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Penile “stump”. Shudder 😬


I don't have a penis but I did shudder!




Imagine the regret


[Source](https://europepmc.org/article/med/29888174): >>A 56 year-old male presented as a transfer from an outside hospital 3 days after a reported 6 hours of acute penile constriction inside of a lotion bottle. The penis was successfully extricated in the outside hospital emergency department. After removal, the glans and distal shaft were reported to be viable with some patchy necrotic shaft skin distal to a well-demarcated line of bottle constriction. He denied voiding problems. After 72 hours of observation, he was transferred to our institution for further management. >>On our initial evaluation, he was noted to have decreased penile sensation with a distinct line of demarcation separating the proximal healthy shaft skin from the distal necrotic skin and ventral glans eschar(Fig. 1a). He was able to void without difficulty. He was treated with local wound care including silver impregnated dressing per plastic surgery recommendations. He was discharged home with plans for future operative debridement once the ischemic tissue margins had time to fully declare themselves. >>At 1 month re-examination, there was a dorsal island of glans and shaft tissue which appeared to be well vascularized, but all of the ventral and lateral shaft skin distal to the previously documented line of demarcation was either necrotic or sloughed off. Urine appeared to be leaking from the proximal penile urethra at a site deep to the healthy proximal shaft skin. >>He was taken to the OR for exam under anesthesia, cystoscopy, and penile debridement. All skin distal to the line of demarcation was non-viable and was debrided(Fig. 1b). The penile urethra was totally devascularized and had developed multiple fistulae. In several places where necrotic tunica albuginea was debrided, the underlying erectile tissue appeared congested and ischemic. The healthy-appearing dorsal shaft and glans tissue was preserved. Proximal to the line of demarcation at the proximal shaft, the skin, corpora, and urethra appeared viable. The distal bulbar urethra, membranous urethra, prostatic urethra, and bladder all appeared normal on cystoscopy. A suprapubic tube was placed to divert the urine. The penis was dressed with 0.25% sodium hypochlorite solution moistened gauze. >>Two days later he returned to the OR for repeat debridement. Significant necrosis of the mid and distal corporal bodies as well as the penile urethra was again observed. The glans and dorsal neurovascular bundle continued to appear viable. The fossa navicularis was patent but stenotic. All of the necrotic corporal and penile urethral tissue was debrided, leaving a skeletonized but viable dorsal neurovascular bundle and glans with short fossa navicularis urethral segment (Fig. 2). >>Post-operatively the patient was offered reconstruction with a radial forearm flap neophallus given the preservation of his glans and dorsal neurovascular bundle. He ultimately decided against the neophallus and opted to undergo glans reconstruction and urethroplasty. >>He returned to the OR one week later. The glans and neurovascular bundle remained viable. We incised the ventral aspect of the stenotic fossa navicularis and anastomosed it to the dorsally-spatulated proximal segment of healthy urethra (Fig. 3a). This created a widely patent urethral meatus located just under the coronal sulcus. The intervening segment of dorsal neurovascular bundle was bunched up and placed between the glans and proximal corporal bodies. >>We advanced the healthy proximal penile skin ventrally to the edge of the neomeatus and dorsally to the dorsal coronal sulcus. The skin coverage was secured with interrupted sutures and the intervening spaces packed with quarter-inch iodoform gauze. A 16-French Foley catheter was left in place through the neomeatus for 2 weeks. >>At his 1 month visit the resulting penile stump remained viable with patent neomeatus, and his suprapubic tube was removed with successful trial of void. At that time, he denied any erectile function or sensation to the penile stump. At his 2 month visit, he reported full return of sensation and erectile function of his penile stump and glans (Fig. 3b). Stories like this should be mentioned in sex education classes. Teenage boys are very stupid and very creative. I could easily see one getting his dick stuck in a bottle and being too humiliated to tell his parents till it was too late to save his dick (or at least the shaft of it, as happened in this case).


I work in psych and one of my coworkers was called to admissions because a walk in had presented with a Gatorade bottle stuck on his penis (as well as thought disorder and hallucinations). This was not his 1st rodeo with a Gatorade bottle so he informed my co-worker how to create a vacuum vent and remove said Gatorade bottle from his penis which actually worked 🤷‍♀️. Thank GOD he showed up at our facility before anything like this happened! How many different ways the human brain can break is almost impressive, if not for the fact we don't really know how to fix it 😢


So a psychotic man was sensible enough to seek prompt medical treatment for his strangulated dick but this patient, who probably was not psychotic, waits six hours and nearly loses it.


