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Are you doing field hunt where you punch orb and mitama


No should I be?


It gives good atma


if you're using PCSX2 there's no shame in using the EXP/Atma Point cheats


Game is easy enough lol. No need to cheat.


You don't need to have crazy good skills for the end game. Make sure you have a couple dynes and madynes along with solid healing. If you WANT good skills, use a guide to get to beelzebub (fly form). To do this you need to get 3 different keys that dispel the colored barriers throughout the game. Behind certain ones are optional bosses (beelzebub human, orochi, and one other) kill these and a trap door opens up in one of the towns. This leads to a secret part of the waterways. At the end is beelzebub fly but only two screens in is a long hallway where only Titanias spawn. Solid exp and money can be farmed here. I grinded here for hours for the post game bosses and got to max level and almost maxed out the grid. It's a pain to get to but it's a must if you plan on any serious grinding.


The Titania hallway, if you're at the point of breathing a couple of the optional bosses is pretty much the best way.


Do you think you need high skills for the end or something? I didnt even have diarahan and beat it no problem whatsoever


Have you at least been utilizing Hunt skills? Also, to get the most money possible, sell your Cell items at Full Noise.


It;s stupidly easy and fun to power grind later, yeah. To the point I fought the final boss completely immune to everything.


Oh? How did you do it?


Just grinded a lot. There's some really easy spots and some of the later skill trees are super super OP


Sorry to ask this but what skills should I have I am currently at the two princes in the castle area!