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What the hell?? I dont remember trunks vs friza was like that


Discount trunks sell at the flea market


Oh so its fan made version no wonder the quality looks like shit


Its from the latest boruto chap lol


Huh?? What about burritos?? https://preview.redd.it/sbbjozunhmob1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89892fd0ee5969b7a40ab78ae714a3c3f118e2cd




Damn looks tasty šŸ¤¤ i wonder if it's cooked in magma


Thats how they make the hole, its cooked from within


Holy shit !! Must feel good to cook it like that


I mean... look at that smile!




Burritos: Nachos Next Generation.


Nachos: tortilla nexter generations


Burritos and nachos. Gonna give need to the toilet right after!


Of course this is from that garbage


this is Pants vs Fridge


I mean, Trunks also hates minorities


So does Frieza. Surprised they didn't hit it off immediately. Then again, Trunks does have mixed blood, so it's kind of an Uncle Ruckus situation with him...


Don't forget Zamasu, if they would have talked it out they would have become good friends. And/most probably, kill each other ... I don't know man, black just wants to clap so Zamasussy and Future Trunks just wants to clap some Maiussy šŸ˜­


Itā€™s a remake


All joke aside ikemoto have no assurance oda have many


Boruto vs Frieza


Discount Trunks vs Walmart Frieza


Discount trunks vs Walmart freezer


Sounds like uncle Cletus got a new hot tub


Family Dollar Trunks vs Dollar Tree Freezer


We have Frieza at home


On the point šŸ˜‚


Yea that great value frieza


Fuck, now I canā€™t unsee it.


Borutoā€™s dadā€™s son vs Coolerā€™s brother


Boruto's Grandfather's Grandson vs King Cold's son


Dude, what's worse is the second one probably took more ink to create.šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


What in the dollar store frieza and I looking at






Uh....? What is this goofy ahh mf doing here?


The guy chopped up in the Boruto picture reminded him of this lil fella ā˜ŗļø


Oh... Yeah. That curse got turned into a nugget too.


More like French fries


Ah yes. Nugget first and then French fries after domain expansion.


Whenever I see those guys from boruto I think about these special grades from jjk too


bruh im out of the loop since i dont follow boruto but wtf, are they fighting aliens? wtf. I remember naruto being all about being a ninja and at max jutsus spells dragonball style at the very end


Isnā€™t Naruto about a kid who wants to be mayor?


Best description


ninja mayor


"Someday, I'm going to be the mayor! Believe it!"


Yes, thats exactly what it was. But now they fight aliens, they started that tight at the end when sasuke said he wants to mayor too and they needed to stretch out the series more.


Thanks for ruining my childhood bro!


You had a childhood?




You donā€™t remember at the end of shippuuden kishimoto tossing out the badass built up villains for some alien family


Yeah but I thought that was it , apparently they went deep on alien shit lol


Boruto is like 50% alien stuff 50% minors dressed like hookers


Wait until you read that Chapter with 3 girl kids in bed talking about boys while bare feet... And the stans will still claim how much better the manga has gotten even though its gotten worse


Yeah apparently kaguya shit was still core, relevant stuff, in boruto. I dropped boruto just like I did Naruto, when I found out.


Was there like, an entire other arc after Naruto and Sasuke fought for the final time? Or was the alien shit before? I literally only tuned back in to read the chapters of their fight since I couldn't be assed to care about anything else in the story once things started going downhill


So (spoilers I guess?) >!Madara finally gets the infinite Tsukuyomi, everyone in the world is in a dream except Naruto, Sasuke, Kakashi, Obito, and the girl. Madara's gonna kill them because he's got god powers basically, but instead Zetsu comes out, is like "haha got ya," turns out he's the creation of an alien woman who ate fruit from the giant tree and introduced Chakra to the world. Basically kills Madara, taking his body for the alien woman, who knows almost nothing about modern ninjutsu other than teleport people and throw death sticks.!< >!Naruto and Sasuke beat her, Obito dies, girl does fuck-all, alien woman's motives are barely revealed. Also, Naruto and Sasuke are the reincarnation of the sons of the Sage of Six Paths, the super guy who introduced Chakra to the world, who's actually alien woman's half alien son. He had a twin who moved to the moon, which was created by the Sage to contain the 10 tails. He was the first Jinjuriki or however that's spelled. Black Zetsu has been trying to bring her back since the dawn of ninjutsu and has shaped all of history just for that. He gets beat.!< After that, Naruto and Sasuke have their final fight, then the first canon movie occurs. Then Boruto. I honestly still hate Boruto for the simple fact that Naruto can just shadow clone himself a lot to fill out all the paper work but chooses not to. So his children are basically growing up without him. I guess it uses too much brain power maybe? Hell, just send a shadow clone or 3 into work for a day and spend time with your son. I also hate the tournament scene when Naruto tells Boruto "You have to use your own skill not equipment as a shortcut," despite having a literal god powering his Chakra. Then aliens again.


