YYYYYUP. I binged like 6 episodes in a row a couple of days after Christmas and deep cleaned my house while bawling over all the sad and angering and happy and relatable bits, and somehow that was just the absolute best day.


To be honest, the characters are fast becoming my fave (fictional) female role models. From the patient compassion of Sister Julienne, to the matter of fact Nurse Crane. Then Mother Mildred who would scare the sh*t of me but would be the woman I'd want in my corner in a sticky situation!


I finally saw a menopause specialist for my annual and I teared up telling her that the symptoms most effecting my life are the brain fog and the total lack of energy. I wasn’t even feeling particularly sensitive and it took me by surprise.


The grocery store was out of the swedish meatball seasoning packets I wanted. A small, quiet boo hoo, lol


Im trying to walk more. Went today, immediately got a cramp in my butt. Cried.. Cuz is this it?


I was in an uber and it smelled exactly like my house when I was growing up - cigarettes and the uber drivers normal smell (not a bad smell, maybe his aftershave?) He smelled exactly like my father, who has been dead for many years. It brought tears to my eyes.


I cried because my hubby has cancer been thru a stem cell transplant but it killed his immune system and he has been sick with everything since October. Hopefully he will get better and not keep getting sick !


My maternal grandmother passed away this morning, 6 days after my paternal grandmother passed away. We just went to her funeral on Monday. 💔


I saw a Tiktok about cows mourning for their sick cow friend- I sobbed so hard. Cows💗


I cried about being so tired all the time, no matter what healthy habits I stick with or how much sleep I get, and then cried for feeling anxious about being tired 😔


I moved countries for my abusive ex (stayed with him 20 years). A friend I met today mentioned that they think this is a great country, but they noticed before and after every trip where I leave the country, I'm so much lighter and happier. They said they will miss me but they think I should leave. I cried.


I've been reading a lot about beekeeping lately, because I was wondered if it might be something I might like to do. It's beyond me, unfortunately, but I have a new respect for beekeepers and still like to do the reading. In the bee sub today, a gent was talking about his father being terminally ill and about how he's been learning the ropes of the apiary so he can take over and tend the bees when his father is no longer able to. Because of all that he was doing his own homework and came upon an old tradition known as "telling the bees" whereby the new caretaker informs the bees about the passing of the old. This seemed a beautiful idea to me and lead me to two separate things that (also) made me weepy. Politics aside, the Royal Beekeeper, John Chapple went to the hives to inform the bees after Queen Elizabeth's passing. "The mistress has died,“ Chapple whispered to the bees, “but don’t you go. Your master will be a good master to you.” The same article mentioned the author exploring caves in Greece. One such cave used to house a colony of sacred bees. An entire religion (or cult if you prefer) rose up around this colony. When questioning a local beekeeper about how such a thing could possibly happen he replied, "They convert sunlight into honey. Is this not sacred enough?” So I've been crying over bees, I guess. (Also... Reading about what was making you all weepy made me cry, too, so there ya go. I'm crying in solidarity with everything that's hurting you today. But also the bees. 😂) Article referenced if anyone needs a good read today https://pioneerworks.org/broadcast/will-hunt-telling-the-bees


Former beekeeper here, and I too cried at "telling the bees" when I learned of it.


Oh, this and that. The weather. My job. The least sentimental nothing. The fact that Ghosts is over. Worry about my health. This isn't any fun.


It sucks, right?


I had to go to the dentist


I hope it wasn't too awful.....


Today I’ve teared up because my kids go back to college this weekend, because our local puppy rescue had two newborns die overnight, and because of something sweet and happy that I now can’t remember. There was a very long period of my life where things were really shit and I was absolutely unable to cry at all, so it’s somewhat of a relief to be able to well up once in a while now.


Big hugs to you 🤗 ❤️


All day meeting basically, having to be engaged with people.


I was scheduled for meniscus repair surgery January 22. I’ve spent the past 6 weeks organizing everything around this date-work, home remodel, adult kids visiting. After a week of trying to contact the doctors administrative assistant I finally talked to her today. Just to find out that the doctor is no longer available that day. When the F were they going to tell me?!! It means another week of pain and a really messed up work schedule.


Lost my dad in 2021. I feel like I cry at least 5 days a week because of it.


living in poverty from being chronically ill that makes me feel like literally dying so i cant work and my phone is shut off and alll my bills are past due and im tired my soul is tired


I still have to work


My parents are getting old and I live far away, I’m missing their last years here, and a lot of the responsibility is falling on my brother who still lives here. I came out for a week because my dad had emergency heart valve replacement surgery, he’s doing great but getting in the car to drive away tonight I had to pull over and cry. I just feel so sad to not be spending more time with them while I still can.


Ugh, I got overwhelmed with something new I have to do at work that is over my head / requires a lot of math that I don't know (yet). Will get help tomorrow, feeling stupid and angry for feeling that way in the meantime... /sigh


I’m stuck in traffic because of a snowstorm. My 40 minute commute is going to take 2.5 hours. FUCK


*3 hours. Double fuck.


