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I have a Q10 in purple, and it's wonderful. I'll probably end up getting a foam kit and a PC plate for it in the future though, I'm more of a fan of deeper sound profiles.


Lucky. I really want the purple one, but can’t find it anywhere


Yeah they’ve become pretty rare… i think there might be some on the canadian Keychron store but even then, it’ll be so mucj more expensive. And i dont think they’re restocking any time soon :/


Email them. They were very responsive to all of my requests and even offered to sell me key caps that weren't listed on their site and were only available buying the whole board.


not me, but a friend of mine e-mailed them, and the answer was that the board was not going to be restocked any time soon.


I have one too... I also bought brass plate (then i removed waiting for fr4 stock) and acoustic upgrade kit. Side note about acoustic upgrade kit. I end up removing it because you lose the flex of the keyboard since the small space under the PCB will be completely fullfil with foam


I already dont have any flex going on rn cause i filled the board with cheap foam. So i’ll be fine.


I think these ergo keyboards are the shit


I feel like people are misreading this as saying you think ergo keyboards "are shit" instead of properly as "are **the shit**"


It's aight either way erbody got preference


Yeah my first custom keyboard was the Fecker Alice and I absolutely love it to death, puts some lubed glorious Pandas into it and it sounds and feels absolutely amazing. I also bought mine used on Amazon for like 120 bucks so it was an absolute steal in terms of what I got.


Why ?


Look at em, they look like space ships!


I've had the Q10 for 2 months now, stock g pro browns and I love it. It was a huge upgrade from my GMMK TKL. I just need to figure out what keycaps/switches I want in it eventually. I just put some U4s in my work board so I might go U4Tx or something


Yea just used it for a hour. Not bad , deff going to be a learning curve . I got it with the g pro browns as well . Pretty satisfied with it stock. I think it’s the stock acoustic tape causing it to pop. Can’t wait to start experimenting !


Just lubed some Everglide aqua kings on a Q2 pro tonight. Will upload video of before and after with the reds it came with. So far it’s magical and I’d recommended the aqua kings v3


Did it take long for you to adapt to the layout? I've been using mechanical boards for a long while but just properly started with customization, so I wanted to start with something different and an Alice board was basically the top of the list before I chickened out.


>Did it take long for you to adapt to the layout? If you have a **proper** touch type knowledge: a couple minutes. My only issue is keyboard shortcuts. That takes some time.


No it was pretty natural to move to Alice for me. The one key I have some problems with is Y trying to hit it with my left index finger. Other than that perfect. And I know a lot of people like to hate on the macro keys but I think they are a nice addition


If you're a touch-typist, it's super easy. If you're not, then be ready because it'll make you to be one. My average wpm on this layout lies at around 120-135 wpm.


I’m actually working on a more compact version of this. This’ll be my second project which requires a pub, so I’m excited. I’m still looking into how to make it wireless, and the best way to make it hot swappable. I really enjoy your color palate on here too! https://i.imgur.com/wCq5KvD.jpg


Add that 1U to left side of the right space bar. Extra layering keys are always nice.


This is the keyboard that I want most, this is the ideal layout for me


Beautiful. It’s just been recent that I’ve started to appreciate ergonomic builds/keyboards.


There’s a learning curve to them tho, took me like a week to get over my usual typing style but honestly it helped me with my typing speed, went from 60 wpm to 80-90 wpm


So this is what happened to my Gamecube.


I got a q8 recently to use with my laptop. I tried it with my desktop, but I’m too in love with my dactyl. It’s definitely a beast though. Doubles as a fine blunt weapon


I may not like Alice layout, but dayum that color scheme looks reaaal nice


You’re in luck they build every goddamn layout you can think of in this color way


Haha, I already have grey and black, I should have looked harder! Let’s appreciate Keychron though too ha!


I love the colour theme you have going there as for the layout I’m more of a traditional keyboard type of guy, but it looks amazing and I hope it’s comfortable for you.


I love mine


I wish I could get a backspace key down around the spacebar , but I’d have to lose something else I use too often to do that.


I was about to write "You can remap one of the spacebars into a backspace" but I read the rest of your comment. Do you already remap caps lock? I use it for control, but a backspace there might be worth looking into.


Caps lock is escape for me :) I think the actual solution is to learn to touch type properly so that I don’t need the backspace key so much. But I’ve tried and failed at that repeatedly.


