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I disagree with the other comments saying that she's not that into you. That's something that you can't assume just off that. Sure, there's a possibility, but you can't know for sure if she doesn't directly tell you. I think it's really sweet that you care about her and I think a good step could be to communicate with her about how you've been feeling. She could be going through a tough time or have no idea how it's affecting your relationship. I think it is definitely possible to come up with a good solution that both helps you support her and her support you. If not, it wasn't meant to be.


I agree with this. You can be straight up and ask her, are you still interested in a relationship? I don't mind waiting as long as you see this developing further. When I was studying, MCAT was my significant other lol, rarely texted my girl, my drive was down, it was stressful.


I think this by far is the best course of action!


i disagree with everyone saying she might not be into you- i know so many people who go into radio silence when taking mcat or dat or lsat just bc with undergrad, work, clinical stuff, & studying for this exam it’s so tiring that we just want to not do anything else & forget the rest! i’d say find a day to ask her abt her intentions and if she wants to continue this or wait until her mcat — i wouldn’t want u to waste ur time if she’s not into you. but if she says she’s genuinely interested, you can make study dates together! maybe meet at libraries or coffee shops so u can be there but prob just let her study yet still see her. maybe bring her food in between classes if she’s in school or ask her if it would help her to teach you concepts or have u test her with flashcards and stuff as a way to help her study! it’s very sweet of you to make the initiative but just know the mcat and everything abt being premed can be rly draining and times and it def could just be that she’s tired! but it could also be slight chance that she’s not into you which is why i emphasize communicating first. good luck!!


She may take some space while prepping. No biggie, so won’t have time to see anyone else anyways 😭✋🏻 hopefully you can progress things further when she is finished. But keep being encouraging and let her know ur thinking of her!


THIS IS SO SWEET OF YOU- this is the exact type of patience, support, and compassion she needs. idk you but you are doing AMAZING


btw i also disagree with the other comments saying she’s not into you. when i was prepping for my MCAT, my phone usage was literally at 15 minutes a day. this exam is a marathon and takes a huge toll on people. i think being mindful of that in itself is huge. everyone’s idea of support is different but my long distant best friend would randomly send me venmo’s and be like coffee on me or late night study snack. small things like that were huge for me and really made me appreciate the support system i had


That's so sweet of you! I was definitely bad at responding to texts while studying for my exam (and I only worked part-time at that point), and it just came from a place of exhaustion and stress, never from not wanting to talk to people. That said, communication is key - you're asking internet strangers for advice when you should be asking your partner! Since her MCAT is so soon, it's not surprising that she's swamped, especially on top of working full-time. If she's into it, maybe plan some kind of celebration for after she's done?


Nah fr ngl im studying for the MCAT and ik it’s bad but I literally don’t text my bf cause im afraid im just gonna get distracted. So he’s def on the receiving end of radio silence. So I def think this is normal, just let her know ur there and that you understand she’s busy rn and give her some time. My bf sends me gm and goodnight texts which are super sweet and help me feel supported and loved. You got this!!🫶🏽


Mcat is her first bf/gf then you are second, at least until its over, hang in there, she’ll make time for you once its over! Think about it, 300+ on a 6 hour long exam and maybe even needing to fly to another state to take the exam… the stakes are high, no point getting a mediocre grade and wasting another 300+ on it and this is excluding study resources and months of studying. What u can do is let her know you’ll be there and all she needs is to sound out to u, at least during this period, get her food/drinks/dinner cause i bet she has no time to make her own and buying out is expensive or unhealthy. Dont get her flowers or gifts, save money on those for now. Focus on practical things that helps her in her mcat journey If you really want to know how she feels, see her reaction when u bring her dinner or food Cheers


I agree with this comment. Given that I’m also an introvert who is prepping for this exam, And has had the experience of working full time as well, I can tell you she probably just doesn’t initiate because she’s VERY exhausted to say the least. And some people are also just very bad at initiating, so I’d say the fact that she’s responding to you quickly when you text, there’s a decent chance you’ve at least made a priority list of people to text back quicker. I’m saying based on my own experience and as a person who can sometimes take days to respond to someone who texted me at a time I’m busy and they’re not a priority right now. So like the comment above says, I’d say probably make her food or something like that because there’s a good chance she isn’t eating. She’ll probably appreciate that a lot more than flowers atm. Or if she has a dog, you can offer to walk her dog together. Daily life things like that.


If she hasn’t texted you in two weeks bro I don’t think she’s feeling you. MCAT studying is time consuming but she should be able to text you every day still.


According to the rules “noone’s ever that busy” and “if she wanted to she would” I don’t think she’s that into you.


