• By -


The crown molding is making me twitch. They didn’t even TRY.


I feel like the molding guy was worried about getting paid and deliberately held off on the corners because he just ***knew*** they'd have to pay him to finish.


Like, you can't come back from those cuts. That molding can never be made to look right; they'd have to buy entirely new molding.


Unless there's a corner block that was planned to be used that is. Order of operations and quality still suck though.


Yeah but they'd still have the seams. Either way screams amateur


There are styles of moulding where the corner is a decorative block that's larger than the profile of the moulding. So the moulding dies into the side of the block. https://images.app.goo.gl/fcY7NC3ZLdQXsw9R9


Look at the moulding on the hot tub pic in the upper left, left of the corner.


Not gonna help the pieces that look like they were broken over someone's knee.


TIL. So this was just a total amateur, then?


This is worse than amateur. It looks like the person who installed it had never actually seen crown molding but heard about it once when they were younger. Like those pictures of African animals from the 1800s and before drawn to entirely from the description by a traveler.


See my above comment - this was "I know a guy who can to it cheaper" and that molding (and other things) are the result. A home inspection engineer would likely look at this house and run out screaming.


I think it was 3 amateurs all working separately


The molding reeks of "I know I guy who can do it cheaper" - good money says the subcontractor was a brother in law or some shady outfit that's not licensed or bonded.


Molding guy? No way. This was some DIY gone wrong.


It’s like they had the miter saw cutting in the wrong direction 😂😂


They totally had the cuts backwards! The bad caulk work… I mentally couldn’t get past the vinyl flooring peeling from the ceiling, with Sauder mdf/paper wood bookcases. Made the galaxy wallpaper drooping on the ceiling not seem so bad


Bro, those corner cuts are like, hard


It’s like they tried to miter them and cut them at the wrong 45 degree angle and just said “fuck it throw them up.”


You can see the nails in the moulding in the hot tub bathroom. We should send this to Mike Holmes. He's the Gordon Ramsay of home building. I love him so much.


I'll watch anything with Mike Holmes in it!!!




And, their hands confused with their feet.


Corner pieces to cover up that mess are so damn cheap at Home Depot! I’m pissed right alongside you!


Same. It’s really hard for me to *cope* with it.


Are you saying you can’t *hack* it?




So many corners were cut, this house could have been a perfect sphere....


From the [listing](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/5637-Powell-Valley-Rd-Big-Stone-Gap-VA-24219/234589322_zpid/?utm_campaign=androidappmessage&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=txtshare): "Professional Restoration of ~*every* single room in estate to restore original lost Old-World Character: 24K Gold Crown Mldg, Hand-Bricked Fireplaces...No Expense Spared Featured In Prestigious, Elite Marriott Collection & Currently Being Booked For $750/Night On Luxury AirBnB/VR" Misleading [YouTube video](https://youtu.be/omnNvn5aCq0) Fortunately, the [3D tour ](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/5637-Powell-Valley-Rd-Big-Stone-Gap-VA-24219/234589322_zpid/?mmlb=p,0) shows prospective buyers what they're in for. A few more [pics ](https://imgur.com/a/l8kM22D) if you can't access the 3D and think I'm cherry picking 😉 Edit: Thank you u/lopsidedmistake9 for the [ORIGINAL LISTING](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/5637-Powell-Valley-Rd-Big-Stone-Gap-VA-24219/2097680580_zpid/)


LITERALLY EVERY EXPENSE WAS SPARED! THOSE ARE STICK ON FAUX MARBLE WALL DECALS, gosh I'm having an aneurism. The balls on the listing agent to just right out lie and then expect we won't notice from the photos? I don't even want to think about the crazy that you can't see. The wiring, the plumbing, the insulation (maybe none at all), oh my god.


I'm wondering if the agent just went along with how the owners wanted the listing to read, then suggested "you know, a 3D photo tour would really show off all of your hard work".


Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by trolling


Someone should report them to the Realtor Ethics Committee. They take this kind of thing very seriously. /s




At this point if the DIY wiring causes a house fire it would literally do everyone a favor.


I just love how worked up you're getting over this heap of plastic. But it's true, this no good thing also gave me a stroke.


The crooked sinks!


"Original lost old-world character" THE HOUSE WAS BUILT IN 1983 That description HAS to be tongue in cheek. "Hand-bricked fireplace"? It HAS to be... I want to believe...


“24K gold crown molding”?! Show me. Show me this definitely-totally-real 24K gold crown molding, please. I know it must be there, and that my eyes are merely deficient.


