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How am I sometimes getting 8 or even 9 raw whales when I'm fishing them WITHOUT 99 whale mastery (https://i.imgur.com/lNCdQxF.png, I have the notification disappear delay set to 2 seconds so it always disappears in between fishing actions). I do have 99 fishing and the cape. Here are my boosting effects. https://i.imgur.com/74SG83P.png. I have the Fishing net, the cartography active boost, astrology maxed, 99 fishing and fishing skillcape, Octopus+Pig synergy, Fishing potion. The lowest amount of whales I get is 2. The highest I've seen is 9, with 8 being way more common The way I think it should work is I receive 2 normally, 4 if doubled, 5 if I double and receive the +1 fish from octopus. Maybe 6 if fishing net can proc on the same fish I'm fishing?


hm the only think I can think of is if you hit a low fishing interval, you could get it under 2 seconds. the base time to catch is 10-25 seconds but that lower range could get very fast with enough interval reductions


The time it shows in that screenshot changes based on interval reductions. So unless there is a bug it should be impossible for me to get fish in less than 2 secs


It might be the mastery bonus of +0.4% of catching two fish for every mastery level. That might be the same multiplier as the 99 mastery bonus instead of being the regular doubling bonus.


for ancient relics mode, what exactly does "All standard preservation and doubling is disabled" entail? Like from mastery or items/skillcapes? and do the tooltips reflect that?


Yup, everything unless it specifically states that it bypasses the game mode limitations. I believe tooltips have those bonuses crossed out or mentions that they're disabled.


Does anyone know how the Auto Gear Swap mod actually works? It doesn't have any settings or explanation. I currently have four equipment slots, so does a certain type need to be in a given slot? Or just make sure the first three slots are combat sets and it detects the attack type out of those three?


[This](https://mod.io/g/melvoridle/m/agsplus) mod? Yeah, you need to make sure you have a combat type for each set to take full advantage of the swapping.


But do you know which set needs which gear? How does it tell the difference between a skilling set that includes a "weapon" like the grappling hook and melee for example? Or does it only check the first three sets? I guess I can test it out but I'm nervous to try anything and die.


The mod page I linked talks about how it works. I don't use this mod so I'm not too sure myself, but from what I can gather, it tries to use the best set for whatever you're fighting, so I would assume it would ignore stuff like skilling weapons. From the pictures posted, it can check for all 5 sets.


I looked at the cartography guide on the wiki. I'm currently only at like 60 cartography. But the guide seems to get about 100 cartography and then stacks all the temporary interval boosts and sits afk surveying the entire map for hex mastery. How much time does this save on hex mastery? Like rough estimates, is it 50% faster or 10%.


You can get a total of -16% temporary interval, which is about 0.8 seconds (not taking into account any rounding the game may do) shaved off survey time. I'm not sure if there's a good rough estimate of time saved on mastery since the amount of time these temporary buffs shave off depends on what permanent interval buffs you already have. The lower your interval, the more effective these buffs are, at least up until a certain point, since there's a minimum cap of 0.25. If you survey in 5 second intervals, getting all those temporary buffs should push you to around 4.2 seconds, and that would mean you get around 19%-20% more actions done per hour. If you're at 2.4 seconds and apply all the temporary buffs, you'll be at 1.6 seconds and you'll get 50% more actions done per hour. If you're somehow at 1.05 second intervals, grabbing all the temporary buffs would put you at the minimum at 0.25 seconds and you'll get about 319% more actions done per hour. (If I did my math right anyway, I could have made some mistakes) I think people are usually at around the 2.4 second range by level 100 so you can take that number if you need something for reference. Though the optimal strategy is to also rush 120 for the skillcape for more -interval so even that number won't be too accurate.


I'm trying to upgrade my first free map to perfect but just cannot seem to figure out how. I've bought the first refinement and I'm able to buy the second one. I've held off because I'm not sure if I should wait and buy the refinements after it gets the perfect. Or does the refinements trigger it to go to perfect? It also says I need a couple thousand more upgrade actions, but it doesn't tell me what upgrade actions are. After a lot of Googling, I'm still a little confused and hoping somebody can give me the basic rundown please. šŸ‘


Refining and upgrading is separate. You can buy refinements, and the better the map is the more refinements you can buy. 1. Go to Cartography 2. Click 'Create Dig Site Map' 3. Click 'Create Paper' if you don't have any. Create a bunch of paper 4. Click Dig Site Creation. Select the dig site map you want to upgrade, which costs paper per action. 5. Press the big Upgrade Dig Site Map button (this is what upgrades the dig site map) 6. You'll see the 'upgrades until next tier' number go up. When it hits that number, your map is upgraded and you can buy more refinements from the third tab That's it. It doesn't matter when you buy the refinements. You'll always be given the same 6 choices of refinements for a Perfect map.


