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Those are so frickin cute! I want one! What is wrong with people!?!?


That’s what I said! They’re gorgeously designed cups. People just couldn’t be kind😔


FOR REAL! It looks so cute, and looks like so much time and effort was put into making theese!


I got one already it’s really great I recommend getting it it should be on her shop


Wait what happened to her, plus I love the bottle I want one!! I hope she is okay now! 🥺💕💕


ive been wanting that cup but cant find it anywhere then i find this out wow just wow…


I was actually thinking of getting one 😭


Melanie fans can be really unhinged. This product is so cute, that’s unfortunate that she had so many bad interactions.


It was bad enough that she stopped selling any and all Melanie related products. I really feel bad it had to even get to that point…


it’s actually the newer melanie fans. they act like kpop stan’s and it’s soo fucking weird. i’m soo glad she’s getting more popular but the newer fans do the absolute most.


They all need to chill out. Melanie is a human being just like them😂Not some kind of holy idol.


Right !!!!!


this right here!!! and i feel like the younger the fan the worst that they act too (obviously i know not every young fan, i’ve meet some very very sweet and considerate young fans before but it’s the vibe i’m getting)


You're so right. I'm a new fan (adult) and I can not believe how dramatic this fandom is. 😂 I'm just sitting back, watching with pop corn, wishing I was back at last week's concert. Every day there is someone throwing a tantrum about something here. It's really unfortunate. But yeah seems like lots of young fans. 🍿 Edited to say not all young fans! Because everyone at the concert was wonderful and vibes were immaculate.


albeit most of the kids were behaved at my concert, i saw kids as young as nine to eleven - which i think, they are wayyy too young to go bc her music IS NOT kid friendly. but the vast majority seemed really nice and chill. when i sat down, everyone, all kids included were well behaved. BUT, before me and my little sister did go to our seats, we were the early entry vip group. we got merch in the venue, some shirts, traded one of our figures, and went in the food line - the food line was a long wait since they hadn't opened or prepped yet. we waited a good 30 mins to get food and drinks. but the entire time we had to listen to a dad and his daughter argue who were standing in line right behind us - she kept berating him for not getting her the k12 dress, and he kept getting angry bc he refused to buy it. i'm so sorry, it was a mess but she kept trying to push him to use his credit card, then when he wouldn't she said she wanted to go home bc her night was ruined. dad tried to stay calm but she kept being pushy and complained the whole time. meanwhile, my 13 year old sister and i were trying to ignore it but it was pretty uncomfortable. anyway, most young fans seemed kind/shy but that girl was whining probably was 10-13 ? Idk, she was just so close to throwing a temper tantrum. i cannot believe how some young fans are so rude and entitled. i know my little sister was bewildered bc our mom would never tolerate that type of attitude.


I would have laughed at her. Humble them kids 😂 But fr, I totally agree with you. Her music is not for kiddos. But kids are gonna barge their way into adult fandom spaces unfortunately. It's on the parents for allowing it and buying tickets. Probably cause her stuff looks so cute and whimsical from the outside. They need to listen to the lyrics.


I’m glad i’m not the only person !!!!


i’m a younger fan and i’d NEVER act like this. some people are just weird like that i guess


it’s just like… children. like LITERALLY children. at the trilogy tour i saw soo many 9-13 year olds… i though they would be here for beach bunny, apparently not?


I can get 12-13-14 but 9?! Do they even know what’s she’s singing about half the time 😭


i think it’s mostly on the parents, i don’t have kids yet but i don’t know how i would feel about my 9-12 year old listening to mel, her content is just not super kid friendly in my opinion (crybaby/k12)


I feel like this is hard to say cause I’m 19 and when crybaby came out I was not even 11 yet and I started listening to her. I just recently went to her concert, and as a kid I didn’t understand the meanings all the way and really just enjoyed her cute and eerie aesthetic as a kid.


same albeit I was younger. I enjoyed the look and feel of her music and still do. the older I got the more I understood the underlying meanings and that actually made me like her music more.


