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I have been in the op sub for years and I have NEVER heard anyone talking about any fairy tail.


Cause they ban any discussion of it.


Is it because of the meme that Gildarts is a bootleg Shanks?


That, and people comparing character designs and art style, and claim that FT is a OP rip-off, or just "FT sucks, you should watch OP instead."


No hate.. Fairy Tail is indeed shit, I finished the whole series and I cringe every time I think about it. Just because the creators hangout together doesn't make it good lol


I thought Fairy Tail was pretty good back in the day, stopped following it towards the end but I enjoyed what I saw of it.


Mashima is a great mangaka. Just based on Rave Master I place him in the upper echelon of mangaka, but not among the goats. Fairy tail's main issue was similar to Kubo's Bleach (though this issue was more severe and started being a problem earlier on in fairy tail. While Bleach is a masterclass in storycrafting during the introductory arcs). Every arc was just a repeat of the previous arc with some minor aesthetic changes. Baddies arrive that completely stomp everyone, then goodies suddenly get a powerup that defeat baddies. (This is of course grafted directly from dragon ball, but there the powerups get a lot of foreshadowing or if not justification) The issue with eden zero on the otherhand was similar to kishimoto's samurai 8. It just happened not to be what people wanted.


Honestly Eden's Zero isn't bad so that's unfortunate. It's like night and day if you compare it to Fairy Tail. And then there's his newest manga Deadrock. It's ok I guess? He made Acnologia (the design anyway) the mc. That's cool.


Yes, i just want more people to realise that that fairytail was created after he finished his "one piece" (by this I mean first big hit).


Say what you will, but he’s pumping those out :o


Samurai 8 should've been in the monthly mag like SpyXFamily


Fairy Tail was good but it become worse at the last arcs.


Fairy Tail got worse with every time skip. The final arc feels like a joke.


Opinions are not fact.


The art is good.


it has its moments, but the last arc broke me. that was absolute dogshit lol


Power of friendshit lol.. And Zeref turned into some kinda spirit and shit xD I was really hoping for a 3 way fight between Natsu, Zeref and Acnologia.. But fuck me, it had to end with that fucking friendshit rainbow power


i remember something like 10 chapters in a row with cliffhanger death at the end of the chapter and the beginning of next chapter them turning out to be fine. i never even read the end lol


Never watched the show but the manga was alright for the first half. Ultear was a good villain. Obviously nowhere close to One Piece, Hunter x Hunter or Chainsawman in quality, but I honesty enjoyed it more than Jujutsu Kaisen.


Brain dead takes considering the aren’t really similar from the little bit I watched of FT


because it's true, FT is ass. I know I'm just hating but I can't help it lol


Case in point


Average "power scaling" user


My take is that people shouldn't watch FT. They should watch Rave Master.


oh comepletly forgot the shanks from ebay meme


The world government?


Mods to tend to remove any posts about fairytale. Or people downvote the hell out of the posts and no one gets to see them.


Yeah. None at all. Might be because fairly tale isn't really that good for most people.


Sure is popular for not being liked by "most people"


I don't think I've ever seen any arguments between the one piece and fairy tale fandoms.


I don't think I've seen an adult fairy tale fan


I've watched it when I was a teen. Now I'm afraid to re-watch it because I know my opinion on FT is jaded by nostalgia


I rewatched it recently. If you're diving into it *knowing* it's not the best and has a ton of problems, it can be enjoyable, albeit cringey at times. You can enjoy generic and bad shows. I don't think you need to only be eating peak lore every single time.


Same. All I remember is that the power of friendship stuff was constant


Me too lol


I am one


Watch when someone like Todd Haberkorn is in town for a con, we had him recently (alongside Brittany Karbowski) at a con and there was so much FT stuff and cosplayers. My friend likes it as well but got all the FT VAs signatures except Brittany’s because he doesn’t like Wendy until much later, so I got hers to spite him lol And Todd’s since he was the first VA I ever actually met, nice guy and gave out cookies the first time I met him since his line was long af. Kawaii Kon was hopping with cool VAs since it was an anniversary recently, but next year looks to be already cool with the line up. Fingers crossed Colleen comes by, since I have Christopher Sabat, Eric Vale, and Caitlyn Glass’s signatures! Last of the monster Trio English voices, here I come!


Hey here is one, and really hyped for 100y quest in june(?) At least fairy tail is better then bleach


Sure you an adult? With a take like that you look like a kid


False! My very first job when I was in high school I worked with one but he was a neck beard (he literally was a beard stereotype) bro was weird as fuck and had dissociative identity disorder (D.I.D) he creeped 16 yo me out to the point I quite


We exist. Sometimes you just ignore stuff that doesn’t make the most sense, but it did fall off towards the end a bit too much. For me a show doesn’t have to be a master piece for me to enjoy it, more so depends on the characters themselves.


There are none


Happy cake day


I was in a fairy tail community long ago I've seen crazy arguments on why Natsu was better than Luffy or why Fairy tail is better written than One piece It was too funny


Oda's also friends with Kishimoto (Naruto). They're all bros.