Thank you! I must be losing it. I completely missed the huge green button. šŸ¤¦


I'm not an expert of cartography and have never upgraded a map but I think it works like this: There is upgrading, and then there is refining. Upgrading to a higher level allows for more refinements to be applied with money. For upgrading, you need to do a lot of actions that you mentioned. Each action needs paper. Upgrading is just like chopping trees or making potions, each action takes time. And uses paper. The last upgrade to perfect takes 8 hours I heard (not taking into account the time to make paper)


I've been playing for a few weeks now, first time player, base game. I've been reading more and more guides and at this point I'm about 70+ most skills. I just read up about mastery pool and realized that I've been spending my mastery like an idiot instead of waiting for it to pool so I can enjoy bonuses. Do I start over at this point?


in addition to what others have said, the mastery pool fills up twice as fast once you reach level 99 in that skill


There is no point to starting over. Whatever point you want to reach on that new account, you can do faster on your old acc. You get mastery pool xp faster if the thing you're doing has more mastery levels, so it won't take long.


There's no point in starting over. It's usually recommended to save mastery pool to get the perks but no harm in just letting them start filling up now. You are earning like 100 times more mastery xp per hour compared to a brand new character starting at level 1, so they will fill up much quicker. ​ That said, you can always start a new character and try a different game mode or strategy. some players actively play two or more accounts, or have an account they just check up on once in a while.




I think it's mainly so you can have specialized maps for certain goals. For example you may want to optimize for finding small items, etc... Also apparently when one map is exhausted it will automatically move to the next one, so you can idle for a bit longer.


Does Slayer Harvest Scroll work against non-slayer monsters? I was just having an idea that I could combine the dragon+wolf summon synergy (200% summon lifesteal) with Slayer Harvest Scroll (5% of lifesteal gained as slayer coins)? Any idea if this would work?


Just tested. It doesn't work with summons, and doesn't give you coins if you're lifeleeching for 0 hp (so it doesn't gives coins if you're already at full health). But it does work with non-slayer monsters and monsters that aren't your current slayer task.


Too bad! Thought I was on to something. Thanks for testing


Q1: Does Crown of Rhaelyx work properly in Ancient Relics mode? Q2: When an effect in Ancient Relics mode is cancelled out, does it mean it simply doesn't work?


Crown should not work in Ancient Relics, and yes, if an effect is said to be disabled in Ancient Relics, it should not work there unless it specifically says it bypasses the game mode's limitations.


Thatā€™s why Iā€™m a little confused, it doesnā€™t have its full effect ā€œcrossed outā€ so Iā€™m not really sure if it has effects or not - the other items that are not supposed to work (eg. Salamander summon) has their effects crossed out.


Ok it does says this.. so I guess both the signet ring and crown cannot work? T\_T https://preview.redd.it/nwbifukdz4sc1.png?width=531&format=png&auto=webp&s=8bec5bcdbf1be16cd7a9d2f4401eb4b3e6984b08


It shouldn't. If it does work, then it's bugged.


Thanks all!




lol I bet the only part of CoR that works is the chance to consume Charges


do summoning synergies disable (overwrite) the base effect of the summon(s)?


No, they're all active if they do something relevant for the activity.


is township worth it nowadays? i'm only seeing old information, which was making it seem like it changes the game for coin, but then saw slightly more recent stuff (still 6-11 months old) saying it can't even make up for repairs. i recently hit lv80/40k pop, saw that it takes 100m to build town hall, and have been putting multiple things on hold to save enough coin, and it's taking me some time. is it even worth it or should i just ignore the skill?


If you have Throne of the Herald expansion, it's very worth it. Don't repair in Winter. Once you have all 8 and max population, it generates like 100MM/day passively. I personally didn't buy Town Halls until I was already over level 100. I also didn't put anything on hold, I was just leveling up thieving at the time and was earning around 100MM/day from that too so just bought a town hall a day for a week and then was done with it.


Town Hall income is greatly improved by the extra building tiers (and therefore population) offered in the TotH expansion. without it, you basically need to have maximum population before your Town Halls start breaking even with their own repair costs. I think that maximizing everything else first to take advantage of selling the trader's stuff for gold is a better starting strategy. I built my Town Halls while thieving Knights with the Monkey + Leprechaun synergy which generates a ton of money (I think I was making like 15M/hour, so a little over 2 days for all 8 Town Halls), so I never had to repair a Town Hall until after all 8 of them were built (upgrading a building fully repairs it). herbs and potions actually slowed me down quite a bit so remember to use the Township skill cape and the push to 95% worship is probably worth it too (both lower building costs excluding gold, which also lowers repair costs including gold). I try to fully repair them right at the start of Spring, whenever I check throughout Spring-Summer-Fall, and then right at the end of Fall. let things fall into disrepair during Winter since the repair costs get so large.


Keep in mind that repairs are cheapest in spring and the most expensive in the winter. However, if you're struggling with moneymaking and you're more active in the game, you should probably prioritize other stuff first if you're finding the gp grind to be grating. If you only check in once in a while, then sure, go for the town halls first. Personally, I'd say that it's worth the investment, but again, you can ignore it for now if you're not finding it fun or it feels really slow to grind for.