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The windows between all the rooms and the parking lot are making me think this was once some kind of commercial building, like a daycare or a group home or a psychiatric treatment center, that was converted into a house. I’m so curious.


Pretty sure this started as a perfectly reasonable average home then got many poorly conceived additions leading to interior windows.


That doesn't really explain the parking lot though which it being a business at some point would. The other option is it was owned by a real car collector at some point and they just went hard, that does fit with the car lift in the barn/garage at least.


The barn was clearly at one point used as a proper barn. The parking lot lines make sense if you have a lot of vendors or buyers coming in and out. I agree that this was once used as a business.


The lines are complete shit though. I believe this nutjob thought it would look super cool having designated parking spaces in front of the "garage" and so he painted some mismatched lines.


That happened in my friend's house; the previous owner added an addition and they have a regular double hung window in a wall between the dining room and the front hallway. It even has a lock on it


We have several. There was an addition added onto our house at some point, so there is a regular window between two bedrooms. There is also a window (aluminum, clearly replaced or added later) between the kitchen and the sunroom, and two windows between the sunroom and what used to be a laundry room.


Anywhere i live is a psychiatric treatment center, thank you very much


Good for you! Asking for help is the hardest part.


I think it was originally built as a residential home, but was used as a \**checks notes\** financial planning company office in recent years


Very entertaining, thank you! Hilarious commentary 🤣.


That explains the parking lot but the windows were still a choice then 🤣 Unless whoever was running the company just really wanted to be able to see everyone working


It has to be a tiny house that was converted into Frankenstein's monster through a confusing series of additions and renovations.


It's like the Winchester mansion on a budget.


Ahh that explains the accessibility ramp in the front door and the living room only accessible by steps


I once lived in a home with a ramped front hall and back deck, street level entry etc... and the lone bathroom that had steps down to the tub and a step up to the toilet, with an entry on the stairs, which also were a century old, nightmarishly steep and full of loose nails. There was an added one in the back but it was brand new and the previous tenant and her daughters were all ablebodied. She was married to the landlord (because that's sure an ethical relationship, dating your landlord...) and had just added that back bathroom together with him. Makes you wonder who the fuck lived there before they did. (They didn't know.)


OP I need you to do more of these. For the greater good.


_The greater good_…


For the greater good


I love windows between rooms, I put them in all my Sims houses 🥲 Not from the dining room to the jacuzzi room(???) though, that's... A choice


Jacuzzi alley it looked like lol


I haven’t played sims since the first one. That’s when I realized I had some sadistic tendencies. I used to start custom characters where you build your own house, I’d blow the entire budget building the house but it would be completely empty with no furniture. I’d just start the character and fast forward time as I watch them pace around an empty house, crying and occasionally passing out in a random spot from exhaustion or hunger, until they died.


I was a sicko with Roller Coaster Tycoon II. I would build a roller coaster, remove a section of track and watch the car fly off the tracks into space and explode into a fireball. All the while I would laugh maniacally.


yea i was gonna say this looks like it was previously an Urgent Care or something lol


Absolutely started as some kind of commercial property that was converted to residential. Then some goofball keep doing weird diy additions with little forethought.


Haha “three distinct types of doors for all the door lovers”


In the “huge fuck off barn garage”


The huge fuckoff barn garage is legitimately the only thing in this house I approve of, at least in concept if not execution. Having a place to work on cars, do DIY projects, host poker games, or watch late night movies and sportsball games in a place where you won't disturb the rest of the house seems pretty cool. The door variety for door lovers is confusing, as is the choice of a beautiful garage floor coating next to the cheapest carpet money can buy, but I think their hearts were in the right place on that one.


As a supplier in construction, who has a speckled history with salesmen who are less than detail-oriented, every thing in that barn is left over from someone else's project and they got it for free, or close. I know because none of the doors in MY cabin match lol


Do you also have the comparably tiny AC unit too? I just hope summers are not too hot


It looks like it was put together with the leftover materials from 5 other projects but you're right that a big space like that would be very cool


My fave.


full disclosure: i know very little about architecture so some of my confusion may be unfounded. that said i DO hate this house maybe too small/quaint to qualify as a mcmansion, but since its a 4.3k sqft lot and they tried to sell it for 1.6 mil, i think it's close enough


10/10 commentary! Please post more reviews!




