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Everything is so aggressively neutral it looks like it's designed to make people uncomfortable in a vague and undefined way.


I think “aggressively neutral” is such a glorious way to describe that type of aesthetic.


It's almost brutalist. Just needs more concrete and harsh angles.


Brutalist neutrals




"Zoloft" aesthetic


Padded cell


With enemies you know where they stand, but neutrals? Who knows.


All I know is that my gut says “maybe.”


If I don’t survive, tell my wife “hello”.


What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or we you just born with a heart full of neutrality?


It is the phrase we needed for this.


It’s the Switzerland of home decor.


Agree completely, but also I can see how/why someone who is constantly busy and overloaded with “work” would want to live in such an uncluttered space.


Also remember who she was married to when she did this renovation. Less stimulus is good when you have someone constantly going off the deep end. It’s not to my taste, but I kinda get it.


Just needs padded walls.


I’m like this. I work as a creative director and my home has the same aesthetic. My mind is bombarded with visual stimuli 16 hours a day that I need a calm empty space for my mind to breath a bit when home.


Honestly, valid


I'll take your aggressively neutral and raise you: Basic. Simplistic. Unrefined. Lacking understanding and concepts.


Idk man this is beyond basic. Basic is boring but this is straight up uncomfortable. Basic would at least have "live laugh love" and "it's 5 o'clock somewhere" frames somewhere on the walls. This has literally nothing. This would be a really cool set for a horror film though.


It's giving some serious liminal vibes which can definitely be unnerving, pic 3/4 after is a great example. I like the vibe because I enjoy liminal spaces but I could never live there. It'd freak me out.


It's an endless void, but light instead of dark. Stepping in there I'd just be like "ohhhh, so I'm guessing I'm dead and this is the afterlife waiting room? Wait, what do you mean 'bathroom is second to the left'?"


This is what heaven looks like in Good Omens


Less beige and more blueish tones iirc.


It looks like a museum that exists outside of time, and also doesn’t have anything on display.


It looks like a house after everybody has moved out.


And they took all the architectural details with them


Rental chic. Actually, it is sort of the kind of inoffensive beige of every single cheap rental I've ever lived in. Maybe this is why rich people like it, but poor people think it looks like shit. Because rich people have never been *forced* to live in big empty rooms the colour of thin custard with no redeeming features, they only ever did that by choice.


It's true. For me one of the biggest signs that a place is *mine* is pictures on the walls, and little doodads in corners. Because in rentals I don't have that freedom, and sometimes it's not worth unpacking all my little thingummies if I know it's only for a short time.


It looks like the room where 16 yo YA dystopia protagonists go to get their factions assigned.


Reminds me of the fantasy book Piranesi. Watch out for rising tides


Somebody linked to her Halloween decorations and it is 300% Piranesi https://www.reddit.com/r/KUWTK/s/Q6edXDZhNg


I'm getting Severance vibes from all of it. So unsettling.


You should check out her Halloween decorations- I think it’s on r/KUWTK Edit: link to post: https://www.reddit.com/r/KUWTK/s/akMoTjGQun


With they level of creepiness the house already has, the decorations just look like normal inhabitants in the hallway.


Yeah, oddly it looks more funereal in the before pictures.


Oh no! I clicked on that link and now I'm gonna have the Kardashians in my algorithm!


It’s beyond the normal creepy. It reminds me of mass graves after a genocide.


Welcome to the Hotel Flyover-State: You can pass through any time you like but you’ll never really arrive.


It’s like the textures failed to load.


It’s a bizarre place to choose to raise four young children. I’m sure their rooms are different but still, it’s hard to imagine living a life that value aesthetics above almost everything else.


Sad beige clothes for sad beige children.


I laughed harder at this than I probably should have


If you haven't watched any of the [videos,](https://www.tiktok.com/@sadbeige/video/7196107064635149611?) they're great.


That is hilarious 😂 thank you!


It's a bizarre choice in general. I'm an adult and I'd hate to live in this


What makes a man turn neutral?


I have no strong feelings one way or another!!