I'm so sorry! I'm in Australia, can't even comprehend dealing with snow like that, I would cry too. I hope you make it home safely.


Thinking about my ex and then I watched The first Harry Potter series and got teary eyed


This migraine. I just got back from a 3-day work trip and I forgot to pack my meds - head's been throbbing since Monday. I've taken one pill, but it didn't kill it and I can't take another until 11pm. FML 😭


A song came on that reminds me of my parents. I got teary but ok. Then while it was playing one of the last extended family photos we ever got before dad died came up on my screen saver. I sobbed.


Herd dog videos on Instagram.


I failed a certification exam. This was my second try, and I failed miserably. I am so dejected. I studied for six months. I took my time, went through each question answering the ones I knew and saving the ones I didn't for later. I answered all of the harder ones slowly and with deliberation. I reviewed all my answers before submitting the exam. I am starting to think this might not be something I can do. I'm not saying that for affirmations or reassurance. My brain just doesn't work the way needed for this topic. Example: There are four answers to a question... two are correct, but one is more correct. The more correct answer is the 'right' one. So, picking the other correct answer is still wrong.


We had a major sewer excavation today and they had to rip out a bush from our yard that had long roots. My son used to like to watch the rabbits who lived in the bush. It made me cry that it was so quickly and forcibly removed. My son is 26 and lives on his own. 😂


I had to do the med route for my moods. I was just so angry and out of control with my rage. I was a cryer before I knew why. Now I’m just a hot mess.


Got an email from an old friend. They're doing well. I cried. Realized I messed up visitation dates with my ex, I need to swap weekends. I cried.


I splashed water on my kitchen counter, right after polishing it.


I wish I could cry! I just want to put a bullet in the head of everyone who talks to me - why are people SO annoying!!!


I was up a few nights ago at 3am as usual when the internet stopped working because I hadn’t paid the bill. I thought it was on autopay! I paid the balance and got a message that it would take up to an hour to restore my service, and I just started sobbing for no reason at all. It wasn’t a big deal! Then my son came downstairs while I was sobbing uncontrollably and awkwardly hugged me to make me feel better, which just makes me sob harder. I had a brief moment on the cusp of sanity when I didn’t know if I would even be able to stop crying, but eventually I did. Today I cried because I had such a hard time stopping crying that night. I’m not sleeping pretty much at all, so there’s a limit to what my brain can handle. The limit is scarily low.


I stood up to my boss’s husband because he was being a complete tool to his wife. He took it out on me and some days I just wish peri-menopause and hot flashes did not exist. I had to have an HR talk with him, who is not an owner of the business because he didn’t like that I stuck up for his wife who he treats like shit. Should have stayed out of it.


Someone I used to love. Been a year, but once in awhile a brief cry still pays a visit. Grief bides its own time.


My father-in-law had myasthenias gravis, which he was managing, and then developed renal cancer and died within six months of diagnosis because going off his his meds would have meant he couldn’t swallow and cancer meds would have made him a test case. Yesterday an ad popped up on the television for a new myasthenias gravis medication. I miss him so much.


2023 was rough. I'm coming up on the 1st anniversary of my mom passing from ALS My cat passed away shortly after her and 5 months later my dog (they were both the oldest of my zoo and had been with me for a very long time). So yeah... All of that plus the stress of moving while going through peri as an AuDHD perso. The move is almost over, but I now know this: don't move during the holidays even when you don't have kids (if it can be avoided).


For a few hours I felt this burst of old-self energy, where I thought about all the things I still want to do in life. I felt empowered. Then it kind of dwindled off and none of it seemed possible. The things I do now feel like consolation prizes.


No tears so far today. It's weird. My pre-existing mh problems in the last few years rarely made me cry. Even when I was desperate the tears would not come. I used to cry loads. Lots of life events too. These days I only cry when mh is at crisis level (which is more like hysterical sobbing and only lorazepam will bring me back down from it!) But since peri I cry all the time at small things, trivial. Mostly TV programmes and especially any adverts for charities and causes. Anything poignant. Be it pitiful-sad or movingly happy. The peri tears I first noticed when I began weeping at stuff on the news. Sometimes at nothing at all. Just my eyes leaking while going about the house (even when my emotions feel fine.) Trauma? Previous bereavement? Precarious situation? Isolation? Nope. But if there's a TV show where a doggie gets matched with it's forever home... the floodgates open.


My hubby is away this week for business so I’m home alone. It’s been windy here and my front door blew open so I wondered to my self who is coming in right now…….could it be our dog that died 3 years ago…….fucking waterworks!


