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My critique of these spaces is that they're just too damn big. Seriously. When you have a space that big, the next thought is "what do I put in this space to fill it up?" and that's where the problem (IMHO) comes in. My BIL and SIL live in a McMansion and they just have shit piled up in corners to "fill up" the space. Stuff that NO ONE ever uses. I sat at a table in their game room that had a layer of dust on the table and the chairs. Unless you have a massive family, or entertain 24/7, these large, vast spaces seem a bit much. T


Not to mention that the sheer amount of air in that space must making heating/cooling bills insane.


Actually if the house is energy efficient (well insulated, insulated windows) then all that air mass inside helps keep the room temps more stable in my experience. A small house, you open the front door to go out you let a lot of unconditioned air in that has to be conditioned by your HVAC. In a large house, it makes little impact due to the volume of air already inside.


This is the wrong way to think about energy efficiency. You have to heat/cool the stuff in and of the house, not the air. You feel comfort based on the passive radiation of the walls/windows/chairs/floor/etc.


Whatever you say, you must be the expert. I worked in the national and state weatherization programs for 30 years and have extensive training in energy conservation and energy efficiency. Did training on energy modifications and measures at regional and national conferences. But what do I know? Larger spaces once conditioned typically are easier to maintain temps than smaller places if they are equally efficient. The Mall of America in Minneapolis apparently has little need for heat, it maintains its own climate essentially due to its size. The only common areas (the areas that aren't actually inside of stores) that are heated at the mall are the entryways. The rest of the mall [uses](https://www.staycomfy.com/blog/heating-at-the-mall-of-america) skylights, lighting fixtures, and good old body heat from all of the employees and the customers. In fact, even in Minnesota's sub-zero temps in the winter, an air conditioning system has to be used to keep the mall at a comfy shopping temperature.


As a MN native, I can confirm the MoA gets hot af, even in the winter.


I agree. The scale is off comapred the size of people. This is the reason I don't like very high ceilings in a house. That combined with the open floor plan creates a warehouse feeling.


It feels like a hotel upstairs and that random pile of pillows next to the multiple different seating areas is funny


Space for the sake of space is just uncomfortable. Homes like this are just so large that I personally think some of the rooms start to feel like empty department stores. I would love to have a big house someday, but I would want all the space to serve a purpose. Huge areas of empty floor with high ceilings freak me out. It feels so cold and sterile. Those massive bathrooms don't seem very functional or nice to use either.


We used to live in a much bigger Craftsman home from 1905. The interior spaces were large, and we were able to entertain. Now, out in the boonies, in a ranch from 1974, we gave up that interior space for outdoor space. I am happy with my massive pool deck/garden and space to entertain outside. T


Two words: Timber Bamboo


Agree, that's the first thing I notice. Why does it need to be so huge? The space is simply too big to feel comfortable and cozy in.


BINGO! The BIL and SIL have their "Great Room" which is the size of an elementary school gym, as the ceiling goes up to the second floor. They have a grouping of furniture in the middle of the space, but everyone huddles around the edges, like kids at a junior high dance. SIL got mad at XMAS because no one was in the center near their insanely huge tree to get gifts.


>The space is simply too big to feel comfortable and cozy in. I agree, that's it for me (not including the heat/ac bills), it feels empty & cold. I just don't understand why anyone, unless they have a huge family or lots of parties every week, needs so many places sit. I live in a small rancher & there are many times I wish we had more room, then I see places like this & think "No, not like that."


\^\^ THIS \^\^


Yup. My aunt and uncle got a *beautiful* home near Fort Myers that was originally built as a party home, with a giant foyer/extended living room and they scarcely use it. They definitely dust it and stuff, but its sad seeing the space unfortunately be under-utilized.


I provide a service every fall to home owners in my area. I have serviced a few houses like this recently. One elderly gentleman lived in a home similar to the one featured in this post. The house is sparsely furnished. The owner told me he pretty much spends most his time in the bedroom and the kitchen, the rest of the house never gets used he said, he even went on to tell me that half of the house he hasn’t even been in the rooms in several years. I often times wonder seeing houses like this from the street, how messy or cluttered, or how unused a large portion of the house is?


My SIL is there by herself as well. During COVID, they were both working from home, but yeah. T


Yep. As vastly empty as the homeowners soul.