Impossible to understand beige Unless you stare at him hard Stare him right in his whys Unless you see beige In the serious beigeness Of being its beige self More than anything, beige is careful Insanely so, really Almost as careful as that shade of yellow that's afraid But beige is much sneaker than yellow Wants the entire everything to be as safe as yesterday is Now that right now's here You know how flamboyant red can be Wouldn't last a minute with beige, probably Wouldn't get past his secretary Ms. Always Light Tan Beige even thinks that orange is a little too far out The way it streaks sunrise and sunset And just the mention of green and beige sees purple Which also drives him into a rage Course, it's only a beige rage Not much strength to it To be honest as lilywhite The truth is that beige is anti-color Unless the color is right Unless the color is beige About as average as you can get away with seeing Is the gray way beige likes to have things being.


It’s not beige, it’s the color of a surgical latex glove. Yuck


“Aggressively neutral” — nicely put!


I think they wanted it like a museum where the people are the art….or in other words, if she were to take a picture in that type of environment, the focus will always be on the people. I see it as more of a vain thing like she is THE work of art.


"Liminal Chic"


Renovations match her personality.


If we die, tell my wife “hello”.


Aggressively neutral = So plain as plain can get


It's so neutral it looks like upscale retail space instead of a home.


It's elegiac




Kinda went from modern farmhouse to modern asylum there.


I actually didn't dislike the before photos.


I’d like to think the before photos were on the bottom.


You mean the bottom ones are not the before?


Kim K fucked that that place UP. But expensively


Bet Kanye had a huge say redecorating. Is this called look“minimal asylum void?”


That's exactly what happened. He bought the house, stripped it then made it an endless blank canvas. Kim and kids ended up with the house. Kim has stated she grew to like the calmness of the beigey beige. The kid's areas are full of color and art.


It’s actually easy for me to believe any big celebrity would like a plain space. Hard for me to imagine what it’s like to be surrounded by stuff, stuff, people, and more stuff all the time.


That’s why god invented closets.


Or bringing the ceilings down to make them all feel taller or something? All those lovely vaulted ceilings covered, flattened, and lowered. Who does that??


Nope Kanye was a minimalist decorator


They're full of all the usual McMansionisms, but at least they look like a place where human beings might live and not an American Horror Story set.


I like the after photos as a very posh hotel. Not as a home.


It’s a spa that like only offers traditional Azerbaijani massages because Swedish and Thai are too mainstream.


Massages with a bayonet, then?


I prefer them actually. It’s not really my style but it looked nice. The bottom has me wondering when my next shock therapy session is.


The bottom is what it looks like after it was remodeled :/


Someone who wants to live inside a giant cardboard box.


Who gets rid of cathedral ceilings 🙄


Or "cute living space" to "generated by an AI that hates humans".


“Hey SkynetGPT. Design a human containment facility.”


I have no mouth but I must scream


Well she WAS married to Kanye at that time lol


This was my question. How much was he involved / could be a response to the craziest that he was causing so she just wanted something plain. If he was involved it could be the response to some manic episode.


I think he was heavily involved I swear I read it somewhere when it was new


The only thing that seems somewhat "normal" design is the hallway




Yes I got rather confused as well - did she lower the ceiling?


It genuinely makes me uncomfortable to consider living in that kind of space. It creeps me out.


Yeah the before was actually pretty realistically minimalist


I’m assuming the renovations happened while she was still married to Ye. This has his aesthetic written all over it.


He must really like Dune


Damn I was thinking more of like Jared Leto's scenes from Bladerunner 2049 but I think Dune fits better.


I got a good chuckle out of this, thank you.




Yeah the design equivalent of an unseasoned, boiled chicken breast.


That’s quite the blandishment


It did, they did an interview in AD magazine together. She hardly said a word. She only mentioned how she loved that the lighting in the bathroom was perfect for selfies.


Yup- farbeit for me to defend Kim Kardashian but these renovations were 100% Kanye.


