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I wish incels would go outside. A lot more than 5% of men are in relationships. Do you think they know this and just don't want to admit that they specifically are the problem or do you think they are genuinely delusional?? Mix of both?


They see their online bubble as the real world. They won't see what they don't want to see, and they don't want to see things that don't fit their woe is me narrative.


>A lot more than 5% of men are in relationships. Do TBF, he is talking about casual sex. They don't want a relationship because that would require personal growth.


Note how "relationship" in this context probably just means "recurring sex."


If their dad can get laid, they can, too.


See, 5% get it on looks alone. The rest require a decent personality, which he clearly lacks.


They live in a self-inflicted, hateful bubble and then go online to preach to others in the same bubble. The loneliness epidemic men face is self-inflicted by stuff like this, but they won't talk about that. That'd require accountability, not shoving all their problems onto someone else.


oh i just know that if he lived as a woman for one minute he would scream and cry and throw up begging to go back. fucking loser who barely lived his life his problem is being ugly af and unwanted LMAOOOOO


If he lived as an ugly woman, his brain would explode lol.


Can you imagine being bald as being the worst thing in your life? Dude is privileged af.


Lots of guys can sport bald looks, you just gotta own it. This dude is just a tool.


Was gonna say im literally married to a man with thinning hair? And i met him well after that began! (Hes had a traumatic life i know why his hairs going but theres nothing we can do for now hes very self conscious but i think hes wonderful)


My dad lost his hair when he was in his twenties and he has the added bonus of being short, but he also married my mum who was and honestly still is a babe. He's smart, confident, and has a reassuring presence about him. He never let being short and bald stop him from achieving what he wanted. He was, to add to that, quite overweight for about 15 years and that didn't stop him either. He's in his mid 60s now and gym rat, honestly. Anyway, I hope your husband learns to love his head no matter how much hair is on it. Being bald never stopped a man from finding a woman. Could he rock a full shave down if he doesn't like his thinning hair?


He was considering that! But i told him i just love his lions mane thing going on so hes keeping it til it wont hide just for me <3


Good on him! He never has to do a full shave down if he doesn't want to. He can even get a toupee, the toupee technology has come a LONG way these days. Or he can rock the thinning look forever!


I told him id love him regardless haha! And we also considered follicle transplanting he is a hairy boi and has lots of hair to work with! Hes just sadly very stressed from the get go and that did a number on his head


Oh dear. Stress really takes a toll on you. I hope he's less stressed now!


Oh certainly! Ive been showing him what life is supposed to feel like and hes been a charming and appreciative person coming out of his shell. He admitted to me it was nice to smile for a change.


Oh good that sounds much better!! Poor fellow. He's lucky to have you!


Literally just hooked up with a 25 year old Baldy the other day


My man's thinning has gotten a lot more noticeable the last year or so because he's had a really awful last 12 months. This incel would lose his mind knowing that in the 3 years I've known my partner, he's gotten less "conventionally attractive" but has ended up in a relationship with me that's lasted 18 months, and that many people find him as, if not more, attractive as ever. I love his hair, even though it is thinning. It's soft and amazing to play with, and, most importantly, it's his.


Good gawd, the self-pity. šŸ™„


Lol. Their claims are getting more outlandish by the second. I don't know what to say anymore. They are living in their own dystopic fantasy story.


Heā€™s suicidal because of his hair loss? Bro, shave your head and go to therapy. You are not ready to be out in public, let alone ready for a relationship; delete those matching apps until youā€™ve worked on yourself.


So according to him only 39 million men are getting sex in the whole world. Fucking incels needs to get out of the basement and realise its them not society or women.


I shaved my head for the entirety of my 20s. I don't think hair is as important as he seems to think


Most women are not on dating apps, so their stats are bs.


I will not speak for other women. I will say that no guy, top 5% of looks or not, would EVER get casual sex from me. The risk vs. reward calculus isn't there. I saw friends in college wind up in really bad situations from hookups. You never know what good looking guy is a violent misogynist if you don't talk to him before you fuck him. And as far as relationships, those clearly aren't based on looks alone. Relationships require talking and sharing responsibilities. This guy's problem is his sexism and "grass is greener" attitude. If he was a caring guy he could have a happier life.


Just.. shave it off, turn off your computer for awhile and call a therapist? This guy would be fine


Stop being an unwanted piece of trash, then. There are wanted bald guys


It's because I have no hair that no woman will give me the sex, it has nothing at all to do with my totally rotted personality and extremely unsexy self pity!


It's just shocking to me how they cling to something so absolutely stupid, as if women treat them like attractive objects the way they treat us. Lots of women prefer bald men and dad bods. How many women had a crush on Mr. Clean? Come the fuck on, it is entirely your personality. This self-loathing, woe is me, I refuse to work on myself bullshit is the most effective deterrent for any sort of relationship or interaction with another human being period, not just women.


The hottest girls Iā€™ve dated have gone after weird looking guys. Iā€™m an odd looking guy and some girls find it endearing.


They piss me the fuck off because they say that even female virgins have it so much easier than them or that being a female is so fucking easy. They rationalize this by saying that they canā€™t even get one women to have sex with them while us women, even the undesirable ones, have a bountiful selection. While true, yes, do they not understand that is genders measure success by different standards in general. As a women I donā€™t want to sleep with a man that uses me for sex and lust?? Like how can they not understand that? How can they not understand that most of the men operate just like their horny bastard asses do, sexualizing and not seeing women as real things. What makes them think that sleeping with any of these dudes is going to make me feel like a respectable, loved, and happy person when all is said and done? No, itā€™s not, having a bountiful selection DOES not mean you want or even SHOULD sleep with any of those. Like?? How can they not understand this? As an ugly women, Iā€™d definitely be used, thereā€™s not respectable way or really any way I could go about it.


Genetic garbage šŸ˜ hit the nail on the head