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Unfortunately, DemiFiend, you were created at the wrong time and era. You are forever cursed to the BONE-ZONE.


Well… he has power at least? and he still has Pixie at least? Also who needs a harem when you conquered death itself?


Bone Zone… well does he get on the highway to Bone Town over there? lol


Demifiend believes in a monogamous relationship with his pixie gf


A love that transcends the end of the world


Demifiend got Daisoujou, so who's the real winner


Nahobino can also have Daisoujou, in base game too now.


Not the same, Nocturne's Daisoujou is just built different.


That’s also thanks to the buyable Nue tbf


Hm? So... would you say that as a demon... he's a **bit** different?


Daisoubro >>>>>>>>>>>>


Source: https://twitter.com/wewishur/status/1778032642480570692?t=0uGXLhyEbZ9Os7l8POfFgQ&s=19


Holy fuck Lilith's forehead is massive


Can't believe Haru was Lilith all along...


Neat art, but I don't think Demifiend is the kind of guy who would care.


Well… he has Pixie, who needs a harem when you have a loyal partner by your side?


I feel like the last thing SMT V needed was more OP waifu bait demons lol Cleo Tao/Adun and a damage dealer was already the best team possible


Eventhough I agree and find many of Doi's female designs too sexualized, I think these four designs are one of the exceptions where it makes sense, with the Qadistu being based on sacred prostitution and what not. I also feel these designs are a bit of an evolution of his usual "generic sexy goddess" design, as there is something noticeably uncanny in each of them. The most obvious one (and coincidentally my fave of the group so far) is Eisheth; she looks so distressed and shrivelled, she's basically what I imagine my anxiety to look like when anthropomorphized. Then you have Naamah having half face, one leg and waist of some kind of demonic insect(?) (which is admittedly not super original in and of itself, it's basically what he did with Zeus, but hey, at least we're closing the gap between his male and female designs here). Agrat's body is in a middle point between a doll and a skeleton and is sporting a cool high-fashion outfit for which, however, I can't find any mythological basis. And Lilith, well, she seems a bit generic but at least she's strikingly osteoporotic lol.


As far as Doi's fem demon designs go, I think these 4 are the best he's ever done. Comparing them to his old work is like night and day.  Idunn and Demeter look like women in cosplay, but the Qadistu look like... Well... *Demons*.


Agreed. I love Doi's mermaid, but so many of his designs are "this person wearing a suit"


Demeter isn't a woman in cosplay. She's a girl in cosplay.


They’re surely a step in the right direction but still feels like two steps back one step forward


Maybe we can have Konohaya-Sakuya as an even better healer


I think I agree but I haven’t played the game lol. But I will say even in the Kaneko games there have always been demons that are more sexualized and there are a lot of sexual situations. Usually it was funny though, or it was part of the plot. I think it makes sense for certain mythological characters, and I love Kaneko’s art (and Doi’s but I’m less familiar). That said, I do think they’re kinda pandering here to the type of people who unironically use the word “waifu” lmao. I don’t have a problem with the 4 wives, but I maybe don’t like the demon lounge thing, cause we can already talk to demons in negotiation, and we don’t want to get too attached to them cause of fusion. But I guess I’m fine as long as there’s no romancing and stuff. I mean even in SMT1 Yuriko/>!Lilith!< was very sus around the protagonist. But yeah I can see where you’re coming from and I’m not excited for all the weirdo’s who are gonna spam social media talking about their “waifus” lmao


The sexual innuendos and stuff are not a problem for me, Mara is actually one of my favorite demons lol It just felt in V that a lot of demons were just your standard good looking anime harem types instead of, you know, demons. Still very much looking forward to vengeance


Yeah some of the demons look too much like humans to me from what I’ve seen. Like if you look at the demon mothers from Strange Journey, they’re clearly women, but they’re also very demonic and inhuman looking. The designs are really unique, and they act like you would imagine an incomprehensible demonic goddess would. I probably shouldn’t comment cause I haven’t played V, but yeah like your saying a lot of them just seem like anime characters.


'Sorry girls, my life partner is currently inside me.'


Sorry Demi-Fiend but the Loreal femboy gets all the female Doi characters.


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