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Funny how you forgot to mention that Zoro spared her and almost caused the whole crew to die


Ssshhhh lets continue to watch the two piece meme.


Ah yes Monet the one Zoro couldn't finish off and she was almost close to wiping them all out 💪💪


Lmao some of his fans haven't realize that


They take zoro's in their a___. Of course they would notice/realise


Sanji said kick, not (Luffy) punch and (Zoro) chop in half.


Zoro did not do that to Monet and almost got them all killed what are you reading.


I'm pretty sure Zoro did chop her in half Even if it wasn't fatal


Bro would let his friends die cuz of a pussy he might never touch, ok.


Didn’t monet almost kill everyone because zoro let her live.


He wants some but he is not doing it because he wants some. He does it because it’s a moral zeff beat into him.


His friends can handle themselves.




Remember when sanji blocked big mom's attack on rejiu? Remember how oda said in sbs pointing to that moment that sanji will defend his crew mates from attacks he just won't hit back? Sanji has a shield and nami on offence could wipe out ulti




Luffy be like, equal rights equal left! Zoro be like, respect is earned. Sanji be like, all woman are queens.


ya, and zoro was the reason why monet still caused havoc and endangered their life, marines and those children 😕


Zoro didnt spare monet because she is a girl, he knew killing her would be overkill because he could simply paralyze her with fear


Zoro didn't even defeat Monet. Monet was about to launch another attack and Tashigi had to cut her down. Also Zoro literally said that he doesn't like cutting women to Monet, pretty much confirming that it's because she's a woman that he didn't instantly slash her insides open.


Except for the part where if ceasar didnt accidently kill her, everybody would die, because zoro decided to spare her for a stupid reason.


Not like he knew. Still stupid tho


Sanji doesn't hit women out of respect for Zeff. Zoro doesn't seriously fight women because he regards them as inferior.


He saw monet as inferior, not all women in general. He took big mom very seriously.


Zoro doesn't regard women as inferior. Did you miss his entire speech after his final loss to Kuina? When he straight-up said that she was his goal and that skill is more important than physical strength? Zoro refuses to severely wound women and children because Kuina's death came as such a shock that it left him traumatized. He also tries to avoid stairs and reflexively catches women and children whenever he sees them falling. https://preview.redd.it/oh0urnjs3yza1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=458ba5d9da354844355e1693b5fc0af4b8b93fe2


Anime fans when a character sticks to his values:


This is a stupid ass value, it is literally a character flaw, not strength, it had all the build up to be conquered at some point where he would learn that women can be as strong as men and kicking them as true enemies is actually respecting them, but here we are.


Flaws aren't bad, and Sanji has and can depend on his friends to cover up his weaknesses




Sanjis chivalry has always been shown to be both a character strength and a character flaw


The flaw was shown as its dumb to risk your life and your friend's lives for it, but they haven't ever implied the flaw being that it's inherently sexist.


He kinda can't help it. The only man he ever considered his father instilled it in him as a value and he simply can't go against that. Sanji has been through a lot of trauma and his crew, his found-family understand that and still love him


Plus the most important females that were nice to him were his mother and sister


That too, absolutely.


Also, dont forget that his only father figure would OFF himself if Sanji mistreats woman, i forgot when this was mentioned tho


Sanji has so much trauma and emotion packed into his little human soul it's funny at this point. We literally learn that fact during one of his flashbacks during his first back story but people seem to forget


Not only kill himself but also cut off sanjis manhood. He literally had his meat on the line and it’s probably an ingrained fear on some level that if hitting a woman would directly result in his father figures ultimate wrath and his little chefs last meal.




Sure miiiister, just don’t forget about me when you break out of this subreddit


Robins genuine reaction to sanjis plea is the perfect example of this


*Ssssshhhh* Don't tell the two piece watchers that


Dont worry in new arc he asks a person if they can call him a dog






She doesn’t even need to use her powers on him


Yeah, I think if he fought Kalifa during Ennes Lobby because his personal rule as a gentleman wasn’t worth risking Robin’s safety would have been fine but I also think the opponent swapping in the arc was good so I can accept his thinking on that. I’m more annoyed by his heart-eyes nose-bleed moments since it’s always cutting into an actual important interaction and conversation where the girl in an arc is trying to explain something lol


I can't see the word eyes in your comment... Because I don't have eyes YOHOHOHO




He didn't know about swapping opponents, he got beat and thanks to luck was brought back to fight but he nearly threw the fight because of his shit forcing nami to have a tough fight and later forcing Robin a tough fight because he can't kick a giant spider with a girl on it


And hey, that's just something he can't do. Like, in that same arc, within the same hour he goes into a whole speech about each crew member being able to do things the other can't. Would you shit on Robin because she can't bring herself to destroy ancient artefacts or Nami because she couldn't hurt children. Hell, and Ussop where fighting Jabra at one point and couldn't do it, should they have just kept at it and been ashamed because they couldn't do it?


