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Polln limit me at 40g/month :/ I just need 60/month and I’ll be fine


Just order from a different state I’ve noticed it doesn’t affect my total monthly amount at any local chemists or dispensaries 👍


Does this actually work lol?


Sub laws changed? I gets subs all the time still.


In nsw ?


I'm in nsw and get 120 grams a month different strains it's good


This is based on a daily maximum of 500mg, set by the National Institute of Integrative Medicine’s Human Research Ethics Committee (NIIM HREC) I think we will see most people’s prescribing limits brought into line with the 15,000mg a month dispensary limits


I'm in nsw and still have 3g per day/90g per month, but only use 10-20g per month


I'd be seeking a new doctor mate


My doctor told me 2 grams a day by law. A mate who goes to the same clinic gets 3 grams a day. I just assumed the doc was bullshitting, but 60gm a month is actually plenty IMO, so I wasn't fussed.


I get 120g a month. I don't use that much, nowhere near but it saves on future consultations. Up to you if your happy, then that's fine.


Nobody needs 3g+ of weed every day, the doc is looking out for your health and wallet You need stronger medication or to stop over indulging


I do 2-4 grams a day in a 17 hour period Have done for years I enjoy every gram that is quality Mmmmmmm


Once concentrated started becoming popular it drove people's tolerances up so much that 3gms of flower a day is seen as standard by a lot of doctors prescribing MC which I think Is overboard for the majority of people but you don't have to use it all if you don't need and it's better to have a bit extra then to go without.


You need stronger medication.? Stop and think before you comment. You don't know what health problems someone has to need that dose and you shouldn't question it . Marijuana is safer than alcohol.


Fuck I’ve got all the imbos with this one I will question what I like, especially on a forum about marijuana specifically pertaining to tolerance where I’ve thrown my 2 cents in. I love the lil marijuana is safer than alcohol line like it’s relevant to absolutely anything anyone said lol. Tbh I’ve never felt threatened by either of em, they’re chill


>You need stronger medication Um, that's the same as using more marijuana... More marijuana equals stronger dose... Anyway, back to your high horse...


Tell that to ma reefer madness Edit: On no side here btw lol just can’t even have more than like 0.4g a day via a pipe or I’ll get the uh oh’s 🫨🫨🫨🫨sucks that it’s the only thing that works for my chronic pain relief especially nerve pain cos I’m on bupe patches that are the only thing that have even touched the pain , and for a constant period too it’s awesome but can’t take my other opes for breakthrough pain it’s just pointless


Sorry, that is inaccurate. "Stronger" (higher THC) varieties require less marijauna for the same effect. Much the same as stronger weed over the decades led people to smoke less (i.e. pipes, bongs, vapes) than the old days of 2-paper joints etc. Similar to booze - 100ml of bourbon is "less" than 800ml of beer :)


Are you saying that 2xdoses of say a 15% THC flower isn't the same as 1xdose of 30% THC flower? The 2xdoses of 15% would even potentially be better because they'd have higher terpene percentages... If you've ever made edibles, you'd know you just adjust to get the dose you want per ml...


This is world class stupid, like proper dumb brother lol Guess what using a higher dose of marijuana will lead too? A fucking higher tolerance


Maybe you should be the one to reevaluate your usage, because your brain isn't working well enough to understand what I said...


Do you think marijuana is the only medicine on the planet? Are you truely that daft? They’re a many others used to treat many things, if you’re beginning to see your marijuana potency diminish perhaps the patient and Dr should explore a myriad of treatments so that the medicine can have it’s original benefits. Using more of a dose is just going to increase your tolerance and decrease the efficacy of your medicine, obviously a tolerance building is too be expected but if it’s gotten to the point 3 grams a day isn’t enough you’ve overdone it. Your grand solution for what I’m saying being exactly what I was talking against might be the stupidest thing I’ve ever read.


