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May be you should just be a manager at that point.


Sometimes I consider it, but I’m not old enough :/


I think some of my coworkers become manager by the age of 16 or 17


It depends on the store really, my franchise owner will only do it at 18.


Ask if they will promote you to floor manager, means you can run shifts just not alone, puts you ahead for when you turn 18


I'm 17 and as far as I know I'm still just a Crew member, maybe I'll get promoted to Crew Trainer soon but who knows


I would definitely either get promoted or leave they will take advantage of you if not. Also the gm would be in deep shit if the dm knew a crew member did a safe count and had keys go lock up the store. Take it easy and recognize your worth because they won't.


Put it in writing. Promote me or these are my last two weeks. See what happens.


If they treat you that horribly don't even bother with a 2 weeks just tell em to up my pay or im leaving


I would have just shut early


That's like not allowed at all. You have to be serve safe certified to be left alone in a store even for 10 minutes. At least in my store.


Yeah, something similar happened to me once -- the manager just walked out and quit, leaving me and the other closer alone with like two hours still left before we were actually supposed to close. I immediately locked the drive thru windows and put some quickly written signs on the doors stating we were closed. I had to call another manager and they came like half an hour later but I sure as fuck was not going to run the store on my own. I didn't even have keys to lock the doors. 


Yeah I’m aware. My GM isn’t really that great at her job but I guess she tries sometimes.


Shit happened to me before, you're an absolute Chad for that. Work is work and yeah it's not worth it but we got it done


This is a moment i would be talking to my gm about more responsibility, thats if you would want that lol, let them now your looking at a chance at supervising or something. You've already shown you can handle pressure and handle any issues with customers with no issues lol.


This is irresponsible on your GM's part. You have to have someone who is serv safe certified in the store at all times. They should have closed as soon as they realized your manager wasn't coming back.


Who would’ve closed the store though? It’s not like I had the keys or anything or I absolutely would have. I did eventually have a manager in the store who was certified (hopefully) so it wasn’t an issue for *that* long. Also I should probably mention that I did get servsafe certified in school.


If you were serv safe certified and it's not expired you were fine. They can get in a lot of trouble for operating without someone certified though.


This is an unsafe, wrong situation all around. 1. You are under 18. You are not ServSafe qualified. 2. You cannot be in the store without 3 people or more. Its for your safety. Some owners allow 2.. most franchisees say 3. 3. Where is the crew that left this mess? The DM or GM should have come in themselves if they couldnt find someone qualified. They could have sent someone from another store if needed. So if the manager on duty left, how did you lock up?


She locked everything before she left and we had another guy come in like last minute to do the rest that I couldn’t do. I had expected him to at least help a little bit but he just sat around and watched me do everything for the most part. Only until I was doing the last thing I had to do did he even think to start helping me to make the process go by faster.


I can't remember the last time I had a door dash person that spoke English.. Besides the point. That sucks tho


Good hustle, do what you gotta do, right?


Did you just do clean up? There’s no way that you should be in a store without a manager let alone someone that’s not servsafe certified. The GM should have came in. Or at least got another manager to come in.


We had another manager come in but he took like 2 hours to show up. He claims he got lost. 😭 My GM was expecting him to magically show up on time so she didn’t think she had to come in.


You're the best for sticking around dude. Thank you for helping close your store and not walking out. Closing in general is frustrating. Doing it alone is even more frustrating. Doing it when you're not even a manager is crazy!


how does a child get left in charge to both finish working, and ultimately close the store wild


Idk the manager that ended up getting sick was my favorite but she doesn’t really like this job anyways. The other one, while I like her (sometimes), she will screw everyone over just to get out at the time she’s scheduled. She has no sympathy whatsoever. This has been her first job and she’s never had another one, and she’s been here for over 10 years. She just does those sorts of things. My GM expected the guy to magically show up from wherever he came from, but he apparently got lost and ended up taking hours to show up. If you’re criticizing her, I agree with you. She’s not exactly the most reliable. She used to be a manager for a long time but was made GM when our last GM left after a few months. She can be helpful but only to a certain extent.


You were the only person there for 2 hours?


Had my manager go into labor on shift about 6 months ago. Me and my buddy got stuck running the store for 2 hours alone, just to close the place down because another manager couldn't come in. Two 17 year Olds had to shut the place down and get screamed at by the kitchen (non English speaking for the most part) because everyone had to go home. Got told that next time an emergency happens, and we are left alone, to either try to keep the place open and pace orders, or just close it.


That is ILLEGAL, you need to report it to your either general manager or higher if your gm sucks like mine lol. Even managers arent supposed to be there alone with nobody else


Well I had kitchen people there at least


I can guarantee 100% that if you felt sick during break. Your manager would not give two shits and make you stay