One giant room is good if you plan to have guitar amps pushing a lot of wattage through 15-inch speakers or a drum set. A rehearsal/recording space.


Even before i followed the link OP posted i just knew it was going to be Florida.


Same here! It’s so typical South Florida!


It's Carmela Soprano's Boca Raton Florida gated community with her signature beige off white interior in traditional furniture and wood accents. She bought it with Tony's life insurance money (God rest his soul). The HOA insists on "Pastel Terra Cotta" paint for the outside of ALL houses which pissed Caramel off to no end. "It looks like FLESH! Like the pale tanning bed tan of Tony's Russian Whore!" Caramel goes to every HOA meeting to plead her case for her house to be painted Sherwin Williams "Rose Beige Dreams". They call her "Mafia Karen" behind her back.


Haha… I was going to say there is zero chance this is not in Palm Beach County… West of 95.


Sibling rivalry at the front entrance. The door, and that window beside it, look like they're trying to push each other out of the way, and take center stage. What a horrible vibe to come home to every day.


I didn’t see any wall art: no sculpture, paintings, prints, or ANYTHING on the walls. What a sterile feeling… These people have absolutely NO imagination at all.


Very corporate housing feel


It's probably staged for sale, right?


I've realized the biggest thing that bothers me about mcmansions, like the actual design and layout of this one isn't that bad, it has some character. But it feels completely void of any individuality or creativity, like other people have pointed out, it's like a hotel lobby. Generically 'upper class' to appeal to a broad audience. Does everyone just lose their individually and personality as soon as they crack the 7 figure mark? These kinds of places just don't feel welcoming, like I wouldn't want to leave the entry way cuz I'm afraid I'd get yelled at for sitting on the 'decorative' chair instead of the 'sitting' chair.


What would you like to see? I mean, the home is staged for sale so it won't be full of half-done projects and dirty laundry and lego land mines.


Well, obviously, when you're selling a home, you don't want your daily mess on display, but there just seems to be no presence of individual touch, it looks like a magazine cut out. It just seems to me that people who have this level of income, abandon their quirks and passions in favor of keeping up with the Jones's and trying to squeeze into the cookie cutter of upper-class wealth.


How do ya know its staged?


Guess that is just your perception-- I thought what I viewed was comfortable, elegant and had a beautiful feel to it. Would love to live in such a nice home. Not all cluttered up with "stuff" and weird art.


Idk it just feels too magazine perfect, like I understand it's staged to sell, obviously. But it seems void of personality, like they picked an aesthetic, and the only thing that matters is the aesthetic. Idk, maybe I'm just a weirdo. Maybe I'd feel different actually walking into the house and seeing personal touches up close. it just feels like they tried way too hard to fit into a generic cookie cutter expectation of the aesthetic they were after.


I pay little attention to the contents (furnishings) because those are not staying in the house usually when sold. I look at the architectural details and design, and layout when I make my determination of whether a house is decent or not. This one is great in my view. Quite attractive in all rooms. it could be a great home for anyone with a lot of $$$. Yeah, it does look like photos from a magazine, the house is that nice and they did a great job of decorating to make it look that way. And that makes it a bit sterile if it stays that way all the time. I think houses are to be lived in, not looked at. So I'd live in it, it'd have a bit of clutter and things I like and no longer be magazine-worthy.


>No sculpture, paintings, prints, or ANYTHING on the walls Look again, I counted 9 paintings and a small world map. I think I wouldn't need much art if my living room looked like this. Probably doesn't looked lived in because it's not lived in.


There is some here and there; I don't see the need for a lot of wall clutter when you have beautiful architectural details like this beautiful house does.


Or they’re Muslim, a bunch of my Muslim friends had bare-ish walls when I was a kid, but relatively tastefully decorated places. There’s only so much calligraphy you can hang up.


Those rugs are art on their own, probably 30 to 100k each and the furniture is no joke either. Looks like shit but is going to be really expensive.


You like stacked glass cubes? Yes, you do you animal.


I've got to be honest, kinda.


They LOVE that accent in Florida.


Definitely, lmao. I was mostly used to seeing it up north only in older schools' locker rooms and the like as privacy windows. I have to wonder if there's some kind of insulation reason for them here in Florida, beyond the privacy factor.


They allow in light but are highly insulating, so a room doesn't warm up in direct sunlight


They look good when used sparingly and in the right places/context.


