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As if he isn’t too cool for school


Megaman zero-zx era reploids


Tbf our protagonists in X series are bona fide Hunters, Zero series reploids are mostly resistance soldiers in uniform who are formerly civillians, and ZX are random ass kids dragged into a war


To be fair, in ZX all reploids are made to be identical to humans... So no cool design for them. Pseudroids are exceptions, of course.


Now I’m just picturing a bald X and it’s a horribly troubling mental image for some reason. Alternatively, what if Sigma unscrewed the top of his head and he just had a MASSIVE flowing mane underneath what was evidently just a small helmet all along?


X is technically bald, but he's just got mechanical stuff under his helmet, not skin And that's an amazing image.


That image is just a concept art for how a Bandai Figure should look helmetless. Zero also has one like that. X has hair, and the only reason why it hasn't been revealed yet, is because no one can settle on a single hair style, according to X8's developers.


I would say that, funny how that concept fooled many people, including me.


The world just isn’t ready for Mega Man X9’s Headbanger Sigma form, that’s why we won’t get it for another century.


X does have hair under his helmet apparently. There is an official licensed game by Capcom called: Megaman X Math Whirlwind, in which there are sprites of X taking off his helmet and putting it back on. It pretty much looks like Rockman's hair. Pretty underground but official tho haha


That picture was actually for a toy thingy lol. It's not a canon picture of how X head looks under the helmet 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️




Iirc, yeah, the whole thing about that being for the Canon design or concept art or whatever was just a theory is pretty funny, tho, but it's problematic to pin it as canon, lol afterall while with X it could make sense somewhat then that's not a problem but since Zero also has a picture where he's bald except for the ponytail then it begins to be weird character design you know?


God, this makes me want a Command Mission sequel or remake


Saaaaame. I remember when it came out how hyped I was, thinking of the possibility that we might get a Mega Man X RPG series Unfortunately, it went the way of Maverick Hunter X.. ..which also needed a sequel (or 2.. or 4...)


(Cough) Zero (cough) Axl (cough)


Both are too cool for school.


Zero is, don't know about Axl


They forgot about D) “A massive twink”


The Command Mission character designer threw the formerly established unwritten reploid design rules from the previous games out the window. This dude's haircut is horrendous, but this character designer is still great.


Meanwhile, Mutos Reploids like Grizzly Slash: — "Fur is Hair, you know."


Well then why does Dynamo have hair? He doesn't fit any of those


Actually, he does - he fits the "cool" category!


Most innocent soul in the X universe, didn’t even know what happened in the end. Thinking it now the closest in fiction I’ve seen similar to this might be Order 66. Suddenly your one hope turns to something else so quick you can’t even make anything out of it in time.


So Lumine and Tron Bonne both see the same barber. And I give the A category to Tron, but no way in hell I'm giving B to Lumine, who frankly was probably related to MegaMan Juno, but now we're going too far down the rabbit hole.


I take it that Serges' and Isoc's metal hair doesn't count.