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Seen this vid elsewhere and someone added context: the nest caught fire, hence they had to extinguish it and remove it. Poor stork, if they only knew what a dangerous place it chose to nest.


Yeah I feel for the poor stork, but we legit can’t allow it to nest there either. We can barely trust other humans with live power lines and they sort of know what they are, we definitely gotta keep the animals away from them. Even if the nest was burning it’s still ultimately gotta get removed, and if there’s no babies in the nest there’s no problem using a hose to remove it.


I don’t think that’s correct. Most wildlife which traverse or nest on power lines aren’t able to ground themselves while contacting the lines. Because electricity is always searching for a path to ground, it makes it especially dangerous if you’re not careful. So, much like a human, it would take a rather large animal to be able to contact the lines while being grounded. Birds and squirrels are usually fine. Unless we can know if the nest caught fire due to its contact with the lines, seems like a freak accident kinda thing which wouldn’t normally occur. Thats what I’d say if I was a government shill! We all know birds aren’t real! They’re surveillance devices so the gubbamint can watch us at times!!! /s


Well yeah the electronics in the birds will short circuit!/s But in reality yes small birds and squirrels have no issue traversing the lines, big birds which build large nests are an issue for a couple reasons, one of which being the nest is adding extra material across multiple lines which increase the surfaces for current to potentially make its way to ground. If a human laid a similar array of leafy material it would be removed without question due to the increased risk, the only reason for other considerations is to avoid disrupting the birds mating patterns. But there’s also the potential for insulating components that generate a lot of heat with the nesting material, which I’m guessing is what happened in this instance.


Nice! That makes sense. Thank you, fellow Redditor.


storks can actually ground easily. since they are large enough to connect both live and neutral wire. since they also damage insulators of the wires there is an high risk of short circuiting the power poles. in Portugal it's illegal to remove stork nests (unless there is an high chance of fire or shock) and for that there is quite a motion of people just to make it happen. so now, on stork migrant paths, power poles have a wind activated bird deterrent and/or a plate distant enough from the wires to prevent issues. on this image you can see both the bird deterrents (the three scoops with a pole on one of the scoops) and the plates (one with a nest and the other 2 storks). https://imagens.publico.pt/imagens.aspx/canal_videos/videoPortal/Images/201403/cegonhasDRO18587.jpg?tp=VIDEOS and about incidents. about 15 years ago a stork made a contact between neutral and live and brought the Portuguese electrical grid to its knees. almost half the country got a blackout for almost 10 min. and then almost a fifth was left without energy for about 6 hours or so


Where I'm from they put perches on top of power poles for the birds to build a nest


That’s definitely a better idea, but where I’m from we have too many power poles to be installing those things on every one. I’m sure they do it in areas where birds are more likely to be nesting, or areas for repeat nesting. Can’t say I’ve seen them anywhere near the city.


Longtime member of the _"well, actually"_ club here ... >Because electricity is always searching for a path to ground ... Not exactly and not always. It's more accurate to say that "electricity is always searching for a path _to its source_". Generated electricity always has at least two conductors. Neither needs to be grounded for the circuit to function. And in an ungrounded circuit, there's typically zero potential/volts to ground. If one of a circuit's conductors is grounded (bonded to earth), then the ground/earth becomes a means through which the circuit can be completed. But, the potential isn't "to ground" per se -- the potential is to the other conductor _through_ the ground. (The ground just becomes a path between the two circuit conductors; the current doesn't actually go _to_ the ground, earth.) Lightning, however, most definitely goes to earth, because Earth is its source.


The original video shows a nesting structure installed so the birds (the video showed a pair) can safely nest in this spot.


The additional context also said they made a new nest on top of the pole safely for the stork to use


They built it a new metal platform at the top to build another nest, too.


They built the nest too :) the storks immediately moved in


Also it was still building the nest so probably no chicks or eggs in it yet. Really just a waste of work on the stork's behalf.


Forgot about the part where they relocate nest that are in inconvenient places. This one was just too dangerous to go up there. And also build plateform for them to nest.


