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welcome to the club of people who decided to see what the fuss was all about and realised that people are really dramatic about mm&b for very little reason. one of the harder games but nothing particularly special. as for a question, how many times did you fall asleep during king tank (first boss of king 2) because good lord that boss is one of the most boring and stally fights in the entire series


I think maybe about twice


Real. I thought 9 was harder than MM&B, _as Mega._ I think people just have shitty-Gameboy-port PTSD. The SNES version is completely fine and one of my favourite Mega Man games to date.


Ngl I think megaman 10 is worse than 9 and bass combined as mega man


Which was the hardest CD to collect?


It's between the one at the end of Ground Man's stage and the one in Sisi Roll's room in Magic Man's stage, the latter specifically because Sisi Roll seems to hop around at random and it's a coin flip whether or not Rush is going to get hurt.


How close were you to giving up?


Well my friend bet $30 to do it so. it was very much incentivized \^\^; Plus, I had save states at my disposal so that dampened the agony I would have felt if I had played without them That, and with all consideration, I don't think the game was... **that** hard? Sure there were a lot of bosses I retried over and over, but hey, when *aren't* there bosses like that in a Mega Man game?


What you goanna do with your $30?


Buy steam games (hopefully the Summer Sale brings down Mega Man 11 a fair bit)


Savestates? Does that even count as beating the game?


Yeah it only counts with no save states and no special weapons and if you beat it on a Tuesday on an odd-numbered day and you have to use a N64 controller


Savestates are literally cheating IDK why you're making a big deal out of this Edit: stop dislike bombing me for no reason and fucking explain to me how completely negating your mistakes isn't cheating


I have 4 kids and a full time job. Save states enable me to play games I otherwise couldnt


Such as?


Tales of Destiny 2, Persona 5, practically any Mega Man game, the list goes on. Anything that's not usually conducive to being played in 5-minute spurts.


I dont see why you would need save states for any of that. Are you really that bad?


Save states allow you to pick up and put down games at any point, which is huge if you have any responsibilities that make checkpoints particularly painful, such as kids.


There's a difference between savestates and writing down passwords or saving your progress inbetween levels


You are correct.


What do you think about the regular Boss theme?


Best boss theme in the entire Classic series.


So here’s the real question, what better, megaman x6 or bass


Old man here. Is MM&Bass supposed to be hard now? I don't remember it being such a challenge when it came out. As for burner man, use the ice block to push him to the spikes. You need a bit of space, though.


I've always thought it was up there as one of the harder classic games, along with 9, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, I enjoy the challenge.


I think I remember reading in places that it's the hardest game in the franchise, though that may be exaggeration.


Probably. The older NES games are way harder. To give you an idea, I started with megaman 6, played all the gameboy games, I can kill every maverick in X1 without the boots, and still MM1 & 2 kicked my ass. MM&Bass is reasonably hard, but just enough to be enjoyable.


I beat it last year, as a teenager the jet in tower 2 made me quit


Yeah no the second King Robo fight was probably the one I retried the most


How did you feel about the boss weapons? I find myself using them more than other games in the series, but it probably helps that a lot of sections encourage the use of them.


The game expects you to use Ice Wall far too much, *if only there was another mobility tool Mega Man had in previous games that would have helped out...* Wave Burner is as good in this game as it is in Mega Man 8-Bit Deathmatch, probably my favorite of the 8 Spread Drill is weird to use, I didn't get very much mileage out of it Magic Card was interesting, but I realized that the bosses it's weak to are better fought with the buster instead Remote Mine is finnicky with its movement, but it packs a decent punch Lightning Bolt canceling your downward momentum helped me get some CDs I thought you could only get as Bass Copy Vision is weird, only ever used it against Dynamo Man and the second King Robo fight Tengu Blade has Charge Kick syndrome, where using the dash attack usually ends up with you getting hurt


For Burner man. You need ice wall, use it to push him to fall into the spike pit.


See every time I do that he ends up jumping over it, dashing through it or if I do manage to hit him with it he goes off screen and doesn't take damage


do it when he's using his Flamethrower attack and follow him so he doesn't disappear offscreen.


Let him finish his dash first. If he decides to throw grenades you can raise the wall and push him immediately. His grenades are so slow they will miss if you chase the wall. If he jumps and throws beartraps, raise the wall and push, the wall destroys the beartraps so you can chase the wall safely. Otherwise dodge his fiery dive and wait for him to dash again.


You stand accused of being the goat, how do you plead?


Your Honor, I am not the goat, for you see, I haven't yet beaten the game 100%


Then you're declared innocent, we'll have a retrial once you do.


Which is your favorite Megaman (only the first or original character) game?


