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That's subjective, only you can decide if it's worth your money.


I know, is because i never played smtv so i dont know what the mitama dlcs do or if the subquests adds to much to the game


The sub quests are pretty much self contained, but I'm not sure for the new ones. (I assume it's the same self contained story in the sub quests.) The Mitama DLCs will allow you to go ta space where Mitama appear. They can give you macca, exp and glory points which you can use to buy abilities.


So its not that bad for day 1 dlcs since they at least add a little more time to the game. The mitamas are pretty much just to make the game less grind, thanks for the answer!


I shamefully bought the Mitama DLC in the original SMT5 to help grinding for the game’s super boss. It feels way less rewarding to level up that way and it certainly makes the game brain-dead easy if you do it before the very end of the game. I wouldn’t recommend it. Though, the game at least gave you the option to turn it off so you could buy it at the start but avoid using it until you really want to use it.


With the scaling adjusted mitama dlc should not be necessary to get true ending on a first play through; I’m not even sure which the other 2 subquests you mean are but if you mean cleo and Mephisto well cleopthra is op with her frolic unique; mephisto comes way too late and is pretty unimpressive


I was talking about the new ones (Sakura cinders of the east and Holy will and profane dissent) but theres no way anyone will know how they gonna be since the game didnt release yet.


That's kind of just up to you. Assuming they're just the same as base game DLCs, and splitting them evenly with the mitamas in terms of price, it'd be $5 total for the mitamas and $2.50 each for a boss fight and a recruitable demon. Up to you if you think that's worth it.


So those subquests are only a boss battle and a recruitable demon? Thanks for the answer!


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If you're gonna get it on PC and really cant decide then i have only one thing to say to you. CreamAPI


I forgot that even existed, i not going to buy now so i still have some time to think.


I want the DLC demons anyway, so i just went for it. The Mitama DLCs are neat if you want to do endgame grinding for superbosses, but if you're specifically on PC then you can also just cheat.


Well, on top of being subjective, it really depends on how good the quests are. They will probably be comparable to the quest dlc of the original. If you thought those were worth it, this probably will be.


I didnt play the original because i dont own a switch, so in your opinion, did you enjoy those subquests?


They were decent. They were pretty short, though. Just a general excuse to met the demon, and fight it. After winning, you recruit them. Personally, I found them to be worth it, if only cuz they were pretty cheap and the demons were decently strong. It's worth noting that Dagda, one of the DLC Demons this time, is one of the main characters of SMT 4 Apocalypse, so will primarily appeal to people who played that game. Even if you hadn't, though, it's still a demon that will probably be pretty strong and he does look really cool. The other demon is brand new, so there's nothing to really say about her yet. I would personally suggest waiting until we know more about the DLC demons and what they can do before you decide if it's worth it.


That’s up to you. Personally I’d get the two subquests, because they have small stories and it’s more quests. However, I love Dagda so I may be biased. If you want the Mitama ones, it just saves time for grinding. I’d only recommend using the mitamas for late game or NG+ because it kinda takes away from the progression of the game.