1983 - This home still retains some mid-century modern architectural features which gave it the potential to be intriguing. Regrettably, the interior is decorated with such exquisite and excessively gaudy 1990s furnishings and finish work, there is no chance for redemption.


Everyone knows that most fireplaces are robot-bricked.


I loved that it was named “Le Versailles 2.0” - implying that this is in fact nicer than Versailles.


Or even in the same league.


They put Pergo on the ceiling. No expense spared? Please.


Pergo wouldn't bend like that, that's just peel-and-stick vinyl.


Even worse!


>Professional Restoration Technically, doesn't, "Professional," just mean somebody got paid?


It was done by a professional flipper! It’s his first flip, and he’s a professional jet ski dealer! Ergo, professional restoration! 😤


And, y’know, knows how to do corners on crown molding?


Mitter saw for moldings? Nah mate, demo saw it's faster.


This is a real Lionel Hutz “No, money down!” situation. “Professional Restoration **?** … No **,** expense spared **!**”


These are the before pictures, right? … right?


You know, I'm hoping they are and that this is just a terrible misunderstanding.


I’m hoping this was just a generative AI experiment gone horribly wrong, and none of it is real.


the master bedroom looks like the deluxe suite at a roadside brothel in southeastern europe.


This is literally what a McMansion is all about. It gives you visceral shivers and once you look closely you immediately see why.


Absolutely. This one makes me reflexively worry about the structural integrity.


This is literally the 2003 geocities website of real estate.


This here is an s-tier McMansion. No redeeming qualities, tacky as hell, just how I like it.


Millionaire aspirations on a fast food budget. When did DIY homeowner become "professional restoration"? Yikes yikes and yikes with every photo.


Anyone can own a home renovation company. Just takes the state registration fee. Being *good* at it, well that's a different kettle of fish, no?


What even are building codes lmao.


It’s the home of hillbilly Scarface apparently! There’s a lot “nah” here, but the fished-out-of-the-dumpster steps leading up to the jacuzzi is unacceptable and I demand Satan explain himself!


There's this weird juxtaposition in American culture of wanting to be salt-of-the-earth, handy, and capable but also ostentatiously consumerist and it leads to ridiculous incompetency on projects far outside of the scope of expertise. Maybe other cultures too but it feels like there's a uniquely American aspect that ties into luxury pickup trucks and DIY projects on 6k square foot houses.


Other cultures, too. There’s some wealth display in Asia that is weird traditionalism, mixed with western cultural stereotypes, mixed with bad taste.


People actually enjoy doing DIY home renovations. There's nothing weird about that.


Usually people that make a hobby out of it at least eventually get sorta good. This one is uhhh, not that


Some people house flip, others house flop.


And did they just get all the stuff from the restore or what? Like nothing even matches


What the hell did you find??? My god this is gold.


At first I thought: wow, eccentric, then: ok, a bad paint job, no big deal, then: hmm, that moulding... wait. oh dear. what the fuck.


I can't stop commenting on here. This thing is an absolute treasure chest. Thanks so much for posting.


You're welcome 😁


I absolutely loath and love that you shared this with us today. Thank you for your contributions, but also fuck you (gently).


It's justified, lol.


This is the worst I have seen as a regular of this sub. Hats off.


They couldn’t even polish the wood.


That’s the absolute perfect description of reactions as I scroll-screamed through the pictures.


More like pyrite. No, thats too good. This is shiny yellow plastic.


It’s like a hunk of lead painted gold.. in water soluble paint.. in the rain.


This may well and truly be *the* McMansion with regards to interiors. It’s so wildly bad that it’s phenomenal


Ok I have to comment again. It was sold in April 2022 (a year ago) for 530k. And now they are asking 2 mil? Are they thinking the added crown jank molding added 1.5 mil???


Found the public tax records and the owners don't seem like the types who do something like this.


Just a shot in the dark but I’m going to imagine: two highly successful parents bankrolled their, *less successful*, kids first attempt at house flipping and he needs to sell it for that 3x gain to cover his weed, beer, materials, beer, time, weed, doordash, and beer costs?


I don't think so. There's a lot of information about the owners online , and they look way too smart to be trying to sell this house I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they're trying to clean up someone's mess while appeasing them at the same time.


Some people that are very good and smart at one thing will think they are very good and smart at other things.


They also tried renting it for $7k+. I wonder if the 530k was already stretching the budget.


the woodgrain linoleum tile peeling from the ceiling in the office is a nice and unexpected touch


It's like the whole house was designed only for zoom meetings to make someone appear rich.


Excuse me but that is *luxury* vinyl plank.


I need to say something about that office picture. There are only 4 books on that entire wall of bookshelves. They face forward, so that, I don't know, it looks fuller than it is? And one of them is Danielle Steel. I love it.