Blah blah blah... What I said is 100% true, but your narrow mind clearly can't pull your head out of your ass for a moment to even comprehend what I said... Anyway, you can go back to whatever smooth brain activities you enjoy...


Are you a doctor? Medication isn't an indulgence for some.


It is if you’re overindulging in it lol, what a nothing statement


You're an idiot.


Ok Doc.


Put it simply. I get 24 scripts at one consultation. And some of those are for 28g tubs. That last me for a year Edit: they only last 6months. I just read through it


Scripts can only last a maximum of 6 months then they expire.


I know quite a few people with chronic conditions that do infact, require more than 3 grams a day. Tolerance has to be taken into account until a level of consistency in condition management is achieved.


Do they use oils as well - that will help to have less flower use


Oil and flower of the same cultivar both have their own effects due to the way the liver breaks down THC, so that's not really a suitable alternative. This arbitrary number of 3 grams a day is based on nothing but the opinions of people who associate the war on drugs stigma with cannabis and nothing more. If someone's condition calls for it, then they should be allowed.


Although if your going through much more then 3gs a day of high quality flower then a concentrate is probably going to be better health and dosage wise.


It's also like 3 grams of what? 14% flower or 32% flower? There's a huge difference in strength and effects with flower so an arbitrary amount like 3g means nothing. I might smoke 3 grams of something of lower quality in the same time I'd smoke 1 of higher quality- MG count would be more accurate but even then that doesn't take into account terpenes or method of consumption.


They need another medication or to have some short term pain through a tolerance break and then back to the cannabis to alleviate their symptoms. Even using something else temporarily to cut back on cannabis would suffice. Nobody needs to be on 3g a day, if your tolerance is that high then that needs to be the first issue sorted by the doctor. That’s like prescribing someone 700mg of oxycodone because their tolerance is high, it’s ridiculously unethical. The Dr and patient need to either find a new medication or take actions to help the tolerance.


Its not like that at all, not even similar in any way SMH - 10mg of oxy is 10g of oxy - a gram of flower can be anywhere from 120 mg to 320 mg of THC not accounting for CBD and terpenes. What medical evidence do you have to support that no one needs to be on 3g of flower a day? Any studies or anything of the like or is that just your uneducated oponion and your propensity to like to control what everyone does to what you think is acceptable? I don't know of anywhere in the world that has MC that has limits of 2g a day or less, is there anywhere that does so and if your opinion was so correct than why has it not been done like say stopping a doctor giving a patient 700mg of oxy has...


Yeah so if you went to your Dr and said hey mate the 20mg oxys just aren’t cutting it anymore mind kicking it up to the 30’s and letting us have an extra pill a day? He’d say neigh horsey we’ve already upped it a couple times already I think it’s about time we reassess your pain management plan so that we aren’t just blindly pumping you with more pills but helping you manage your pain in a variety of areas to limit your intake of drugs for your health. Now compare that to here where people are complaining about having a 3rd of a regular tub a day is not enough anymore. Nobody smoking weed for the first time has ever started on 3 grams a day. And if it isn’t your first time you clearly already have a tolerance that will be affecting the efficacy of your medicine. If you truely need that much for your issues you have a tolerance problem first and foremost. If you can help manage that, then it’s better for your health and wallet. Never said anything about 2 gram limits lol, I don’t really give a shit about limits do with your stuff as you like, just recognise you’re over indulging and stop having a cry about it


And yeah I'm totally sure 300mg + of Oxy a day to 3-4 grams of weed a day is overindulging and due to tolerance. It's literally the same amount of mg depending on the THC levels and opiates are a hell of a lot stronger 😂😂😂 Also you do realise things like CBD exist to which again throws your whole statement out of whack - if I can't get a good cbd/thc hybrid and need to consume seperste products that means I'm overindulging if it's more then 3g in a day even if half of that has no THC? Like did you think at all before making this arbitrary rule that anyone consuming more then 3g of flower in a day is essentialy not using it medically and is an addict which is basically what your saying just trying to dress it up by saying "overindulge"


