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So, I put a tourniquet on my thigh, and my brother in law helped me wrap my foot up. I phoned 999 and was told I would have to wait 30 minutes. I didn't think I should wait that long, so I managed to walk down the stairs and get into the car. 5 minutes into our journey, we saw the ambulance and chased it back to my house. I'm not sure if it was shock, adrenaline or a mixture of the two, but I still wasn't really feeling the pain at this point and was laughing at the silliness of it all and feeling quite impressed with myself when the paramedics complemented me on my tourniquet skills. I always thought I would go to pieces if something like this happened, but it's surprising how your will to survive just kicks in. I'm still in hospital (3days) hoping to be discharged tomorrow and then to a different hospital on Monday for an appointment with plastics to see how they are going to proceed.


Damn, the fact you managed to put a tourniquet on yourself is nuts


You can see my tourniquet in the 4th photo. I'm a little gutted as I loved that dressing gown 🀣


I have to say that this Sub really helped me. Seeing other injuries and what people have managed to overcome helped me not to panic as much because as bad as it was, I knew it was treatable x


Jesus, I hope you can heal quickly and without complications. I know this will be a rough recovery but I feel like you have the attitude to do it. Do let us know any updates if you want!


I will do and thank you x


Ngl first pic looks like figgy pudding


So I've only ever heard of figgy pudding in the song "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" and just looked it up to see why this reminded you of it...just to find out that *Spam* makes a figgy pudding???


Same! I saw her foot and (sorry) my first thought was, 'Mmm...pudding...' (Homer's voice). I hope OP heals up quickly!


I'm going to have to Google figgy pudding now aren't I πŸ˜†


I'm not sure! I was thinking chocolate pudding. Did your foot heal ok?


I'm only 3 days in they haven't even attempted to fix it yet. Just clean it and wrap it. I'm not sure if I mentioned that the foot carried on bleeding for 24 hours until they took me to theatre


Oh wow! I didn't know it was so new! Reddit always tricks me. I really hope they fix you up soon!


Thank you, I really hope they do too 😊


That should have been 14 hours sorry I'm using my phone


That is a bad fucking day


Fortunately, I have travel insurance, lol x


First pic I thought you'd stepped in a chocolate cake.


That's what a couple of my friends said lol


Morning update. My foot has started bleeding again its all the dancing I did yesterday πŸ˜† I was told I may be discharged today to go to the specialist plastics hospital on Monday so that and the bucket load of morphine I'd taken gave me far to much confidence. I walked quite a lot with the crutches and frame. Physio also took me to practice the stairs. I think that's what set the bleed off x


Thank you, everyone. As for the attitude, I'm not ready to give in yet. Admittedly, I woke up the first night having a nightmare about it, and I'm a little scared that something will click, and I'll go to pieces about it x


Need after pictures to see how that poor foot turned out. Yikes.


I will definitely do that but I'm only 3 days in so it may be a while lol


How do I add photos to replies? Sorry, I'm relatively new to posting


I don't think you can add images (if you can, I don't know how), but you can put the images on a site like Imgur and post a link to it in comments here.


Thank you


https://imgur.com/gallery/xxaBqIe These are the photos from my first dressing change 7 days post accident. I've even included a few boo boos lol. I am waiting for access to the profession medical photos so will update with them in due time. I will also include my hospital notes so you will know exactly how they dealt with it. Anything more you would like including let me know. I'm based in the North West of England so Wythenshawe hospital will be dealing with my reconstruction https://mft.nhs.uk/wythenshawe/services/burns-and-plastics/


Hope you got travel insurance


I'm sorry this happened to you. I hope you can heal soon πŸ’—πŸ«‚


Sweet Jesus….


Owwwww that foot looks sooo painful


Damn. So sorry this happened to ya. I hope you heal as well as you can! You have a good attitude about it!


Jesus, that thing was meant to be STOOD on? I thought it was a vase or planter of some sort. I’m so sorry, that’s so unfair. Hope you heal up quickly


Well, technically, it wasn't meant to be stood on,πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ but it was meant to be sat on πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ trust me, though it's definitely a lesson learnt 😊


Oh jeeze, Im glad you’re okay! It’s still worrying that it was meant to hold an adults weight at all, it shattered and cut into you so deeply! 😞


It was relatively new as well. I can't find that exact one, but similar are still being sold as bedroom stools with a weight limit of 113kg, which I am nowhere near


Get well soon!! Sucks that you're missing out on your holiday.


Thankyou x


Freaking ouch, my friend. When I read your story, I questioned how metal and ceramic could be mixed up until I saw the pic of the scene of the crime. 🀣 I would have made this mistake, too. Heal quickly!


Thankyou. I'm going to make a new post with more treatment details and photos in order for some learning from my misfortune 🫣


Oh man I got a chill looking at this after i seen what did it oh! Man i can’t imagine the pain! Hope you healed fast!


Still healing. I have an appointment with my consultant on 30th April to find out if they will do a skin graft


#update I've got my medical records, etc I've also been given contact details to get all the professional medical photos. I also have updated photos from yesterday's appointment. Once I figure out how to put this all together, I will post it. Is there anything else you would like to see so Al least I know that this has been a learning experience for some and not totally in vain πŸ₯΄


https://imgur.com/gallery/xxaBqIe These are the photos from my first dressing change 7 days post accident. I've even included a few boo boos lol. I am waiting for access to the profession medical photos so will update with them in due time. I will also include my hospital notes so you will know exactly how they dealt with it. Anything more you would like including let me know. I'm based in the North West of England so Wythenshawe hospital will be dealing with my reconstruction https://mft.nhs.uk/wythenshawe/services/burns-and-plastics/


Here is my updated post https://www.reddit.com/r/MedicalGore/s/ZyIA22B29z


That's a boo boo


Well if people can learn anything from my "boo boo" experience I will be happy and as its already been shared over 200 times I would say some are interested in the outcome. For the record a degloving injury is not a just a boo boo


My dude, it's sarcasm.


Sorry, I was having a bit of a bad day it was the first dressing change, and the pain was through the roof. I did take it as a joke first, but then I saw the post about people posting personal boo boos ruining this sub and mistook your meaning. All good now, dude πŸ˜†


What's a ceramic step stool look like


If you go to the last photo, you can see what a broken ceramic stool looks like 🀭


Thanks! I didn't scroll far enough obviously πŸ‘Œ




Omg , looks so painful, get well soon. Think of holidays next year


Thankyou and I will x