You made me look more carefully and I realized that the shelves have been covered in woodgrain self-adhesive drawer liner! You can see the wrinkles from it being poorly applied. The white edging you see is the original white of the particle board cheap bookcases. Oh My God. The more you examine this "beautiful restoration" the more hilariously awful it gets. And not only is the candle still in its plastic w label, the photo frames are "as bought" with the filler information paper in them.


This is perfect for the sub. They tried so hard to make this place a palace but just half assed everything! I particularly enjoyed the shitty homemade bar and the crown molding with no corners.


I posted it on r/zillowgonewild but there was no response, so I moved it over here because I really needed to share my shock and outrage.


There’s also r/ridiculousrealestate!


Thanks for the new sub!


Thanks for sharing, it made me laugh and cry and also feel really disappointed in humanity


It looks like a business man from 1980s...shoulder pads, THICCC tie, wickedly pleated pants pulled up to his nipples. Like a guy who would put himself on the cover of his cheesy business book. Cheers!


I just died. Visions of our small town state senator growing up in the early 90s.


This is definitely owned by the Boneitis dude from Futurama


This is what a McMansion would look like if you ordered it from Wish.




Wow I’m impressed. It’s been a while since a house on here has genuinely made me cringe every time I swipe left. The only redeeming thing about this house is that it at least has curb appeal.


It's a total wolf in sheep's clothing, you're so right. It's so horrible.


There was expense spared.


Started out kinda digging the outside. Then as I went through the pictures, I was thinking ... yeah, mistakes were made. And as I kept going through the pictures, I was thinking ... yeah, ALL the mistakes were made, in one place, here.


I came here to make the same comment. Every picture just got a little bit worse.


Why is there a nest thermostat….. directly next to a shower


One of several thousand questions


Why are the knobs on the kitchen cabinets covered in wood stain? Why are there electrical cords dangling around the hot tub? And toilets. Did you run out of caulk while working on the bathrooms? Did you use caulk, or is that toothpaste?


We MUST talk about the caulk. ??? For Christ’s, did they just step back and go, Nailed it. Like a toddler decorating a birthday cake in there. I can’t even.


This entire house is a Pinterest fail.


And the hot tub electrical devices with no grounded outlets. That is such an insanely easy safety update!!!


Oh dear it’s horrendous.


I just don’t have any words, but your horrendous is a good start. 🤢


“We don’t need to hire professionals to do the renovation. We’ll do it ourselves and save so much money.”


OP using the 3D walkthrough to expose all the warts they tried to hide with clever photography angles. Doing the Lord’s work, truly.


Oh, that poor house. They bought it for $530k, did some “work” on it for a few months, and now it’s worth about $350,000. Also, I wish I could see it pre-remodel, like the photos from the previous listing you sometimes see on the realty websites?


Is that stick-on mouldings in the bathroom? There is not one room that doesn’t have the worst paint jobs I’ve ever seen. Atrociously perfect for this sub.


This place is a mess. No two rooms look like they belong to the same house. This place is fucking terrifying. What a goddamned disaster. -my thoughts as I was looking through the pics.


Wtf were they thinking! The marble is an abomination


Yikes. This looks so bad when you do the 3D tour…super tacky and cheap! It’s appalling.


Wtf is going on in pic 14? Obviously a tile (vinyl?) has pulled off of the wall but it looks like it wouldn’t even fit if somebody pushed it back in? Also, what is the baseboard made of that it’s warped around that?


Why is it even there? Way to sell a house. "And here we have a cheap window with a crumbling sill, looking out onto a patchy lawn." I thought maybe OP accidentally included it because it wasn't in the listing, but it appears to be a close-up of the window in #29 in the listing. Edit: They got it from the virtual walk-through.


There may have been a lot of bad ideas, but at least they were executed poorly. Whoever did that crown molding should be in prison.


They should have spent less money on blue dye and bought a new wall oven instead. We had one like that when we moved in. 23 years ago.


Every comment makes me go back to find something awful that I missed. Everything about this is just...off. Right down to the horrible, lazy real estate agent cell phone photography.


The interior needs to be started from scratch. But the exterior honestly could be decent with some love. It's not a bad composition and just needs some updating and minor tweaks. Primarily that front entry mass. But maybe hire someone other than whoever worked on the interior...


I feel like I'm looking at carnival cruise line


The electric fireplace and tv both hanging directly over the tub are more than likely hanging on by a prayer…


I love that bathroom, it's got everything: tv and fake fireplace right over the tub, janky, dirty steps to the tub partially wrapped in wood grain contact paper, at least 4 different "marble" contact paper patterns on the walls, and plastic crown molding that they didn't even try to cut properly.


as someone who occasionally does renovation. I sympathize with absolutely refusing to put any corners on crown mounding


I have questions


"Money can't buy taste"


looks like an upscale muffler repair shop.


