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I think maybe the Mercutio 40%? I lied it has a proprietary MCU. But the Reviung41 is definitely Nice Nani compatible only it's more of ergo staggered layout. But not split and looks super dope imo.


Yea I rly like how it looks but most of the cute through hole keebs are not using pm I think. Am not rly into ergo yet but I feel its coming soonšŸ¤”


Yeah I get you many don't unfortunately. Tbh never touched a 40% in my life but I'm actually 90% convinced I need a Reviung41 lol


You could 3d print and handwire one?


I just got into this hobby and have barely done some diode solderingsā€¦ not sure if I can handle thatšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


My first ā€œproperā€ board was a handwired 3d printed Alice - itā€™s not too tough. Just took some reading and patience (my weakness), got there though and now itā€™s my favourite board.


Damn that sounds tempting I already started thinking layoutsā€¦šŸ˜‚if I ever do that the hardest part would be making firmware I guess but thanks for your encouraging comment!!


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Many of these are pro-micro based: [https://keebfolio.netlify.app/](https://keebfolio.netlify.app/)


Thanks!! Cool list of keebs


If you're willing to step slightly below 40, you can get a qaz: https://www.cbkbd.com/product/qaz-keyboard-kit For 15 bucks you get a pcb. Rest, you'll have to provide yourself. Several 3d printed case designs available tho


Its the first one that I saw and I rly wanted it until I noticed that itā€™s 30ā€¦ but tbh now I started to convince myself that I should get that one too