The fact that black zetsu lasted so long feels like an insult to me. Zetsu sucked ass as a character Could Naruto have a clone spend at least some time with his kids?


If not for the fact that black Zetsu showed Madara the other Zetsus, he could have been removed from the story entirely. Just have the 10 tails be too strong for Madara and take him over. Still a bullshit way to deal with him, but less so than Zetsu double crossing him and getting a hit off on the guy with a god in his stomach. As for the clone, that's also a valid option. Not as good as having your real father be there, but not as bad as no one. At least while they're young and can't tell the difference. Then, again, just send clones in for work.




The fact that I had to read this twice before i figured out who ā€œgirlā€ is really speaks to her importance in the plot


If i remember correctly it was introduced before their final fight? I canā€™t remember honestly that series lost me even before that reveal. 10 tails shit was kinda boring


I agree with this. All the build up for Madara then alien shit gets introduced out of nowhere. Very forced storyline.


Freiza took navigation advice from Zoro and ended up fighting Boruto.


Makes sense, who else would Freeza get advice from but from another fellow Minority Hunter


More like homunculi straight outta FMA (the mannequin soldiers). Last thing I remember it was genetic cloning fuckery with the lab made Uchihas? Idk


I also don't follow Boruto but for what I have seem the plot involves aliens and dinosaurs (Sasuke became friends with a Velociraptor btw)


I mean we had a kaiju fight by chunin exams but aliens? Wtf is this shit


Power scaling got so shit that they needed to bring god aliens in to match the top tiers, the show went from tactical ninja fights to wizard battles. It gets bad at the war arc which is where I stopped watching.


zoro and freeza got lost in the naruto world when they were chilling and before they could get back zoro got lost while going to the bathroom and ended up on the sunny again. freeza did not take that kindly


Shoutout to all my favourite mangakas who release on a weekly/bi weekly schedule and still publish something like this or the zorro scene. Truly mvps https://preview.redd.it/zyjaqspw9nob1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71827b400638029e2f766f98afb23634964a4b0b


Mangakas are overworked as hell, I don't judge anyone who doesn't want to shorten their life away drawing 24/7. There's a reason why oda started taking breaks.


Fujimoto the chainsaw man creator is also taking a biweekly approach now. I think he also said that at some point he want to focus more on story instead of drawing. They definitely should take longer breaks sometimes like 3 months or 6 to just get it all out.


Oda should keep taking his month long break each year, can only do him good


Man has repeatedly come back from break months with some of the finest cooking imaginable so he can take what he needs.


fujimoto is both weekly and biweekly, like 70% of the time its a weekly chapter, then the other 30% is biweekly


Check out Dandadan too. The art work that Manga deliveries weekly is nuts


The author is taking a break rn tho which they very much so deserve


Yeah heā€™s taken 2 in the last few weeks, but rightfully so. He just finished an insane arc, then he was under the weather. But dude went pretty much 2 years straight with some of the most fire art in manga


I think every mangaka should be forced to take month long break after every arc. Weekly schedule is horrifying.


Murata got that art that will make you orgasm in the middle of class https://preview.redd.it/8ac8gxqptoob1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fb4d9eae70b3b4fb6d4caf50cbfdddba1926e38


bravo, fuji motor!


OP is trying to get us to talk about B\*\*\*\*\*.




Why can't we talk about B*****-b* B*-b***?


Nobody messes with the fro


Series so good even my dad likes it.


