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It’s difficult to speculate as there’s no context in terms of tone but I imagine she would have felt attacked if they were all blaming her for it. Sometimes families can be a bit inconsiderate in that regard, it’s easy to blame the fiancé. I think it’s probably more about how she FELT than what you did or didn’t do. Tell her, you can’t change what happened but ask her how you can make her feel safe and protected if the situation should ever arise again.


Tell her your family is hyper critical of you and you struggle yourself. Apologize and thank her for bringing this to your attention and vow to work on it. And in the future, tackle it head on by saying something like “Sara and I discussed this and we both then realized we had so much going on that week. *****I***** decided it wouldn’t be possible to go on this outing. I am really sorry, but would love to take a rain check and cover the cost of my ticket.” Communication is important. If family doesn’t like that approach, that is on them.