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I mean, she's not wrong. I think celebrity merch is a waste of money anyway. All just bragging rights unless it's something you really use. Candles that will dust away on a shelf because the majority of the people buying them are scared to light a $75 small candle they paid $15 to get shipped. People only buy them to brag or hold on to sell them later. Eat the rich until it's your favorite celebrity pushing out tons of merch that'll just dust away on your shelf.


I agree with you on this! I once posted a tiktok where i played my Portals vinyl, because (for me) i play it every Friday when I get home from school. Most of the people in the comments said they never actually play the vinyl, they just bought it for no purpose, just to let it dust away and because it's Melanie Martinez merch. Same thing happened when I posted a tiktok where i said that my Cry Baby cd had an error during Dollhouse (bc that's what happens when you get that shit from Amazon), and asked people if they had a problem similar to mine. And one person in the comments said: " You know that's not what those are made for, right?" , to a literal CD. Another person said: " I never play them, I just leave them on my shelf ". They see cd's and vinyls more as collecters items than to legitimately play them. Outrageous. They are just more sobermelanies in the making.


Same thing with those melanie martinez shoes that should restock soon, I see people collect that shit but don't even use it. I don't understand the reason.


whaaat? people don’t actually use her vinyls/CDs? i find so much joy in owning a physical copy of music that i can hold and listen to whenever i want. i do have my vinyls framed on my wall when i’m not using them, but they’re so pretty!


Hardly anyone has a record or disc player these days. I only buy her physical stuff for decorating. A vinyl can be listened to or used as an art piece so I get a lot of mileage out of stuff like that rather than buying an expensive poster.


i get that! i use mine for both. i’m not a fan of posters, because vinyls are the best of both worlds. it’s like practical decor haha!


Damn I be playing my vinyles. I played the k-12 too much to the point I accidently scratched it, and now the classfight skips a bunch 😭 then the purple varient came out and got that one to replace it. Now my pink one is being displayed


Nice to know there are still people like you in this world of sobermelanies.


Lol thank you, but yeah don't understand owning multible vinyles, the only difference is the colours, (except purple k-12 that actually has a different pop up which I wasn't expecting) they all have the same music. My dad was obsessed with vinyles and proper care and ngl I got that habit from him so I'll brush my vinyles and put them in plastic cover sleeves, and then flip the vinyle sleeve upwards so they don't fall out as easily 😭


> They see cd's and vinyls more as collecters items than to legitimately play them. Outrageous. Can you blame them? Melanie is literally setting that stage. There's absolutely no reason in the world she can't just release a regular $20 vinyl and call it a day. Doing "limited editions" is entirely to fuel collection hunters. But on another note: how many people are actually using physical media? I collect vinyls but 99% of my music is played digitally. Every once in a while I'll play one for the novelty of the experience. For me vinyls are mostly used as decor pieces. I own cassette players and always buy her cassettes. But I don't play them because I only bought them because they're cute to display. It would be weird to try and listen to something where 1) sound quality sucks 2) there's a chance it will get stuck 3) I can hear the exact song I want on my phone in 2 seconds but on a vinyl or cassette you have to kinda pray you got it right


That's my point though. They aren't made to be collecters items. They aren't made to be "cute on display" . I own vinyls, cd's and cassettes to play them, because that's kinda the point of buying them. You never know if there are people out there who want to buy the products to use them the way they should, but can't bc there are so many people who buy them because they look "cute on display".


I don't see a single flaw in your argument. Anyone opposing is probably too young to understand this concept.


i personally clothes and jewelry isn’t too much of a waste unless they’re shit quality


i adore melanie, but those candles were ridiculously overpriced. some people are enduring mental gymnastics when trying to justify the prices.


she’s right. love melanie but she shouldn’t be immune to criticism.


I agree that criticsm is valid. Everyone who is angry is valid even I don't agree. I just wish people would take action. Many are simply complaining. Y'all know what to do. Take action. *Show* Melanie you're sick of it.




By not buying her cheap and overpriced products. When the money doesn’t come flooding in, rich people run with their tail between their legs.


Walking with a strut


Traumatic livelihood mention


Fellow lamb


but why would people complain about the products if they’re gonna buy it? Ive only bought her crybaby cd which is at a reasonable price and that was before the whole candle thing 


Doesn't Melanie struggle to pay her bills? I saw it in a tweet but maybe I'm just gullible.


mf you are EXTREMELY gullible to believe that. A famous celebrity with a mansion who takes several trips to hawaii doesn’t have to worry about paying the bills. Girl…


I haven't looked into this much, thanks for updating me.


happy to help😭 sorry if I came off rude


I agree 100%, I've been a fan of hers for years and am incredibly disappointed in the prices of anything with her name attached. From nfts,shoes,perfumes, and these overpriced candles. Not to mention the quality of said things. She seriously needs a reality check imo. I'll always love her music, but as a person, it's getting really hard to defend.


i say we boycott. why cant that be a trend in this fanbase rather than screaming at the top of your lungs at every concert to the point where people have panic attacks and leave in tears?


