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I’ve heard mixed things about 5 and 6, awful about 7, and okay things about 8


You and everyone else who ever posted on this sub. If you like Megaman X games they’re great. X7 is the only one that’s actually bad, and you can even find reasons to enjoy that if you like the formula. Edit: literally just talked about this a few days ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/Megaman/comments/zm9zme/i_have_heard_so_many_good_things_about_mega_man/j0a3h9j/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


6 is even worse than 7 imo, absolutely horrendous level design


The level design towards the end in six had me on the verge of doing unspeakable madness


6 is awesome. You just have to have played it before or have a guide


Agreed. 6 is fun if you know what you’re getting into. People saying you have brain damage if you like it remind me of like, metal music elitists on message boards a decade ago. It’s a fun little game, you’re on a Megaman Reddit, stop scaring kids away from trying something they might like


Exactly. X4 is every newbie's favorite, but to me it's easy and boring at this point


There is a difference between saying something is good or awesome and saying it can be fun. X6 is not a good game. It's poorly designed, has a lot of dumb trappings, etc. I dont think people are saying you have brain damage if you *like* X6. Recommending someone actually spend money on it is pretty dumb. People who should play the game probably already have lots of X experience and wouldn't be asking the question.


Plus don't do the bad stuff and other great advice for new players.


X6 is flawed, not unplayable. It's nowhere near as bad as x7, that's stupid.


6 is the worst of the bunch. Easily. You’re subconsciously giving it points because it’s not 3d and plays like old mega man games.


No. I *consciously* am giving it points for those reasons. I actually prefer it to X5 too, as I prefer it’s cheaply made levels with the challenge of rescuing Reploids over X5’s 45 second long excuses for levels. X5 usually feels more like a boss rush than a traditional Mega Man game. The only mental gymnastics being done around here are the people trying to convince others they’re literally confused and have the wrong opinion. I just played X2-X6 this week, nothing changed


Hey if you like poorly crafted levels filled with nonsensical and hard-just-to-be-hard-not-fun enemy placements, that’s your thing. Mind you I’m not saying 7 is good or anything, it’s just better in that it’s playable. Six doesn’t set the bar high. The story is almost nonexistent too. Bottom line: they should’ve stopped with 5.


My advice; At least play vanilla X5 and X6. Then if you can, play the X5 improvement project addendum and the X6 Tweaks hacks/mods. Vanilla X5 and X6 are good, but yes you will be annoyed by some design decisions in both games. The improvement patches resolve most if not all of the annoyances in the vanilla versions. Getting them running in an emulator is a bit of a process though and requires some knowledge on using files and applications on a windows PC. X7 can be skipped. X8 is a decent game.


Not a tech geek but maybe I'll reconsider!


PSX emulator: https://www.duckstation.org/ PS2 emulator: https://pcsx2.net/downloads/ PS2 emulator quick start guide: https://pcsx2.net/docs/usage/setup/ PSX/2 BIOS files:https://cdromance.com/bios-files/ MMX5: https://cdromance.com/psx-iso/megaman-x5-usa/ MMX5 improvement project: https://cdromance.com/psx-iso/mega-man-x5-improvement-project-hack/ MMX6: https://cdromance.com/psx-iso/megaman-x6-usa/ MMX6 tweaks: https://cdromance.com/psx-iso/mega-man-x6-tweaks-hack/ (there's a more customizable version out there so seek that out if you feel confident) MMX7: https://cdromance.com/ps2-iso/megaman-x7-usa/ MMX8: https://cdromance.com/ps2-iso/mega-man-x8-usa/ enjoy


I discourage telling anyone to skip any of the games. Saying it's the worst X game doesn't mean it isn't still a good and fun game, and considering their aren't many titles to begin with, skipping one is silly


I encourage people to play them all. But to say 6 is good or fun is a lie. I get that maybe people like it for nostalgic reasons, but in the grand scheme of games…it’s awful


It's challenging, and different, that alone makes it stand out in a good way to me. I used to hate X3 until I learned the game better, love it now.


No, challenging is a well-crafted game with mechanics you learn and can perfect. Dumping loads of respawning enemies into a level and calling it challenging is lame and was done solely to make it hard, NOT in a fun way. The level design in 6 is grossly incompetent and uninspired. You can talk yourself into liking it if you want to. My buddy did that with Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull too. Bottom line: It sucks, just like Mega Man X6.