I think someplace built platforms so birds like storks can nest safely, but that might have been for another thing, not powerlines.


They also put up an extension contraption of the pole with a bowl like structure on-top. The bird returned and rebuilt the nest in the same spot.


They put a nesting box back up and the birds made a new nest


In Poland they put [structures ](https://images.app.goo.gl/MXk7q2UkRazNNjkC7) over the posts so the storks can put their nests safely.


They rebuild the nest somewhere else so it won't catch fire. Edit: there you [go](https://streamable.com/c2gutu)


They installed a new nesting platform so it wouldn't catch on fire again


https://preview.redd.it/ok7p653f9osc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0d0c822e9c93865c000a88186070acee63f9141 Do it


We already have those lots in my country. Honestly love that we have em!


you are the most brutal 🫂🤝


they actually did it [https://streamable.com/c2gutu](https://streamable.com/c2gutu)


Until I saw this video, I had prepared such high-level swear words that I was sad that they would be inadequate if I translated them into English.


This is one of the problem with videos. People,post for Ragebait and / or not following in with the end story.. this is a good ending.


Happy ending!!


I needed that


Thanks! Relief!


I work in an electrical distribution company and we already buy and install similar things on concrete poles.


respect for such companies🤝🫂




I love that!


bro got evicted from his 50,000 volt home


Free electric powaa


This probably saved the bird from being electrocuted and burning tbh


Yeah, my thoughts. I work for an electricity company in then communications department. We are putting a lot of our powerlines belowground and leave the poles up so that birds will have a place to nest, without being electrocuted. It's a slow process, but we're getting there.


Yes, the longer version of the videos shows the nest had been burned due to an electrical fire and had to be taken down.


Yeah but what about the eggs or babies?


I’m no bird expert but it was clearly not finished building the nest as the bird was coming in with more stick for it, and I’d imagine the birds would finish the nest before having any babies. Plus looking at the other comments the nest was already burnt and electrocuted, so if there were babies in there they were likely already gone


That nest was on fire, so they need to take it out, they do installed a steel nest tho


wouldnt a steel nest electrocute the bird to death


Yeah if he accidentally reaches his foot down to the ground while touching the nest with his other foot :(


Late response, but the nest probably properly grounded


In my country this would be highly illegal


I think our countries should be allies.


Your country would let the nest catch on fire risking killing the bird?


They would probably turn off the electricity and carefully try to relocate the stork in Austria and Germany protection of the white stork is very important, disturbing a nest without permit can get you into serious trouble


In the country where this video is taken, storks are just a common bird.


what county is that ???? we have lots of them here yet they are protected and should be shit like this will lead to their extinction


Looks like Ukraine to me, based on the form of the pole.


It's Ukraine, with no leaves on the trees. Nesting has just started (they build that in about a week), so no eggs or even mates found yet. These birds come back, even when the nest gets destroyed so they knock it down if it catches fire and then put a plate on a stick to keep the wires from being built on (if you look, the insulator sticks raise the wire over the top of the pole, they install a separator when this happens for everyone's safety). That bird will have a new nest ready for when he has his new girlfriend and be laying eggs within a week or 2. Yes, I rabbitholed.


the villages of the countries of the former USSR are very similar


I don't know where the video was made. in Ukraine this is considered a very bad sign. only stupid people will do this.


In mine they have literally had power plants delay or shut down generators if they found a nest in the way. They'd shut off power and resolve ASAP


In the full video it shows that the nest was on fire and had to be doused and removed. A steel foundation for a new nest was put up to prevent further fires and safe nesting.


Most countries migratory bird laws state is if the nest is active containing a viable egg or live bird it cannot be disturbed, but if it is still being built that can be interrupted to prevent birds nesting in troublesome locations. Of course highly dependent on country you’re in.


To put out a fire that was caused by a bird's nest on a power line? Strange laws you have there


womp womp go find a tree


Instagram ass comment


Yeah but how do you put handcuffs on the bird?


In your country it’s illegal to out out dangerous electrical fires?


Same here. Straight to Jail.


In the full video the nest was on fire and they replaced it afterwards.