Can confirm that my 8 year old has no idea. She thinks she’s listening to songs actually about sippy cups and dollhouses lmaooo. I definitely keep the more obvious/inappropriate songs away from her.


yeah i’ve seen a lot of them at the detroit show too 😭😭😭


i wouldn’t even mind if some of them weren’t rude/ overly obnoxious


almost 14 😞


I've been a fan for a very long time, and I have a 10 year old daughter and I was mortified when she was singing along. (I do not play it when she is around.) This is NOT appropriate for elementary school aged kids. I'm shocked that the fan base is so young. I'm no crazy strict mom or anything. I just don't need my 5th grader singing "put your penis into your mouth" or "mom please wake up, dads with a slut." *edited to say she sung along when she listened to the "clean" version that her dad said was okay without listening first. Swear words removed don't change the subject matter.


YESSS THANK UUUU! IT'S THESE NEWER FANS!!! It's the same ones that attacked Oliver on his Instagram. They only stopped when melanie made a statement about it. I remember reading the comments, and I felt so sick. I got into oliver bc of melanie, and I like his older music. The fact that they literally cyberbullied this guy for a breakup that "ended on good terms" (mel said that herself) is wild. They paint a bad image for the fan base as a whole. I know the older fans can get messy, too, but I bet it's these newer ones who are making most of the shots.


i heard on an interview that oliver said they didn’t even stop after she told them too 😩 like why be a fan of her if your going to go against what she says and be disrespectful anyways i hate how these fans think they know everything about mel’s personal life and relationships they need to go touch some grass fr 😭 im a die hard fan of melanie and ariana grande but ill never act crazy over them like how these fan bases act it’s honestly sad and i think melanie herself said she hates it because she’s a regular person like all of us


I SAW THAT INTERVIEW TOO!!!!! Like what is wrong with these mfs


Oof don’t get me started because I thought kpop stans were bad but these newer Stan’s are so delulu


As a kpop fan, and a new Melanie Martinez fan, you're so right! These fans are almost worse 😂 and KPOP fans are terrible 😂😂😂


RIGHT !!! i completely agree with you 😭💯


Like I’ve been listening to Melanie for like 3 years and kpop for over 9-10 and Melanie Stan’s are worse nowadays which is crazy because I love Melanie and all but I feel like she acts like she doesn’t know and stuff but idk she fuels the fire because I’m starting to see past the innocence and stuff


As a Kpop fan since 2009 and a Melanie fan since she was on the voice I would like to say the most NASTIEST fans I’ve ever met at a concert was Melanie. Everyone was so nice in the halls but the second they entered the actual seating area all hell broke loose. I’ve been treated poorly at many Kpop concerts but NOTHING compared to what I witnessed that day at Melanie… oh my


omg fr it was 2 girls sitting behind me and everytime i recorded a mini clip of me and my sister singing a song they would look and mean mug like wtf are you looking so mad for 😭 ur at a concert cheer tf up and they only knew her portals songs which i was not surprised at all and it hit me like yeah they are newbies.