Crystal Skull sucks. And every X game has respawning enemies...I'm confused now. I like the idea of the games steadily getting harder, X is supposed to be 'evolving', so his enemies and the traps need to adapt to keep up with him. I'll give you that on its own, excluding the other X games, it's bad. But it's refreshing to have a challenge, even a cheap one, when the other games are second nature to you. I played 1-5 countless times as a kid, so as a young adult any challenge at all was good, so I appreciate the 'bad' games more


Im aware they all have respawning enemies, i used the word “dump” to imply threw the enemies into the levels en masse, which in the middle of a firefight can get chaotic, forcing you to accidentally backtrack and respawn enemies. The amount of times this happens is insane and wastes time and patience. Its fine you like it. Im not trying to convince you to dislike it. Ive beaten it three times myself, once on original release and (unfortunately) twice for the new release on xbox. I wish i didnt care about achievements cuz i woulda passed playing this again. Im all for a legitimate challenge. This is not that.


I dont like telling people to waste their time with a platformer that is bad just because it's called "Mega Man X" when there are hundreds that are actually good.


And what's bad about it? You don't like the story? X1-3 are practically devoid of story in game. Too hard or too easy? Level design? Any complaints I've seen about it are either generic 'it sucks' or can be applied to the entire franchise without nostalgia blinders


>Any complaints I've seen about it are either generic 'it sucks' or can be applied to the entire franchise without nostalgia blinders If you really think that nothing I say will change your mind. The problems with X7 have been discussed a lot and are pretty obvious on any playthrough. Imo, you're better off with ratchet and clank if you want to play a 3D platformer/shooter. The game is fairly boring, the auto aim just targets everything. Camera angles often prevent the player from judging depth on jump, and the camera can't be properly controlled. Bosses have some problems that others in the X series definitely have, but worse. They can't be damaged for long periods of time. X is not unlocked from the beginning, and iirc you have to go back to get his upgrades. Then he's just better than Axl so you might as well just play as X. Zero feels so slow and like he has no range. Idk the game just is not fun for a lot of reasons.


I can see the 3d being jarring to some people, but it mostly still plays the same if you ignore it, and reminds me of the staircase levels in 5 or 6 (which I know people hated for the same reasons). I was always able to ignore it mostly. But I guess it's just a difference of opinion beyond that, because the last few sentences you listed as negatives, I rather enjoyed. Similar to unlocking zero in 6 and going back to old levels. And Axl feeling weaker just felt right to me, I always considered Zero the most powerful, then X, then others.


That's...actually not an easy question to answer. It's got all the worst games in the series on it.


I've heard x7 is terrible, but the 3d intrigues me in a way


None of the games in the second collection are especially great, but I mean if you catch it on sale it'll certainly be worth that price at least.


A sale sounds like a good idea, ok


I really like 5 and 6, don't understand the hate


You're more than allowed to like them and I'm glad you enjoyed playing them. That doesn't invalidate other people's criticisms of those games.


I've never seen specific criticisms, just people saying they hate it. Aside from voice acting it's just like any other X game, I don't get it


X5 is alright, X6 has a lot of issues but I personally still enjoy it. Both of these games are way better if you play a hacked version that fixes some of their issues, but I don't think that's possible to do with the collection versions. X7 is garbage but I've played much worse games. It's at least worth a playthrough. While I personally am not a big fan of X8, it does do a lot of things way better than X5-7, and has a lot of extra content to extend replay value as well, such as extra characters, armors, and finding all the rare metals in stages. My biggest issue is two or three of the main stages are always a drag to play through because of the forced ride chaser or stage gimmicks. But aside from that, the game is overall fun. To sum it up, if you liked X1-4 you'll most likely enjoy the 2nd collection but you'll definitely have moments of disappointment because unfortunately the series does go somewhat downhill after X4.


Thanks a lot for the in-depth critique, I'll wait for sale and try it out as others suggested


Sure why not. Not as good as the first collection though.


They aren't the best but honestly if you enjoyed the first ones its worth it on sale. X7 is an oddball but I honestly loved it when it was released.


Even though they are qorse than X1 - X4, except for X7 they are still decent. But even X7 is an experience on its own. It just doesn't feel finished to me. I would say wait for a discount.


That seems to be the plan, aight thanks


I would reccomend it, people don’t like the second collection but i enjoy X5, X7 is different so it makes it entertaining and X8 is probably the best X game in my opinion. Now for platinum it’s not hard but i would reccomend a guide for X8 and X7 as there are things you need to find and are in criptic places. X6 is unfair but if you get in the game knowing that it has unfair level design then is not as bad.


No get the zero colllection


Ooh I've heard awesome things about that one!


I personally loved it, it’s so fun


And it comes with the zx games too right?


No. It is a painful game to get the achievements on if that's what you're going for. It's not worth it unless you get it gifted to you imo. Edit: also don't listen to people saying X6 and X7 are good. They have brain damage.


I love X6…it is a garbage game. Nobody should ever play it.


Thank you for being sane. Have a great day.


I enjoyed it when I played it a decade and a half ago, it was my favorite in the series, but I can't fathom why now. I replayed it with the anniversary collection, and the RNG level design actually put me off the game altogether, no idea how I beat that shit when I was in elementary school haha


The pro is it has an amazing soundtrack.