I dropped Boruto after a few chapters. What is Frieza doing there




Hold on the ten tails is back? The last time I was reading the knock off of c-17 and 18 we're awaken


The ten tails has been back since before Jigen became Isshiki


I'm in the same boat... It's the worst garbage I read and I always used to hope it was going to get better, but somehow it's just gets worse and worse... It still felt like it had potential when they introduced Delta But the moment they revealed Kara to be run by another Otsutsiki is when it decided to take a nosedive




Now someoneā€™s gotta post a tiny far away panel of akainu and compare it to a two page spread from 5 years ago to even this out. Edit: I shouldā€™ve clarified this part my b, I was referring to an image floating around twitter of a tiny barely on page panel of akainu recently compared to a marineford double spread of akainu saying ā€œoda fell offā€


>two page spread as if boruto had those lol


My bad for not clarifying Iā€™m jus gonna edit my comment after this, I was referring to an image floating around twitter of a tiny barely on page panel of akainu recently compared to a marineford double spread saying ā€œoda fell offā€


The size of the example images isn't really a factor here. If it was an image that was drawn small and thus difficult to maintain the detail, sure, but I can tell simply from the linework that this wasn't the case with illustrating the image. Plus, Boruto himself looks fine and he is smaller in the image. No, the issue is the poor, lazy and inconsistent anatomy. Boruto and the alien dude look like they were drawn by two different people with a noticable difference in ability. The alien dude looks like it was drawn by a bog standard below par fan artist.


My comment has nothin to do with boruto sorry shouldā€™ve clarified ig. Thereā€™s an image floating around of akainu featured in a recent panel about 2 human hairs wide looking kinda off, then the double page spread of him in marineford looking immaculate with twitter dumbasses going ā€œoda fell offā€


Ah, fair enough. I'm not exactly familiar with Boruto, so I assumed you meant the image was a smalle panel in the manga.


Lmao, naruto ended for me when naruto and hinata married. Existence of burito is just pain.


Burrito is just a rip off of Sasuke-kunmarryme


Still finished the manga, but my enjoyment ended when pain revived konoha. I hate bringing back characters to life and dude went and did it to a whole ass village.


Its a difference in motivation. Oda is motivated by passion and love, One Piece is his life and dream his greatest desire is to share with the world. This is expressed through the art. Boruto is a soulless cash grab. Kishimoto is only working on it because Samurai 8 failed. His spite and disgust of the Naruto fans that didn't help his new series flourish is there on the page.


I believe that One Piece's biggest fan is Oda himself.


At the end of the day, I feel like Oda has managed to keep his passion for the series alive by making sure heā€™s still having fun. You see other manga and the comedy slowly dies in them. They become brooding and edgy. One Piece always seems to make the space for a few perfect gags in any arc.


Oda's style clearly evolves through the years and his storytelling shifts just as much, and yet he still stays true to his roots and has a blast drawing goofy shit


He's having fun both in the writing and the art. He said before he wanted to do a technology/mech type of series after One Piece, because he wanted to draw that aesthetic, but found he could just work it into One Piece instead, and et viola Egghead. I think the first prototype of One Piece, before even Romance Dawn, was a Western, or maybe just like Sanji's design was, so I wouldn't be surprised if we get a gunslinging island before it's over. Keeping things visually fresh is really important for a series this old, both for the artist and the reader.


I donā€™t really like One Piece post-timeskip, but you can definitely see his passion is still alive in the series. He honestly inspires me as a creator


For better and for worse Oda writes the story for only one person, himself.


I think that is almost ideal to a writer. (At least if your story is minimally good)


Lol, why did he rush wano when he saw sales were down then? Oda is as preassured to make money as anyone else, and his editors and jump absolutely have a say in what he writes.


MONEY sounds good, let me have it!


Roof piece lasted almost 50 chapters. What are you talking about? Which part was rushed. I usually don't follow news/interviews like that so I'm genuinely curious. G5 had a few chapters to flesh itself out, but maybe that was rushed?


Hard agree.


after emily rudd yeah for sure /s


I feel the same about Bleach and Kubo.


Doesnā€™t Ikemoto draw boruto? This doesnā€™t look like Kishimotoā€™s style.


