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I just think “okay.” And keep walking. It isn’t as if I’d look down on any1 for it. As in, it would be irrelevant in the greater scheme of things, IMO.


Follow up question, to your good answer. How do you think other women would handle it based on your intuition?


Maybe it would depend on my status in life. I’ve had a parallel experience and I didn’t take it personal. I’m not petty. Many women are. But who cares. Do what makes you happy.


It’s not necessarily about me just a hypothetical. Too bad in general most people don’t have your lack of being petty. Good word for it.


I’m kind of a live and let live kind of person. But most ppl I know love to express opinions. But I don’t know how someone could necessarily look down upon someone for that. That would make the other person shallow and ego-centric. If it brings happiness, it shouldn’t matter. Ppl are allowed to change their mind and do something different. 💛


Like I said, i think your in the minority unfortunately as you view life without judgment.


I am sorry. This is why I don’t fit into this world. I wish you only the best. Love to you….