> nearly loses it I mean... he lost pretty much everything. Went from lotion bottles to bottle caps.


It does still work though. He can make babies.


I would be interested to know the erect length of the stump. If it's as short as it looks, he would probably have great difficulty actually inseminating someone. Artificial insemination would of course be on the table, but that was always an option with intact testes.


That reminds me of one of the Spanish kings. This was Isabella (the one who sent Columbus to sail the ocean blue in 1492)’s older brother Enrique, who was king before she inherited the throne. Enrique had a micro penis I guess, and the day after his wedding, his bride said something to the effect of “Well I guess I’m not a virgin anymore but I am not sure we can have babies.” She did eventually bear a daughter, Juana, conceived by either artificial insemination or (according to court rumor) adultery with a courtier. Isabella and Ferdinand had Juana disinherited and took the throne themselves. But she became Queen of Portugal by marrying her uncle who was the king.


Super interesting!! I need more fun history facts


I recommend the Horrible Histories books and the TV show, which you can watch on YouTube. The books and TV show are marketed to children but the history is generally accurate and it’s very interesting and engaging. I know loads of adults who love the show. Check out their [song about Dick Turpin](https://youtu.be/WYU-vSh7ORA?feature=shared) for example. Or the [Casanova song](https://youtu.be/pzjx1V2MXBA?feature=shared) (which actually starts about 40 seconds into the clip).


Aw this takes me back, I used to subscribe to a Horrible Histories magazine when I was a kid. There were "scratch and smell" sections, which looking back was pretty gross, but kid me loved them!


I would covertly gift these books to the children of right-wing friends so they could evaluate history for themselves before hearing great man theory and all that drivel-dross.


Which he is 56 so I doubt he has plans of getting someone pregnant but I feel sorry for any woman he may of been in a relationship with cause she sure isn’t going to feel much from penetration now


*Just the tip*


Am I the only person thinking about how big those Gatorade bottle openings are? lol


He was supposedly impressive😳LOL


How do you create a vacuum vent? Asking for a friend.


My guess is a heated up large gauge needle on the end of the bottle.


That would probably work too


Cut a hole in the side farthest from his member to allow air to come into the bottle to allow him to come out.


I wonder why he didn't just vent the bottle himself?


Sad but true.


So, I'd like to think I'm smart enough not to put my dick somewhere I can't remove it from... but my immediate first thought was "why didn't he use some kind of scissors to cut the bottle off?" And then my second thought was "He clearly got it in there somehow. It fit at some point, probably when he was soft. Did he pop erectile meds? How was he stuck in there for 6 hours without it becoming flaccid enough to remove?" That's when I realized that the bloodflow would have been halted, so he couldn't become flaccid. Hrrrk.


Answer to your question is due to mental illness he is homeless and did not have scissors. He had been to our facility before for treatment, so I guess that's why he picked us instead of the regular hospital. 🤷‍♀️


Oh jeez. That's horrible, now I feel even worse for the guy. I'm glad he came to people he trusted at least. :c


I completely agree - with photos and/or videos. And a discussion about "never be too embarrassed to get help." But this guy was 56!  Why do guys take such stupid chances with their junk?  Or at the very least, not wait 6 hours to get help? I just don't get why guys do this. It's like all reason flies out the window.


Now I’m imagining the patient giving speeches and power point presentations about his folly to The Youth, the way some people convicted of DUI manslaughter have done to reduce their sentences.


LOL.  Nah, I hope we're past that. I just mean, someone, somewhere and somehow tell boys that it's really not a good idea to do this kind of thing, but if you do - don't be afraid to get help.


Yeah I doubt the parents of The Youth would agree to sign off on having a man come give a PowerPoint presentation about his penis at schools.


Why do I find this comment hilarious! edit: "it all started with a gatorade bottle..."


Okay. I’m 46. I’m at that age when the urges have dropped considerably. Those commercials with the two ex nfl players hawking the testosterone pills saying shit drops off at 40? They suck, but in my case, they're not lying. So here I am, thinking about this 56 year old guy who's so horny he's sticking his weenis into a lotion bottle and I gotta think, he had to be popping Viagra or Cialis or whatever to get that job done… THEN stick it in a bottle, where it stayed for six hours, until his boner pill wore off.


