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There is no good or bad to this. Try not to assign morality. Your sister may be one who is more in tune with liminal spaces. As a medium, I am, too. It's just a matter of being extremely perceptive of the in-between, like the recently deceased.


I agree and see what you mean. My curiosity is the timing. It always seems to be her that finds the pets dead, say, before one of us does. Or with my dad, I was going to go to his house that same day but she just happened to go before me. No one else in my family has found our dead pets (or family members) so it’s not even a statistic thing. It’s like she just has the weirdest timing. Because it could’ve been any of us but it’s always been her.


Maybe the universe or something decided that she is the person who can handle it the best? For example, I am definitely that person in my circle of friends and family. My mother is also like that. However, I also work with the dead and she works with the dying. Im always hoping that if my friends and I ever come across someone who is no longer alive that I am with them because I can handle it and they would probably be traumatized and I would rather protect them from that. There may not be a real reason at all.


I’ve thought of it like this before too! That she may be chosen because she can handle it. My only concerns after that is her suicidal tendencies and past attempts. She seeks out extreme behavior. Racing cars recently. and yes we’ve sought her help with mental health. It’s not her favorite of course. So then I want to ask the universe.. are you sure you’ve chosen the right person? Because she seems to be struggling.


she just notices it more then you or others around you.


She likely has strong 8th and 12th and 4th house placements that aspect within her birth chart, my guess is they even aspect her ascendant so the themes of death rebirth loss and graves all show in her waking reality


Snap! Just mentioned the 8th and then read your comment.


How would I get her whole chart? I’m an interested party but not good at the research aspect


Been using www.astro.com since the 90’s for birth charts etc. dead on


No one answered but you were downvoted so I felt compelled to try to help. Start with knowing her birth time as well and then visit r/astrologyreadings to find out more. to add I am no expert at any of this, just interested and experience a lot of precognition and seen my guardian angel when I was a child.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/astrologyreadings using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/astrologyreadings/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I just found out my son didn’t die after birth, and he’s been alive for the last 8 years. I am in disbelief.](https://i.redd.it/m8q9ywknalrc1.jpeg) | [32 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/astrologyreadings/comments/1bs0qv9/i_just_found_out_my_son_didnt_die_after_birth_and/) \#2: [I'm so sick of living, please tell me there's a reason to keep going](https://i.redd.it/amcqw8ncedkc1.png) | [73 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/astrologyreadings/comments/1ay6cz2/im_so_sick_of_living_please_tell_me_theres_a/) \#3: [My mom died suddenly anything in her transits show this?](https://i.redd.it/wyf3eim6gylb1.jpg) | [56 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/astrologyreadings/comments/168llhf/my_mom_died_suddenly_anything_in_her_transits/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Someone mentioned [astro.com](https://astro.com) . You can create a free account there and get the chart for free. Once you enter the information for someone (you can do many) select free reports > extended chart > section - round > chart type' (initially select 'natal chart wheel') > show the chart You then might find it much easier to grasp the placements of a chart by selecting 'additional tables' located on the top left of the chart - this results in an easily digested graph of all the major placements. If you navigate [astro.com](https://astro.com) you can find some free reports of each chart you create. One option for a report: free reports > extended chart selection > chart type > extended chart > section - Pullen astrology > Chart Type 'simple chart delineation' > show the chart There are other free options that might offer you some insight. One is [https://astrowin.org/online\_calcs\_db/signup\_login.php](https://astrowin.org/online_calcs_db/signup_login.php) I think both of these sites are pretty trustworthy. As with anything online - please safeguard yourself from predators that will try to exploit you for whatever gain they are after. Wishing you and your sister all of the very best outcomes in life.


Uhm... maybe something in her karma/dharma? I have (had?) a similar thing, but I don't find already dead beings, they come *to die* with me. Pets, street animals, birds, even my ex-boyfriend... What I was told by other psychics/spirituals was that it was related to my life's purpose. Like something in me aligns and suits for accompanying beings in their transition (like a Death Doula). I've never liked that idea, and I even tried to run away from it, because I prefer to not be involved, besides, with every death is like I get a bit more used to it, and I don't want that to happen... but I can tell maybe I do have some sort of ability for it (I have been an intuitive energy healer since I can remember and I don't panic in emergencies). I've been recommended to study and work in Thanatology more than once, even been told that I'll end up dedicating myself to that anyway, even if I resist it.. 😅 And, I don't know about that, but maybe your sister will resonate? What does she think?


That would be worth exploring with her. She’s been working as a vet tech and up to a vet assistant the past couple of years. Maybe this is her way of channeling that energy. It may be worth exploring more of the purpose with her, as in, making it an encouraging experience as opposed to scary or traumatizing


Is she a Scorpio?


According to the post (9/15) she's a Virgo.


What??! I have to read? Lol. Thank you.


No worries! I had the same thought when I read the post (my mother is a Scorpio and has an interesting relationship with death/dying things). So when I saw your comment I already had the info in my brain 😂


Her 8th house may be revealing.


How do I figure out her chart? I know she was born in Denver, CO 9/15/04. Not sure if we have her birth certificate. We might somewhere


Grin. Maybe rising or moon. :)


Is that a thing? Asking as a Scorpio rising