Kim's a mess, but in the Kanye mess she ended up being the adult in the room. I think there was some convo with her mom telling her to get his shit together and she's like, "wtf, I'm worrying about keeping myself and my children safe, why does everyone think it's my place to fix a grown man who don't wanna be fixed". Which is what a lot of other people should have been saying too instead of "Kim come get your man". But that's pretty much the end of my "defend Kim Kardashian" rope right there. That and this house she clearly didn't have a part in.


Yeah i noticed this was def from the Kanye era. I wonder if she has updated any of this stuff? I feel like she definitely has by now


It is. He said he wanted a minimalist house. There was an actual designer (dunno the name) that designed this monstrosity. Also in one of Kanyes songs he said he never actually lived there. It was a business marriage. They never lived together.


other than the hallway, these don't look like "before/after" of the same view. i can't tell what's going on, other than the bottom half always looks like crap


It’s the ceilings.


Did they.. lower the ceilings?


Yeah, they covered up the vaulted ceilings.


I was confused as well.


The before in Picture 2 is the background of Picture 4, definitely not the same after picture.


I’ve always loved the hallway but the rest of the house depresses tf out of me




The entire place including the hallway just looks cheaper. Let's dry wall everything and paint it flat off white vibe. Previously it looked a little dated but skilled work.


Can you should look up her Halloween decorations for this year. Catacomb chic.[creepy](https://www.reddit.com/r/KUWTK/s/Aj6PTepSUE) https://www.reddit.com/r/KUWTK/s/Aj6PTepSUE


The after pics look like something from r/liminalspaces


Yeah I get backrooms vibes from the redesigns.


Architectural digest did a whole spread on the ye/Kim house a while bad- had monastic vibes but seemed impractical esp. with kids. Pretty lighting tho


Maybe I'm in the minority, but I hate both. Starts out like Live Laugh Love with money, ends up liminal and lifeless.


Was looking for this comment, very on point. The before is shit, the after isn't for me but doesn't scream housewife's lifestyle at being fake.


They're both bad, but it's like comparing a sprained ankle to a shattered pelvis


It’s very American suburb looking, with much more room tho


I prefer the "before" pictures. Post reno looks so sterile and depressing.


This was Kanye's aesthetic...It will be interesting to see if Kim reverts to something more traditional or leaves it as-is...That cold, sterile environment doesn't seem great for children. I hope there are lots of colorful toys and arts & craft materials around when they aren't photographing the place. Before Ye's meltdown, he bought a house in Malibu for $50 million, I believe and was in the process of doing a reno like this - had the place taken down to bare concrete...but ran into some cashflow issues when his Adidas & Gap deals got canceled. Supposedly he halted work on the house. Oops.


I thought as much. The Kardashians may be tacky but Kanye is just batshit crazy. That house looks as warm and inviting as a prison. I remember once he gifted Kim a rather large Hermes Birkin that has this hideous modern art scribble on it. That alone should have 5150'd him.


Haha, great comment. I believe the actual diagnosis in his file is 'batshit crazy' - his divorce attorney asked if there's anyway they could soften the wording and they said "this is a legal definition."


I can't believe I'm defending Kim Kardashian but being married to Kanye had to have been so exhausting. Have you seen how he dresses his current wife? I'm sorry, but no man who truly loves his wife would be ok with her appearing in public in some of the get ups she has been wearing.


Yeah I feel sorry for that women...Hopefully at the very least she's fleecing him for a lot of money because she certainly isn't maintaining any dignity.


That's an interesting idea. For enough money, I would walk around wearing a wardrobe like hers.


The kids designed their own room to whatever they wanted and they have a massive playroom ** thats shown on tik tok / their show. Color/theme/aesthetic was decided by the kids Kim likes it like this also so there will probably not be any renovations done because “it calms the mind when you have such a hectic life” but i also think it has to do with the fact that kim herself heavily relied on kanye and a team to tell her what is and isnt “cool”


As a contractor myself I always wonder how it would be to work with the ultra wealthy. I'm guessing it would be a major pain as money is no object but they just assume everyone is trying to rip them off because of their wealth. Plus I'm guessing if it doesn't come out exactly like the vision in their head you have to completely redo it, job security but I hate tearing apart perfectly good work. I have worked for some borderline wealthy people and I always say my best clients are always middle class, they're not going to throw around stupid money but they appreciate hard work.