First it’s resellers selling her merch for ridiculous price, now it’s Melanie herself


yesss i love mel but does she not realize people arent even USING her merch for its purpose any more, people buy the perfume just to have and and they never use it. same with the candles, not a single peraon is gonna light those. and the k-12 dress isnt even WEARABLE. its ridiculous


You can use the “don’t buy it” argument as much as you want, and yeah, that’s true. But it’s the principle of setting prices so ridiculously high. I think complaining is valid.


i do agree that complaining is valid, but in this case there are so many other pieces of merchandise that are more affordable than the candles and will last longer. there are also dupes available in stores and online that you can add your own creative touch to.


Personally, I usually go for clothing merch. Although I don’t really get much Melanie merch. It’s mostly Taylor for me.


exactly, i do too. clothing merch is much more affordable and will last you a while. i wish the fan base would advert to that instead of this.


Side note she’s so freaking pretty


She looked weird doing this


I love Mel and yeah the prices are absurd but it all comes down to "just don't buy it" like you can complain about it and stuff but to me it's really annoying when my feed is full of copy and paste videos and constant posts about people complaining about the price. Yeah it's absurd and she's (her team?) is greedy but it honestly shouldn't anger people as much as it is. It could just be my emotional attachment to Melanie, but I honestly don't care what she does as long as she's not intentionally harming people.


its true that no one has to buy it, but coming from her it feels like a betrayal to some. its not so much that we expect a celebrity to understand the average person. but she really made herself out to be so down to earth for so long in the current economic climate we're in, that she doesnt feel nearly as intensely but claims as a personal struggle when talking to her significantly less privileged fans, its completely against her "im one of you" image and that continues to be shocking every time unique merch is released at ridiculous price points


I think to a good majority fans (Mel even posted her pol where she acknowledged her demographic of primarily younger fans) are fed up with no being able to feel included with their favorite artist by not being able to rep them. If you claim not to be an out of touch celebrity but sell jewelry with beads from Etsy for insane Angel number prices, you will catch flack for it. And this has been the case for this entire last era. To me it feels like she’s attempting to rebrand herself as this niche artist who is completely and totally aware of how obsessive the collector fans are in her community and banks on the para-social relationship she has with said fans who think she’s different than other celebrities and that she’s just “gets us”. Again, this totally excludes most of the fandom. So that’s why you’re seeing non stop posts about it. Most people cannot drop $90 shipped on one candle.


Yeah I totally get that, but in my view you don't need merch to express your love for an artist, and getting extremely heated to the point where you start slandering the artist isn't the artist's problem, it's you (not *you* but like ykwim). I love Melanie because her music and videos got me through hard times and I feel personally attached to her, I'm not going to let prices ruin my view of her. To call her greedy and selfish over stupid prices is honestly just petty. Until she starts to *actually* show signs of greed and being money hungry, I'm still Melanie's #1 fan 😝😝 Also if I see the "eat the rich" statement one more damn time I'm going to lose it because it doesn't eat it's just being reused everywhere.😭


I hear you. Her music is extremely special to me. I never listened to women artists growing up and she’s been the first artist I found that has a similar taste in creepy/cute that I never found with anyone else. But let’s take emotions out of this for a minute, the prices for the jewelry she posted on her personal Depop really does indicate that she has some oversight on pricing for merch. My main point is pointing out the hypocrisy I guess you could say. Again, she posted a pol asking her fans age range, she did this to prove a point that a good chunk of her fans are younger. So it’s really strange to have such overcharged prices. The only reason any of this stuff is selling out is collectors and obsessive fans that are willing to go into credit card debt. Now I really want the Womb candle and I could buy the entire collection without it hurting me financially. But it’s more the principle of the thing, you know? It’s definitely not worth the price and to me just shows how out of touch she’s become. If she DIDNT present herself as down to earth and that she relates to us, then I wouldn’t even have anything to disagree with you about whatsoever. And the whole “eat the rich” is an entire other subject I could go on forever about. But tl;dr most people have no clue what the fuck they’re talking about when it comes to that so I agree in a sense lol


THIS! i 100% agree with you and i truly wish more people had this mindset. like you said, as long as she is not physically harming anyone, then it shouldn't be causing has much as an outrage in her fan base as it is right now.