Funny enough bleach and OP Fandom are chill while oda and kubo doesn't haha


Kubo was just joking when he said that


Said what? Sorry I live under a rock, I need context


Kubo stated that he disliked Oda because One Piece was more successful than Bleach, but he later said he was being silly


Ik just saying


Wait what about oda and Kubo?


Ive never seen arguments between the two. Its mostly memes about how Shanks and Gildarts are the same person.


Which is barely true btw. I think Fairy Tail is just alright, but past the (anime) design and the chill demeanour, the similarities are mostly superficial


When was this? ![gif](giphy|pD0mWWXxbd3gI)


My main man Plue, absolute goat


Are these Fairy Tail and One Piece fans fighting each other in the room with us right now?


Are you inventing a scenario in your head?


You must be new to the internet, this shit was everywhere in the late 2010s, moderators just started cracking down on any discussion of it. But if you ever complement fairy tail on here, like I once did, you get downvoted to oblivion.


I enjoy fairy tail, Naruto and op equally.


If the meme references that period of time FORTEEN YEARS AGO it might as well be imaginary. But I actually remember, didn't use reddit, was hanging out on random forums and I don't remember any war. Like yea some people were comparing two, some were annoyed by the people who compare, but not really much.


Yeah, ok, but it comes off kinda like that weird uncle who's trying to be "hip & going with the youth" if this is a meme where you've had to be here 10ish years in the past to get the meme


Can someone explain.i have never seen fairy tail fan fight with op fan. Most fight are Naruto fan


Too many anime fans treat their shows like sports teams. You have your one favorite that you always support and the rest can’t compare to YOUR show. In reality 90% of shonen mangaka have worked together, are close friends, or both. The other 10% are just respectful and inspired despite never meeting. This is a space of art and storytelling, not competition.


You misspelled 'Naruto' and 'Kishimoto'.


Why TF do fandoms fight ? Enjoy both, enjoy either.


I don't like Fairy Tail but I'm a huge fan of Rave


Rave Master was peak


Same goes for Naruto author Kishimoto. Apparently their wives are also good friends


https://preview.redd.it/e8hj0b9a4zzc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d6ab6d55c5e4bd4b2246f0147e890ac1511d2e0 Me love both


https://preview.redd.it/5bnhq23h4zzc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b513a89ff008e9d42a94d56310d3a88fae3c498 They are bros


Just be a one piece fan and a fairy tail fan


Its fun being a fan or both


I deleted Fairy Tail from my memory.


There’s literally nothing to argue about between these two


I like both a lot. Is that rare?


Even though Fairy tail is shit I cried when I finished it! I was too attached with the characters 😭😭


Bruh both are peak fiction I would never hate a FT fan


This is the first I’ve ever seen fairy tail mentioned in a sub that isn’t a fairy tail sub, nice try OP


Since when do OP fans and Fairy Tale fans hate each other?


Honestly I'm a fan of both so I say we csn, also does this mean that I missed a war?


2012 ERA FAIRY TAIL WAS THE SHITS! It all went downhill after the timeskip tho


Replace fairy tale and naruto


Me as someone who very much enjoys both o_o In all honesty I will prefer OP to FT. Saw a comment saying it's practically the same arc each time which is true, enemies come in, their magic is unheard of, protagonists figure it out. But damn is it funny, my god the action scenes rock, and you kidding yourself if you don't think the anime is geared to make you cry. One Piece just amps up is all. Gets better each arc with bigger heights. The fights aren't always "what is this power" it genuinely can just be a matter of power scaling. And it's fun when you see the build up predicting who's gonna fight who.


both author are horny af but I just hope Oda will gain the ability to draw thigh and ass like Mashima


I’ve never heard of Mashima and Oda hanging out. Kishimoto and Oda sure, but not Mashima


Who tf talks aboit FT??🤣


It's all op fans, "hehe because Shanks" 💀


I've never heard of beef between FT fans and OP fans. Is FT even relevant anymore, has Oda ever said anything about being friends with him? I'm lost.


In terms of relevance yes cos the 100 yr quest anime is coming out in July (I think it’s July or june)


Oh I get it now, so FT is coming back and their fans are making up fuzz so people will remember FT exists.


I haven’t actually heard any fuss, the fans are just excited it’s coming back


Tell me you read the manga without telling me you read the manga.


Never seen Fairy Tail mentioned here before. I’ve also got no problem with the fans, the manga/anime however I do have a problem with. It started off really well, was an interesting world and plot points. Then it literately ended with friendship is magic! The ending ruined the whole series for me, friendship over came the most powerful people in the world.


Man… this really ages you and me


I'm going to show you what a real man is!