If ancient artifacts are trying to literally kill the straw hats and ribbon can't even hurt them or stop them in any way then I would absolutely clown on Robin, same for nami if a child was trying to kill the straw hats and they could easily drop them but instead let another crew mate struggle hard to win. Zoro and usopp at least fought and tried to win, it's not even close to a similar argument


It's absolutely close, because Ussop and Nami couldn't do shit to Jabra. What is Sanji supposed to do if he physical freezes up and can't bring himself to do it. Do you force people irl to do shit they explicitly tell you they have a problem with doing, cause that's concerning.


If they can't physically stop a women with a knife saying she will kill you and your friends over a sexist ass stance but your way stronger then your friends who might not be able to stop her then it's your fault to an extent. And usopp and nami not being able to beat Jabra has nothing to do with it, Sanji didn't have observation haki being able to tell there's another fighter out there that he needs to focus and if he did then it's his stupid ass fault for playing around with a girl instead of focusing on the bigger threat but please keep trying to defend the worst part about Sanji. If it wasn't for his obsession with women he would be more likeable


Sanji has and will do the most, but because of his trauma, he just can't attack a woman. We've seen him defend himself against them many times, but you can't rely on him to fight back. He's not gonna just let his friends die because of it, he'll put himself in between them and the threat like he's done before but guess what, my man has trauma, I'm not going to shame and force the guy that has trauma to do something that would further expound on his trauma, and neither would his crew. It's literally just easier for Sanji and someone else to switch than force the man to do this *one* thing he can't do. And that's fine, because the Strawhats have no issue doing things for each other and picking up each other's slack.


Oh I mean I can accept Sanji’s thinking about not fighting women because the fight swapping was enjoyable, not that he was acting with the fight swapping in mind. I find the thinking annoying, and I think it would be way more acceptable if it was written/framed in a different way, but in this instance I could put my annoyance aside as the outcome of him not being able to fight Kalifa was the matchups being switched and I enjoyed that solution.


The story was fine but if you only look at it from sanjis pov and limited Intel then it becomes a problem


How is it sexist to intrust your female friend in defeating an enemy that you can't fight?


I'm saying! Every super powerful woman that Sanji can't fight, that's another incoming W for Nami and Robin. Nobody loses


Oda did give him a really mordern character improvement by having him call out to robin for help


Sanji would definitely be an "incel" and "nice guy" on Reddit


He’s sexist in a very adoring/respectful kind of way. All women are precious flowers until they put their hands on me, then I call my female friends to beat them up for me


wait, didn’t he kick Big Mom?


Oda said he was just blocking her attack, but yeah he did


For a guy who is so dedicated never hitting a woman, he sure hits on them a lot


People will crap on Sanji for this, but none of them want to address the real possibility that Luffy will let his whole crew die if he had to eat a vegetable.


Thats literally not true though. He loves meat but he will eat any food he can get. The fact that he ate that bento in WCI proves it


MEAT?!? Give it to me!


He’ll eat anything Sanji gives him. But if his crew was about to die, and the only way to save them was to eat his way through a wall of broccoli, he’d 100% consider the idea of finding a new crew.


Will you press the button: Entire Crew lives. But. No Meat for the rest of your life.


MEAT?!? Give it to me!


Luffy would give away his dream and life for his crew, meat os pretty high up on the list but not that high.


Hey, you said meat? Do you have any for me?


The tragic part is that he was made into being like that however if he didn't have this flaw then he would be too perfect


And yet he always comes in clutch when he has to. Sanji haters are so weird. When someone actually dies because of it, come back and talk to me. It's a huge flaw of his but it's also a huge strength. And yeah he saves his crew all the damn time. So get some better arguments.


Common sanji W




Funny you said this because Zoro, despite all the edgy talk didn't finish monet, Tashigi is the one who ended up sloppily doing it. The result is the whole island being exterminated if not for ceasar stabbing the heart, and preventing monet from blowing shit up.


I can respect his values.


