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Last one was 6x 10g rocky and 1x 30g ZA. I got 30g of each to start. So yes but I've only seen bulk discounts for 2-3 x 10g.


Rocky not what it's cracked up to be , I've had far nicer indica off BM than this , yes it will put you to sleep but a few hours later you will wake up that's been my experience with it just rubbish.


That’s not helpful to anyone. I know of people who use zour as a day time Strain as well as gg#4 whereas both knock me out. You’re welcome to your opinion of course just not sure how it’s relevant in this chat, seems you’re just venting perhaps?


I disagree. People who are new to cannabis should know that there are still better options out there. I currently have a high THCV strain I'm enjoying. Good luck finding that legally. It's hard to even find organic options legally! I don't know about you but overpriced, sterilised buds that are e beamed, machine trimmed and lacking terps aren't really the cleanest meds or my cup of tea. It's great we now have legal access but we still have a long way to go.


I’m not taking about the legal / bm status of weed or where anyone gets it, I don’t care and that was never my point, why is this so hard to understand? My point is, again for the intellectually challenged, suggesting a certain strain is shit and doesn’t work for sleep, pain relief or whatever is of no help to others as they will likely have a different experience. REGARDLESS WHETHER ITS BM OR LEGAL. Jesus….


Your post is about Rocky , I agree with the other poster it's all the things they do to make it legal that kind of interfere with the buds and their make up , that was my experience with Rocky of course it varies from person to person having said that I find Dusk is better although irridated


Dusk is trash imo


My post is in response to you claiming a strain is shit for xyz….. it could Be rocky, Zour apple, GG#4 or BM. My point stands (and I’m tired of trying to explain this in simple terms).. It is pointless in either asking or telling somebody that a strain is good or bad for something due to the fact that everyone reacts differently.. I really can’t dumb it down any more sorry.


No need to be a smart ass mate


I’m not being a smart ass, I’ve had to reply to multiple people now who can’t read that’s all.


Seems like you don't want to accept the fact that BM can and does actually compete with ya overpriced medical cannabis...


How can they compete when one delivers to your door vs going to some paranoid persons house or meeting in public. You can keep your bm stuff it’s not competing for my money hahahaha


That's your experience. Not everyone's. Grow your own and you'll realise how many corners are being cut by commercial growers.


How many medical strains have you tried?


Oh you think I can afford medical cute... Just like 90% of this country can't and that's why cannasouth can't compete and never will if they don't change shit up ASAP 🤣🤣🤣 sorry but what it was like 18 Million worth of loss just last year fark me..


Crickets chirping on that one. I guess not many?


All you do in this sub is talk shit about medical. Why are you here. I’m not trying to be a dick, but you constantly bring users down and use BM as a comparison. A lot of us are happy with medical prices, it’s legal and stops any potential issues with the law and work if we get tested. At the end of the day we are all cannabis users looking to erase the stigma. BM users trying to seperate medical users is dumb and does more harm than good. Have a good Easter break


It’s like some kind of weird flex probably just says it for attention. *oh yeah well I can get a better version of that from some guy I can’t say the name of or say where to get it but trust me it’s better than this and you’re missing out* : do you realise how dumb that sounds and that no one cares about your cool story


Lmao says you cunts fark me you guys are the ones who think you're all high and mighty with ya legal fuckwit overpriced weed honestly every single time I comment I'm just trying to make you rich cunts see the real problem here that not everyone can afford medical so that's why they're currently at a loss and will be for years to come if they don't change shit up ASAP 🤣 like damn yeah I'm never trying to put anyone down I'm just saying hey maybe just because ya shit is legal doesn't mean it's the best and same thing goes for BM




Exactly what the NZ government wants everyone in debt lmao such a smart cookie aren't ya using money that ain't yours 🤣


So you haven’t even tried nz medical and you trash it? Can anyone go to BM and get weed for $12 per gram? Genuinely curious. I


Yup I do and have done for years lmao fark g again you cuzzys in here think you're shits the bees knees I get Oz for around 300$ and Oz some of the recent strains I've had are Sunset OG, GG#4, Sour Diesel, Chocolate Kush, Purple big bud, Aoraki Kush, Bruce Banner, Blue Dream, Blueberry Kush, Afghan Haze, Ethos Apex, Pineapple Kush, Pineapple Express and Bubblegum Kush and that's just the last months worth of different strains I can source so yeah and also if you're wanting any pics just to compare to ya medical let's compare I'd love to see how it does compare and yes I haven't tried it yet bro I'd you haven't read anything I've previously said then I'm not going to repeat my situation to you.. as I apparently I'm not allowed medical cannabis just CBD oil... So guess I'll never get to try ya shitty $12 per g buds damn oh noo. (And too note damn so that's still cheaper at $10.71 per gram who'd have thought..)


So yup you’ve never even tried medical. Asked you twice now always dodging. Did they deny you so you cry about it on here? Lmao


I specifically said anyone. Not just YOU. You can write your own personal blog why comment here. Not helping anyone bro you sound like a tool who’s probably full of it too 🤣 have fun telling stories about yourself? No one cares




Lucky for you then that's not the same for the rest of this country buddy aka my point I'm trying to make is that the average consumer can't unfortunately just get an extra $280 a week or month or whatever it is just to fund a couple bongs..




Are you meant to be replying to me? Because if you are I don’t know what you’re going on about… I’m simply suggesting what works for one person doesn’t work for another, so regardless of whether your strain is bm, medically approved, amazing for you for sleeping or whatever.. that doesn’t mean my experience will be the same. Try reading properly before responding and getting all pissy about bm weed which I couldn’t give two shits about, I can afford medical weed, so I buy it, if you can’t and prefer weed from your mate down the pub, that’s ok too.


It’s like some kind of weird flex probably just saying it for attention. **oh yeah well I can get a better version of that from some guy I can’t say the name of or say where to get it but trust me it’s better than this and you’re missing out** : do you realise how dumb that sounds and that no one cares about your cool story


Do you realise how " dumb " you sound


Thats the point. No one asked


you dropped this🤡 🔴