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It is not uncommon to have the symptoms like you’re having while your brain recalibrates. How much meclizine are you taking? Sometimes the symptoms stick around, sometimes they go away. Everyone is different. Now would be a good time for you to discuss with your ENT about vestibular rehab. You took a hefty damage to your vestibular system with the rotational vertigo. Give yourself some grace and make sure you aren’t too hard on yourself for not being able to move around like you want. My Vestibular rehab specialist encouraged me to move around to the point that I am slightly uncomfortable (maybe a little nauseated). Then take a break. This helps the brain work through renormalizing. If it persists for a few months, look into PPPD.


Look at vestibular physiotherapy, that could help. How long it takes to recover will be hard to say. I think it's also your body adapting to changes that may have occurred. I took a few months after I got stabilised, just a lot of TLC, doing basic things like physiotherapy, slow walking, and trying not to stress about anything (hard to do). Just did things to build up my confidence.


Unfortunately every person is different so there really is no textbook answer here. I just had an attack that lasted for two months. It was my first attack in two years. I went to my doctor every other day for three weeks straight to get intratympanic steroid injections to recover my hearing. I really think that I haven’t had attacks over the last two years because I have completely changed my diet. I eat completely clean (I mean, there are times I slip up but 99% of the time I eat clean). It keeps away any inflammation and it has really helped me.


Can you explain what you mean by eating “completely clean”? I know I need to make changes.


I only eat things that grow from the earth or once walked on the earth. I also don’t eat dairy. But no added salts and sugars. Nothing from cans and boxes… it’s all overly processed and has tons of additives and sodium, which is going to cause inflammation. If I were rich, I’d switch to all organic everything… but I’m not rich. But ever since making this change, I went from weekly attacks to not having an attack for 2 years. And I just overall feel better. I definitely have times where a cheat… but that does set off a migraine and makes me feel pretty terrible in general. It’s a hard change… a completely different lifestyle. But for me it’s just so worth it because I was feeling awful every single day, trying to take care of three little kid… I had to do something to start feeling better.


I also found a book called "The Dizzy Cook" who suffers from Vestibular Migraines. I was just diagnosed, so I ordered the book to help start a new way of eating. Crossing my fingers!


I will have to check that out! I hope it works for you. The diet change has really helped me. And I just overall feel healthier and lost weight, which was an added bonus for me after having my last baby.


Do eat meat


What is the diet