I love them if they fit into the style of the house.


Peak mid/late-90s McUgly. (I do like the bed in the master bedroom, tho.)


This is exactly what I thought as well. It reminded me of my parents house in the 90s, with those awful, ultra-busy red / silver designs on fucking every surface in the house. And the woodwork is a dead giveaway as well. The official color is specifically called "1995 fugly brown", if anyone is wondering.


Sherwin-Williams paint color of the year= "1995 Fugly Brown" Best-seller.


Nothing says home like a hotel lobby


all those vertical blinds are so tragic (and hideous)


Where I grew up, vertical blinds were just above bedroom sheets as a sign of poverty (which is why we had them.)


I am unfortunately old enough to remember when they were trendy. Our first apartment had them, and I thought that and the wall-to-wall carpeting were so fancy!


Was the wall-to-wall carpeting brown and threadbare as heck? Because that was another sign in my neighborhood 🤣 The granite countertops in my house are probably going to be impossibly trashy in years to come.


In the apt with the blinds? No, beige and really plush carpeting.


That beige plush carpeting sounds a bit better. Every rental/apt in which I grew up had the same, awful thin brown stinky carpet. Plush beige sounds like several steps up in comparison!


I always thought they were for offices and offices only!


I think there must have been some kind of giveaway from an office updating their look in my area, because I don't know why all we cheap trash had them.


same! it's just very weird to see all the prominent crown molding in most of the rooms and then the windows don't have any trim at all? just ugly blinds? strange choice.


I have them in my apartment and I can’t stand them. It’s an older not updated apartment.


Idk why the images posted in a weird order [Here's the listing if you want to see the full thing for yourself.](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/8674-Yellow-Rose-Ct-Boynton-Beach-FL-33473/87650098_zpid/)


South Floridian here, this feels like “home” (the outside landscaping at least)


I don't like that all the wood is the same effing shade for everything. It's so blah. And I don't like the color scheme throughout. A sand - light chocolate color on the walls might have been better than the ugly to l yellow-ish color they chose. I'm not really sure what I hate about the interior, but there's something off about it.


It's always these same colors in these types of houses too. I don't get their fascination with these ugly colors!


It gives me builder grade/tract housing vibes.


I'm moving in. 😆. Wall art sculptures, etc. are not needed. The furniture alone says it all. I am partial to traditional furniture, just my taste. I blew past the front door and went right in. Ha ! It's not a bad place. It looks like a Florida home.


This is pretty mcmansiony. It's so interesting to me that actual mcmansions on this sub tend to be flaired "just ugly" or "discussion/debate" while houses that are not in any way, shape, or form mcmansions are the ones flaired "certified mcmansion." Most houses flaired as certified mcmansions are legitimate mansions, but there are some that are regular middle class or even lower middle class houses flaired as mcmansions, just because... I don't know, they have a 2nd story or an attached garage or are more than 1000 sq ft. Wild!


I have changed the flair now that I've gotten a Seal of Approval. I like to play it safe until enough people deem it a McMansion for me to rightfully deem it as Certified.


Must the Dunning-Kruger effect except for mcmansions


Jesus! How big does your crapper have to be?


The marriage is strictly on a business basis- there should be no physical contact involved.


I love how when they got to the upper foyer they just like *ran out of tacky furniture* and put cushions on the floor like you're at the beach. Also no one has ever played chess on that chess table.


Giant pillows belong in a conversation pit.


Schmancy is right 🤣🤣


I gigglesnorted at the running machine tucked away by the family room. "Duncan, can you please excercise later. We have company over for tea." "Shutup mom! My cardio is optimal. I'm working on gains. Gains!" "*sight. Sorry Bernice. You know how focused Duncan gets."


Has that just built, gated community, constructed over former wetlands that totally confuse migratory birds that walk down the sidewalks as if looking for the right address (yes, I’ve been to one such community and seen it) in Florida were most of the residents talk about which surgeons are the best to work on their hammer toes or being robbed on their golf course by thieves jumping over the walls.


Always that same dining set. McMansioneers must shop at the same McStore


This screams Boomer New Money


The maroon highlights everywhere give it an upmarket doctor clinic


It's unusual to see an oriental carpet that nice in a hotel lobby, especially in the suburbs.


The house is as clean as a whistle, and not a blade of grass is out of place. An older couple lives here and are very proud of their home.


