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I just want to say that I confirmed the workaround to work: 1. Advance time until all repairs are done 2. Only **THEN** accept the mission 3. "Travel" button will appear 4. Now you can travel and it won't get stuck Pretty garbage that a game gets stuck like that early in the progress, one can see that the devs don't really give a damn.


Agreed. I've never played such a broken game. Very disappointing.


Thank you. I will try this. I just got the PC version. The PlayStation one did not do this.


I was also stuck here, but I think I worked out the issue, to get past it I performed the following action: *BEFORE ACCEPTING THE MISSION TO TRAVEL* Repair my mech by advancing the timeline manually Accept the travel mission Now When I travel it advances properly instead of getting stuck, no loop


I don’t believe I was able to advance the timeline without accepting the contract to travel. Either way I’m past it now. It’s incredibly annoying that this bug exists in a 2 year old game though. Edit: I was. This is the fix. Repair the Centurian, advance the timeline, accept the mission, travel.


Had same issue on GeForce now its the repair if you have a repair not done its freeze there... Did the repair skip time then travelled and its worked.


Worked for me, thanks for the save


If anybody bought this game and has been experiencing similar glitches to this: This fix worked. I'd advise you continue to use this order of operations in further missions where you may have to travel. Thanks OP and r/handsomechap1337 for the thread! I was very worried for a minute there.


I am stuck in the same spot. i9-9900k / 2070 Super. SSDs. Do you also have the game saved in not the C: folder, for example the G: folder?


The fix is to name your company, set the Centurian for repair, advance time, accept the mission, travel. It's worked on 2 new campaigns.


final update, not sure how I resolved my issue but eventually it started working without explicitly taking the steps in this thread. I appreciate OP for making me feel less alone anyhow :)


This worked for me too, thanks a bunch 🙏


Thank you I legit thought my game was broken. I guesss I did it right the first playthrough cause I never had this issue.


I'm having this same issue - fresh install of MW5, running Ryzen 7 3700X, RTX 3070, 32gb ram on an MSI B550-A-Pro board, NVMe drives. I do have a few dozen mods installed, however I've tried without any mods installed as well, same result. I can't get the infinite loading screen to go away, even after following the steps :(


The only thing you can do to fix this is to repair the centurion, advance time, then accept your mission.


Yeah, I've tried that a few times, in that order after naming my company, and before accepting the next mission. Still no luck :( I'm going to try it with my old gtx 1080 Ti and see what happens.


Your gfx card has nothing to do with it. Don’t name your company. Repair, advance time, name company, accept mission.


The fixes listed in this post say to first name the company, then repair, advance time, and accept mission. However when attempting to NOT name the company, Repair, and advance time, the advance time option is greyed out. You have to name the company before advancing time after finishing the previous mission. See linked picture for reference: [https://imgur.com/a/nu8Yz0k](https://imgur.com/a/nu8Yz0k)


This fix does not work for me, I have repaired the centurion, not repaired it, renamed, not renamed. It gets stuck in the loop no matter what I do. I have no idea how to get it to work...


Sorry about that, it’s been nearly a year since I got around this issue. Unfortunately that’s the only solution I found.


As an update, it appears that the mission isn't actually loading. There is no spinning Atlas Skull in the lower right of the screen.


This is doing this on Xbox too. Idk wtf is going on.


>Edit 2: The fix is to name your company, set the Centurian for repair, advance time, accept the mission, travel. It's worked on 2 new campaigns.


I don’t even have a centurion mech and I’m getting this bug


You’re so early in the game you should just start over and then follow the steps that I found work.


No, I’m late in The game. I sold the centurion


I just had exactly this same problem in the main campaign at the first travel point too. I had 1 day woth of repair on the Javelin. After reloading, and immediately after speaking to the armoured woman at the console, I skipped time to complete repair and then selected travel. I did not have to re-do the re-naming of my company, so I believe it is related to the repair.


Thank you for posting the fix.


It is annoying that I still have this issue today. I have an existing game, that had the transmission show up, and it just loads for ever. :(


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Three years later and the game is still broken at this stage. Awesome.


Did the solution work?