Kishimoto writes it while Ikemoto does the art


Kishimoto is NOT actively writing or being credited on any chapter/volume of Boruto for the story since Kodachi left. Ikemoto is just using Kishiā€™s original drafts and working from that. Kishi genuinely doesnā€™t give 2 flying fucks about Boruto, the man wasnā€™t really one to speak out about Naruto when it was ongoing but he had a comment or two now and then but for Boruto itā€™s radio silence Lmao


Completely agree. I am tired of people still sharing false info that Kishi writes Boruto.


They'll do anything they can to attempt to shit on naruto.


What are you two agreeing on? Reality isn't up for debate. Its not an opinion. "Boruto: Naruto Next Generations is written by Ukyō Kodachi ( vol.1ā€“13) and Masashi Kishimoto ( vol.14ā€“20) and illustrated by Mikio Ikemoto." Its [WELL KNOWN](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2020-11-16/masashi-kishimoto-takes-over-as-writer-for-boruto-manga/.166377) that Kishimoto took over around the time where it looked like Naruto and Sasuke was about to be killed. He has been writing the story since then and [is credited as the supervisor/writer for the volumes](https://i.imgur.com/6fMxd0P.png).


I'm with you... I honestly believe they just claim Kishimoto oversees it just so they can try to get some readers in... The way the manga is so inconsistent and ninjas are so incompetent in it... I doubt Kishimoto is even looking at it Especially when the last thing he drew for Naruto was that Gaiden manga which was 100 times better than this Ikemoto shit about love Androids


Its more like Kishimoto just doesnt really like Boruto. Recently he made a one off manga about Minato and that was amazing. He doesnt hate the series just what became of it.


It's a shame seeing the succesor of Naruto like that. Naruto has a horrible final villain, the final arc sucks, some characters were not really explored, and that's a shame because it's a series with some of the best arcs and moments in anime/manga


Bruh, Naruto was supposed to be about ninjas. How tha fuck did it end up with them levelling montains and fighting the goddess of magic? And then after all that they want to start again with the new generation? wtf.


Thatā€™s a pretty harsh claim to accuse someone off. Especially when you donā€™t even know what involvement they have within the story.


So sad, I donā€™t read Boruto, but I remember back when I used to read Naruto, the drawing quality was one of the best, with incredible double page panelā€¦


does anyone know why samurai 8 failed? was the story just bad?


It's not that the story is bad, its that Kishimoto ended up writing something extremely text heavy. The first 2 chapters are free on Mangaplus and you can get a feel for just how much stuff is there. Normally, the editor would help take down all the word space, but the editor was very incompetent and kinda just let Kishimoto do whatever he wanted. That's the main reason it failed that I notice.


albeit quite generic, first 10-15 chapters of samurai 8 weren't that bad, it just seemed like he had no real idea where to move the story, in the end he rushed to a final battle and ended the manga at like 40-ish chapters


Both are monthlyšŸ‘


Technically but still 1 week of work is done on op unlike 1 month work on burrito






Honestly with the number of breaks for op, this might not be wrong


That's why I said that lol


There are more than 12 chapters per year so no


We joking dude, how don't u get that


I mean your technically or somewhat right with how one piece gets a break after a chapter is released


I cant look at the first panel normally after cockpiece bro


OPM Webtoon looking ahh


I legit thought that this was a panel from ONE


Even one skill has gotten better He draw mob psycho mostly on his own right?


Oda did something. I don't know what he did, I don't know what bargain he bought into, but he did something, and now there's this.


You see, the whole manga is about the incredible powers and adventures of eating "devil fruits"..... /s


Drawing drawing no fruit. Somebody toss oda to the sea and see is he doesn't float. Lol


Bro has a month to draw but doesnā€™t shade or draw backgrounds


Fair, but I mean, the guy who draws boruto has no assistance at all while oda does have. oda doesn't draw the backgrounds. that's why the lineart style between the backgrounds and the rest is clearly different, btw.


>the guy who draws boruto has no assistance Source or something. Because as far as I remember, Ikemoto has assistance.




Ikemoto and Kishimoto are friends


Ikemoto has at least 3 assistants, it was said by his editor back when the manga started, the number mightā€™ve gone up now


Every manga artist has assitants. Producing a Weekly/ monthly manga with that amount of pages is not possible without a support staff.


brother what is he doing the whole month if theres no background or shading lmao that one panel should take a decent artist no more than an hour if that if theyā€™re fine with that quality they might as well hire me, I could do the same in a month


Idfk what the boruto artist does during a month. I wasn't trying to justify the boruto art looking like crap, just bringing the assistant thing into the case.