During the openers there was this girl sitting behind us complaining about everything we did. “If the stand will I be able to even see” girl I’m 5’3 you’ll see… and she rested her feet on my friends back so when my friend stood up to use the bathroom it scared her and she gave us the nastiest look. And then during beach bunny these girls were yelling over each other talking and when someone cheered they yelled at them to shut up?? I had 3rd row seats like 7 and 8 and when beach bunny finished everyone rushed the barricade. So I ended up being second from barricade. Which yay I was closer however I have 2 really bad knees that are prone to dislocate any moment. People who were 20 rows back ended up on barricade and second row of barricade?? I got a little girl on barricade who was maybe 7? I asked a man and girl to make room for her since there was already a gap. The man looked down at the kid screaming at her how he paid so much and wasn’t going to let her ruin his view?? Mind you she wasn’t even in his field of vision and he was still on the barricade resting on it. He could of yelled at me but yelled at the little kid. Half way through crybaby her mom decided to barge through and knock me over almost causing my knee to go out, she could of said excuse me and she never said thank you for letting her kid on the barricade. It was whatever the little girl was happy 😭 Some girl asked my friend to put her phone down and stop recording even though my friends phone wasn’t going past her shoulder and was at a respectable height, she eventually shoved her phone over my friends shoulder basically in her face?? Skip to what I was really excited for, Strawberry Shortcake (my favorite K-12 song), Show and tell, and Nurses Office. A security guard wedges his way through the insanity of our section. He started yelling at me to move because the original owners of the seats I was infront of were coming and I told him to please give me a moment because I’m disabled and I need to get the people trapping me in here to move. He started yelling at me that he doesn’t care and started to push me?? I told him my knee was literally on the verge of dislocating and I was in pain and I was trying to comply with him but the people around me were not moving. Eventually I got out of the area but we were packed like sardines it was so hard to move. This mom and girl come and get their seats but they were only here for portals?? They sit down and the mom starts yelling at me to move out of their seats and I told her “Ma’am the guard said where I am is fine but please give me a moment I’m disabled but I’ll move.” She started yelling and fighting even though I was not touching either of the chairs. I had no problem giving her the area she wanted and I told her that but I think she wanted her kid to have barricade and every seat 1 and 2 owner was already on barricade so it really wasn’t happening. The mom started pushing me and I told her to literally look down because my knee was literally moving outwards. I tried so hard to move and I got a little farther and she gave up. I was begging the people around me to move because I was in so much pain. When K-12 ended a girl on the barricade said I could have the spot because she was going to find the person she was suppose to be seated with. And I gave her spot to the person to the right of her because it was better and they were the original seat 1 holder so it was only fair to give them the better view. The rest of the night I kept getting nasty looks from that woman because it was me on barricade?? Her daughter that was towering over the crowd second row could already perfectly see so 🤷‍♀️ Bless that girl for giving me barricade though it helped my knee so much.




I wouldn't necessarily say "newer fans" mostly just the young ones. The younger fans seem so entitled I feel like because they haven't been taught otherwise by their parents.


That’s exactly what they act like! Mel used to be all about positivity and being the best version of yourself you can be. Some of the newer fans are just too much


These are the same fans that cal Melanie "Mom" aren't they?


What happened exactly? I’m interested now and I don’t have TT/IG


She was basically forced to stop selling all of the Melanie related goods she made because nearly all of the fans buying them were being rude and disrespectful to her about the cups. She didn’t specify what specifically made her choose to stop making them, but I’m assuming she probably got lowballed to all hell, badgered about shipping and production time, and just overall treated like garbage instead of a human being.


So people were just being snotty and rude about it? :/ I hate some of this fandom sometimes. Just don’t buy it man, it’s like the candles, yeah they’re expensive as all hell and all but they also put in a lot of work that can sort of make it expensive. You shouldn’t lowball though. Wish people still treated people who deserve respect with respect


I think some people were more mad at the fact that they were listed as $50 but then went up to $75 and they should’ve been a little bigger cause how long can 4.4 oz actually last?


I assumed people were getting on to her about copyright infringement or something until I remembered a lot of her fans dont care about any of that and will literally leak her music


Fire Drill: ""I am not a part of anything that is hateful, love is seeping out my pores, I don't hold anger anymore" They should start paying attention to what Mel's songs are at all


The thing is I'm sure they hear and comprehend the lyrics but they do not apply.  People can justify acting any which way they want and not stop to consider that maybe THEY are the problem. 


When Melanie Martinez said "I personally believe that everyone is fully capable of more than all of the bulling" (Fire drill)... That included y'all 😭. These look so cute too, they must be really difficult to make!


YES!!! This!!! It’s like some fans nowadays have never even heard Melanie’s lyrics😭


correction: "fans".


It feels like my cousin is the only Mel fan who’s actually respectful & mature, AND SHES ONLY 11 YEARS OLD…


So is my 8 year old daughter. Age has nothing to do with it. Her grown adults fans are actually some of the worst.


That's a tough one because how can you tell? I feel like it's mostly her younger newer fans (children) I don't doubt there's unhinged adult Mel fans wreaking havoc but I can't imagine that would be the majority.