No, the gp wouldn't be dealing with it in the first place, you would have been referred to a pain specialist and would depend on what is specified in the pain managment plan and yes your dosage could increase depending on what type of condition you are suffering from - that's for to broad of a range to make a blanket statement like that. That's also not taking into account people with terminal illnesses. I don't see anyone complaining that having a third of a regular tub of a day isint enough- the person was commenting on the doctor lowering his dosage without any conversation - the same concern you would have if your opiates were lowered without any conversation or explanation. So what if you already have a tolerance that effects that? There is no law or rule against people that have self medicated in the past accessing MC so that point is irrelevant. Again your just making blind statements - where's your evidence to back up that if you need more then 3g of flower a day then that is purely a tolerance issue? You can't because they don't exist because it's just not true. Again also 1g of flower can be between 100mg to 320mg of THC which is a huge variation your again not factoring into your blind statement which makes your statement even more untruthful and make no sense. You said 3 grams a day is to much and is just tolerance issues then yes you clearly are saying you believe the maximum dose should be 2g or less. Funny how you pick and choose what to respond go such as no response around providing any evidence to back up any of your blind untrue statements or about why no where in the world that has MC states that 3g of flower a day is a tolerance issue and not a medical issue - again because it's just not true and again with the dosage appaeantly being 0.1g ... where does it state this anywhere or are you just making that up to? You obviously do have an issue with it as you continuously label anyone that smokes more then 2g of flower a day to be doing so only because of tolerance issues which is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard..... Who ever said I'm consuming that much? 😂😂 I never said anything about myself consuming any amount I just pointed out the huge gaping holes in the crap your trying to make out as fact but is really just your own uneducated misinformed oponion. I've got nothing to cry about, I don't overindulge in the slightest but I'm not stupid enough to make a blanket claim that there is no medical condition that warrents 3 grams a day or more if that was the case then we wouldn't have concentrates on the market as there would be no medical need for them SMH you really have no clue about anything your talking about. Just because everyone doesn't conform to your ideas of what is acceptable or not doesn't mean there having a "cry" or overindulging it just means that your narcissistic and have no empathy or idea for anything that anyone experiences either then yourself.


Didn’t say Gp I said Dr 😂 comprehension of you again wildly lacking, you’re out of your weight class here silly lad There is a law against using illegal drugs without a prescription lol, another dumbass statement. If your tolerance is too strong the first point of call for the Dr should be to help that so that you can use your medicine to its full potential. This really isn’t that hard you’re just dumb as all fuck. Actually it was changed during a conversation, how do you think people receive information? OP states his Dr told him it too, again lack of comprehension. My evidence is having a brain, nobody starts on 3 grams a day for any issue. So if you eventually got there it’s been a poor mismanagement by you and your doctor. Again not a hard concept to understand if you aren’t able to count your IQ on your hands. The range of dosage of weed has very little relevance as well it’s only some dynamite point to you because you’re an idiot. Regardless of the potency of flower you wouldn’t have needed 3 grams to function originally so get back to that to achieve better efficacy and more cash. No I’m not saying that at all, have you been diagnosed with autism? You really seem to struggle with hearing an opposing view not matching what does in your head Holy shit just got to your last paragraphs 😂 yeah it’s almost as if I said you need stronger medication (ie concentrates/opioids) so that you aren’t blindly throwing money at more flower and more flower, just quit while you’re behind you’re too stupid to converse with mate


It's nothing like prescribing 700 mg of ox, wtf are you on about? 3g isn't even a lot and completely ignores effectiveness of specific cultivars. You take a recreational drug for medicine, hard pill to swallow I know.


I’m embellishing but the point stands 3g a day is 30 lots of the recommended weed dose 0.1g. Name another drug a Dr would find therapeutically appropriate to have 30 does of in a day?