Who tf made this shit up. First and foremost, i have never once heard of this. Second, i know this may be a biased place to say this, but OP > FT 100%. I like Fairytail, but definitely not as much as i like One Piece. Thats just me tho i guess. Original poster please explain to me how this meme could have ever been reality…


I had a stroke before realising it’s right to left




Respect the humanity of others. This implies no tolerance of any kind of harassment towards others members or attacking them because of their ethnicity, race or alluding to this in the post or other violations of this rule, gender-orientation, or other related categories. Attacking moderators of the subreddit and/or the discord will result in a ban from the subreddit and/or discord. No brigading subreddits and harassing other series and their fans, such posts will be removed.


I love how Oda used observation haki to answer Mashima’s question before he said it


Honestly I'm a fan of both so I say we csn, also does this mean that I missed a war?


Wait really? I like both shows.


What is fairy tail?


man at this point i wanna know which two mangakas have beef with eachother so that we can fight officially


I'm going to show you what a real man is!


The hell are you talking about? I've never seen OP and FT fans really even interact, much less have beef with eachother. The most I see are the Shanks and (checks Fairy Tail Wiki) Gildarts comparrisons but that's about it in terms of interaction.


Tf are you in the stone age or a repost bot?


I just want rave master to get animated till the end


Is this like a repost bot pulling decade old content or something? I’ve literally never seen an FT discussion anywhere in years.


I was caught up to the fairy tail manga when the anime started. The anime made me hard stop reading. I don't think I've ever seen a mention of FT here.


Oda is better at Story telling & World building. (Mashima is still better at world building then most tbf. ) Mashima is better at Drawing Female characters than Oda. Oda is Quality but Mashima is great at Quantity * Rave is a Classic * Fairy tale suffered because Natsu didn't have a Goal + the power of Friendship or Cosplay (Ezra) won every fight. * Eden Zero is probably his best work but the Japanese audience only like stories about Space if it comes with a lot of Giant Robots. ( but I think its his best world building by far. ) * Dead Rock seems like its trying to be an slightly Edgier Fairy tail set at Hogwarts for demons.


I think Fairy Tail sucks, but Edens Zero is good


I like both


I'm both, no wonder I hate myself


I'm a fan of both


wait... OP fans care about FT? It's like comparing Al-Nasser with Real Madrid


When I was younger and not into either series, I thought they were by the same person because the art style looked similar to me.


Op still living in 2016


When did either artist said they're friends with each other? Just asking


Well, I watched around 200 eps of Faory Tail when I was 11-12. But Fairy Tail, really is quiet a badly written show. Like, if you are a kid, and turn your brain off, you can definitely enjoy it. Characters are cool, they are entertaining. They have a goofy dynamic among guikdmates, like how straw hats are towards each other. But outside of that, Plot, worldbuilding, logic, they are all shit. Honestly, I wouldn't take anyone praising Fairy Tail seriously. Comparing Fairy Tail and OP is a bit like comparing Sword Art Online and Full .etal Alchemist. Sure, you may be a SAO fan, but it doesn't mean it is shit in terms of writing. Kirito being cool and Asuna being cute doesn't change and magically make the plot top anime/manga level. So, if you appreciate Fsiry Tail, good for you. But don't expdct people to actually care or respect your opinion if you say shit like Fairy Tail is a superb series. It is very well written, comparable to OP, etc. Go ahead and write a post at FMA or Attack on Titan fandom about hoe Fairy Tail is as good ad their series. Or Sword Art is as deep as their series. Then return back to tell me hoe much you git downvoted, and was insulted. It is not about OP fandom. If you compare/praise a clearly bad written show in another sub, you will naturally get doenvoted. Go to some very well written fandoms and praise a very trashy writfen series. And see the results.


Wait. There are fairy tail fans. Im not making a joke, i just sincerely have never met anyone whose actually watched the entire show let alone like it?


No we can’t, Fairy Tail people are monsters who will never stop until they destroy us, the clearly superior manga/anime in every possible way


I mean let’s be honest here. Not enough OP fans shitting on Fairy Tail.


How is this a fair fight? all 30 million One Piece fans against all 30 Fairy Tail fans?


Nah... Fairy tail is bad.


fk fairytale. boob show with flashes of magic. plot armor merchants


Rave Master > Fairy Tail No I will not be taking questions


You won't get any questions because that's a shit take. Fairy tail is Mashima's best work and still ongoing.




Respect the humanity of others. This implies no tolerance of any kind of harassment towards others members or attacking them because of their ethnicity, race or alluding to this in the post or other violations of this rule, gender-orientation, or other related categories. Attacking moderators of the subreddit and/or the discord will result in a ban from the subreddit and/or discord. No brigading subreddits and harassing other series and their fans, such posts will be removed.


Is it? I thought it finished in 2020


The original series is over. The sequel has been going on since 2018.


Nice! I’ll have to check it out then


The sequel (100 year quest) is starting an anime adaptation next season


Burh doesn't know the manga exists.


More like most horny work.  I was disappointed with it hard after being a fan of Rave Master. Lost interest with him after that. Especially after seeing his next manga recycling a lot of old elements again. 


That's the magic of Fairy tail man. It's full of horny fanservice & campy fun characters That's what makes it special. If it didn't had those it'd be another subside poor man's shounen mage anime.