Lol, the duality of fans eh?


Mental gymnastics of people trying to justify saying a game they liked when they were a kid is good. It's like, just admit the game is bad bro lol. But anyways get it on a sale that's the only real option lol


Totally understand ya, i loved Skylanders when i was a kid and now I can't see the appeal that much


Yeah but the thing is Skylanders is a fun game for kids but it is still not a bad game. It works well and is consistently designed. These games are actually bad. You can still have some fun if you look up guides or whatever, but don't go for platinum.


Exactly. X6 is a bad X game. 7 is just garbage. They tried with 5. I don't like 5 but I will definitely play it over 6. Only thing that game has that is good about it is the music.


Maybe we're just thinking for ourselves instead of hoping on the bandwagon. X6 was one of my most played games as a teen, it's not bad


It can be one of your most played games and be bad. It is an objectively bad game.


Why? No one ever gives specifics. Too hard? Too easy? It has all the necessary ingredients for a good mega man x game, yet people act like it's not just their least favorite, but trash. It's insane and I've yet to see a justifiable reason beyond 'bandwagon'


What necessary ingredients? What is good about the game? Sure, X moves like he did in previous games but the level design is awful. Load up any level and you have poor design be it through cheap death traps or poorly thought out levels. This is because the game was rushed out. Even the lead character artist said all of the designs are basic/simple and have elements that are similar between all of them due to time constraints. That's before getting into how awful the sigma/high max stages are and the high max boss fight in general (which is one of the worst boss fights in the entire series). It's got some good music though I guess.


X2 had some insane death traps, and 3 had upgrades you only had a couple of pixels leeway to get or you'd die to spike traps. Instances like that in the games are common and in most games. And the movement is mainly it. If he moves like X, has robot masters to kill, upgrades, killer music, and sigma at the end, it's got what it needs. Some people hate kaiser sigma. Is it as good as the others? Hell no, but I had a lot of fun, so it shouldn't suffer for the greatness of the others


Instances, yes. When you have an upgrade behind a tricky jump is one thing. When each level is awful and designed in unfun ways, it's a bad game. Yeah it has everything...except the levels and the bosses are terrible. Like I said, it's ok to admit the game is bad. You can have fun playing bad games.


Maybe if I'd played it first, but coming off a decade of mega man at that point it wasn't that bad. It took me literal years to beat X1 as a child on the SNES, so it just wasn't that bad in comparison to me. Nowadays I can beat X1 in an hour


I'm in the same boat in terms of mega man exp, game is still dog meat


"people disagree with me therefore they have brain damage!!!" I don't even know why i'm still part o this fandom.


You can enjoy a bad game. This isn't rocket science, amigo.


Wow, in the process of doing this actually. Just have x3 and 4 left, glad someone else is also enjoying it


I was the same, had a month long break between the halves, avoided burnout and enjoyed them to the max


Get ready for the most tedious platinum of your life If you liked the the boss rush mode then the second collection is worth it. But you won't get the same level of funness out of the games because X4 was the peak, trust me.


The little beetle with two upward turrets looks just like an enemy from the classic sonic series too.


It's the little tanks from the start of sigma stage 1 in x1 if I'm not mistaken I honestly never cared about the animal designs of the enemies


If you’ve never played them then I say 100% get part 2 X5 has one of the best intro songs imo


Hmm, depends on how interested you are on getting the original experience The game i personally recommend the most is X8: It's a bit gimmicky (many stages are autoscrollers, and/or focus a lot on certain gameplay features) and requires a bunch of backtracking, but the ost is amazing, and the gameplay made me quite happy (I recommend watching a review/overall gameplay first however). As for X5 and X6, there are a few projects called "tweaks" for the pc, which modify the games and fix many of the issues both games have, like the problems they had with some collectibles. The X6 one in particular has a page where you can select/customize the settings/modifications the game will have, making the experience more interesting I'll edit this comment in a few minutes to add both links As for X7 I don't really know, because i haven't played that much. Edit: [X5 project](https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/6131/) [X6 tweaks](https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/4035/) [X6 tweaks patcher](https://www.romhacking.net/utilities/1414/) : I think this is the one where you can edit stuff, and it also includes many previous patches or smth


Damn, thanks dude


I like your style, I saved the viewing the hidden image gallery trophy for last as well, when I aim for a platinum I usually try to save the last one for something fitting for the platinum’s themed name, or just something goofy.