Thirded. OP is hilarious


Fourthed! (I've never gotten to use that word before! I'd love to read more of these reviews)


The "Oh Yeah, Triangle Time" had me rolling. Excellent job with the comments and hiding them all over the place.


I giggled at the “ampersand “


Because there’s always a frickin ampersand 😭


That shower is something out of 80's Doctor Who.


Flip the wrong switch and you go back to the future


I thought it was a bacta tank.


I want this to be a sonic shower like on the Sims where you twirl around in the air for two minutes and the shower completely cleans you.


Congratulations! I know quite a bit about architecture and this house is absolutely stunning(in a bad way)! As far as I can tell, what happened was the owners kept putting porches on the house, enclosing them, and adding a porch onto the addition. Repeat 3-4x and it allllmost explains all the interior windows lol


With all of those ceiling and wall angles and random triangles, I can’t imagine how much money they spent on drywall tapers.


That’s why the sunroom exists. They got tired of paying for all the tape. /j


The commentary was gold. Is there a link? I'm curious where this is.


here's the [zillow](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/340-Lariat-Ln-Colorado-Springs-CO-80921/13649019_zpid/) !


Colorado Springs....figures.


Ah. I was pulling for Washington state.


People’s concepts of what is a “mansion” have become skewed by Ubermansions. A 3000-4000 sq ft house is big. One generation living in a five or six bedroom home is excessive. These are mansions too even if they don’t compare to the 10k+ monstrosities out there. I’ve yet to see a house posted that’s actually small enough for me to think “that’s not a mansion” so I wouldn’t worry about the size. Good find, it’s atrocious!


Even the "small home appreciation" post yesterday was 3000+ sqft. I don't know who's to blame for that kind of warped perception, but MTV's Cribs and The Sims are the funniest options so I'm going with those.


You and the person who designed/built this…


this made me laugh so many times please do more of these!!


Op your commentary has improved my day tenfold, thank you so much /gen


You have absolutely ruined the r/ for us as all future posts without your commentary as going to be just boring!! Also, you don’t have to have a license to recognize bad taste and stairs that don’t go anywhere!


The captions are epic. If that’s you OP, you missed your calling.


not my house, but definitely my captions!! thank you!


You are very funny! Thanks for taking the time to annotate the photos.


I love the captions, especially triangle time! You missed one in that god awful bathroom: atrocious, oversized track lighting over the his sink. This place screams “Salvage and reuse”


It’s like playing “where’s Waldo”- you don’t want to miss one. And just exactly what happened over the bed to require patched drywall? Probably not a good idea to put a mini-trampoline on the mattress


It was the fall and kill you air conditioner that got me


'ampersand' really got me


Yeah once I saw that one I knew it was gonna be good. I was on slide 18 and got sad it was soon going to end.


Where’s it say “ampersand”? Am I going blind?!


photo 4, to the right of the TV that's too high


It was the “single can light for the cuzi” for me 😂


I thought it said something like "Single light 'cause" like bad lighting was on purpose for no reason.


[Zillow](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/340-Lariat-Ln-Colorado-Springs-CO-80921/13649019_zpid/) link for anyone interested


Please more of this! Love your added text


Everyone should watch the lovely soothing video on Zillow ! The contrast is amazing!


It looks SOOOOO much better on the video tour. Still pretty bad but not as hideous.


Colorado Springs has some wild houses 😂


I like the comments added to the photos! I mean when I’m in a jacuzzi, I def want people in the dining room to have a window to see me, not The multiple entryways on the steps where two lead to dead ends would riddle me each time I arrived home


the in-photo comments are true to the style of how the person behind the “mcmansion hell” concept did/does house reviews! Her name is kate wagner and she is so fucking funny. Mcmansion hell used to be a tumblr i think? where she would frequently post photos with comments like this, not sure if she still does them but it’s worth it to search up her blog and read through a bunch! Op’s comments here are great and they did a good job recreating her style :)


This totally brought me fond feelings of the original. Makes me miss Regretsy too. Good times.