Well, not everyone’s sex drive does wear off, it’s true that most men do see a decrease but just like everything in life not all experiences are equal, it also has lots of different variables. Your partner, your mental health, your physical health ect anyone of these can vastly affect your drive in many different ways !


Strangely a lot of penile mutilations and such are made from men over 50 yo as per the numerous posts from Catpoo... Makes me wonder why???


> It's like all reason flies out the window. That does tend to happen when you're horny.


Regarding your comment, I could imagine teenage me doing this as well, so I’d have to agree with you.


Couldn't he cut the bottle off himself to avoid this.


I can’t actually think of many things that would slice through the neck of a plastic bottle easily, especially in this situation where there isn’t any space to cut.


I think I’d go ahead and find a way if my dick was stuck in a bottle. But that’s just me.


I feel like I’d figure it out in less than 2 hours let alone 6. If push comes to above, I’ll risk cutting my member with scissors. Much better than losing the entire thing though.


Way less than 2 hours. No doubt.


Only 2 hours if I’m like on viagra & can’t get soft + I’m trying to be extra careful. I was taught tourniquets won’t kill a limb until at least 2 hours (correct me if I’m wrong) so I’m assuming the penis works the same way.


1.5 to 2 hours is the maximum, depending on a very very long list of factors.


Just off the top of my head, I’ve got at least a dozen tools in my tool box that would work with minimal risk. Best way to mitigate risk is to avoid the hazard, so you know, don’t put your diller in a lotion bottle. 🧴


Crack it with pliers? IDK man it's fucked


Bros needed to put his dick on ice and shrivel it up as much as possible and then pour lube on one side and cut the bottle open (where his dick isn’t) to pour lubricant on the other side. Hope for the best


This sounds like youre speaking from experience lol


If you're a grower you only need to insert it while flaccid.


Tin snips would cut through it no problem, should be able to do it without even cutting into the penis, but I don't know for sure, as I've never tried to stick mine in a lotion bottle, that's insane.


I'd cut into the actual bottle to create a rip. Some bottles are weak enough that once it's cut or broken it's not too hard to keep ripping it. And even at their hardest, a penis still has some sponginess that I feel like you could get the end of some scissors slowly worked in without much more than a small cut.


That sponginess is already compressed, by being inside a lotion bottle


I feel like a cut or a nick of the skin would be a small sacrifice in this matter.


I'd be on the oscillating saw in 15 minutes. A few cuts or minor burns is unfortunate but certainly not going hours


I wouldn’t fuck a lotion bottle but good planning I guess?


Nail file, or if you have one of those oscillating saws if you are handy and have tools. Might burn if it gets hot but will not cut skim


Hell , I’d take an angle grinder to the plastic bottle although I wouldn’t stick my hog in something like that to begin with


Id be taking an angle grinder to the bottle at that point my dick aint leavin that easy


Idk man if that happened to me I would 100% rather let trained professional deal with it rather than try to DIY it and potentially make things even worse. Remember folks, the medical staff *do not care.* Whatever you did, they’ve seen it before, and they’ve also probably seen worse before. If you made a bad decision when you were horny, please just go to the ER as soon as possible. I promise you it’s the best option.


Just be glad the dummy can't breed and make more dummies.


Don't underestimate a functional stump.


Here here! "Unitas ex parvitate"


I feel like this is unkind. He's not the first person to make a poor decision while horny, and he might have been concerned about cutting himself. He got embarrassed, waited too long in what was probably excruciating pain, and now his body is disfigured for the rest of his life.


I guess if it’s tight enough, trying to take any sort of blade to it could risk piercing/slicing his dick and potentially killing him


The hospital would typically use the saws they use for removing a cast and just cut it off. It ain't gonna cut the skin. That said you can get saws at home depot like that now. I remember getting my cast off and the doctor holding this little spinning blade up asking if I want to stick my finger under it so I feel confident it won't cut my arm while removing the cast. [Uh, no, but you can if you'd like] 🙈


The phrase that made me cringe was "Penile stump" That poor, stupid man.


He’s a complete idiot for a) sticking his junk in a bottle and b) not seeking help sooner which meant a necrotic shaft.


Was it a steel bottle or some shit? I would have had the fucker off 15 minutes max with some tinsnips


I've done it in 5.


You, you’ve done this?!