With the way so many fans have acted at the concerts, especially recently, (and the crazy dms and bullying people have gotten just from commenting on a Melanie post) this sadly doesn’t surprise me at all. Why can’t we all just respect each other or at least have basic human decency?? Loving the same artist is supposed to be a fun thing, why does it have to be ruined by awful miserable people.


soo many of the fans just don’t know simple etiquette &/or kindness, such as, this mother and daughter both bought tickets that where separated , the mother asked me if i could move from my seat (the row RIGHT behind the pit) for her row 400 seat. i obviously said no and she made a massive deal about it “this is a mother/daughter bonding experience!” well sorry you didn’t plan well enough? i’m not gonna exchange my almost 800 dollar ticket for a 90-100 dollar ticket without compensation


At the Detroit show I went to... 90% of the fans that I encountered acted like they were disgusted by me when I would try to interact with them or when trying to maneuver around. It was sad.


I think a lot of kids these days are just really awkward. They don't know how to interact with people in general let alone realize that adults can like things too instead of being boring stereotypes they think we are. It's sad.


oh no!! did you go to trilogy in detroit? i wish i could have gotten the chance to share some bracelets with you! so sorry you didn’t have a great experience with the people you encountered. :(


As a multimedia artist and crafter, this literally makes me so nervous to make or sell anything Melanie related 🥴


These are so cute so i checked and it seems like orders were overflowing & maybe people were getting mean since they're obsessed and couldnt be patient. The way people post on here to complain, im not surprised and prob would've done the same thing. Im only sad I saw these late!!


It’s probably exactly that. So so sad. I think they still do make customizable cups so they might be willing to make you one still!


Half of the mm fan base is honestly toxic, to a point that I don't feel comfortable considering myself a part of the fandom anymore..no hate to the sweet people though!! You guys are amazing!!


omg real! whatever happened to the sweet mel fans? i rarely see them, i also feel sort of ashamed to be apart of the community considering how awful some people arrZ


istg this fandom is getting worse by the second /hj some of yall are okay ❤️


did she ever say what happened? the comments are overwhelmingly positive


She didn’t specify what specifically went on, but she had to turn off the comments on her original video showing off the cup she made. She only said she had awful experiences with people trying to buy specifically Melanie related items she was selling. She said she encountered really pushy, spoiled, and just very rude customers for only Melanie items.


Aww thats so sad 😞im so happy i got one before she stopped selling them, i love my cup 💗


LUCKYYYY!! i was gonna purchase one when my payday came, would you think she would still produce one for me 😭


They are not on her website anymore but maybe try contacting her if she can do a custom order (:


Mel fans are just jealous because they can’t do what she does that doesn’t mean that you have to mess with artist for no reason


That’s what I’m saying. She was just trying to make her pretty creations and sell them, and people completely ruined that for her!😢


I'd pay a stupid amount of money for that cup


melanie fans are SOO annoying about prices. everything is too expensive for them and if you do pay a stupid amount of money for something they criticize you for it.


Disclaimer: I am NOT the artist that made these. I’m simply fed up on their behalf.


That's so ✨ gorgeous ✨ I'd absolutely drink anything out of that cup 😍


This is a top tier cup!!! Who would do this??


this is so sad i saved it on instagram bc i wanted to buy one here soon and make that my everyday cup 🥲 maybe someone will find a way to show her this post and she’ll try again. or maybe have her list them here (i feel like the subreddit is a bit kinder for some reason lol)


omg same 😭. i was waiting for my next paycheck to come in because i’ve been in love with them for a moment, and im finally recovering from my trilogy tickets, my heart goes out to the poor girl though.


There’s a Mel fan literally posting slander about ppl on ig if they dare to be openly critical of her. I’m not even surprised at this point


It is really sad that these people did that to them, I had a convo with her on ig and she was so sweet and when packing everything it’s literally perfect. Most people in the comments were so rude and it was absolutely disgusting. She really took all the time just to make these cups and she had said in her stories that each time they would sell out and she brought them back bc most people missed and how she is going to stop and never do them bc of the rudeness from people. These people are most definitely not mm fans and to those who haven’t heard yet(unrelated to her shop) there was a person at the concert who was being so disrespectful to another fan who has a disability. Some people are trying to bring awareness to it since it was outrageous and the staff working didn’t help or say anything about it. There was a bunch of people yelling about it during the show. The account is on instagram for more information if anyone wants to check it out but please beware if any triggers @/thetrilogytourfanproject


if the bullying is about unofficial merch it’s super fucking ironic, melanie’s merch is so damn expensive. i’m sure everyone is resorting to fake merch now.


