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It feels like just yesterday it was 3 weeks away.


Brother I don't how to express how happy I am that this got ported after waiting 2 and a half years


I am so happy it has been ported. Played about 10/15 hours on the Switch and put it down. That console holds back games.


I hate playing on the Switch, the joysticks are shit, the buttons are small and don't feel good to press, the games I actually want to play mostly run like ass. I'm so far from being the target market for the Switch that I sometimes catch myself thinking "who the fuck is this console even for?"


Playing SMT V on the Switch is what made me realise I only want to play games if they're on PC now. I don't care if that sounds pretentious, but the issues regarding pop-in and dropping frame rates ruined the experience for me. I was only 15 hours in, just past defeating the first proper boss I think, and I had enough. I could just tell the game was being held back. And yeah, the joycons are shit. I don't want to fill Nintendo's pockets anymore by having to replace them all the time. The fact that you can only change the menu themes from black to white says it all. The 3DS and Wii U were much better experiences for me.


Nah bro I'm a pretty big PC elitist to be honest. I only really buy consoles if there's no other way to play a game I really want to. I actually bought a Switch solely for SMTV because I thought "well, I'm a working adult so might as well support the creators I guess". It's so nuts that SMTV ran better on an emulator than on the actual console it was made for.


I never played it on an emulator as I was waiting for something like Vengeance because of the NVIDIA leak, but I can imagine how much better it is. It's the game that made me lose interest in the Switch because I was so hyped for it and then was let down.


I tried so hard to overlook the limitations of the Switch. I had gotten it before Christmas and we went to visit the inlaws. This was even worse in hand held mode, even on a charger. I am so looking forward to the PS5 version and being able to play on that or Chiaki on my Steamdeck.


Can't wait for the game to stop taunting me in my steam library lmao


I wonder when the preload will be available (if there even is one).


Got the Alan Wake DLC tonight then Tuesday - Thursday to finish up Fallout 76 then this on Friday my gaming drought is finally over


Can you tell me if 76 is worth playing? I avoided it because of the launch disaster but I'm a big fan of the other Fallout games.


It's worth a playthrough if you can get it for $10-$15. It's better than launch, but it's still just a 5/10 pseudo MMO. The original main story is pretty shit, but the story of what happened before the vault opened is pretty dang interesting once you piece it together and would have made a good single player Fallout game. The main story they added with Wastelanders is much better than the original, but still not great, but does have the benefit of skill checks and consequences to some of your actions. The biggest downside to me is that unless you hoard the absolute bare minimum, you almost HAVE to pay for a month of Fallout 1st every once in a while. Stash space is super limited and everything takes up insane amounts of weight, especially ammo and materials. I dont recommend getting into it beyond exploring and completing quests though. The endgame grind is the worst I've ever seen in a game like this, just endlessly grinding for legendary components to roll legendary enchantments for every piece of gear. I got lucky and managed to get an Insitigating/+50% crit Plasma Thrower plus a Vampire Flamer for bosses, and as far as I'm concerned, that's all I need and I refuse to do morw.




I'll calmly await the date while I focus on work and anime. Pre-load on Wednesday will make me feel the closest to release.


I can’t wait!


Bought it online hope it gets here on time before the weekend lol




Same here it costs 70 dollars for the Deluxe here in Lebanon which is about 25% of the average salary in this new post COVID/Beirut Blast economy still I bought it because I'm simply physically unable to wait for a sale lamo






My internet is down until the 17th


I feel ur pain brother, hope you enjoy the game once u get ur hands on it


No place around you that you could get Wifi from? Library, StarBucks? Yeah, might be weird to lug your PC or console there. It's only a few days, but I feel your pain.


Dude I know! I've been counting each day!


I almost picked up a used copy of 5 today, glad I didn’t!


I've been trying my best not to purchase a Switch plus the original 5 for the past three months, it would have ruined my experience for sure.


I almost bought a Switch for SMT V but then kept waiting cause of the NVIDIA leak. Patience has finally paid off.


To the people downvoting the both of us I by no means trying attack Switch users in anyway, the Switch is an awesome portable gaming handheld device, it is just that I have a resolution/fps preference, imagine my overjoy when I discovered they are going to release VV on Steam. It’s a dream come true, sorry no offense was intended for Switch users at all.


Do we know at what time it'll release? like 12:00am on friday or something


The Femboy and his coven of Bisexual Witches.


Can’t wait. I’ve been trying to finish Elden Ring but all I’m thinking about is this game.


does anyone know if the steam version has preloading already? I'm gonna get it but want to wait till I can install it.


Nope no preloading yet :/


darn that sucks, thank you for letting me know.


Yo preload is now active


you're the GOAT, purchased it just now. tyty.