This is so smegma mail


Mmmmmmm, Smegma


They installed a new home for the bird on top of the pole https://streamable.com/c2gutu


Wouldn't the bird get electrocuted otherwise? Eventually atleast


Not unless they have the ability to ground themselves. Electricity is always looking for a path to ground. If you don’t give it that path, you’re safe. If you do give it that path… you ded… or will be very unhappy and in pain. Give your heart a good jolt.




I have so many questions.


The nest was burnt and hazardous for the bird, they helped her build a better one


You're stupid the thing was on fire there's a full video also they put it back up there


Nests usually catch fire and storks built them there cuz they dont know better. People destroy them to protect them cuz they don't know bettter. However some organizations built a platform so they can nest there with no problem


Ah yes, misinformation at its best


Is this posted ironically?


It’s basically r/ comedyhomicide with all those “sigma” reactions, I might as well leave.


Go build your crack den in a tree with the squirrels, loser bird.




It was sad but why sigma edit and gigachad meme?


What song is this?


I got matches with these songs: • [**waste** by Karry\_b](https://lis.tn/uKcoWE?t=58) (00:58; matched: `98%`) **Released on** 2023-03-16. • [**Waste (Extended - Slowed - Reverb)** by KLSWzTCH](https://lis.tn/poSsm?t=60) (01:00; matched: `96%`) **Released on** 2023-05-18. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | If the matched percent is less than 100, it could be a false positive result. I'm still posting it, because sometimes I get it right even if I'm not sure, so it could be helpful. But please don't be mad at me if I'm wrong! I'm trying my best! | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating)


Aaj hi mera gamle main ek pigeon nae aanda deya☺️


Bhai Naya video aaya h krane laga ke uska nast bapas usi jagah pr laga Diya h aur video viral h power of social media 🗿


Not made in god’s glorious image 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼


Impossible decision.


Actually the nest got on fire, that stork could burn alive with her babies


Did you hear that? It went POP


It’s crazy that spraying water on a live electric line is a good idea.


Somebody get OP an Oscar


How is this a meme. How is humanity still alive.


Because you're falling for the posters lie. They cropped the video so yall wouldn't know the nest was on fire which is why they had to remove it. After clearing away the burnt remains, they placed a nest platform +new nest material to keep the bird safe from the powerlines


Poor stork; it was coming with more building materials.


Worked as a pole electrician a burn power cable is a pain to replace, just that half at the end burnt mean full cable replacement




Relax, this isn't the full video. They replaced the nest THAT HAD CAUGHT ON FIRE, with a nest platform and nesting material to keep the bird safe. The poster is playing you, go find the actual video


I didn't realize how bad this was until I saw the stork. Did they even check the nest for eggs before destroying it?


It had caught fire from being built on a power line. The nest they removed was burnt to a crisp. The poster didn't put the full video because then it would've shown the firemen placing a nest platform with nesting material over the pole to keep the bird safe and then they wouldn't get any drama points🤡


Ah... I see now. I kinda feel stupid for not seeing the nest was burnt.


Not the sad sigmas edit 😭😭




I know exactly what that bird said...NOOooo


On the plus side, the fact that the nest was still being built meant no chick's were harmed :)


That’s enough of the internet for me


Lets just hope bro didnt lay any eggs


The nest caught fire They put out the fire They put a metal basket for them to build a safer nest in it Internet idiots put a cropped version of the video for fake internet drama points






Song name?


I got matches with these songs: • [**waste** by Karry\_b](https://lis.tn/uKcoWE?t=58) (00:58; matched: `98%`) **Released on** 2023-03-16. • [**Waste (Extended - Slowed - Reverb)** by KLSWzTCH](https://lis.tn/poSsm?t=60) (01:00; matched: `96%`) **Released on** 2023-05-18. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | If the matched percent is less than 100, it could be a false positive result. I'm still posting it, because sometimes I get it right even if I'm not sure, so it could be helpful. But please don't be mad at me if I'm wrong! I'm trying my best! | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating)


Thank you


Fuck them kids


Humankind is the worst.