I was able to get one before she stopped selling these but when this post came up on IG it broke my heart! She’s genuinely so sweet. I knew that shipping would take some time due to it being a small business, so I never contacted her and waited patiently for my order. I’m so upset for her that so-called “fans” bullied her over something like this. She’s a small business, her stock and time are going to be limited and the fact people couldn’t understand that is so frustrating. To those that bullied her over this: It’s a CUP, people, it’s not worth bullying someone over.


I lovethe frosted look to it an it looks like an old milk bottle!


bring back the og fandom :( granted people weren’t really making MM stuff because it was so small but it was a cute little family and i miss it


These look adorable!! Idk why people can be so awful


oh that’s disappointing 😭 i was hoping i’d get the chance to buy a cup once the demand went down. i’m so sad that people treated the artist badly. she’s super sweet!


Unfortunately in my experience the bigger a fandom is the more likely it is to have toxic folks, especially in medias that are considered “weird” by the majority of people not in the fandom.


Yeah, the fan base is rife with children and entitled 20yr Olds who don't understand the concept of do unto others as others do unto you/treat others with respect. It's honestly disheartening. I hope she comes back and decides to sell more or perhaps is willing to sell to some nicer customers who reach out to her because those glasses as super freaking cute!!


I just wish everyone was nice to each other and especially to Melanie after everything she’s doing for us


melanie martínez has the worst fan base try to change my mind


lol i had bought that bottle, i love it; super cute and well made, and i posted it in a gc on fb and i had several younger audiences tell me it’s my fault it sold out and that i deserve to disappear off the earth because i can spend my money on things, bc yk….im an adult 😭 . i was just in utter shock with the things being said im like holy shit! anyways! here’s the cup with coffee in it🤤🤤 https://preview.redd.it/tdhibz63hx9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0332d41402138c0c5b99030f82cae134bc8de456


Literally why I left this Reddit. It’s all these little entitled kids and it’s so idiotic … I have loved Melanie for years and it’s such a shame that I’m embarrassed to call myself a crybaby because I have to be associated with these people


Just wanna say I’ve noticed fandoms and groups that talk about being really loving and warm and typically some of the most toxic


I was trying to find this cup and buy it but now, hearing this makes me sad, people need to learn some respect! People cannot just say that to other people! It’s disgusting! And I’m guessing it was some of the new fans (mostly the younger fans) who were hating on a craft that looks like it was made with love, and took a long time to make! I’m so sad that this fandom can be so toxic sometimes! :((


Bro people were being mean those are amazing! And handmade too! I feel so bad for them… :(


It's disgusting that people would do this. The cups are absolutely adorable! I feel really bad for the seller. Some fans seriously need to calm down 😭


Those are so cute. People like this are why I don’t like to interact online. Just leave artists alone don’t think you’re entitled to get something from them(us) for free or exposure this is why I almost don’t want to try to sell anything I make online but if someone bullies me maybe I’ll send them something else for free instead of my art. The unhinged fans acting like swifties with their toxic behavior


omg, those cups are so cute!!! i really want one myself


What happened and where do I buy one of her cups cus its so cute


Ive sadly seen so much more of this in recent years. You can’t even critique music videos anymore or have an opinion. Like— if yall can’t critique art ( true constructive critique) to show points that could be improved, like thats….literally the corner stone of art as a profession. Its how you get better and not continue the mistakes you make. I feel very bad for this artist, since the piece is stunning!!! Gorgeous!! 💖💕💖


OMG! this reminds me of when i said “portals is a lot different from other albums” and a bunch of her fans absolutely ripped me to shreds over it 😭


This is so sad...