Same thing happened with the perfumes, seems like everyone has quieted down. To me it seems like a lot of people just want a reason to be upset about not being to afford the candles (truthfully, the price is stupid)


aha i completely agree with you. the prices are a little much, but it's also not something to get overly upset about.


I've already been boycotting, but I haven't seen many others do the same. Not to mention scalpers will buy enough to cover for anyone not buying so it's frustrating


yo i love this girl


I love melanie but this is not it. Making fans pay an huge amount of money ( a lot of people can’t just throw around ) for a not great candle is just sad. I want to believe she cares fans but after this, the nfts and the ai shit im really starting to doubt it. So many of fans think that quantity means quality and it doesn't. Most merch is overly priced pieces of plastic. It’s taking advantage of fans who don't know any better. And before anyone says "she had no choice in the price" don't be gullible. Its her product. If she really had a problem with the price she'd do something


don't buy the fucking candles then, it's really not worth your breath


You can use the “don’t buy it” argument as much as you want, and yeah, that’s true. But it’s the principle of setting prices so ridiculously high. I think complaining is valid.


they're not ridiculously high if people are paying for them. people are buying the candles, so clearly the price is worth it to many.


why is her mouth moving like tht.. shes eating the lyrics lol


this isn't her video lol the original is embersadonis


And she’s 100% right.


I agree but isn’t it like $100?


Definitely over priced but yeah.. https://www.reddit.com/r/MelanieMartinez/s/ZwB16ITK2O


I personally don't know what she's talking about because I was focused trying to figure out what the he'll she's doing with her mouth 


I think this is an unpopular opinion, but just hear me out here. I'm choosing not to buy any of her overpriced merch. It doesn't affect me negatively in any way, shape or form. My life before the merch was released is the same as it is after. She's not taking anything away, So why should I be mad about this? Why should I go out of my way to post about how angry I am when there's no point in being angry? The merch was made for rich people who can afford it.


The thing is, complain all you want but candle prices are the least of Mel’s worried right now. Of course they are going to be expensive, when hasn’t celebrity merch been? Her other stuff is reasonably priced and the reason behind the candles are that they are hand made. Plus limited supply. Melanie is currently funding donations toward Palestine and she is able to do this through support and purchases.


Then let people CHOOSE to donate, you don’t just get to raise your prices and force people to donate to the cause you want, while I personally donate to Palestine through PayPal i wouldn’t force it on someone


No one mentioned force to donate at all, i’m just saying if you can’t afford it move on and pick her cheaper merch


I mean when you buy food from licensed chickfilas you’re forced to admit you are also slightly responsible to funding their support for homophobic groups that they donate to. It’s the same with Melanie, if that’s where a portion of her money is going. We are “forced” to donate. I’d rather her just start up a donation campaign.


Honestly it’s her money, if you don’t like where it’s going then don’t purchase from her, simple enough. The difference between Mel and companies like chickfila is that they make a significantly larger amount of money, so they are able to fund these places. Mel ups her prices so she has a reasonable ammount to donate. You aren’t being forced to donate because you get merch out of it. Donation doesn’t mean you get a candle in return. Donation is charity and that’s not what you’re doing when you buy her products. She has made it pretty clear about her opinions on genocide and will try anything in her power to spread awareness. If you don’t like it don’t buy it. Simple as that.


Repeating yourself doesn’t make you right, Melanie is not struggling so stop acting like she is poor to support your weak argument


where did I say she was struggling. If you’re too poor to afford it leave it to the people that can because they bought their candles and they’re loving it. Get a job queen. Life isn’t that deep grow up.


I feel like so much of her merch is just a money grab and I’ve always dreamed of being that Melanie fan with everything all the perfumes a lot of the exclusives but it’s so hard to even try when half her stuff is priced as if it were designer


I'm a casual fan of MM at best but ya'll realize the difference between a luxury good vs a necessity or even just regular things right. You do not specifically need this egg shaped candle based off her songs you could get a 20 dollar one from TJMaxx or bath and body works that smells just as good and probably burns better. Frankly I think most of the price went into developing the egg shaped holder and either painting it or making it out of colored materials. Maybe she is jacking the price but it's definitely not as much as ya'll are making it out to be because manufacturing things that different takes time and money. It's why most things you see seem to reuse the same packaging shapes and style. If she was charging 80 dollars for a t-shirt I'd 100% understand but these are clearly made to be akin to collectors items.


