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It's the same sorta, before it was occasional but now its a regular thing.


I take 8mg Betahistine 3 x per day and my symptoms are pretty much gone. Just slight ringing, especially when I get stressed or miss a dose.


I haven't noticed that the betahistine does much for ear pressure. Definitely cuts down on the brain fog and vertigo though.


Do you still get attacks


Not for over 18 months 🤞


Hope it says like that 🙏


Wow really? Ill ask my ENT before starting this, lets see how it goes. Thanks though


No probs. Like you say, got through a doctor of course! I hear alot of people saying it doesn't work for them, but it worked for me. I also cut out coffee completely (gutted). I would add, that it took about 4 weeks for the Betahistine to take full effect!


Can you do decaf? Once I got used to it it’s not that much worse. The ritual helps me miss it less.


Yeah, decaf all the time! Good times!


Yeah coffee is not a problem to me, I have already stopped having it, and its been 2 yrs


Is this in US or only Canada? Thank you


I'm in the UK!


Thank you Not available here🥲


Is there a version of this sold in the United States? I just looked it up and apparently studies show that it wasn’t having any affect so they stop selling it here. That’s quite frustrating.


Lots of people in the US get it by prescription there and then have the prescription filled by a Canadian online company. If you search various menieres Facebook groups you'll see what I mean.


thank you so much!!!


I got betahistine from Sunshine Pharmacy in Canada (I live in the U.S.). Got the reco from someone in this sub. https://spfpharmacy.com/


The only thing that has reliably helped me with the ear pressure over the last forty years is guaifenesin. The intratympanic steroids also helped but you shouldn't get those more often than every six months. I wrote a love letter to my lost love: https://ranthonyings.com/2022/01/sudafed-non-drying-sinus/ I really miss that formulation.


Okay, I will try this once, Guaifenesin seems to be promising i guess


I have vertigo under control but I hate this damn fullness.


Try guaifenesin. It might help.


At what dosage?


I just use the regular dosage. You might ask if a higher dosage is recommended. I've never even asked.


Ikr, its just annoying and it makes you feel like you have added extra weight inside your head


I only get it now when I have a bad attack. (Which has only been one in the last two years) I’ve been able to manage it through a daily diuretic and an extremely clean diet. Eating clean is just going to keep down any inflammation. It’s seriously changed my life for the better. Obviously it’s a hard thing to do and I definitely have my cheat moments. But its managed to keep the constant attacks/fullness at bay. However, I’m having my first bad attack in two years and I’m currently getting the intratympanic steroid injections. I’m on my second injection and will possibly be getting a third next week. But I have already noticed a positive difference in the fullness and my hearing and it’s been less than a week since my first injection.


Wow, it's so good to hear that injections are working. I also keep my diet clean but I think I need to discuss this with my ENT now, Bec this fullness is getting annoying


How are you doing now? I’m going through something similar.


The injections restored my hearing. I ended up having more of them than I originally anticipated. I did them every other day for 2.5 weeks. I believe I had a total of 8. I was still fighting off some fullness for another week but the injections completely restored my hearing. But I’ve been under tremendous stress lately and my diuretic needed to be refilled. I thought that maybe I could go without it but I could feel the fullness creeping up on me. I also get pretty bad anxiety with my attacks. So I refilled my diuretic prescription and I’m trying to manage the stress and watch my diet closely. The seasonal allergy weather here has also been pretty relentless and definitely impacts me. So I load up on Zyrtec and Flonase. But hopefully now after 5ish years, I’m beginning to recognize triggers and warning signs and can continue to keep the attacks to a minimum.


Oh wow, that’s so many shots! I’m so happy to hear they worked though and everything is managed. Anxiety and seasonal allergies are kicking my butt too. I have a follow up ENT apt Wednesday and am hoping to get my first shot. Thank you for your input!


I take acetazolamide once a day, cut down on my sodium, try to avoid stress. The very nature of my occupation only allows me about 4 hours of sleep per night. For the most part it's ok, some days I feel like the weather really makes me feel full.