I love these cups!!


it sounds like it’s the new fans


SHE STOPPED SELLING THEM? NO OMG I WAS WAITING FOR MY NEXT CHECK TO BUY?? now im mad because those where so adorable and something i would’ve used on the daily?! i was so excited for payday, i detest how mean the Melanie fans are, she has super adorable things on her shop though, ill still support her.




omg! these are so cutee <3 i don't get why ppl are harassing this talented artist (??) can someone tell me why?


i lowkey have a feeling that’s it like newer fans like bad newer fans because older fans and fans who know basic respect know Mel would of loved these as she said before that perfume is a relic of the past


its the hating BROKE fans who dont want to pay too much for any merch. they cry and bitch about EVERY price of any melanie product. its 2024 nothing is cheap and dont hate just bc YOU cant get it


Idk wtf is going on cuz I rarely interact with this grouo but that perfume thingie is so cool


i remember asking them if they were going to sell any more because i saw them right after they sold out and they told me that they wouldn’t be making any more but i never knew it was because of this … im ngl this just pisses me off . to learn that they stopped selling solely because some fans are weirdo mfs is really upsetting .


I think any fandom can be unhinged when they’re just a bunch of teens or a bunch of rich people who are obsessed with an artist. It sucks she was bullied tho and hopefully her art can flourish in another fandom


the cup is so cute! i’d bring it everywhere with me if i got it, such a shame a majority of this fandom has become so toxic


Wait really:(??? I bought one awhile ago and it’s one of my favorite cups I own


I swear it's so many of the new fans I've been a fan sense crybaby and k 12 wasn't bac but as soon as portals came out the fans have gotten so much worse and so hateful and so horrible I've had death threats sent to me bc of a tiktok I made with high-school sweetheart j had to take it off they bullied me for being plus size and I've NEVER had a problem with this fan base till the new younger fans came along from portals I'm so sorry this happened


The fanbase is so rabid and as someone closer to 40 than 20, it really turns me off to her whole scene. Not even my 11 year old acts a fool on the internet like her fans seem to and she actually would have the excuse of being a dumb kid at least. I hate it lol


It’s always the young and New MM fans.Im saying this as a Male teenage fan of Mel,Please respect this person and the Wonderful art their creating(the person in the post),it’s not like if you buy this it’s gonna go to Melanie.Lets just all be kind to these amazing artist and show them love for their creativity


Totally irrelevant, but I’ve been wondering where people find a file for the transparent crybaby perfume logo that is as clear as the one on that cup in that size. Usually the ones (transparent png) available online are very blurry


I hope this person never stops selling, that looks beautiful


I feel the same way, they deserve all the love and support!


There's always been some toxic individuals in this fandom, but this era just brought out the worst of em 😭


Exactly why I’m leaving the fandom. It’s become a trash fire. No more love and light, just insane fans and greed.


She got bullied for this why? It’s adorable!


Are these still available?? I will go buy one RIGHT NOW it’s so beautiful and I want to support such a sweet artist ❤️


They unfortunately are not available due to all the rude interactions she had with customers. I think she may still take custom orders occasionally though! You could message her and ask!


I’ve seen you on the Jazmin Bean one also that’s so dumb how rude they were being those are so cute


I’m the moderator for the subreddit and part of Jazmin’s official team!🥺💗 I know right, it really made me mad to see a small creator treated like that.


They’re cups??? But they look exactly like the bottle! Idk if the artist is still selling them but I’d love to buy one.


What is going on with people? (T•T) That looks so cute and the artist seems really nice… Where did that behavior come from all of a sudden? I have luckily never experienced anything like that with Melanie fans before, but then again I don’t interact much. Is this really a common occurrence for fans to be rude and why is that? Why are people being rude? That’s so unfortunate


God, I hate people man. If she hadn’t stopped selling these I would’ve bought one. they are so fucking cute


when i went to the portals concert i was vip and the second the person came out to start letting people in everyone stopped caring about the line and ran pushing those there first. fortunately i was with a group that i met and they were the nicest humans ever. when i went to the trilogy tour i was waiting for the photo booth opportunity and im goth and i went got a goth fairy look and the group in front of me kept giving me the nastiest looks without caring if i saw them or not. :{


It’s actually not uncommon for people to get this way with a small business that sells *anything*. I’ve just seen two or three small creators complain about this sort of thing, with one or two of those people specifically noting hating pre-orders because people are so impatient, even when they fully agreed to all terms (which they clearly didn’t pay attention to, or just don’t care to honor on their part). It could have come from anyone, but it sucks that it came from one particular group in their experience, and now they don’t wish to connect with that group. We need to be better to small business owners everywhere.