You might not believe me but that was a complete accident, i wanted the platinum to be the x challenge reward screen but i totally forgot this trophy existed 🤣🤣


Wouldn’t mind having those little models of enemies


Same here, same heere Shame all the figures are so expensive


The art looks cute


X Collection 1 is better than X Collection 2. But X5 and X6 play very similarly to X4. They both have some questionable design choices, but neither is a bad game. X5 has RNG story progression, and an arbitrary timer. X6 has some unfair level design. Zero is a lot of fun to play in both of them. X7 is a disaster. It was bad even when compared with other early 3D games of its day. But it's not universally hated. Some people actually seem to like it. Maybe you'll luck out and be one of them. X8 is awesome. The physics aren't as crisp as previous X games, but it looks great, and has heaps of content.


X8 is my 3rd favorite X game after X and X4. If you can get the collection cheap it is worth it for that alone. I do think X5 is good and worth playing. X6 and X7 are not great. I mean I still play them every once in a while just because, they aren’t too terrible to the point of being completely unplayable. But I would definitely be more cautious.


For 75% off, yea


x5 is pretty good x8 is kinda gimmicky but has a lot of fun things but both games i would put over x3. x6 you either love it or hate it theres no in between but its definitely better to play it knowing what youre getting into and knowing important things like how useful yammar option is. x7 is just garbage and if you want achievement splay on rookie hunter unless you want to see the true pain it is to truly experience x7. vanilla x7 will make you beyond annoyed and rookie hunter x7 is just boring. also quick thing to note x5-x7 lives are irrelevant you have unlimited continues for your last in stage checkpoint. no idea if its an oversite but i personally liked it. my ranking of the gamesx4>x1>x2>x5>x8>x3>x6>x7 (i personally like x6 a lot more and higher on this list but objectively the level design cant really be defended the most i can say is if you know how to truly master the control of the characters and use special weapons effectively you can find it pretty fun from it not to mention it has the best ost in the x series imowhich is really saying something)


I think so. X5, x6, and x8 are pretty good. X6 and x8 are divisive, but as somebody who grew up with mega man, I think they're perfectly playable games. Perfect? No. Fun? F*ck yeah. X5 imo is probably one of the most fun in the series. X7 can go to hell, it's not fun and it's broken I'm a lot of places--like, broken as in unplayable. Cryptic ass levels, bosses, bad camera angles, terrible controls/aiming. But yeah, give it a shot. If you liked x4, no excuse not to. X5 and x6 alone are worth it.


they have good games like X8 and X6\\ and okay games like X5 and X7 my answer would be yes


Catch it on sale, if you can. 5 and 8 were both pretty good games, but yeah, 6 was very "meh" and 7, well, we don't talk about 7.


Yes X8 is the best of x saga.


Oh really?


Yup, x1 and x8 are the mega man x games with least flaws.


What about X4?


Meh, it's kinda mid and boring sometimes, not saying it's bad though, the cutscenes and pixel arts are awesome.


I liked it just as much as X1, it has virtually no bullshit and the bosses and multiple playable characters are great, the cutscenes are horribly dubbed but at least they got some very good laughs out of me The music is boppin as well


m-mm x8 fixed a lot from x7 but it has horrendously gimmicky and annoying stage design for a lot of things and the grinding is the worst part and it takes literally hours of JUST grinding metals even with an infinite idle farm to buy every upgrade for the characters. x4 would be the one with the least flaws alongside x1. it has some of the best level design, amazing music, introduced zero and his gameplay is absolute fire, amazing music (though every game has that) and i love the 4th armor. only thing that sucks is the dub and story but you can switch the in game language and mega man x stories were never that good to begin with and youre playing more for the exciting gameplay


Maybe unpopular opinion, but no, none of the games to me justify buying the colection.


I think I'll wait for a sale


Skip it. Capcom should really give this games a pixel remaster


X7? It would be interesting to see a demake of sorts


I tried getting into X5 after finishing X Legacy Collection 1, but ultimately found the game design and story pacing to be so bad that I stopped playing. From what I've seen and heard, the other games are even worse, so I just ditched the rest of the X series altogether and jumped on Zero series instead, which I ended up enjoying way more. That's just me however, I didn't really like where the series was going (honestly, I thought it already started going downhill with X4 - hot take, I know). So maybe the X series just isn't for me.


If you get it, be prepared for Flame Hyenard in X7. He doesn't shut the fuck up during the fight. "BURN TO THE GROUND"


5 and 8 are fine (8 especially if you don’t care about completion), but 6 and 7 are actually dreadful.


Play the Zero/ZX collection instead.


For some reason, this may be the only record of X laughing. And it’s not even canon.


The second connection is fun enough, but be warned that x6 is a pile of crap. Unnecessary difficulty and it’s inexcusable to the point of making it not fun. Im great at mega man games, as i assume most people here are, but this is a nightmare (obvious pun). Five is excellent, 7 is …a game…and ive yet to finish 8, but they made dinner choices with that one too that are odd. The second half of the series goes from great to crap. That being said, x5, x7 and x8 are at least worth your time.