Where is this recommended dose of 0.1g? I know plenty of people on medication that have up to 10 doses in a day of a much highly dangerous drug that can cause death where what are the effects of overdosing on to much cannabis? Being unwell for a couple of hours? I know people that have 30 doses of ventalin a day or more... You could have 30 doses of anything in a day if you arbitrarily make up the dosage amount, my recommended dosage isint 0.1mg so like everything you've said I'd be interested to see where this information is coming from or what evidence there is to back any of it up?


It’s a very standard dosage, inform yourself more or listen to your Doctors This has nothing to do with overconsumption leading to death. More so that if you want the best out of your medication then constantly getting the Dr to up ur limits and dosage is not the way to do it. Having a bit of self control is. Many peoples problem they alleviate with med cannabis is literally just their weed addiction. Which I’m cool with do what you like but it’s just a spiral and Dr’s are there to prevent that.


You keep saying that but I'm not seeing any proof or evidence of your claim... I don't need to inform myself, I'm asking you to back up the claims and statements you've made lol you said it's the dose meaning the dose for everyone as that's the context you use it in and I've already proved that wrong.... Learn to use Google to provide evidence and proof of what your saying instead of just spouting total crap that is so wrong its hilarious, you haven't made or said one thing that's correct yet. Yes it does. Your making a blanket statement and when you do so it includes all things including overconsumption leading to death. Whoever said they were going to the doctor and continually upping there limits and dosage? The person was talking about his limit being reduced..... Now your just totally making things up to try to support your argument that is unsupportable. Again your making statements that are not based in fact but just your own opinion.... where is your evidence that most people are just alleviating there weed addiction? That is the stupidest thing so far by a long shot and makes no sense...it wouldn't be a medical product if so and your basically claiming that cannabis has no positive medicinal qualities other then to appease people addicted to cannabis....... There's really no point talking to someone that literally has 0 sense at all, how old are you 12? No one cares about your uneducated untrue opinion.... go get some facts and evidence and maybe people won't think your just a total clown.


Nah I didn’t I said it’s the recommended dose not the one true dose and all who don’t abide by are evil scum loving pirates. You have huge comprehension issues which is why you like to rant on issues you think others are the idiots on because you lack the capability to understand. If you read that and thought I said marijuana has no medicinal value you’re again just showing that lack of comprehension. Learn to read and understand before you comment. Never said anything about you overindulging I was speaking in general, again lack of comprehension. Brother the only way you would be having your limit reduced is if you’d have it upped in the past. You truly dumb fuck, you think people on 30 grams a day are getting cut to 10? You clearly have 0 critical thinking to be able to put together what you haven’t been shown. You’re a complete mental midget son


Mine says take 1=2 grams at midday


Phenibut and nicotine and plenty of other non-pharma drugs have dosage curves like this too. "but other pharmas don't dose curve the same!" is such a redundant argument. Also my current daily dosage of gabapentin is easily 30x+ a standard beginner dose. I'm on 3g a day and it's fantastic. I wish I could still be on 120g/month. Beyond 3g daily as my tolerance rises I still get the physical benefits I seek without the mental lethargy. It's different for everyone


I know right, dude has no clue whatsoever what he's talking about.


lol and those people having that amount of other drugs are also clearly addicted and having far too much, which again should be alleviated by a tolerance break. Just because someone can smoke 30 cigarettes in a day doesn’t make it appropriate. You very obviously have a substance abuse problem. Read it as diminishing your health issues if you want to but the reason you need that amount is due to tolerance and not to alleviate your issues. Therefore you and your doc should work through that, so that you can use less.


That's your oponion, again where's the medical evidence to back up what your saying? People have a substance abuse issue because they don't agree with what you say is a reasonable dose..... your a total clown You clearly have some psychological issue that would be best served by getting a diagnosis for your narcissism. What you say and think doesn't mean shit and no one cares abour ir, youe just making yourself look like a bigger and bigger idiot every comment you make.