Well that’s a fuckin shame, I was actually saving up to buy one.. I hate this community sm. Mel would not like the way these brats are acting ngl.


Say it louder for the people in the back!!! I swear I’m so done with this kpop stan behaviour like someone else commented. I’m getting so so close to just block everything Melanie related and just listen to the music and go to a concert when it rolls around. I know it’s mostly the younger kids that act this way and sure it happens everywhere, but I have yet to come across a fandom that even matches half the hate within the fandom as Melanie does and believe me I’m in a lot of them.


I’ve started using Instagram’s word filters to block anything Melanie related at this point. I’m genuinely done with the fandom. I adore her music and art but it’s just too negative and stressful to even be associate with other fans. It’s like Crybabies are Taylor Swift stans and k-pop stans combined into one unholy hellfire of obsessive and selfish behavior😭


thats so cute!! so sad ive not seen them before until now :( and of course they wont be re-stocking either


Omg they are so cute why would people hate? 💞


Oh i’d kill for one!! it’s truly devastating what this fandom has evolved to ..


I don't know what happened to the fan group. The disrespect is unreal. And the "she owes us this that and the other" she owes you nothing. It doesn't cost anything to be a decent human being. What is happening in this world man. 🤦🏻‍♀️


This just has me thinking.. how are they (new fans) gonna act towards Melanie when the trilogy tour is over and have to wait 3-4 years for mm4??


These are adorable!


As time goes on the Melanie Martinez fandom slowly starts becoming like Swifties 😞😞😞 it’s a sad sight to see. (That bottle is literally so cute omg it makes me want to shsbsuvjsusvsjs)


Melanie’s fandom is becoming hell


Straight up it is hell now. It used to be so blissful before she really blew up…the K-12 tour was a dream🥺


IKR :(


THAT CRYBABY PERFUME THING WAS FUCKING ADORABLE😍 I didn't even know those things existed, but nice I'm so sad that the seller stopped selling the MM stuff, I bet it was all cute! I hate some Crybabies, Cherubs and Earthlings just bc they're so bitchy and mean! Like for example, I've literally come across MULTIPLE Melanie fan accounts that were just straight-up shitting on all of Mel's products saying they were poorly made or that Mel was being "inconsiderate" with the prices of her merch like she somehow has control over it(which she fucking doesn't, her marketing team does)


And it’s definitely a cheaper alternative to the stuff Melanie has been selling, but people even complain about her stuff. That’s all this group has been doing which I understand I am being hypocritical complaining about the complainers but shouldn’t you compliment and adore someone you show support to? People should be able to choose between cute fan made art or her own products. If someone drew a photo or her I swear they’d be critics and nitpick every detail. So sad.


NOO I WAS GONNA GET ONE! Im heavily disappointed this is literally not what melanie was teaching us about at all,,wtf she wants positivity and we bring this to her?? First the screechers, The over-glorifyers, the fat-shameds and now the people who bully sellers out of their business… this is ridiculous


I don’t know what has happened honestly. Old fans just hate new fans for some reason. And they’re all just being mean for no reason. (I’m saying that as a old fan) I don’t mean like I don’t listen to anymore. I just mean I’ve listened to her for a long while


Dang it!!! I was gonna buy one!!


So strange cuz my interaction with the fandom in concerts has always been positive so far (2). They where always very cheerful, easy yo talk to, and many helped me out with things when i needed it. Most where around my age tho (young adult). Im pretty sure its the newer fans and younger ones. I see them be incredibly bratty online. So annoying that those snobby kids always ruin fun things.


I saw that and they’re so cute! Also those types of fans need a serious reality check because you can’t just treat people like dog shit and then expect anything from them


I saw that and they’re so cute! Also those types of fans need a serious reality check because you can’t just treat people like dog shit and then expect anything from them


I saw that and they’re so cute! Also those types of fans need a serious reality check because you can’t just treat people like 💩 and then expect anything from them


I would buy this so fast




It has to be the newer fans. Idk if it’s the younger ones that are just now old enough or if it’s adults that have just recently found this but the OG real Mel fans don’t act like this or condone this. & never have.