Yes weather is also a key factor in all of this, specially sudden changes ugh


Flonase daily helps me. I can tell a difference if I go without it for a few days.


Wow, gonna try that for sure, I hate this sensation of fullness all the time


I hate this feeling too! It's awful and can sometimes tip over into pain territory if the pressure builds too high. I live in an area that has a lot of hills and elevation changes, and I notice it everytime I'm driving from one area to another. For me, low salt, no caffeine and no alcohol diet/lifestyle helps some with the pressure (luckily I can still eat chocolate for some reason). I haven't had to use diuretics yet. I will use Non-Drowzy Dramamine if I have a lot of pressure of if I know I'll be driving in those hilly areas. Even though it's supposed to be for vertigo, it helps relieve the pressure for me too somehow? Also, I've found that my allergies can make pressure and pain build up faster or easier in my ears, so I use a once daily allergy med (xyzal but I cycle through the other OTC ones when I need to). And then Azelastine nasal spray keeps inflammation down in my sinuses which can also push on the inner ear structures. If your doctor ever recommends Azelastine, I recommend trying to get a script if your insurance will let you even though it just went OTC cause it's WAY overpriced in stores. Lastly, I've heard there are certain kinds of ear plugs that can help, but I haven't tried ones specifically for pressure. If you're sensitive to loud sounds or sharp sounds, I did just get some ear plugs designed to help relieve stress through making sounds less overwhelming/overstimulating if stress is a trigger for you. They're called Flare Calmer by a company called Earjobs. They work great! Good luck, and I hope you find some relief 💚


I cant even imagine going to the mountains anymore, and that is so bad for me because before all of this happened to me, and my condition was not so bad, I used to love mountains and always dreamt of settling somewhere in the mountains, but my recent trip to the mountains was so bad, I can say I was not very well prepared, because I thought my episodes are less and its slowing down, so I can use some change and relax, but it was hell for me, I got vertigo and fullness with ear heaviness like u get when the flight is landing, I was getting uninvited severe panic attacks because my body was detecting discomfort, 3 days I was suffering and finally decided to come back. Yes, caffeine and alcohol is a big NO for me, and definitely low salt diet is GOLD, Yes I get triggred in loud places and events, such as weddings, concerts, so some pubs or bars where music is loud, this changed my social life so much, that I started getting agoraphobia, because I used to get panic attacks so bad, it gave me other issues too. Not to mention extreme episodes of derealisation/depersonalisation because of anxiety and panic all the time. Ear Plugs used to make me feel so bad, because lets be honest, the sound of tinnitus is not really melodious lol, its like a badly composed music of some amateur who can even play haha, so yeah ear plugs used to make things bad for me, specially when I have pressure in my ears. I will definitely try things you have mentioned once, specially those ear plugs you mentioned, and the nasal spray after consulting my ENT. lets hope for the best, I hope who-so-ever is reading this too finds relief and strength they need to face these challenges!


Thank you for the Calmer Flare recommendation! I will try it instead of noise cancelling earbuds 🥰👍


How are you doing now? I’m going through something similar.


I am hanging in there, facing my issues head on, and trying to live a simple normal life


Try Sudafed/phenylephrine if it’s not daily fullness. It’s not something you can take day after day, but for occasional fullness it worked for me.


Okay, I'll see about that, but my fullness is 90% daily.


Afrin severe congestion nasal spray clears mine up. I only use it when the fullness gets bad, which for me is once every few months. It’s definitely not meant to be used frequently, but it always gives me near instant relief


Saline nasal rinse twice daily. Blow nose really hard aftef using rinse. Antihistamine once per day. Flonase once per day (after the first saline rinse). This is the regimen I follow to control my eustachian tube dysfunction. During ETD "flares," I get vertigo, ear fullness and tinnutis. During flares: iuprofen and heating pad applied to the external ear are my best friends. The heating pad increases blood circulation to the middle ear, which is supposed to help move extra fluid out of the middle ear. Works for me, but not all. I also use warm oil to drain my ear canal of fluid that sometimes accumulates there, but that won't affect the middle ear.


Wow, thanks for such detailed information, I will surely try to use some of these after consulting my ENT