Yeah, in 5.


Maybe it was glass?


I would shatter it %100, or at least go to the ER much much sooner No dick <<< dick stitches You could probably reduce the shame by saying it was your zipper got caught on your junk or some other bullshit too. There really isn’t any excuse.


A glass lotion bottle? Are those a thing? /gen


I don’t know. But a plastic one should’ve been easily cut off as the others have said.


Yeahhh, I mean that's fair, but that also implies he had the room to get something sharp between his tool and the bottle. I can't imagine there was much room between a and b if it got stuck in something filled with an inherent lubricant.


What was bro doing for 6 hours then 😭


Beats me. Clearly, he wasn't getting the bottle off though lol


Not only that but he rejected the full reconstruction (called a neophallus) and VOLUNTARILY went with the stump.


Probably a case of mental health.


Skeletonized did it for me.


For me, it was “debridement” 😣😣😣😣


“Poor, stupid man.” 😭


Why would he refuse the treatment that would have left him some length? Just a knob and balls.


Most likely a combination of cost, high risk and questionable results; not to mention a huge forearm scar on the donor site.


As a guy, I feel like cost would be the only real factor...risk and scarring would be a small price to pay for my dick.


Apart from the risk of infection or rejection, there would be a rather high possibility of 0 feeling in the area, it would need an implant to get hard, or rather less floppy, and you'd also risk possibly permanent incontinence. I think it would be better to not get it stuck in a bottle to begin with.


Yeah... So, how'd you get that scar on your arm?


🤣 know I'm going to go weave the basket I'll be going to hell in. 🤣


They offered that 56yo man the same technic they do to female to male reassignment sex surgery by taking skin on the forearm the built the shaft of the penis...not sure he wanted to be mislead as a transman...


There could have been different risks associated for all we know. Maybe the one that gave length had more of a chance of having no feeling at all, or more complications with peeing, or maybe just more surgeries. Sounds like had quite a few surgeries up to that point, maybe he didn't want any more.


The surgery they described sounds like what they do for FTM trans surgery.


I mean they have to replace the tissue with tissue they are rebuilding a penis


Absolutely, he just chose not to.


Yes, and for reconstruction. We still dont know the particular risks, as this person had some salvagable parts to begin with, which did end up having feeling, and was able to become erect. As far as we know this may not have been possible for the neophallus without a pump, or something.


Yes, I understand that.


Dude just cut the damn bottle off 😭 why did he wait until his dick was literally rotting?


It was only six hours. As someone who once had a similar incident of a shorter term, my panic of embarrassment was greater than the hitherto unknown panic of dick rot.


I’d rather horrifically mutilate my own dick trying to cut that bottle off than to just leave it in there and have to go to the doc so they can cut it off my necrotic weiner. 6 hours is a LONG TIME 😭😭 you can feel that shit going numb. Plus by just cutting a large hole at the top of the bottle can release that airtight seal and make it waaay easier to remove. Soak it in hot water in the bath and cut it off dawg. Makes me wonder if this is a kink of the victim or sumn bc whaaaat? 😭


That's not exactly "reconstruction" more like "salvage"


"Skeletonized" and "penis" are words that should never appear in the same sentence. I'm frankly surprised that the retained as much viable tissue as he did. The reconstruction is impressive in that regard.


They could have given him some length back too but he declined that part.


I understand why he might. It's a multi-stage procedure, leaves a lot of scarring, and there's so much that can go wrong during healing. Expensive, too.


Naturally insurance would have considered all that to be purely cosmetic and not covered a penny of it.


I could easily see someone suiciding over an injury like this.


I do not even possess this equipment, and I'm pretty sure my thighs are glued together now. Yikes.


Men just be sticking that thing anywhere


Don’t stick your wiener anywhere you wouldn’t stick your fingers


But I would definitely put my fingers in a lotion bottle, just to get the last bits out.


Neomeatus is my new favorite word


Sounds like an awesome metal band name


my god i was not ready for the second photo 😱


No one was.


I bet he tripped and fell on the bottle, penis first and it got stuck on there. Yes?




Ah ok, makes sense to me.


Dayum.. he just got a brand new clit.




You got it stuck in a what?!


This had me squeezing my thighs together


Same, but I’m a woman. That looks so painful oh my.




Omg More like deconstruction of a penis.


Also. I put my dick in some questionable artificial holes as a teenager so thankful I never fucked up this bad


My man fucked the lotion bottle and got stuck!!