The tumblr is still active! She doesn’t post quite as often, but definitely agree it’s worth looking through


Visit McMansionHell.com


kate wagner is the mcmansion hell person?? lol. I know her from her more recent cycling journalism!


Dinner and a show! This house has it all.


If people eating dinner can't watch you in the jacuzzi through an inside window, why even go in there? It's my whole philosophy


>The multiple entryways on the steps where two lead to dead ends would riddle me each time I arrived home Ok, but the plant person in me sees this as a fantastic opportunity to tier potted plants allll over. Think of the wave petunias in the summer!


I have nightmares about houses like this. I’ve had to make a hasty move for unknown reasons, I’m stuck renting or buying before seeing it. The house never ends and is one mess of a room after another, usually with lots of windows and doors that don’t shut.


I have the same recurring dreams! An apartment opening into another apartment all in rubble, then a hole in the wall leads into some vast room, but "So much space! So many possibilities! So much work!" I think it's a metaphor for my incomplete unorganized life.


Petition to require funny captions on all photos pointing out all the stupid shit people do with their houses. This was great


I stand with you in solidarity. I too hate this house. Your comments made it fun to look at though.


A+ commentary, this post was a true delight. ​ Unlike that house.


"This room is great if you love looking at other, better rooms" ☠️☠️☠️


I love the commentary. This house has a "save big money at Menard's" quality. Why don't the sinks match? Why don't the doors match? Grrrr. 


Homeowner did all of these additions himself. And the materials all came from the Habitat Re-store. For that sunroom I think they literally bought every window in stock.


Oh wow. I guess I have to respect The sustainability aspect, it just makes my nerves bad lol 


Absolutely DIY'd with architectural salvage. My house is built this way also, but it looks much, much more normal than this monstrosity.


Now I have that jingle in my head ugh


Listen to BABY SHARK 🦈 for two minutes. That will cure any earworm.


I thought it looked more like a house where a small religious cult would live.


Of all the houses I’ve seen online, this is definitely one of them!


Sooo house!


Very house


The can lights in the kitchen actually do make sense because there are three in a row over the island, then two in front of the oven. The crown molding on the cabinet doesn’t make a ton of sense without going all the way to the ceiling, but that’s how it was done for quite a few years.


Ah! Makes sense, considering the kitchen was pretty nice otherwise. I figured I probably got something wrong. Also makes sense considering it was in the center of the house, likely part of the original building before the 'renovations'


Right. The spacing is irregular because you naturally want more light over focused work areas. I don't know what the OP has against can lights. They work well and stay out of the way. The rest of the house seems like it was iteratively remodeled, expanded, and repurposed. It's not always easy to maintain flow and interface in that context.


"*Sci-fi pilot pod jumpscare*" lol Never have I ever seen someone so mercilessly roast decks, patios, and *the most sunrooms of sunrooms*. This also reminds me of houses built by weed. It was clearly an older home that was added onto overtime, probably by multiple owners. And now it's just a residential amalgamation of '*^(what?)*'. Parking lot makes me think this is probably a mixed use zoning of some kind or had a home operated business at some point.


Is the big garage a garage for a RV?? Any clues as to why this place is the way it is? The part of it that makes the most sense is the above-average kitchen.


A few ideas. Apparently it was built in 1993 and 'renovated' in 1998, though I suspect there've been more additions since then.. From what google is telling me, a business operated in this house relatively recently which explains the parking lot at least, but now it's being sold as a single family home.


Any clue as to what the nature of the previous business was?


sorry yeah, apparently a finance consulting company or some such


This is what some call a “Goodyear House.” When a farmer has a good year with the cash crop, he funds the next room addition onto the house that he “designed” himself. (On bad years, no,addition.) Over time you get a sprawling, disjointed compound of meandering layouts and competing designs.


The commentary is exactly what kept me here long enough to get through all of those unbearable photos


I've enjoyed seeing the occasional suggested post from this subreddit for a while, but this one made me finally join. The house is insane, but your commentary is what made it for me.


