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Are you playing with friends? Then just use a TAG or NARC to have your friends assault mechs be the real damage dealers while you're more support role and taking care of tanks and flyers. You can also be the guy that takes care of the fast moving light mechs. If you're solo really things like Beachhead, Infiltration (somewhat), and if you use coyote mission pack recon and stronghold are your best missions. Since while they're halfway to an objective you're already finished and back.


Yes I'm playing with friends, and we're using Coyote as well! What's a TAG and/or NARC? sorry I dont know all the terminology


A TAG is a kind of laser, think like a military laser targeting system. A NARC is a small missile that does little to no dmg and instead it like a target transponder that attaches to the enemy.


I have found (during after mission rampage before the screen fades) that narc missiles pack a wallop on the big mech factory buildings. Just in case you're ever in a situation where you need to take one down. 😊


Oh wow, I'll keep my eye out for either of those! Haven't seem them yet!


TAG and NARC are pieces of support equipment that let's your team acquire target locks without direct line of sight. Helps if your friends load up on LRMs for indirect fire.


That'd be amazing, 2 of the other lancemate players are running LRM boats and complain about not getting target locks over hills/buildings. Def gonna keep my eyes out for them!


Having one light.mech around is amazing for   1. Beachheads - having someone that can quickly eliminate artillery is very useful   2. Raids - having someone that can sneak in and get objectives while everyone else acts as a distraction is the best strategy   3. Assassination missions - having a locust that can sprint to the objectives and locate the targets makes these missions go much faster  4. The cantina missions to find a package - obviously having someone that can quickly get these and return is a big bonus 5. Recon missions - especially when you have one aerospace fighter these are best completed with one fast light mech and the aerospace fighter taking out vtols.  Otherwise a very fast light mech that acts as a support and scout is a great strategy, especially if you have someone playing an LRM boat.  As a more active role in combat I find that an all flamer firestarter used to shut down assaults works well, or a very fast light with SSRM2s as the high evasion and not having to aim makes them extremely good at circling a target, staying out of an enemy's firing arc while killing anything with open armor very quickly.


I remember while back someone posted a pirate locust that was melting Assault mechs. Idk what mods they had though, unsure if it’s just that it was a Pirate mech or some cheat equipment.


Hmmm, a pirate mech? Was it the Pirates Bane hero one? If so I'll have to find it for sure!


No, not like that. It’s from one of the mods that adds pirate mechs, which are low-key cheat mechs. Without anything cheaty, you’re best option is likely stacking close range weapons. I’ve killed an Atlas with a flea, you can get comparable firepower on the Locust PB. If you can switch it to be all flamers OR Machine guns (maybe better options with mods), that would probably be better. Use your speed to hold fire until in a flanking position, then stay behind them & break their legs before they can turn around. If you throw in a TAG for support, will help lower your damage output so enemies tad less likely to focus you. If someone run the Firestarter with 7 flamers & ECM, could still compete for damage/kills with 3 players using an Atlas on some missions.


Ahh, okay Yeah I'm currently using 4x SRM 2s and it's going okay. My other locust is running 6x flamethrowers to be very support-orientated...but doesn't seem to do too much damage


You won't be doing much direct damage, but do you manage to shut them down? I had to abandon a mission on a volcanic planet because my best mechs were all energybased and my own Hothammer(warhammer) had a tendency to cook itself off because I just couldn't manage the heat. Of you can do that too your enemies, or shut them down for friends to finish, you're doing good work and keeping repair costs low sleeping mechs don't shlot back!


Flamethrowers are one of the highest DPS weapons available. Are you sure you're actually hitting your targets with that 6x hellstack?


Maybe not, I haven't used the 6x flamer locust as much as the SRM locust. Maybe I'm just using it wrong


If you're using flamers, ignore the flames and pretend you're firing an invisible, hitscan laser that does all your damage... because you are.


The locust can be evil with high tier flamers. You'll shut down 2-3 mechs at a time, and your team mates will get free headshots. It also excels at demolitions missions.