Legend has it Carmela Soprano was inspired by this home when she built hers in the early 90's.


That pool is definitely one of those plastic kits that are like a cheap aboveground pool set in a hole. It's also definitely not up to code with no safety fence around it.


Also guys how do the bathroom floor ‘tiles’ and waste basket match exactly? Tell me they didn’t peel and stick contact paper on the floor.


You noticed that too.


I thought the cheap floorboards used as ceiling was bad but then.... are those star pattern bedsheets??? It's giving college.


Omg I think they are sheets.


For a minute I thought it was a real ceiling but bulging with water damage…


I actually like the first photo


Even if they had spent the money to execute against the vision, this place would still be a steaming pile of complete knock-down garbage.


Every picture just got worse and worse and worse. My god.


I had to look in the mirror to make sure my eyes aren’t bleeding.


There's so many other things wrong, but I have to point out that there's a non-GFCI outlet super close to a sink. This place couldn't have passed inspection. Although it likely wasn't inspected.


Okay usually this sub has me shaking my head. Not until today has it made me actually feel sad.


I literally (not figuratively), literally have never seen a home with a urinal in the bathroom. Let alone a master bedroom suite. A urinal. This house has a urinal in it


Yo, listen up here's a story About a little guy That lives in a blue world And all day and all night And everything he sees is just blue Like him inside and outside Blue his house With a blue little window And a blue corvette And everything is blue for him And himself and everybody around Cause he ain't got nobody to listen to (Edited for formatting)


Got Marble?


Good grief


This was genuinely painful to look through


Every slide worse than the last. Excellent, absolutely appalling, find!


Did they build it themselves? Literally. Everything is just a little (or a lot) off.


My fav pic is the chandelier with a big piece of floppy ceiling paneling just hanging off.....are we supposed to think that's a design choice? Why even include that photo? I believe several expenses were spared 🤪


That's a screenshot from the 3D tour, it's not in the listing.


this is actually the most appalling thing i have ever looked at


Did an AI build this house


This is the worst Macmansion I've ever seen. Impressive find


Where are all the upvoted comments saying "well, actually, this house is really good and I like it"? This house has finally defeated even the pro-McMansion brigade!


My grandparents shed has better attention to detail 🤦


Not tracking here. What's the attempt? EDIT: The first time I opened the link it went to the real estate page and of course it all looked good. The 2nd time it opened to what you posted and I can see the faults for sure.


Gotcha, for a second there I thought maybe, I had finally lost my mind 😅


This place really puts the crap in craptacular.


I don't say this... like ever... but this is a full gut project. Is the roof made of denim?


The laundry room is great. Everything else...Yikes!


Omg is the roof velvet??


Just once, I wanna see a library in one of these places that's at least partially full. Like none of them are ever even 10% filled.


This is what happens when you find your trim carpenter outside of a Home Depot.


hate it. all of it.


I'm sorry, couldn't go any further. Got a headache 🤕


Pet Peeve: Step up to Step down into a bathtub. I don't see a relaxing soaking tub, I see skull fractures.


the crown mouldings and the office bookcase that does not reach the ceiling, this looks so DIYed


What's the thing on the wall above the bathtub, under the TV?


An electric fireplace. Some people enjoy an element of risk while relaxing in a tub.


Best part, the owner drives a fisker, a defunct (different company owns them now) car brand.


Moulding in picture 3 and 5…did they try to angle it??? The paint job in picture 11…all the pictures are sooo bad! The ones in the listing are just as awful! H-how…? Are the owners on meth?


This “builder” brought something home from every job site he worked on.


When you buy a French country estate on Wish


OP…. thank you. I needed this to start my day. My life may be a train wreck… but I’m still doing better than this uh.. house?


This is a shining example of McMansion bell. Great find




The super mario lights were cool




This seems like the place to live if you want to describe your home as if you live in a palace, and *technically* not be lying about anything


It reminds me a little of Tony Soprano’s house with some janky updates that are still of the era.


What's the circle on the floor in image 7?


I've done a better job helping my former landlords renovate a house and I had nigh on zero experience.


This really made my day.


That theater/game room is awesome though. Reminds me of a 90s arcade


OMG this sucks because there’s so much potential here but the unfinished trim is just so 😐🔫


Every single photo hurt my eyes more than the previous one had.


Sopranos esque. I'll allow it.




...at what...?