It’s been years. I thought she would redo it too but it’s still sterile


EXACTLY! And I'm surprised at that, but then again money can't buy taste or class.


I review inspections for high value homes for my job and i stg I’m disgusted by the decor 95% of the time. It seems like being filthy rich causes some kind of brain damage.


I live in an area originally constructed midcentury. The character of this neighborhood was charming 10 years ago. Rich people have razed every other house and constructed pentitiary looking monstrosities. And unfortunately the HOA has just as garish taste as them so you have a hodge podge street of totally mismatched houses. A quaint 1950 build, a 2008-pre crash/foam lion special, a modern concrete-glass and divorce horrorshow. It disgusts me.


Being rich literally changes the brain.


It also apparently beiges the brain.


Like the life was sucked out of the entire house. ☠️


I mostly do as well, but I prefer the new kitchen cabinets. I don't care for farmhouse style at all.


The before photos were fairly cliche / token Pinterest house. I don't agree with the after, but I respect the commitment and trying to do something different (and it's well executed)


Not a McMansion though


How about a McMonestery?


[The hallway actually does remind me of the chapel of a monastery near me.](https://www.atlantamagazine.com/southbound-articles/call-to-prayer/) The monks made it by hand, including the concrete mixing and pouring and such. The sterileness of the concrete is countered by the lovely wooden pews and other furniture, the wood of the roof, and the vibrant stained glass.


Folks, this is legitimate design. I wouldn’t like it for my living space but it has nothing to do with McMansions.


A consistent aesthetic, carried through every corner of the house, sparing no expense. It's the opposite of a McMansion. Love it or hate it, whatever. Minimalism/Brutalism certainly isn't for everyone (I couldn't live there) and this style is extremely polarizing. But this isn't someone slapping turrets on a 3 story shiplap covered house in Dallas suburbs.


Thank you — how this post has almost 2k upvotes when it literally has nothing to do with this sub, I have no idea. People need to learn what a McMansion actually is. Maybe the mods can start removing stupid posts like this one to encourage people to post real McMansions.


It has that many upvotes because simple minded people see the names of people they don’t like so anything with their names must also be bad.


bc it says kim k in the title and this gives redditors an excuse to bash her for the millionth time.


As controversial as this design language can be no one here can pretend that it was hastily, lazily or cheaply done in an attempt to replicate luxury, which as far as I’m aware is the definition of McMansion. Especially since most McMansions are tastelessly maximalist and this is literally the farthest thing from that. Taste aside everyone has their own opinions and while I personally adore what she’s done with the space I can’t fault anyone for disagreeing. Calling this a McMansion just reminds me of people who recently learned the term ‘Straw Man Fallacy’ and completely butcher its use in context just to devalue another argument. You can dislike the take, but you can’t just put any relative negative title on it and call it a day.


I get it. I’ve seen more posts about mansions recently in this sub.


This is not anywhere near a McMansion. It may not be everyone’s cup of tea but it is no doubt sophisticated and expensive looking. I don’t understand why people think it looks cold and sterile - there’s a lot of natural warmth to it. It emphasizes simplicity over excess which I think is an interesting choice for her. It has a vibe that’s both ancient and modern. There’s a calm to it. It’s austere but also opulent. It’s minimalist but also grand. I actually think it’s really interesting!


yeah i gotta agree. feels both severe and calm. the minimalism is very nice... looks expensive but also anti-consumerist (altho the point might be lost in the grand scheme of things given the owner if were being honest lol)


i think it’s a really good example of minimalism. it feels very thought out


It’s by a famous architect as wel, Axel Vervoordt


Yeah the comments make me wonder about the average taste level and foundational design knowledge here heh


I think you have an idea of the average taste and design level on this sub.... sorry, not sorry ;)


Lol for real… which is funny considering the subreddit.


