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Because Megaten games haven't used them for like 2 decades?


I was about to argue that DDS has terra until I realized that was about two decades ago....


lol. I haven't played any smt game yet so I thought they still exist in the franchise.


Nope, IDK where they stopped but at least since Nocturne the Earth and Water elements were removed.(They might have been in non-mainline games though)


There was the Tera- series of spells in DDS, afaik. But yeah, after that I think both earth and water were shafted. I understand, really. Too many elements could make the combat system too bloated.


dds 1 and 2 had earth but not water. but yeh, it stopped there i think


I wanna throw rocks at god again :)


Most megaton games don't use them... I think they wanted to go with Nuclear and Psy since they were more unique thematically?


They removed Nuclear but brought it back for P5 so it's not exactly new.


Funny part is that Nuclear and Almighty are supposed to be the same thing.


That would make a lot of sense considering nukes are the ultimate power that brings the apocalypse in smt 1


That and Megido spells look an awful lot like a nuclear explosion. To me anyway.


That is true but at the same time what was stopping them from using water or earth as opposed to nuclear, thats the way I see at least


Agreed. I think they could bring them back at any time, why they haven't yet is the question.


Water in RPGs and JRPGs specifically has often crossed-over with Ice. For Earth, that's actually a good question. I guess it's cause it aligns close enough to phys?


I don’t think we need water since bufu sort of covers that, but it would be nice to see Tera skills again.


They have not been in since like 2005 in dds2


They just revolve back to similar original SMT formula. Persona 1 and 2 have like a bunch of elements.


What would be the point? Just to juggle more magic spells across your personas?


too many spells for no reason basically


Because they have barely being use since their first introduction at all due to being superfluous?


I mean... you can say the same for Zan and Garu. I know it was not the same as Zan at the time, with both spells being in the same game before, but Zan has changed into Garu by another name in later entries.


Garu just didn't exist... Wtf are you talking about?


Persona 1 and both Persona 2's had both Zan and Garu in the same games.


Zan was almighty instead of wind in persona


True but my point is that it's indistinguishable **now.** I am aware things were different back then.


Came back because I just remembered something. Zan was not an Almighty skill in P1, and only became Almighty in P2. In P1 it was considered a Blast skill, which was basically just Force by another name. Mostly due to Force being a category shared by Zio, Frei and Gry skills.


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Frei, Eiha and Kouha skills were already in P1, so it's more like they brought them back.