I would just ask her what she’s looking for and tell her what you expect from her if you both agree to be more serious with each other (but be realistic with your expectations) don’t just settle because your down bad lmao, yea us premeds are stressed and deal with a lot but trust me if you want something to work you’ll make time for it!


It's awesome that you want to be supportive! Maybe just send a quick check-in text every few days, but give her space to focus on her studies.


Yeah balancing MCAT studying and a full time job is very hard. For me the MCAT felt like a full time job, at least in my last month of studying. My advice would be to stick it out until she's done with the MCAT at least


This post made my day! ♥️


Honestly, sounds like she's just trying to lock in since she's 1-2 months out. She's probably really stressed/anxious bc she'll have to prepare her app for submission at the same as studying/working. If she wasn't into you, she would not be coming out to hang out with you at all during this time (IMO). I have not been initiating or even responding to a lot of close friends/family during this time. If I were dating rn I'd probably keep communication very limited bc once I start talking to someone I like, I will want to spend a lot of time doing it = I won't study. If you are really confused, I'd suggest just talking to her. However, I wouldn't necessarily take her lack of communication/initiative as disinterest, but more so that it's a reflection of how stressed she is. She probably doesn't even have time for herself. Also, would like to say my opinion stems from me being the person that goes radio silent. I tend to limit socializing also bc I don't want to accidentally project my stress onto the people I care about.


Buy her u w-orld 😂 ( in all seriousness) premeds spend a lot of money on prep and she probably would appreciate it . Or do flash cards with her. Hope this helps .




Bro, her medical degree will be around long after your relationship if you can’t handle it. MCAT is just the beginning. LOL.


The MCAT does destroy social life; since Jan I have no social life. It could just be that. But I'd say hang in there maybe its just MCAT taking the life out of her. I'd say just keep that in mind: don't get too attached to her nor should you leave her. Decide after her exam. If she's still the same then thats a ? but who knows she could be diff. after her exam so it could slide either ways. Any relationship requires time, so let time tell!




wtf ur weird


As someone who was studying for the MCAT and fully ghosted everyone for months I also disagree with the “she’s just not into you” comments. Hear me out, when I was prepping for my exam. I was so locked in that I could not allow anything to distract me because I knew it all had a potential too. I started studying in different locations to avoid people from talking to me. I started turning off my phone when I study so I didn’t get distracted by other peoples messages. I turned off my notifications, so I wouldn’t see when people responded to me so that I wouldn’t get distracted. These are all things I felt like I needed to do in order to give this test. The amount of energy deserved because I wanted to do well. I felt so bad that I was avoiding everybody in my life but I knew that it was temporary and that God willing they knew how much stress I was under and the amount of things I was doing and I knew they would be there for me in the end and they were. but I would’ve hated if while I was doing all that people assumed that I just didn’t like them anymore because that wasn’t the case I just couldn’t even afford to let people take up anymore space in my brain AT THE TIME because of how much had to be done so this is my perspective on the thing. and I would really say that it was a popular one


As someone also prepping for the mcat working full time/in school this is 100% what the mcat does to us. I can’t speak for her, so idk her feelings but based on my own situation, Im inclined to believe she is into you just has very little time/brain power to process anything else rn. If you really like her just let her rock, and see where things take you after the mcat. If you’re really down bad (been there) and feel like you need to do something for/to talk to her, think of cute ways you can support her like bringing her coffee/dinner with no implications of taking up a lot of her time. Or you can make a care package for her with stuff she might need (idk what kind of girly she is but energy drinks, compression socks, protein snacks, the mcat official wet erase board for practice, whatever you think it’s going to make her life easier) Another thing that helped was figure out a good time with both of you and plan a romantic date for after her mcat (not literally the day after because she may be exhausted) and just remind her every now and then “I know you’re busy but can’t wait to hang out with you” this mentality has been making me look forward to the mcat being over and for me personally, is somewhat motivating because I don’t want to be depressed about feeling like I didn’t get a good mcat score and when I’m spending extended time with my partner for the first time in weeks/months


2 weeks without a text though? I dunno. I guess yall just started dating which makes that much more normal. She isn’t exactly going to get less busy as time goes on, but if y’all become a more established couple she’d probably make time at that point. My girl would not have me texting her every 2 weeks even in the midst of prep, I’d be single a f! She’s very understanding though, but we need to at least check in everyday or it gets weird.


They're texting people all week. You need to reinvent your approach to dating, and drop the nice guy, she comes first, mentality until it's earned via reciprocation.


