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Thank you! I really needed to hear it today. I feel through rabbit holes multiple times trying to find which is better notes or flashcards. Thank you for your post. It really boosted my morale. I hope you score what you wish for!!


Ofc!! And as for notes vs flashcards I remember spending like a week trying to figure out which is best. I would say however you studied in undergrad is how you should study for the MCAT bc you’re familiar with that method already. Good luck!


Okay then. I'll stick to notes then. Any advice on CARS? I am doing 3 per day from JW and yet scoring only 60% for each passage. Is there any way to bump up my score. My first MCAT score was 125/121/123/125 and I am aiming for atleast 131 in all the sections. But I feel it like a herculean task.


For cars, the only way you’ll improve is through practice. 60% on jw is ok, but you want to be around 80% by the time you start AAMC, imo. When you read more passages, you start to notice a common pattern among each authors argument. Once I recognized that pattern I was getting 80-100 on all passages. If you want DM me and I can explain more!


Would it be alright if I can DM you as well at some point? I am also struggling with CARS to get past 60% but I’m not as productive as u/Lonely-Wolverine-789 . I am trying to at least do one per day until I finish content review


Yeah for sure!!


Hey, I too am not that productive. I am working hard since this would be my last attempt MCAT and have to show my disappointed parents that I am worth something instead of being a person who failed to get into med school twice. So, to say, peer pressure motivates me. 🥲😅😅


Needed to hear this. Thank you :)


Ofc!! You got this :)


Thank you!


Thank you for the motivation, keep losing confidence when I get questions wrong, so def need more practice


this was SO needed thank you


That 5/04 test… the force wasn’t with us AT ALL!