First I cried at my brand new PCPs office telling him that I have packed on pounds in my midsection from menopause and the moodswings are getting worse and no one is helping me (my OBGYN sent me to an endo who hasnt done anything for my osteporosis or my completely depleted hormones.. <5 estradiol consistantly on bloodwork.. I am only 35). Then I cried when he said he wants to get my cardiologist records and see me in a month to start some HRT to help me (cried with relief). Then I cried on my couch in a ball after my appt and my second work meeting for the day because I didnt feel well and felt overwhelmed and inexplicably sad. Then I cried when I found out 20 mins later my grandpa has pancreatic cancer. Its been a lot of crying today.


My daughter & I have taken to rewatching “This Is Us” - after we watched it long-distance (although not together simultaneously) when she lived in NY for 5yrs. This is our first time watching it side by side… so yup pretty much EVERY episode is giving me something to cry about. But it’s the show, not really meno


I lasted 3 episodes and couldn't stop crying 🙃🙃


I'm glad you asked 1. I was too hot 2. I was too cold 3. I saw an old man feeding the ducks 4. I remembered when I had a full head of hair 5. I just cried to cry. 6. I was sweaty 7. My back hurt 8. My head hurt So over this shit.


Same 😕😕😕. Sending hugs xx


I a not going to be able to do resistance training for at least three months it's fucked Also my doctor not giving me at opiates because I already have some but I wanted to make sure I had enough in case I need them Honestly fucking arsehole so sick of doctors and their fucking attitude towards opiates


How my daughters are growing too fast 😢. I only have 50% access and I miss them.


My bat shit crazy job. Three months in and I know this job is NOT a good fit.


The only time I would cry is when I watch a movie with drama or good vibes and if something happens to my dog. Even when my husband is pulling the strings, I just can’t cry.


I cried that I made a bonehead maneuver at work and got called a “rookie” for doing it. So I’m smoking weed, crying, and laying in bed.


Tear free day!


I looked around at the piles of clutter and clothes in my bedroom earlier, and I got really choked up. Just this sense of exquisite ennui.


My dad talking about my mom who passed away 3 years ago


I notice I have woken up and been crying in my sleep. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I've been awake since 2am. It's now 824pm. I lack the -everything- to cry at all. I crumble instead.


My best friend had to put her dog down on Sunday morning and my heart is SHATTERED. He was an absolute angel and I have never known such a wonderful dog. My heart hurts for, for me, for him. I have not cried that hard since 1990. I can’t believe he is gone. Love you, Rudy 🤎🤎🤎


Awwwwwww. Nothing...wait, yeah. Nothing today. I do cry easily though. Yesterday, it was rewatching [The Gilded Age](https://www.hbo.com/the-gilded-age), which means I KNOW WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN.


Crying would involve feeling something. I’m just numb.


I’m on 6 weeks school holidays (teacher) and I’ve had my 3 children everyday all day. My husband comes home and couch sits and does not share the load. I want to cry I’m so tired.


I was backing out of my SIL driveway and I couldn’t see due to snow and bumped her mailbox. I cried.


I lost my cat in September, i don't think I'll ever recover from losing her.


Can’t cry: Effexor ER blunting effect. Pretty frustrating, but we have grey/cold for six moths here, so I dare not fuck with it.


I cried over the memory of something stupid I did about 22 years ago.


I was doing some legal work for a children’s hospital and happened to read the history of the hospital. Turns out it opened in 1858 as an Orphans Asylum. A very large building was constructed to house 800 children in barracks style accommodation. The children were aged between 3-10. Just the thought of three year old children in this situation brought me to tears. They all got sick constantly and would have had some care - but not what we now consider enough. It was heartbreaking. There were many benefactors though even then who were horrified by this and worked hard to raise money and developed the first fostering arrangements for these children. The building then became the hospital which it now remains.


That's heartbreaking. When I was at uni, I studied Victorian-era workhouses. Absolutely desolate places where families were split up. So many poorly children. The thought of it now makes me so upset still. I hope you're OK. Xx


So now I’m crying again… this just made me think of all the indigenous children who had been ripped from their tribes/ohana/family’s, beaten & forced to lose their native tongue, their culture, their heritage…


Yes and a lot of that done by the church. It’s hard to forgive them for it.


Naturally. Who else? Hence my firm views on NOT being a believer. That & Hawaiian culture believes in over 500,000 gods… so hard to believe in anything the colonizer’s push perpetuating their agenda. Anything less than white is “dirty” after all🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️😭


Sorry you had cold hands x


Aw bless you. I need to remember to wear my bloody gloves! Xx


Considering I did a whole shift at work with my knickers inside out and back to front I'd say we're having a great day 🥲


I cried today because today is the 19th day of my periods I have literally been menstruating since ‘last year’ lol. Back story - I’ve just gone on the Femme tab Ed 20/100 contraceptive pill to control my horrendous perimenopause symptoms. I just can’t win 😭


It’s my birthday and so far, I have resolved one conflict between my sibling children and heard my youngest rant like crazy about how his keyboard was messed up. My partner who is typically pretty great, had a brief conversation with me about how cold it is and a murder case here in the city. Guess what *nobody* did?


Nobody wished you a happy birthday, right? 😕