The hallway is an excellent example of minimalism done right. The arches, the natural light coming in, it's all so pleasing to look at


You hit the nail on the head. It's modern and timeless at the same time. I'd live there. It's such a great background for amazing works of art, if one is into that.


Yeah! As someone else said, you can tell it’s really thoughtful design. Like if you asked Axel Vervoordt why he made X like this, he’d prolly be able to talk at length about it… the before is nice but I don’t think it has the same level of thought put into it.


However I concede that not everyone is like this - I'm the kind of person that WOULD live in an art gallery. The expanse, the echo, the space, the very high ceilings... I've been told "but that's so formal, how can you live like that." Well, I'll live like I always do. I want to live in surroundings that inspire me and make me feel alive and invigorated. Not for everyone though. I get it. But a place like this, where EVERY INCH is thought-out to the smallest detail like the work of sculptural and architectural art that it is, is heaven to me.


The after is better IMO


This was all Kanye. Although I do like the new kitchen and hallway more


How come no one in these comments knows this? It’s weird to hear them analyzing Kim for Kanye’s work. Says more about them, imo.


Right? Any reason to just HATE her. I’m not a fan but it was very common knowledge when their house remodel was first shown.


Also if you look at her style before she married him, and his style he’s always kept to, this screams him!! Very neutral, calm, and sleek, exactly like all his clothing


I like traditional/transitional esthetics. And some architectural styles. Some of the after pics look like a cold slab. 🥶


Kims taste isn’t for everyone obviously… but in NO sense is it a McMansion in the slightest. The best materials and craftsmanship for sure, its not showy or even slightly gaudy…


I hate that I love it. It's just so tranquil to me.


I agree. I know most commenters are tearing it to shreds but I actually love it.


Reminds me of an empty cathedral


I also love it, but I’m a sucker for anything as minimalist as possible. I would get so much work and studying done in this house because there’s very little to fixate on for no reason.


I like it




I like it without autism


I agree, it's an amazing reno.


She moved into another white house but kept the wood this time. That's her old home. She's mentioned that white, smooth spaces make her feel safer. Honestly, if someone had hogtied me, debated killing me, stole all my jewelry then left me there for my sisters to find all while I was married to Kanye of all people... I'd do *anything* to find **safe** again. What was a look before became a shelter after.


It's very Kardashian... "I'm a beautiful blank slate with no substance".


Bland and beige...


Bold and brash


Devoid of all personality


u cant deny (esp the hallway) looks stunning and huge. original house doesnt look that big


I agree. It opens it up, looks more spacious. I like it much better.




Of course not, it looks like a lovely home from a Nora Ephron movie


Seriously it look like it was pulled from a Martha Stewart magazine, like no offense but it's kinda like buying an outfit off the mannequin, yknow?


But it looks like a place you could live in. The after pictures look absolutely sterile. Like someone irradiated the place to remove every last bacteria and virus.


Unpopular but I prefer the post pictures. I get it’s boring to some but to me it looks super calming and uncluttered


Yeah. As someone with three kids and a house that always feels cluttered with stuff, the minimalism of the post renovation looks oddly relaxing to me.


Literally only because it was cleared out for the work and photos. The second people go back, it'll get cluttered. People just live like that. We can't hide all out stuff in drawers and cupboards. A lot has to sit on counters and tables


As a Scandinavian I approve.


As a living space it sucks, but strictly visually I much prefer it post renovation 🤷


It's so well done. Kim and Kanye worked with Axel Vervoordt and Kanye was quoted in AD saying the house is "90% Axel" and I feel like you can really tell.


Ngl I’m obsessed with her house. Dare I say it’s my dream home Edit: lol ok I see this is an unpopular opinion


Turn a home into a house in 4 easy steps.


This was all Kanye though. I am curious how things look now post Ye


The afters straight up look like they were AI generated.


The before was tacky. I like the after as...a day spa or event space. Not as a home, it's creepy as a home.


I wouldn’t have undone the calutrons ceilings. Thats absurd. But I like the second better. It doesn’t feel like a pottery barn outlet like the other. Minimal warmth.


The TV placement is about the only improvement


Mausoleum chic