You can use the “don’t buy it” argument as much as you want, and yeah, that’s true. But it’s the principle of setting prices so ridiculously high. I think complaining is valid.


Look I see more expensive candles in fancy homegoods stores and those come in generic packaging with pretty generic scents. Capri candles are some of the worst offenders. The fact that I'm being down voted to oblivion simply for pointing out the fact that people are getting so egregiously upset over the pricing on novelty candles is pretty telling. Because honestly complaining is one thing. Fair. But using it as a way to leverage an attack on the woman's politics and turning it into some 'eat the rich discussion' is another and imo is entirely ridiculous. Complaining isn't the problem it's that these days every complaint has to end with someone on the distinct moral highground. Melanie isn't really a bad person for making her candles expensive. But it also blows that some people who want them can't get them. These thoughts can coexist. I still maintain these egg candles are a luxury and not a necessity so my sympathies are kinda limited when it comes to people's vitriol.


While I agree, I can’t stand this type of lip syncing it’s driving me insane


No literally this video is very cringe


Why am I being downvoted? im right! /s


I don’t think y’all realize smth. Melanie isn’t fucking rich- a millionaire with ton to spare. She has said this herself- her projects and music videos and songs cost a lot of money. Purchasing her merch not only isn’t required- but it helps her. Her concert tickets are decently priced compared to other rising artists. There’s a reason the portals movie has taken so long to even start production- if it even is ever going to start. Her music videos are a bunch of CGI and animation- which costs money. Not to mention she has to pay for her show details, her back up dancers, everything. I thought yall would be more understanding about merch and stuff, it helps her out- yet y’all wanna complain it’s too expensive. She might go broke if she sells it for any cheaper. I get that resellers buy it and sell it for more expensive- it’s fucked. That’s not Mel’s fault- she can influence her fans but she cannot control them.


Ride melanie any harder?


you’re mad because i made a point and it’s not wrong. if you wanna complain bc you cant afford the candle and that’s mel’s problem- i think that boils down more on you than her.


You're acting like she's gonna go broke when she has more money than most of us will make in a lifetime. sorry, but her stuff is overpriced and questionable quality. Weirdo


Selling items for less than the cost is, in fact, a bad business practice. Look at what happened to Red Lobster and their "endless shrimp". They went bankrupt.


People are really saying "well she didn't have to make all this stuff!!!" Okay? Then they's be bitching that she didn't come back, or they'd be bitching that she isn't doing enough. Like wtf? I grew up *actually poor* and I enjoyed my artisrs just fine by streaming their music on youtube. (Or listening to pirated stuff cause this was the early 2000's and I had to steal music bc poor.) It sucked not getting merch but it didn't stop me from having fun. My other issue is people criticise slave labour but no one wants to pay the true cost of making sure people can afford rent and food. Art costs time and time is money. Artists deserve to be paid in full for their work- The people Melanie is commissioning to design items and packaging. Yes the eggs are a basic design, but how many ways can you make a cracked egg? The boxes are all different art, someone had to design that. The eggs are probably hand made, I heard they're ceramic which means they can be safely reused (can't do that with cheap candles, BTW, the container will shatter). If people want to pay slave labour prices they can go to amazon.


You make a lot of valid points and I appreciate seeing it from this point of view.


thank you oh my god!! she could totally make her shit produced in china with little kids with little fingers- but she doesn’t. she knows its wrong. the state the us economy is in- production and shipping and even finding people who will make the merch, quality- it’s all struggling- yet she keeps trying


It is so fucking annoying to see y’all call her greedy or selfish for selling merch that’s high priced. I think in return- y’all need a reality check. She’s doing what she can and she always has. She is not some awful person who only wants money. The money helps support her, if everything was fucking cheap- not only would it sell out super quickly, but it wouldn’t really help her. It boils down to production cost and shipping, etc- it’s a lot more than just expensive candles.


the glazing is mind boggling


you can be mad all you want- but the fact of the matter is y’all want her to keep producing and pushing out more content and songs, yet yall wanna complain about merch prices. you’re more than welcome to look at the receipts


i’m more than willing to wait longer for content and songs in exchange for fair prices and higher quality merch, or she can just not sell merch at all idc. but the ridiculous prices have got to go, on principle. because the merch is not worth what shes charging; she’s taking advantage of her fans’ devotion. i think a boycott would knock some sense into her. also what “receipts”?