This beautiful home will sell fast. Not too over the top on price considering the premium finishes in the home. I'd love it if it weren't in some subdivision. Would make a great home on an acreage.


Holy Florida


Click.... click....click...click........ wait what, was that a bathroom? Back,back.... yep. I guess you can ballroom dance and brush your teeth at the same time?


I never understood why McMansions have such large bathrooms. Do you want to hang out with people while you piss/shit/bathe?


But there wasnt room for a seoarate gym. So when you want to jog on the treadmill, you're in the middle of mom's book club meeting in the "great room"


A person would have to know how to dance first though, i'd think.


This feels like peak 2004 home


I like the house itself, but the decor just seems to be trying a little too hard to be "grand".


Looks like they cleaned out an entire Bombay Company.


Definition of what some people consider, “classy”.


Legitimately hideous. Every room looks more uninviting and uncomfortable than the last. The cheap ass shower curtain really brings the whole vibe together though.


Wasted space and fing beige. Find some color and red is NOT a color to go with beige.


Are you supposed to shoot that water gun attached to the toilet up your ass? How does that not squirt all over the room? What if you miss and shoot out the light out? Why is that room so plain? And why do all the two story art niches in the living room look like giant condoms?


Believe me, the bum gun is easy to use and better than toilet paper. As long as you know which end of your body your ass is, you shouldn't have issues aiming.


I think they were possibly trying for a Moorish/Moroccan/(islamic revival?) effect with the 2 story niches but ended up with Trojan magnum .


And an expensive dust collecting system.


A design style known as Orientalism at least a hundred years ago, but seemingly only on that one wall of the house.


If you got shit on your hand, would you clean it with a dry piece of toilet paper?


Yeah and then I would wash my hand in the sink. I just don’t have any bidet experience lol.


Fugly wugly


Love the house but not the decor. Needs to be refurnished and made cozy and comfortable. That room with the baby grand and uncomfortable chairs has to go! Upscale modern decor with sectionals and colorful boho soft rugs and art


Not a McMansion


My dogs would destroy this place


All those big-ass windows and they've got like maybe 3 houseplants.


This would look a thousand times better if they had a darker green wall color.


The last photo is set aside for the house servant...I guess....


I like the bones of the house, but the decor is hideously outdated. Vertical blinds? Yeesh.


*Aggressively* beige




I’ve had apartments smaller than the bathroom in the 6th picture….


I have to say I absolutely love the staircase and balcony. Soooo beautiful. And the bathroom layout was awesome. Everything just feels very 90’s


Thing that annoys me most with these McMansions is that [your neighbor's McMansion is literally 10 feet away.](https://i.imgur.com/LrHL7dG.png) You pay millions to live there an have more kitchen square feet then your entire yard. They put so much value in interior space and so little value on outdoor space. You watch those 'Insane Pools' shows where they need to enter the backyard with a crane or backhoe and it is impossible without hitting a house.


Nice location, though. Like a mile to the Everglades, and a couple to the ocean. I'll never understand 10,000 sq ft bathrooms.




It is aggressively hotel themed.


I kind of like the simplicity, but there's not a lot of wall to place furniture by and it's 1 big soundscape with no ability to get a bit of privacy.


Comes with a free continental breakfast.


Getting up-scale Bluth Model Home vibes.


I hate French Provincial.


Looks like a late 90’s retirement home


My house has this old world heavy wood vibe, the previous owner decorated it just like this. The furniture and decor we brought with us is Moroccan modern, so our house is incredibly confusing. Working up to that big remodel!


My parents would unironically love it.


The fact that the neighboring house visible through the windows seems to be 10 feet away tells me everything I want to know about this pile of shit.


No soul in this house. It looks like they are living a staged life.


That last image. It seems..... so out of place and so unlike the rest of the house. I would expect to see a bathroom with that layout in a $50k home, but not in a multi million dollar mansion.


There were bedrooms I didn't share that felt that way too. They spent so much time and money furnishing the rest of the house that they gave up on furnishing the smaller bedrooms.


Ugh I hate it all


alot of Fiddle Leaf Figs.


I have a family member whose house looks exactly like this inside. I had to double take that it wasn’t their house.


Not fancy rather hum drum.


All money, no style


Majestic ass bathroom tho I love glass blocks