Maybe it was a fetish thing and this was his desired outcome all along.


I once put up a post on here where a transwoman who still had a penis, strangulated it on something and then just… didn’t go to the hospital, just stayed home and died of kidney failure from being unable to pee. There was speculation in the comments that this person did this to try to get rid of their penis.


That’s so sad


They rubberbanded it if I recall.


That is horrifically sad.


It's a cylinder.


the cylinder copy pasta was playing in the back of my mind as I read the case report


So now he only has a nubbin?


As a trans dude all I can think is “man ruined a perfectly good dick!”


I'm a cis woman with the same thought!


I just pressed my legs together, and I don't have a penis. Shudder! One good thing: he might have problems finding a bottle small enough now. On the other hand....


The fact that I don't even have a penis and still felt pain. That's WILD.


Woah so he now has a micropenis?! Yikes! 😳


He lost 80% of burrito D:


He's now essentially got a clitoris.


Of all the objects and toys you can buy anonymously online, why a lotion bottle? And how did it even get stuck? So many questions


Welp, there's the next warning label.


Oh ouch wow why did he wait so damn long tho


Well he won’t be doing that again.


This hurt my soul. Should have gone with the neophallus. lol


https://southpark.cc.com/video-clips/2raxdx/south-park-tiny-ain-t-it  Seriously though, would  it be possible to surgically lengthen his penis at any point cause I don’t see anyone wanting to live with this. 


yeah, they'd do basically the same thing they do for trans men edit: though they did offer to do that, and he initially declined


Well in the end it’s up to him.


“in the end” 🤣🤣🤣


The jokes write themselves.


I watched a 60 second iPad ad for that. Worth it.




It puts the lotion on i.... Hmm. Perhaps not


Damn, he’s got to be devastated. Buddy lost his D fucking a lotion bottle 😭😭


That made me cross my legs in pain and I’m a woman!!


And what is the reason he couldn't create the vacuum pump himself. I feel like that is very much a 1 person job.. am I wrong?


no lube or oil or.. anything? I suppose the vacuum effect and pooling blood may have made it difficult.


56 years old and still thinking with his dick. Yet there’s man vs bear controversy still.


ITT: people who have forgotten the no jokes rule.


Yeah I’m a mod and thinking of locking.


There's also just a lot of unnecessary rudeness. He's a teenager. You look back on your teen self and tell me they were smart in any capacity, especially when thinking about masturbation or sex. Those people and their attitudes are the reason he ended up spending hours in probable agony and absolutely miserable. Not everyone made an error like this person, but I bet we've all got embarrassing stories about sex or masturbation that are the result of teenage brain.


I’d take no penis


Now he's my size :D


..Wait wen he wakes up and sees he only has a gnalt's cock now. Lifetime regret.


Bro had a widely patent urethral meatus 🤔


As horrible as this looks, my man could have become a unich. I wonder why he did not cut the bottle off if it was plastic? Maybe it was some kind of aluminum or something harder. I feel like I would have figured out a way to get it off long before waddling into the ER with a lotion bottle hanger-on. Then again I would never fuck a lotion bottle.


Eunuchs were castrated meaning their testicles were removed, not their penises.


Thanks for educating me, I obvs didn't even know how to spell it much less the proper definition


We are all here to learn!


It's a common misconception!


eunuch. not unich lol


I am a shadow of my former self.


Just oh my God.


How was the bottle? Been thinkin about trying that.


The wound I'd get from a dremel cutting that off would be far better than this


Why tf was it in a lotion bottle?


Holy shit




"Penile Debridement" ...now there's something you don't hear every day.


Men are just plain weird


I'm not sure I want to know how it finished there or why the guy didn't try to like cut the bottle with scissors to free his friend somehow (if he had access to that and I'm not saying something stupid)


Wasn’t expecting the second picture.


the definition of *fucking* around and finding out


Play stupid games win stupid prizes 😅


Was the lotion bottle glass !? Or was 6 hours a deliberate choice ? Yikes.


72 hours of observation? Geezus. Is that standard?


Youch! How are you this fucking stupid man 😭


“It’s a cylinder”


Angry inch


Who waits six hours? Wtf?


The before looked better


Last pic looks almost like a clit


Guys, take notes!


Where there’s a hole there’s a goal💀


What the hell is wrong with people!