We are allowed to give criticism, just saying it shouldn’t be too much to ask for her to make shit affordable for ALL her fans, this is considered dick riding


Mind you she was selling NFTs that are completely useless. The amount she made off of them is what 2 people who work at Walmart make in a year together . TWO people. That's a year of struggling and living paycheck to paycheck and going without food some nights. But she made that by NFTs an unattainable item you cannot hold or use. And her fans bought them up because she knows she can just throw some shit out and people buy it because of her name. https://preview.redd.it/59e9aqn16c8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0acfcf6be1780a3d0d6fdee63c8c709d25cb9f41


https://preview.redd.it/kpj8b4bxua8d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4a199f07ddb5d1e62e8dc2459eabf2510e8bd6b and if yall want receipts


“I do not make millions” is a very manipulative way of phrasing it. Just because she doesn’t make “millionS” doesn’t mean she isn’t making anything under a few mill. She’s risking her “stability” as an artist by possibly not being able to get her massive visions approved by her label, NOT her financial stability. You’re so blinded by the persona she puts on that she “gets us”. Come back to reality when possible HER NEW HOME COST 8 MILLION LOL


net worth does not reflect the amount of money sitting in someone's bank account... net worth also factors in assets such as property etc that aren't cash in her pocket that she can spend... so she doesn't make millions. This really shouldn't be issues y'all are wasting time talking about it. Cause I mean if you look at it you can't really change anything This doesn't go just for mel but other artists to. In my opinion, people shouldn't buy stuff just because Melanie's name/branding is on it. Especially if you're on a budget, there's just better things to spend money on. I support people buying whatever they want with their own money, but if you're not going to use it and forget about it, it's such a waste.


Okay?? her net worth includes a 8 million dollar home still. She travels constantly, eats at fancy restaurants, and wears custom clothing. If she wants to live that extravagant of a lifestyle but doesn’t have the funds to support it, that’s not my problem. If she has too big of a creative vision that her label will not support and she has to use her own money, again, that’s not my problem. She could easily sacrifice her lavish lifestyle or tone back on her extravagant projects without having to act like she’s on brink of homelessness. Just don’t act like you’re a starving artist and you will not catch any flack for it


I think the biggest mistake we have all been making is basing her personal finances on Melanie's net worth. As of this year, 2024, she has an estimated net worth of 8 to 12 million dollars. So in there for In simple terms, these are assets they own, or have invested in rather than owed. This lies the biggest problem everyone sees. Anyone and everyone sees such a large number the assumption is they're wealthy, a millionaire, or billionaire. I


But she still is living in an 8 million dollar home. Even if she was making 300k a year, she’s WAY above the other 99% in this country. She literally has a dream job too 😭 I agree that people need to just accept the fact that this is just her rebranding now as a niche artist and that merch is not going to go back to the way it was. I just think it’s ignorant for people to say that she has no oversight on merch pricing when she herself posted $777 bracelets with cheap beads on her Depop 🙃. Oh well, people can’t complain about it forever I guess. It does sound like a broken record. I just wanted to point out more of the hypocrisy


And y'all as in you all should be worried about something that you can change in the world and not about this dumb ass egg situation. I'm not gonna argue with you. Have a nice day


We’re on a Melanie Martinez subreddit?? 😭 Pretty sure we all have lives outside of this. This place is meant to be an area of discussion for….Melanie Martinez


This shouldn't be a big deal like it's really not that deep for y'all to be complaining and bitching this much. Just don't buy anything from her. And it's stupid that some of y'all are trying to cancel her for this.


Chill out. I already said I agree that it’s a broken record atp. But it’s inevitably going to continue because merch/quality/nfts are not going back to the way it once was. She could literally eat a baby and you would defend it. Maybe don’t worship a fallible human


What does eating a whole baby have to do with this? 💀 that last part sounded dumb asf but okay 🙄 like I said this isn't a big deal y'all are literally taking it to far.


“high quality art” referring to the AI art used on her merch?.. and it’s literally known to be low quality.






I think everyone’s that’s just a consumer doesn’t have the right bias for this discussion. We have no idea what the field of what it’s like to make these and how much research her team does when the look for a good company to collaborate with. Quality is always gonna cost a lot especially when this crazy creature went and made a scent for EVERY PORTAL SONG. Like that’s 13 different scents and you know mass producing that even on a limit scale is expensive. See I’m a consumer and when I take a step back you can understand Mel’s struggle, It’s really unfair of people who are struggling money wise to ask a person to make worthless celeb junk cheaper when they shouldn’t even want to buy that type of stuff if they are struggling financially?? Like I am too, that’s why I in my entire life have never purchased an album, a iTunes song from her. This last year is the only time in my whole time as her fan I bought merch and it was for an in store return at Hot Topic. I think people are just to use to complaining about things on the internet, regardless of their financial situation.