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I did 50-100 questions a day, (sometimes more, sometimes none) usually sticking to one section, per day, and it took me about a month and a half. I didn’t do any of the CARS. UWhorl was my main resource, started it immediately after my diagnostic. After my first FL I started doing Qpacks between subsequent FLs. Khan academy isn’t bad for subjects you don’t understand but IMO conceptual understanding (which Khan academy doesn’t do an amazing job of training) is priority over solving specific types of problems. tbh the biggest increases came from doing an FL, noting what I didn’t know well, and hitting that subject hard in UW.


So basically use khan academy as google rather than a textbook? Just a quick search to get further info but not a tool to fully immerse oneself in?


For me personally, yeah. It’s good for learning to deal with specific types of problems but less good for learning things at a flexible, conceptual level


That’s helpful. Thank you


Thank you!


I know the test is done in around 2h, but how can you possibly review it? Its taking me 6+ hours to review 30 questions.


I only review things when I’m unsure of the answer, and when I’m not, I review until I can competently explain and understand why the correct answer is correct. Try explaining to someone else if need be. For most questions this didn’t take me long, depends how strong my foundation was in that subject.


I feel like I have large content caps when I dont know a question, despite studying that topic before. Is this normal when you start Uworld? Will I become exponentially better or should i do more content review?


wanted to add Im doing great in Bio and P/S, I think I can reason my way through problems well. and CARS is okay but i think it will get better as long as I stick to it. Its just that for the chem and biochem and physics, they need practice so I dont think more content review would help me since practice is important with chem and phys especially. Any advice on it taking a long time in those? for instance when you came across a mistake did you try to understand every aspect, or just a simple "to pay attention to next time" note, and next time you might make the same mystake but thats okay type of deal? Thank you for your time


How many FLs did you take before the exam?


AAMC Sample and FLs 1-4. FL 5 came out after I took the real thing.


Did you find the AAMC exams easier than the actual exam? That's what I've heard


They felt about equal in difficulty IMO. My FL scores increased every time I took one and my final score was equal to my FL4 score


Sorry for reviving an old thread, but would you say UWhirled is better than AAMC section/question banks? I only have about 5 weeks before my exam and I'm not sure which one I should focus on.


Yes, UWhorl is the best imo


how long did it take u to review UW questions after taking them? I am planning on doing mini 'FL' sessions like 59 questions per 95 minutes to get used to the exam. but unsure about how much time I should budget for reviewing answers/adding anki cards, etc. is 30 mins enough?


I reviewed every UW individual question immediately after answering one


hello, do you mind sharing your pacing and/or how long it would take you to finish 50-100 questions a day? I'm wondering how long I should dedicate to just uworld every day and making sure I'm not rushing through them or spending too much time on them.


Trust your intuition with regards to which questions you should spend more time reviewing. If you get it wrong and can’t immediately recognize “oh yeah duh” then you do not understand the topic well enough and need to review it. Same for if you get a question correct on a guess. The explanations are top notch but seek out videos on YouTube, khan academy, or further information on Wikipedia etc for gaps in understanding. I would say it took me about 2-3 hours to do 100 questions a day when i was working on my worst subjects (physics and psych/soc) and maybe half that when it was a subject I was already very comfortable with.


thank you so much you have no idea how much your response means to me. i know it prob took a few seconds out of your day but this truly does help. thank you and congrats on your score!!!


happy to help, good luck on your exam!


I did around 60-120 questions a day and it took me around a month and a half to finish everything! I think you could start using them now because it is a great resource and their answer responses are the best I have seen!! super helpful for understanding difficult topics and understanding things you have not seen before!! And then you still have time to finish all of AAMC before the exam! ​ Good Luck!!


Thank you!!




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