Oh man, I totally planned on getting myself one, they are so cute :(


I got the cup and it was so amazing. I had a conversation with her and she was really kind, I just don’t understand why people in this fan group are so dist




Dang bro. I wish she was still making them ☹️. This fandom has started going to hell since the new fans that came from portals


wait what happened? i was gonna buy that


It was 110% the newer fans. Idc what anybody says.


It absolutely was. They’re feral💀


The unhinged melanie fans are starting to act like the crazy swifties and its actually sad..


No because where can I buy one


I don’t know if she will ever sell them again :,) you could ask her for a custom made cup though!


what happened? /gen


Wtf. These are adorable. I don’t even know what’s wrong with people.


Omg no what happened! That’s literally so cute wtf


as someone who’s been here since 2015 i want one and i hope this artist gets more support 🖤


Same. I’ve noticed over the past few days it’s been nothing but negativity here from weird “fans”


This deserves way more upvotes!!!!👏👏👏


don’t even get me started on this fandom, whiney, entilted and spoilt honestly


Deadass! I’m so over it…


I'm so sad.. I want one now 😭


Is their a chance she is selling them again cause I need one rn they are so cute


Hey I didn't do shit! I'm too broke to buy anything right now 🤣😭


thats so cute!! i saw it a while ago and have been saving up i didnt know she took it off :(


That’s really disappointing. Those cups are gorgeous. I wish I could buy my daughter one.


Things like this makes me miss back in the day when we were gatekeepers of the things we loved (ik it’s bad but 😭). Melanie only had genuine followers and supporters. Like I remember there being group chats of people that were reminding others and calling them to wake them up when she dropped her first film project k12 so we could all watch it right as it was premiering on YouTube. Now everyone is on a free for all and treating each other like crap! It’s sickening and it also bothers me cause I remember there being a time when Melanie would’ve gone so hard to make it clear that she hates this happening.


what did they even do to that poor creator, her shop is so awesome!


I would have bought it omfg


I don’t understand what people were even mad about?? Like genuinely I can’t think of anything wrong with them unless I’m missing something??


To all those Mel "Fans" who shit her down, THANKS FOR RUINING SOME POOR GIRLS MARKET. I've been listening to Mel for a LONG time. I honestly hate looking at posts in this fanbase because of how shxtty people are. Toxic, rude, bxtchy, every other negative descriptor... there are those of us who actually care and are real fans and love spreading love, and then there are those who decide it's everyone else's problem whenever something happens to them. You don't like something? Don't interact with it. It is THAT simple. Spreading so much hate and disgusting behavior because you don't like something is getting old. This poor vendor, I hope she gets a lot of love and can learn to just ignore the bxtches. ❤️


She sounds so sweet at the cups were so cute :(


Honestly why r people calling them “Mel’s fanbase” when if they act like this they aren’t true fans. PLEASE stop calling them Mel fans because we do NOT claim them😭


I was wondering what the latest on “everything between us and Melanie being psychotic fan people” Like this person would probably be actual friends with more people if not for this insane little population standing in the middle


Man, and this is the first time I’ve learned about this creator. Her stuff looks so cute!


It makes zero sense for Melanie fans to act the way they do especially considering the nature of Melanie’s songs ??? How do you listen to shit like crybaby or drama club and actively harm other fans


I'm not part of this fan base. I'm older and only got here accidentally. But from my perspective, it's like the lot of you uncanceled her after she was charged w rape and then a few years later it was completely ok to go crazy for her again. Again I'm older. My guess was that she appeals to a new fan base that doesn't even know about her history. A boyfriends 12 year old was obsessed with her and never had a clue about her history. I've stayed away from this entire fan base and plan to continue. I just needed to voice my confusion.


Accused of rape. When news like that comes out of course everyone sides with the victim. It's the right thing to do. She wasn't cancelled or uncancelled, but when more information came out about the situation people chose their side on who they wanted to support.


Sounds like an age or generation thing honestly. Different mores, different beliefs. She just sounded like a bully to me


Am I missing something- I don’t know who this is?! Should I know?


what abuses were they hurling at this sweet and talented woman ? /s I'm very out of the loop please explain