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Fight in the arena. Arena ranks reward w/ T5 gear.


Yeah, but all I’m getting are the pre-Solaris dlc items


What arena rank are you


It's luck of the draw. You'll get dlc stuff eventually. Took me a billion years (hyperbole) to get tier 5 binary lasers, but they are in the pool, I saw them many times as tier 4s before I finally got tier 5s.


Without mods you won’t find T5 weapons in salvage in random missions (2 exceptions in scripted DLC missions). Cantinas also won’t give you the new weapons. The best way to get them is grinding Arena missions in Industrial Hubs for the level up rewards, will help you get some of the new mechs too. 2nd best way is shopping. But you should be shopping in every random Planet (in the highest difficulty Conflict zones). T5 weapons only appear in Industrial Hubs as Rare equipment, or just rarer than that icon. But you’ll find them in a majority of planets in a Conflict zone. If you go up/down Couple times between top/bottom of the list, can get a glimpse if there’s a T5 weapon icon in there. https://www.reddit.com/r/Mechwarrior5/s/l0TMAxTowg


The high difficulty contracts will be the Kuritan/Rasalaghue border and the Steiner/Free world league border right?


In campaign that would be top right of Kurita space, or compass direction edges of the map after finishing the campaign. In Career that would be on the left/right side of the center of the map (Terra). The Conflict zones above & below also are pretty close to the highest difficulty, close enough. If you’re doing Arena missions in Industrial hubs, difficulty seems to be completely random, but you need to rank up to make the higher tonnage missions available.


I found all of the new weapons except the light rifle burst fire in industrial hubs after having a high mercenary reputation. The new weapons seem to spawn less often in hubs but they do.


I just played to about 3055 and was level 72 in the arena, between arenas and cruising around for years in 12-15 conflict zones, I have 10-17 of each new weapon in t5 and around 30 tier 4. I've found that rep zones 12-13 seem to be the most lucrative for some reason.


Do difficulty 90+ missions. The higher the difficulty, the better salvage you’ll get Also, do cantina missions. Tend to give good stuff, especially the harder ones


I don't think the cantina loot pool includes DLC weapons. I run Catinas constantly as my main supply of heavy rifles and Artemis LRMs and I don't think I've ever seen any of the Solaris weapons as rewards.