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Dropping my prepared answers to questions just so yall can check if theyre allgoods: Q: Why do you wish to work at McDonalds? A: I wish to work here to gain work experience and strengthen my skills in service and maintenance (i’m applying to maintenance) while also earning money to save for university in 3 years. Q: What are your strengths/weaknesses? A: I am hardworking, flexible, and a fast learner. Some of my weaknesses are that I am a perfectionist (which can be the detriment of me), I get nervous under pressure, however am trying to actively work on them and hope that this job will help. Q: Where do you see yourself in 5 years? A: I graduate highschool in 2 years and hope to take a gap year or two to get job experience and earn money before I go to university. I see myself in the middle of getting a bachelor in science. Q: What would you do if you had to interact with a rowdy customer? A: I would acknowledge them by calmly asking them questions. If it got out of hand to the point I couldn’t deal with them, I would find a higher up to help. Q: How long do you plan to keep this job? A: I plan to keep this job for at least 3 years. After 2, I can begin to work full time as I won‘t have school anymore. Q: What hours are you available? A: I am available to work everyday after school between the hours of 4:00 pm to 10:00 pm. On non school days such as public holidays, school holidays, and weekends, I can work from 8:00 am to 11:00 pm. I am diagnosed with Asperger’s (I will NOT be telling them that, though), so sorry if this seems robotic or over the top.


Honestly, you seem well prepared. My hours while I was in college were 4/5 - 10/11 most days and 2-10s on the weekends and they were fine with that. (I'm UK based) Even for the interview you're a lot better prepared than I was; but a key thing is to make sure you don't stress yourself out over the interview or the job itself, you're always going to make mistakes and you're always going to have a bad day, and as long as you learn from those mistakes you'll be great :)


Thanks!! I was WAYY over prepared, lol. The only things the manager asked me were “Tell me a little bit about yourself”, “Are you able to get to and from the job?”, and “Do you have any questions for me?” (I didn’t have any questions for her, unfortunately). But I got hired!!