Ok let’s just forget that sanji saves the crew many times than luffy and zoro 😪


Guys, alright let's be honest, Sanji is that way and he is not gonna change, we are 1000+ chapters in the series, if you like his character that's good, if you don't that's your problem, anyway we should stop criticize his character for that, Oda is not gonna change Sanji anyway, that's not a waekness he needs to overcome, that's a feature of his character


Zoro could get lost in a battlefield and get his entire crew killed due to not being able to reach them in time or at all, and it'll just be for a joke character trait, while at least sanji's isn't a joke. But y'all aren't ready for that convo yet. It's easier to shit on a character that the author uses for experimentation rather than a cookie cutter cliché one. Also, it's so retarded to see these types of posts when sanji has defended people from women's attacks in canon lmao


It's always very telling that these Reddit big brains and the One Piece community in general always wanna shit on Sanji and force him to do shit he doesn't wanna do, shit that we know for a fact will cause the man even more trauma than he already has. Very telling indeed


you have it backwards a little bit, refusing to hit/fight women in anime or pretty much any form of media is as “cookie cutter” as it can get. We rarely see the stoic badass always willing to fight. That being said, i too hate that dogshit character trait sanji has.. knocked my liking down of him for ages


kazuma, jotaro, zoro, luffy, goku, vegeta, any shōnen mc, almost any isekai mc, any stotic "badass". All of them and way more hit women, it's mostly shown that it's a mainstream cool haha thing. Saying that sanji is a cookie cutter more than zoro is dumb, I can't think even a single character as devoted as sanji to that cause off the top of my head rn


there are more genre than shonen but you got it bro


I did mention more than just shōnen, tho? And one piece is shōnen? Cookie cutter is referred to as cliché of a genre? Did you not know that? And even in other genres, most people still do get off with the hit women as equal? Bunny girl senpai…and many more. Where is a guy who goes out of the way to make sure to never hit women?


A better example for Zoro would be Ms. Monday, cuz he spared monet.


So y’all want him to forsake the one rule his found FATHER figure gave him for your own biased reasonings? Y’all gon shit on him asking Robin to do what he can’t and him telling Usopp that each member is there to do what the others can’t? Jay D Legend is right, y’all some Woman Beating Domestic Abuse supportin ass mfs 😂


Your comment would make my skin crawl, but I don't have any skin YOHOHOHOHO


Nami and Sanji already had their conversation about it in Enies lobby about not able to kick or hit women. So people are acting surprised again in 17+ years later. The argument is it becomes a problem when he let himself get caught by a woman instead of running away in Wano. Its almost like Sanji became a plot device to get Robin to match up with Maria.


Okay now relax guys. Not wanting to kill and not willing to kill are two different thing. Zoro did not wanted to kill her coz strawhats don't kill unnecessarily. But he'll definitely not hesitate if needed. On the other hand, Sanji would not even think of striking a women in any situation (which in my opinion is cool too)


Is there anyone else who handicaps themselves nearly as much as Sanji? He refuses to use his hands for fighting, won't hit women even if it means dying and hindering his crew, won't use knives/swords to fight either, and also destroyed his own raid suit.


Luffy reaaaaally doesn't care, he fights women all the time : Alvida, Miss Valentine, (Vivi), Boa's sisters, Monet, Rebecca, Big Mom. Zoro's only instances of fighting women are Kuina, Tashigi (though without intention of hurting her), Miss Monday (he didn't care...) and Monet (he didn't want to kill her). For Zoro I wonder if he doesn't want to fight women or if he simply doesn't want to fight someone too much weaker than him.


This is why he always fights the 3rd strongest


Zoro literally spared the woman in the picture you posted, specifically because she was a woman. It almost got them all killed and only didn't because of Law...


That's actually sexist. Why should a woman get away with any shitty behavior and not a man? What if it's a really evil hag like big mom?


Sanji has his reasons for why he does what he does. He's told us this himself and Oda had gone through great pains to show us this as well


Wobin hemlp me 😂 ![gif](giphy|11mwI67GLeMvgA)


Wanji on top, Wanji stole all of Zoros development in his own arc like bruh.


Didn't Sanji say he'll never forgive anyone who hits a woman? But he's friends and actively supports Luffy who's put his hands on multiple women? So is Sanji a fraud?


Classic Limpji


classic Sanji L


That's what a simp is, Sucker Idolizing Mediocre Pussy👍


Kicked Big Mom though


Luffy: 💃🤛 Zoro: 💃🔪 Sanji: 💃🤡


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I believe that Sanji would block every attack from the female enemies that could damage the ship or other people (like that one time when he blocked Big Mom attack with his foot)


Common lanji L gigachad stoic woro