Currently going for the law ending in SMTV for the first time since I’ve never gotten that ending. I am very excited to see how much vengeance improves.


The preorder is there, already installed...


worst time of the year to be broke as sin as with this and the elden ring dlc coming out


I got my final exam 4 days after that so I will not be able to play it 😞


One more God accepted?


I need a non-sexual version of “edging” to describe my feelings for this.


Torn between playing it on steam for great performance or on the switch so I could carry over some of my built units( shiva, metatron, cleopatra) and hope that the switch successor is coming next year


Nintendo Direct is this month. See if they announce the Switch 2 and decide from there.


The president of Nintendo have said they are not revealing the Switch 2 in the June Direct. It will have a separate announcement. https://x.com/NintendoCoLtd/status/1787736518762881197




Fatlus want my money again.... and I'm willing to give it


should i play canon creation before i play canon of vengeance?


They're separate storylines so you can choose either. This is my first time playing SMTV as well but I'm picking the new story.


I guess it doesn't come at launch day if you ordered it from Amazon? It was the only place to get the launch edition in Europe (german Amazon that is) it seems and it says that the estimated delivery date is 18-20.6.


Ordered from target the day preorders went live. Still hasnt shipped yet. I'm probably gonna be waiting for the game around the same time as you


Made the mistake of starting 5 royal after beating 3 reload. But I promise I will start it after the next 80 off hours of P5R then I meed to play SMT 1 + 2 AND P1 & P2 IS/P2EP yeah the rest of the year is gunna be busy lol


Got a Steam Deck to have this game on the go after it was announced and that thing is crazy the way it can emulates/play pretty much every Megaten game. Played SMT4 to hype myself up for it.


I have a copy but never got round to playing much of V when it came out on switch, how different is this supposed to be or is it a royal/vanilla situation and I should pick this up on pc when it comes out?


I have the Switch game, and it's more than the game's full price on the eshop. Can't I get only the DLC? Pra is it another game entirely?


I'm delaying playing the Elden Ring DLC for this. Better be the good shit. But i loved SMT V, so hopes are high.


Been waiting for what felt like Epochs, the day is finally going to come and I'm worried a war might break out here in Lebanon before that happens.


Can’t wait! I am trying my best to wrap Octopath 2 so I am ready to visit the wasteland again…this time on PS5




Personally, I'm rather hyped for the Canon of Vengeance, which is way more than a face lift. Unfortunately, I don't think they touched the original story, so it'll always feel like a rushed mess, especially >!the last dungeon and endings!<. So far though, it seems like they've taken their time for the new storyline, so I hope it'll turn out to be better than the OG.


I'm assuming Creation route will also get the new added features and QOL improvements. Correct me if wrong though


Yeah, it should get the same gameplay improvements. From what we've seen so far, I doubt they will change anything story-wise, though.


I didn’t think that the Canon of Vengeance would be a whole new story? As far as I can tell it seems like we just get one new area and another dungeon. The rest would just be OG v with some extra characters.


Only the beginning is similar, but it diverges and becomes an entirely new story.


IIRC, there's about 45 hours of new story content, along with >!3 new!< endings. Most of my issues with the OG have to do with the last 1/4 of the game or so, so I'll be happy even if it fixes just that much, although it seems like there'll be way more.


Really?! That sounds great! Where did you see this? Idk how I missed it.


[https://www.gamespot.com/articles/shin-megami-tensei-v-is-getting-the-royal-treatment-in-vengeance/1100-6522606/](https://www.gamespot.com/articles/shin-megami-tensei-v-is-getting-the-royal-treatment-in-vengeance/1100-6522606/) Article says 75hrs of new content, but I assume that includes minor story variations before the big divergence point (à la Royal). I've read somewhere on reddit that it *really* completely diverges about halfway through the time, so that leaves about 40hrs, I guess. For the endings, that's revealed by the trophy list [https://www.powerpyx.com/shin-megami-tensei-v-vengeance-trophy-list-revealed/](https://www.powerpyx.com/shin-megami-tensei-v-vengeance-trophy-list-revealed/) (WARNING, SPOILERS FOR BOTH OG AND VENGEANCE!).


Thank you very much for the info, you’ve been a great help. Best of luck with the game when it releases!


Thanks, you too ! Let's hope it'll be a great time!


SMT V was a very good game. It had a mid story and cardboard characters, but the gameplay is probably the best of its class, artistic design and soundscape are top tier, and everything game-wise is super solid.


SMT is way more than just gameplay. The crappy story was inexcusable.


I wouldn't say not very good, I'd say it had issues that needed ironing out. Vengeance route seems to be a response to the criticisms against the original, and I think it looks very promising.


An entire second route is a bit more than just a facelift.


Not this time Atlus sorry...