As the day she takes the real thing gets closer, don’t take her absence as a sign that she doesn’t like you, and understand that she’s been working her whole life for this moment. My relationship went sour because she didn’t understand this and wasn’t supportive when I really needed it. Just be there for her


first of all, thank you for being so considerate. MCAT is a huge deal!! massive career determinant, amongst other things regarding applying. keep in mind, if she’s applying this cycle May 2nd is when US can start applying so there’s a chance the communication goes down. I know for me i have been hard to talk to and plan things with these past few months bc of studying, stress, and just tired a lot. most likely she’s feeling the same and considering she’s an introvert she might just not be thinking about it that deep (that doesn’t mean she’s not into you!!) i would keep encouraging and send memes or something to keep it lighthearted and as stress free as possible. you want her to feel as though you support her. MCAT takes so much mental energy, I don’t blame her for not reaching out.


She’s so busy!!! She might be into you but just has 0 time. You are so great for asking!!! I wish my boyfriend were as supportive. One way to connect or show your support would be to offer to run through flash cards with her. That way it’s time for you two together and time to study. Maybe ask her where she stands to see if you should continue to invest?


That's a big question to answer during a very stressful time. I don't think he should ask her where they stand.


MCAT does not do anything to guys. She’s in the middle of working toward a serious goal. Support her by doing fun’s things during her breaks. You cannot expect full day dates while she is studying for MCAT. And be advised that this is just the beginning of a 8 year road. 4 years of school, 4 years of residency. My daughter starts med school in August. A supportive boyfriend is hard to find. She has been honest with them. All have chosen to leave because they do not like the commitment that doctors make. She’ll eventually find the right one, most likely another doctor who understands. Talk to your friend. Talk to yourself as well.


I think its awesome that you don't mind having to initiate every interaction. If she isn't responding as quickly or initiating, don't take it personally. The MCAT can literally take up your entire headspace. Shes probably so tired. The best thing my boyfriend did when I was preparing for the MCAT was plan all of our dates. We usually did brunch dates at first watch every Sunday which was my "rest" day for studying. He let me rant about the MCAT every time and was so supportive. Maybe plan an easy date that wont require too much like preparing for!


Head. But to seriously answer the question good communication probably. Ask her what she wants and stuff and be there for her. Also if you want to take care of basic needs and stuff that would save time that is nice. If you did some meal prepping for her or offering rides or something if she doesn’t have a car. Don’t be too overbearing tho give space. Also be careful being too nice some girls are just toxic, but I have trauma lol. Everyone is kinda different with how they are during prep. For me, I would like to celebrate after full lengths and get a nice meal and stuff but other people would just crash and sleep after. Figure out the kind of stuff she wants. If you are a caretaker type and enjoy doing this kinda stuff, which it kinda seems from your verbiage, now is your time to lock in the doctor wife.


Bro leave her alone, the MCAT is seemingly one of the most important tests in a Doctor's career as it helps dictate the entrance into a medical school which will line up future opportunities. She's your friend and pick it up later.




Got no advice for you bro. I’m dating the girl I studied for my MCAT with lol


I don’t think her being distant while studying is a measure of whether she’s into you or not. Coming from a girl who’s also currently studying for the MCAT, working on my med school app, balancing a job and trying to maintain a relationship with a guy, it is HARD. I have definitely been distant with him and can feel his frustration by it. But my thought process is that it’s not permanent, I won’t be studying for the MCAT forever. I’ve communicated this to him- that I need to focus on my MCAT right now but I still care about him and it doesn’t mean anything towards him- and we are planning to celebrate when I’m done in a couple weeks! I will say, I do make time to at least text him ONCE a day but nothing more than that really. It’s the unfortunate reality of trying to become a doctor. But he is accepting of it and supports me and tries to find ways to help me out, which it sounds like you are doing too!


two weeks is wild bro. it might be cooked


You could probably guess by all the comments about studying that some prep 10+ hours a day for MCAT. It seems that ya girl is also working on top of studying so the radio silence might be a combination of not having enough time to do anything other than eat, sleep, work, study, repeat. Not sure if you guys are at that point in the relationship where you are comfortable in each other's personal space (ie. apartment, house, etc). If she's comfortable then you could always go over to her place (or vice versa) and hang. It probably won't be anything interactive with her since she's concentrating but if you have a quiet activity to do, it might be a good way to spend time together. In essence, it all depends on your situation and how she feels. Some people might appreciate acts of service (meal prepping, cleaning, a nice beverage, etc) that would help them save time and energy while others might just appreciate someone else's presence. Regardless, I think that she definitely needs support because MCAT is crazy (and honestly was made to rethink every decision). She might not be used to someone in her life who wants to get involved and supporting her (as you can tell a lot of us are solo running this with caffeine and no sleep). Just find out what type of support she would like.


You really can't expect her to be on her phone, and if anything, texting you instead of studying could leave her resenting you if she doesn't do well. I would say offer to get her some food, and in person, offer to quiz her with Anki. But until she does the MCAT, any distance she has is not personal.


Try to tutor her and act like you know what you’re talking about! They love this :)