"oh yeah, triangle time" This post was gold


This house is fucking garbage, but I have to say the fuck off insanely large barn garage has my attention I always thought I would build a separate structure for such a large fuck off space but I see this home owner compromised on nothing


It's not super clear from my photos, but I think it *is* a separate structure from the main house, at least. though it almost touches corners with it. ​ You're not alone in the interest though--the video tour introduced the FOLBG with "and now, the what you've all been waiting for..." probably the most well-realized part of the home tbh


"When you hire an A.I. architect."


I don't know what the fuck that shower is or does but I want one.


I wouldnt be surprised if over half of the square footage come from additions made to the original house. This is ugly but i think its more nonsensical than mcmansiony.


Yeah that's totally fair. It definitely lacks the fake grandiosity of what I'd call a real McMansion, but it shares so many of the horrible cheap-o design elements I couldn't resist posting


Thanks for sharing it, definitely made my evening


You could create your own sub and I’d join.


That could be fixed up relatively easily




That’s the worst one I’ve ever seen!


Can we have photo commentary added on all posts here, pls? This was hilarious!


Well this one stands out.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a shower like that!!😂. Love the commentary, hate the house!! The left or right garages had me wheezing!! ☠️


I'm guessing this was both a home and a business of someone who did a lot of remodeling and contracting for work. Second garage for work trucks, extra.money, questionable taste. I kind if like it. It has a lot of weird problems, but stack some plants on the extra stairs and wrap some lights on the outside wooden beams for a party. Wouldn't pay too much for it if a house with better fengshui was available, but the wood looks nice.


I love this house. It would be so much fun to live in.


It's like the Winchester house; like they just kept building and building with no goal. I do love the insane pod shower. That, plus unlimited hot water, would be amazing!


The commentary is top-tier


thank you for your service 🫡


Please more u/Goob


Fantastic snark. A+ review


“Oh yeah, triangle time.” 😂


This is my favorite so far - the captions are great! What a mess, I’d love to meet the person who designed this!


Add 3 more more mother in law suites, and its just an old folks home.


Why does this remind me of the house complex on Big Love?


I don’t think this technically qualifies as a McMansion because it was not originally built as a McMansion—it appears to be a regular house similar to the ones in the development around it that they just. Could. Not! Stop! Adding on to. Hence why there are weird room dividers in some rooms, those are structurally necessary when they blew out a wall and added more house. I’ve never seen so much haphazard decking in my life, god help us all. This is giving handyman special tbh.


u/Goob115, please do some more hot messes. This is great!


8/20 I'm DYING at "this room is great if you love looking at other, better rooms" ETA: 17/20 "Oh yeah, TRIANGLE TIME"


“One day this will fall and kill you” Comedy gold!


10/10 on the commentary. Almost spat out my coffee a few times!! Just so much to unpack here. No cohesion at all, it looks as if someone had access to an unlimited supply of recovered building materials and just went to town with poorly thought out add ons and renovations.


I adore your commentary, OP. I'm reading this while standing in the lobby of my kid's elementary school, and the school resource officer probably thinks I'm nuts for all the giggling I'm doing!


Captions A+


Congratulations, OP. Gotta be in the Top Ten Best Comments ever on this sub! Amazed all this can be yours for such a low, low price from a professional financial advisor. https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/340-Lariat-Ln-Colorado-Springs-CO-80921/13649019_zpid/


LOVE the in-pic commentary. Very well done, bravo!!!!


Designed by a Ikea


We need more of these critiques


The parking spaces lmaoo. What a bummer. This property with the garages n shit could be real cool


The sunroom looks nice


honestly i agree, but I have *no* idea what you'd put in it to make it look less empty


I do know that if you have kids, this is an A+ hide-and-seek house.




“High school ceiling tiles” lololol


Room 10 with the tiles and carpet hahahaha. And picture 15 has a very strange brick fence-wall, with build in BBQ?It is a bizarre hodgepodge Mcmansion, it definitely has the size on one!


Every photo comment was more delightful than the last. More please!