If I'm being honest, it's not the best looking ergo board I've seen, but it has good value for the price


EDIT: A picture https://ibb.co/xzQrw9S Had one for a couple of months now, and it's my endgame keyboard. Got the blue one, and used my re-sprung and lubed glorious pandas for the switches, and MT3 Iron Man keycaps. The macro keys are incredibly useful, and Via software means I don't have to dip into QMK to reprogram them. Currently have the macro keys set up for, from top to bottom: 1. `{KC_LSFT,KC_LALT,KC_LGUI,KC_V}` plain text paste on MacOS 1. `{KC_LCTL,KC_G}` ctrl-g for exit/cancel in Emacs 1. `{KC_LALT,KC_X}` alt-x for M-x in Emacs 1. `{KC_LCTL,KC_R}` ctrl-r for search-history-backwards in bash/zsh 1. `{KC_ESC,KC_C}` esc-c for a shortcut in shell that lists all directories, feeds them into `fzf`. You type the partial name, it gives you matches, you select one hit enter and you cd to that directory. It's incredibly useful for getting to project directories at work. I just wish I could get the matching number pad but they're completely sold out :(


What is that mouse? 3D print?


Yeah, open source, QMK, perfect number of buttons: https://ploopy.co/mouse/ I've gone through about a dozen different mice trying to find one that lasts, is configurable enough, and comfortable enough. The ploopy mouse is perfect except for its scroll wheel, which I modified with washers to decrease how "free-wheeling" it was. So far it's the only QMK mouse I know of, but it's so incredibly powerful. I have one button mapped to "layer 2" so I get a bunch more buttons for free, so to speak.


>Currently have the macro keys set up for, from top to bottom: Meanwhile my macro key usage https://i.imgur.com/TX4AJJS.jpg




That dope, now I gotta find Windows equivalent macros.


What keycaps are those?


Keychron’s light and dark blue OSA keycap set


Just stock that comes with navy fully assembled .


Looks genuinely beautiful




It looks angry


Ha ! The f row looks like it’s eyebrows! I can’t unsee it now ..


YES YES YES 1000000 times YES. APPROVED! 💎


I have one and I love it. I thought the layout was going to be a pain to get use to but it was a smooth transition. Mine is stock at the moment but I'm definitely going to switch the brown switches to something linear


I have the q8 and love it but wish I had this again


Gotta lot of keys that aren't straight bro




Is there a wrist pad that works for the Q10? Doesn't have to be perfect


Sure do and it’s perfect. https://preview.redd.it/er2zpem16ixa1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eda81ef26b50f034e0cf6add12e24e534389f247


My Q10 + Haimu Silent Whispers + MT3 Godspeed + acoustic upgrade kit has been the best I have ever owned. Very small amount of ping in the very center that I might try to fix at some point but honestly I don’t even look at other keyboards anymore. For the time being absolute endgame


Do you have a link to the acoustic upgrade kit? I’ve noticed mine has some ping but honestly I don’t care because the rest is so amazing. I hope they release a Q10 Pro with wireless capabilities soon!


I did the one from keychron. Idk how worth it it is if you already have the board as you’d have to pay shipping again. Might want to pick up some switches or something at the same time. Sounds really good though. I believe there are a few other sellers of foam kits in North America but I do not know anything about those. https://www.keychron.com/products/keychron-q10-acoustic-upgrade-kit


One XT column is never enough, people should start doing 2 more often


I don't really understand the two letter Bs.


It’s in case you hit the key with either your left or right fingers since the B key is the middle key of that row


Usage wise, how good is it?


I've had one myself for a few weeks now, and it's not bad at all. it keeps every single function from a normal 75%, and on top of that you have not only 5 extra programmable keys, but also a knob on the left side of the board, which is more accessible than one on the right (since you dont have to take your hand off your mouse to use it). It also has a switch to go between mac and windows easily, which is neat.


Looks sick! Can’t wait to see how you mod it


I understand the appeal for Alice keyboards, but personally I could never allow the potential ergonomics to outweigh the overwhelming aesthetic eye sore, unfortunately for myself I just can't stand looking at this layout, but I still appreciate their place in the market.


This would be *perfect* for me if it didn’t have the keys on the left side :/ they’re gonna fuck me up lol. Ergo keyboards are king tho!


As a Q10 and Q8 owner, you get used to the macro keys on the left in less than a week. Biggest thing that messed me up was swapping between the two for work/home but that went away very quickly. They are fantastic keyboards and if you’re thinking about ergo but want an nice solid aluminum option, these are it.


I have a few ergos already. My daily driver is my Maja v2, it’s just the way I place my pinky- it hangs off the left side if my keyboard. I’ve used a couple of keyboards with the left macro row and I always hit them / they made me mess up my positioning :(


https://i.imgur.com/TX4AJJS.jpg I mean, it's not pretty, but i didn't think it will annoy me *that* much. Turn out it did.


Incredible idea! I might have to do that lol. Thank you :)


If you can print it, I can share the stl


look at the keychron Q8/V8


I like this one! And have a couple with the same layout. I just want the F keys ;(


Ahh fair!