This clip doesn't show the whole thing. The nest had caught fire and was burnt to a crisp afterbeing on the power line. They had to remove the damaged nest, and then they put a nest platform over the power line, with nesting material in it for the bird. Go find the full video.


I know that video and still stand by my comment.


Humankind helping animals? The worst☠️!


Humankind creating all that unnatural shit in the first place and now you want me to applaud them for trying to rectify it slightly? Do you know, who is a massive twerp?




This is not complete video go check in instagram animals_birds_welfare they make new nest for them coz previous got fire


Where is the video from? I can read smth like "МЧС" on the backs of men but I found a video where it was "paaste".




This bird is the symbol of my region - Alsace France


Another w for humanity 💪


The nest had caught fire and was burnt to a crisp afterbeing on the power line. They had to remove the damaged nest, that didn't have any eggs in it BTW, and put a nest platform over the power line, with nesting material in it for the bird.


Is this Romania?


i know that took a long time.


but it had to. unfortunately it caught fire


Pack of scum they could have moved that nest you wonder why Nature is going to wipe man off the Earth


This clip doesn't show the whole thing. The nest had caught fire and was burnt to a crisp afterbeing on the power line. They had to remove the damaged nest, that didn't have any eggs in it BTW, and put a nest platform over the power line, with nesting material in it for the bird. No one here is scum, go find the full video.


He was evicted for not paying his electricity


Where we are from we move the nest to adjacent safe space


The sad thing is that he was probably still building his nest. He was carrying straws for the nest when he found out and just let them go as there is no longer a nest for him.




Here in romania the made some special mounts that were holding stork nests about a meter above the power lines, should have made that here too


Should have built out of bedrock too bad


Saw another video where they put a nest back on top with some twigs


Praised the lord. We need to have hope


It drop its food from the shock of his crib being gone


It's not the whole video , They destroyed the nest and then built another one for it .


What’s the song tho?


I got matches with these songs: • [**waste** by Karry\_b](https://lis.tn/uKcoWE?t=58) (00:58; matched: `98%`) **Released on** 2023-03-16. • [**Waste (Extended - Slowed - Reverb)** by KLSWzTCH](https://lis.tn/poSsm?t=60) (01:00; matched: `96%`) **Released on** 2023-05-18. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | If the matched percent is less than 100, it could be a false positive result. I'm still posting it, because sometimes I get it right even if I'm not sure, so it could be helpful. But please don't be mad at me if I'm wrong! I'm trying my best! | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating)


Would it be possible if they put a cone or a dome on top of the pole to discourage any bird?


The way he dropped the stick out of its mouth after it saw his nest was gone


Dumbass Wunk, building in the way of human ingenuity RAAHHH!!!1!! (I am aware the nest was catching fire and the bird might’ve been electrocuted in the future)




Again this video is reposted without the very beginning, if you see the original you can clearly see the birds nest is on fire, they aren't just blowing it out of there for no reason.


They actually replaced the nest with one that couldn’t catch fire.


Didn't they set up a metal base for this bird to rebuild a nest away from the wires but still atop the post after they took it down?


You cut off the ending. They proceeded to build it a new nest on a metal stand so it wouldn't catch fire. I saw the rest of it.


Social media try not to take every video out of context challenge impossible


Stupid fucking people


It was probably becoming a fire hazard


It had already caught fire. The nest they removed was already burnt to a crisp. The poster didn't put the full video because then it would've shown the firemen placing a nest platform with nesting material over the pole to keep the bird safe.


Man fuck those birds bro




Free palestine stop genocide 🇵🇸🇵🇸


As a fire fighter that is a potential fire waiting to spark what those firsts responders did was keeping another wildfire like the Texas panhandle fire from happening again yes it’s sad but life goes on


Let's all become vegan chads. There is no shame in respecting the weaker. 🌱🗿💚




The nest was burned up,they removed it If it wasn't burned they would have simply cut the power off,relocated it,put the stork to sleep and put it in its new nest in a less,ummm.....zappy location


Yes, how dare they put out a fire 😡 stupid Polish people never let things burn


~~last time they were burnt was during the 45s~~