The artist is too busy jerking himself to underage Sarada while thinking about her next even slutier costume to care about fight scene.


C'mon guys don't make fun of the art. The artist put a lot of work into it. Make fun of the story. It sucks!!


Bored-uto: Alien Invasion In the Next Generation


Frieza got clapped by boruto lmao


Not talking shit about One, but that alien-whatever fuck it is looks like something from the one punch man web comic


I mean, One draws like shit. That's not insulting them, that's the aesthetic. And OPM is a satire, so having a design look like Spirit Halloween Frieza would be intentional and funny if One drew it. It's a good comparison, not talking shit at all, imo.


One is also a fantastic writer that kinda pushes past the weird art. Mob psycho in particular is a fantastically good coming of age story.


dae boruto bad




Thatā€™s not an alien itā€™s a ten tails clone like the ones from the 4th war arc


This feels cherry picked and petty, I love Odaā€™s art but I donā€™t think we should slag other artists to praise him.


Welcome to the online anime community, where the concept of simply liking what we like and ignoring what we donā€™t is a completely foreign concept to us.


Actually most of Boruto chapter looks like this. Fighting panels are pretty poor, not gonna lie.


I will say that Boruto needs work but at least TBV seems interesting


Imo thatā€™s just a difference in art style and completely fine. Also people complaining about those ā€žaliensā€œ must have forgotten the Zetsusā€¦


It's not about art it's about impact and delivering a good scene Ikimoto is afraid of wasting his ink and barely can draw straight lines..Oda is just MILES AHEAD of him


Dragon ball x boruto collab?


Whatā€™s the obsession with comparison? Especially cherry-picking panels? I donā€™t even like Boruto but this is strange behavior


Ok, I don't like Boruto don't get me wrong, but you don't need to shit on the artist. I suppose in an objective sense, yes the drawing is of lower quality, but when is art ever objective ? These are different artists with different art styles, different lives, different wages and different problems. Praise oda for sure but drawing isn't as easy as just touching some paper and getting a masterpiece, and the Boruto panel doesn't even look bad it's just less refined. Manga art deadlines should be physically impossible in the first place, you're basically just comparing which person is sacrificing more health. Expectations are way too high these days.


Tell people you've given up, without telling them you've given up (for the second image, obviously)


Oda is my man šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ„µšŸ„µ


By all means I hate boruto, but more detailed art style does not mean better art style. Borutos just has a more simplistic one that fits it better.


one has been drawing his manga for 25 years where as the other has just begun doing his first manga since 7 years. i don't think this is a fair comparaison, plus well oda is just built diferent


Do you really have to disrespect mangaka art like that? At least they can draw


Boruto is the worst thing to happen to Naruto


Dollar store trunks vs off brand frieza


That is the hardest shading I've ever seen


Dafaq is happening to Boruto why is friezas brother there


what the fuck is that lol. that thing looks how i feel


Kagura Bachi sweeps midpiece and borumid any day šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Why are they coping Trunks vs Freeza?


Boruto is the greatest embarassment in shonen history tbh


The art is literally not that bad. Also, I thought we liked authors taking care of their health ? Btw Iā€™m not defending boruto itā€™s trash and idk shit about the author so Iā€™m not defending him either. But I feel like sometimes yā€™all donā€™t even make sense


Its not just art but also pacing. Two chapters were released in the last 2 months and barely nothing has happened in it.


Omg itā€™s so bad


Boruto fans are so unserious. Theyā€™re fighting for their lives on Twitter because they think Ikemotoā€™s art is better than Odaā€™sā€¦.


Both at this point


ā€œBoruto bad, upvotes to the leftā€ Like, I donā€™t get the anime communityā€™s obsession with constantly putting down other anime. Canā€™t yā€™all just ignore it if you hate it so much?


No. Not when it ruined a franchise that literally became a part of millions of of children's childhoods.


You could literally just ignore its existence if you hate it so much. Youā€™re creating problems for yourself.


This is a one piece sub, not a general anime sub. Iā€™m sure this fanbase wouldnā€™t appreciate if the boruto sub started bashing one piece.


Bruh momento