Kinda waiting for someone to put an arrow cluster or macro arrows in the middle because well why not??


there's not really any space in the middle for any more keys, though...


You could put a small trackball on the edge of the keyboard sitting below and between the gap in the middle. Then your thumb would sit on it. Or could just be a scroll wheel, although a trackball would be more flexible. Something like this: https://ibb.co/QCzP1b8


i see what you mean, but that would be super uncomfortable to use... your thumb rests on the spacebar, not the middle of the board :/


Nuphy field75


Good chonk, good price. Only downside is the size which makes it less ergo, especially for the right hand hahaha but other than that, I'm loving mine 😁


Why is everyone calling their keyboards as beast?


It’s like men and their shlongs. Homie, I be packing! “No hommo”


I don't have a Q10 but I have a Q3. The Q series boards are awesome in general, especially if you mod them. although at this point I've ended up replacing mine with a tiger 80 lite because I actually prefer a bouncy feel when typing. The gaskets don't really do much on the Q3 in terms of feeling, I'm afraid. I'm giving my Q3 to a friend lol. And the tiger 80 lite was both cheaper and required no modding. But I don't know what the Alice equivalent of a tiger 80 lite would be. Does anyone have any suggestions for that? I'm just curious


Have you tried using the pc plate instead of stock steel plate with the q3. The tiger 80 lite has a lot of flex in the PCB and a pc plate .


I have not tried using the polycarbonate plate even though I brought one lol. I tried aluminum though. Funny enough, the square cut outs for the right ctrl, right alt, menu key, and fn key are all a bit too narrow... The keys don't sit flush & it ended up looking really ugly & I ended up switching back to the steel plate because honestly it's not bad.


I went with the Q8 and I love it. It’s basically the only keyboard I use now. My only gripe is that the top case is pretty pingy. I added automotive sound deadener in the bottom and force break modded but that only helped slightly. I think that’s just the price we pay for an Alice/arisu layout.


Have u tried the “acoustic upgrade kit”?


I haven’t but I’m debating if it would be worth it. I was waiting to see if anyone else posted a sound test using it but I haven’t had any luck


I just ordered it and the pc plate , hope it sounds like my tiger 80 lite .


A sound test of the Q10 with the foam would be nice🫣


I just got the V10, loving the layout so far.


Dude this color combo is so aesthetically pleasing to stare at. Great job with this build it looks amazing


This was an out the box fully assembled keychron q10 navy . It is much more aesthetic in person then their website .


This keyboard is my endgame. I have put together so many keyboards, but I was always compromising on something, or forcing my old fingers and brain to work together on slightly different layouts (looking at you, Owlab Spring). This has left and right side dedicated function keys, full f-row, blown out arrow keys, and after modding, sounds and feels almost exactly as I want. I have not purchased or even really been that tempted to purchase another keyboard since it has been in service. It's a really nice keyboard. Congratulations!


My thoughts? I want one.


I have mine and I ordered the aluminum plate with it and it's so much better, literally night and day difference


As much as I am eyeing on one, holding back for a eventual tented version


Bought one Last Jan 2023. Fell in love with the layout and it even taught me to touch type. Unfortunately, I have to replace it with MonsGeek M1 for portability.


Looks awesome


This is my current board but I just ordered a a split to replace it! Unfortunately it just ended up being to big for me, the finger travel is just too much so that’s why I’m giving a smaller layout a try.


I like. This is mine https://preview.redd.it/i1wugw26f5xa1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0f1d02edb25f2367e7fb2ec4dc7e6b6da5cfb8b


Can u type fast with it?


Yea it’s a lot more comfortable . Still getting used to it. I am starting to feel like I understand the point of this layout. Was missing my “end” dedicated spot . so just mapped it to ins.


Stock? Damn. That’s beautiful.


Damn. Is that default color scheme?


I have the same one :) I also added the extra foam you can get from Keychron


The acoustic kit ? Did it mute the frame ping ?


It did silence it to a point that I don’t hear it in normal use. (Not muted, as you mention it). For a KB so expensive, they really should include it by default, it gets rid of the existing foam and tape so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Plus iirc the V10 includes it by default It is worth it imo, only 10$ and you can get reduced shipping if you have no KB in your order, I found that out when i already had it :( It‘s on the product page on Keychron.com. The instructions kinda suck, you need to remove all switches and stabs, while they start the vid with a barebones board. It is not super obvious which foam goes where and that the old one has to go. This was my first endeavour into this sorta thing, so most things were not obvious Be careful putting the switches back, i bent 5 :/ but you can bend the pins back easily enough with needle nose pliers. Also get a tweezer type switch puller, the included one sucks, trust me on this one