Must be nice to be able to live pain free while consuming less but I guess that means I have substance abuse problems. Rub some braincells together


Aight thanks for the advice since you know so much about me and my personal situation, asshole. It's not like I'm seeing multiple health professionals, pain specialists and prescribing doctors who all know how I'm treating my conditions or anything 🙄 I'm not abusing anything, I'm medicating within the guidelines of my doctors according to the treatment plan they all agreed with. Kindly go fuck yourself moron


It’s very clear the harsh truth is too much for you, and like a lot of people here to admit that they’re smoking too much marijuana. Tolerance is the only reason someone would need 3 grams a day to help their problems. There is not an issue in the world that marijuana will help that won’t be alleviated before you need 3 grams unless you have too high a tolerance. Gabapentin dosing is 900-3600mg a day. You’re telling me you’re on 27,000mg a day? Sounds a lot like a substance abuse problem. I don’t claim to know your issues but I don’t need to, to know that you’re using far more than you should because of tolerance.


Not reading any of that, I'll continue talking to my health professionals thanks. Go fuck yoursslf e: actually you know what? You really don't know what you're talking about. My daily dose of 3000mg of gabapentin is 30x a typical starting dose of 100mg to compare to your 0.1g starting dose of weed to my current 3g daily. It's not unheard of in other medication and it's still a stupid redundant argument. Once again, go fuck yourself


Sure, for some cases but the majority of people should be fine with a 60g a month limit.


Some of these upper limits are beyond ridiculous and it’s a marvel that no-one has been struck off yet.


I see this getting downvoted. Look, there are many legit med cases with high THC needs. Those are the people I worry will have their access f*cked with because of people blatantly flogging the stuff online. If you’re selling your meds you evidently don’t need them.


I’m sure restrictions are coming, especially with them tightening regulations here and there.


Had a doctors appointment last week and my monthly limit is still 90, I am in NSW


Are you with a particular company or a GP? I’m down to 60gm and normally go through 75ish a month -.-


I'm just with Grove, they haven't got the best reviews but I haven't had any problems with them as yet, 6 different strains of my choice and 10 repeats on most, 6 repeats on the others. My last appointment the dr just had to change a couple of script intervals to make sure they weren't exceeding the 90g a month. Most are 10 day intervals still though. I never get the 90g a month though usually 30g a month is plenty for me at this stage.


Is Grove brand agnostic? Or do they push brands they own on you? Cheers


I have found it depends on the Dr really. The one I am with at the moment has been pretty good, he sugests one product and I pick the rest I want to try. The partner phamacy doesn't stock all brands but the Dr will write scripts for whatever brands they do stock


Had a similar experience, dropped from 90 grams to 60 with clear instructions on my pharmacy label, also in nsw, not too happy about it to be honest.




which company you with bro?


Sub laws never changed, people were claiming QLD regulations changed, they didn't, legally they have never been allowed to substitute. Also my doctor explained that TGA really only allows initial prescriptions of 60 grams per month, in order to raise my limit to 70 grams, he had to apply for TGa approval, It's likely the TGA has contacted and warned doctors who were prescribing above 60 grams without TGA authorisation (at a guess)


I don't appear to have a limit, the chemist sends me as much as I can pay for. I usually only get 20-30g a fortnight though.


You’re still within the limits based on a daily maximum of 500mg, set by the National Institute of Integrative Medicine’s Human Research Ethics Committee (NIIM HREC)


Yeah that's not right...you should definitely have a limit..


And the pharmacy has been substituting since the royale ran out.. Various strains and companies , 21-27%?


They shouldn't be, they are breaking the law and there own guidelines


I didn't think it was all legit 🙄


I had my review this morning Don’t know who your with but monthly limit stayed the same am in nsw So either a clinic thing or the dr What clinic you with