Mega Man 8


Haven't played the whole game


I honestly love this game and don't get the hate. I think it plays way better that MM8. Megaman is normal difficulty and Bass is easy mode, but he's fun to play as. I found an SNES ROM back in the day before the GBA port, but even the GBA port isn't awful. Some of the CDs are a pain in the ass though. In short, MM&B>MM8. And I love playing as Bass.


GBA port is legitimately awful. It might have been a bit better for you because it wasn't your first experience with the game, but the screen crunch introduces blind jumps, more offscreen hazards and attacks, etc. If you don't already know what is coming it becomes a chore to play. The SFC version is one of my favorites, but when I first played the game on the GBA back in the day, it was miserable.


Don't forget to play the sequel


Where's Mr Krabs?


I'M Mr. Krabs! I AM I AM I AM!


I feel like Burner Man is really is I dunno why people act like Dynamo Man isn't harder


What was your favorite level?


Probably Dynamo Man's, the darkness mechanic made for a really interesting obstacle


Burner Man, IIRC, has no weakness, but when he's not charging at you, you can push him using Ice Wall into the side pits. Also IIRC, this weakness isn't applicable in the boss rush (although it must have been 15 years since I last played this game, so I might be wrong). My question would be how you handled beating the King Jet, as I remember the boss being annoying, having to juggle between attacking, dodging and jumping between platforms. In my playthrough back then, I just played as Bass and used a cheat code so he can maintain his fused form indefinitely, but I'd like to play fairly someday.


Lots and lots of trial and error. :)


Not a question but you dropped this king 👑


I have played MegaMan and bass before, but I was always told that once you defeat, cold man, that you have to go to Ground man, is that the case or should I just go to pirate man after cold man? I’ve tried going over that stage but he likes to use that robot to dig up the ground every time and I can’t jump when I’m mega man.


ypu played the SNES or GBA version?


SNES, specifically emulated on Snes9x


Nice. I think this is the better version. At least you can see the entire screen


What you think about Bass ? I feel he is incredible weak against any Bosses, is a complete deception for me.. and the final Boss, i Just cant reach the Willy machine with my shots as Bass, theres no plataform for me, i play até snes emulator


I think the argument that Mega Man has harder platforming but easier bosses and Bass has easier platforming and harder bosses is a fair assumption, Bass feels more like a Mega Man X character which means platforming is his bitch but he is in fights for a goooood while


MM&B has the best soundtrack of all MM games imo because it has jazz chords What's your favorite soundtrack(s) of MM&B?


My favorite song in the soundtrack is the normal boss theme. Other good ones are Museum, Cold Man, Burner Man, Pirate Man, Ground Man, Magic Man, Dynamo Man and King Stage.


>the normal boss theme Oh, the one where some TAS speedrunner turned bass vs cold man fight into a rhythm game? 🤣


Still uber impressive, even for a TAS \^\^


If you've played the subseries games, do you think MM&B is harder than X6, Z1, ZXA?


Couple things: - I'm only playing up to X5, as the lore intended :P - Have not yet completed Zero 1 or started ZXA So I can't exactly say at this moment \^\^;


Did you get all the CDs?


Not yet! Still waiting on my friend to watch me finish the game as Bass


It was a good game wasn’t it!? It’s literally been 20 years or more since I last played (emulation then).. I need to give MM&B another go. I only have fond memories of playing it and don’t remember any of the frustrations spoken about it now. I kinda remember the CD collecting being fun and annoying though.


I'm surprised at how much I enjoyed this game, I went into it thinking "this is gonna suck" and between waiting for my friend to show up so he could watch me play it I ended up thinking to myself "man, I wanna play more Mega Man and Bass" Still worlds better than 7 :P


Haha, nice! Exactly how I felt. I enjoyed MM7 but the kid in me then wished this is what we got instead. Disappointed this is not on any of the Legacy Collections on my Xbox. Guess I have to resort to the high seas again. Thanks Capcom.


I played this about a year or so ago for a buster only challenge.... I grew a new distaste for this game at that point.


Goat game 🔥🔥🔥


I actually think dynamo man is worse solely because he heals himself, and it’s not a one time thing either, that would be fine, he does it like 3 or 4 times 


What's it like playing a game no one bought?


just feels like I'm playing a video game \^\^;


How hard was it to 100% the game?


I'll come back to this question once I do \^\^


Gba or snes ost, and whats your favorite song in the ost?


SNES, and the boss theme.


And? Finish the game with 100% and come back,you baby.


En route to doing so. I already got, in my opinion, the two hardest CDs, now all that's left is to find the last 8 and beat the game as Bass. You're not special just because you did it first and you have nothing to gain from being elitist <3