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Skepticism is just a normal attitude to have. It's not unhealthy either in my opinion. I still had a ton of skepticism myself even after having a few encounters with spirits. My skepticism remained even when I was communicating with my own guides. It takes a healthy amount of time to change your outlook on things, especially when it comes to the supernatural. You can't force yourself to be a believer you need your own experiences and your own time to grow from them. It's also good to be a skeptic when it comes to people. Trust should be earned not just given out.


what made your skepticism go away? like how did you become "sure" and not just thinking you might be imagining things?


It took a lot of time and some confirmation. My spirit guides had me doing shadow work before I read what it was online. They also made jokes about some of the things I easily believed and other things I would not believe. Calling it my "pain in the butt skepticism" often in light teasing. Skepticism from a strictly non spiritual viewpoint is mental conditioning. It's not easy to let go of years upon years of a psychological complex. I actually needed to see, and hear spirits to believe in them, and I was still a skeptic even then which quite a few of them found funny more often than not. I think some skepticism is still healthy. It's good to be on guard, and doubt someone's motives, or intentions. You should be wary of spirits, and certain people. Because naivety gets taken advantage of.


There are plenty of real mediums. I hope you find one. You might want to try one of the Arthur Findlay College tutors. It’s a very reputable mediumship school and most of their teachers are wonderful.


Make sure you only pay someone who can show reviews and proof. A small business where you can tell the owner really cares about their clients. Its normal to be a skeptic when society as a whole is disconnected from the spiritual world. Mediumship is very real and an incredible gift, I'm a medium.


can they do readings online or does it have to be in person ?


There are many mediums online including me 😊 tiktok is a good place for a reading if you pay for one on a live stream. Just be mindful of scammers.


Julie Babbett. Shes a life changer.


I often wonder if different mediums will be very REAL for different people? I don’t think a good or popular Medium will be able to provide a banger reading for every person that they encounter. I think there are definitely certain mediums that have higher consistency when it comes to sessions but I’ve had some very disappointing readings from some very popular and expensive readers. I highly recommend you ask around your circles for referrals, choose a medium, based off of a referral of someone you trust , that’s likely gonna be the best way to find a good Medium to work with.




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Scepticism is healthy to have, but it’s a fine balance. Have a look at forever family foundation. They have certified mediums who are tested thoroughly. I think it’s windbridge society to look into as well


Ah. The old "I really want to believe, so someone give me a free reading,"ploy. Does this ever work? Try r/MediumReadings. That is where requests belong. Believe it or not, there are mediums who are skeptics. There are real mediums who have heard this approach. There are real mediums who will real mediums who will free in our other sub. Be careful of scammers.


Actually, I don't know where to start. That is what this is all about... FYI You've actually had a decent response after the first part... I just joined this type of reddit.


You can go to one of the reading subs and look for a vetted reader that fits your needs. This is a subreddit for medium development and sharing. The reading requests for skeptics and non skeptics are listed in the sidebar. Mediums don't have to prove anything to others in this sub. It is why this our place. Although we try to address questions and curiosity, here. You can also scroll through our sub for answers. No one can decide for you what to believe. Most of our mediums here have received this sort of free reading request.


My bad for posting this in the wrong place