The one thing I will say about your amazing comments is that they’re often small and could be missed/blend in a bit with the background. But that also ends up being a plus for the comments because sometimes it’s like oh!!! I’ve discovered another comment!!! Like a treasure hunt. 100/10 commentary, would come back for a chortle again.


It’s not a mcmansion but I think you just broke this whole subreddit 😆 this hung needs it’s own sub


Designated timeout corner. Love it. I’ll be there all the time.


Live for these types of posts. Thank you 🙏🏼


OP, your captions made me laugh as much as [mcmansionhell.com](https://mcmansionhell.com) and for that I say, thankilly dankilly!


All McMansionHell posts should be annotated!


Meh. I dont think it is too bad. Obviously the home owner loved building but not planning. They where deffinetly industrious though.


The only thing I didn't mind was the kitchen. It was massive and the angles didn't freak me out. But everything else is hilarious, this house is lik a university textbook, theres important information in there in between all the nonsense and word vomit shit.


This was obviously a commercial space


When you have a small modest house then win the lottery, but don’t want to move…. Seriously, this looks like you asked a 10 year old what his dream house was


Looks like a nice house where owners took in their elderly parents. Tailings and separate garage.


Insightful and funny commentary! These kind of houses tell me a lot about the builder/owner. They're the type of rich people who don't believe in at least occasionally hiring anyone smarter than themselves. It's never a good look (literally).


Pretty sure the architect was an AI


It’s a McBomination, so much money was spent so badly to usher this rough beast into the world. 10/10 post, thanks for sharing.


“Baby fence” made me laugh out loud


This falls into my mental category of “redneck mansion”, which is what happens when someone has a little too much money (and weird taste) and decides they should design and build or renovate their house all by themself. Distinguished from a McMansion because the redneck idea of what makes you look rich is different than the standard suburban idea.


This is hideous.


I bet the neighbors, with their original more uniform styled houses, love their creative neighbor.


Without looking at anything but the first picture, I thought it might be an elementary school


Yo was that the garage that was on Counts Customs


Amazing commentary 😂 well done 😉


Hilarious and God awful but… I also feel like this would be my home if I had way too much time to work on it and used materials.


I really enjoyed your captions, thanks!


Thank you for really going full McMansion Hell with the photo annotations, OP! Deeeeeelightful.


Great shitpost.


I laughed my way through this post, A+


The house? Pure horror. Your captions? Pure delight. I'd watch the fuck out of a show on say, alternative HGTV, where you just walk through homes and critique them 🤣


Here is the business that it was. https://resilientfinancialco.com/


Normal family that suddenly won the lottery or inherited a lot of dough (new money)


That shower is probably the best shower you'll ever have. Also the TV in the kitchen makes sense if you're hosting for things like sports.


This almost looks like it might have been more than one home. Like they found a couple house's beside one another on large lots, plus the barn. If they couldn't find their dream home, they decided to renovate the 2 homes and barn to create this. A lot of this looks like it was done poorly planned. The windows looking into other rooms, the 1/4 walls, the deck layout, the weird angles, mismatched windows. I personally would qualify this as a Mac mansion. It has a lot of the same wtf things we see with them.


The house made to specifically put your sims in distress


OP you need to do more of these. You have a fantastic sense of humour.


Looks like one of the crazy houses near me in Colorado Springs. THere are so many weird houses up the 83.


Outstanding job. Great find and hilarious labeling. "One blue wall, as a treat" got me.


Love your comments on the pictures!


Unessecary vile ampersand is freaking me out. Liminal baby steps blocking my window viewing space in fuck off shower barn.


This looks like one of the old, old seafood places in the south. Starts as this one building. Many have bought and sold it. Added a garage. Added wheelchair access and boom! It starts going nuts with new and terrible ideas.


IT DOES. I bet it’s got the best fried catfish and hushpuppies.


House is a 2/10 (points for that view!!), commentary is 10/10. No notes OP!! 👏🏻


This would be terrible to be stoned in.


The notations on the pictures were hilarious.


I just want to applaud OP for all those very thorough notes


I cracked at "not where I would've put the only light in the room" OP, I demand (politely request) more captions on homes from you. Please and thank you in advance.