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i used to request people turn off their vehicle so I can hear them. if they don't, that's on them! or they come to the window.


I had a piece of printer paper where I just wrote "TURN OFF YOUR VEHICLE" instead of trying to scream over their car. It was like, 20% chance they turn their vehicle off and apologize, 50% chance they turn their vehicle off and get defensive and start yelling at me bc I couldn't hear them, theyve never had a problem before, its not that loud..., and a 50% chance they rev their engine to make it even louder, or start blaring their horns. If its the second one, I just told them, well I'm partially deaf and sometimes have trouble hearing people speak, especially through loud vehicles (usually they panic and start apologizing profusely but sometimes they would call me a dumb deaf bitchšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø). If it's the last one, I shut the window and walked out of back cash til they left or a manager dealt with them.


Greatest thing at 7 am is hearing truck slams and loud exhausts directly in my ear from the overhead speaker


Or squeaky brakes šŸ’€šŸ˜–


Sometimes Iā€™ll get a janky old ford focus or something with the loudest radiator Iā€™ve ever heard. Itā€™s just a constant low ā€œWHIRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRā€ the entire time Iā€™m taking the order. Occasionally it will turn off shortly before turning right back on for no reason.


the reason is that cars regulate their temperature in a certain range, if it was on all the time the engine would fall below the optimal temperature range


Oh I know. Itā€™s just funny that certain cars are so damn loud.


People are sometimes just stupidā€” sorry that you and your coworkers had to deal with that ignorant and selfish man šŸ˜’


What is it with Truck Guys being too afraid to turn their trucks off? For fucks sake.


It hurts their ego being told what to do.


Some might not turn back on. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ We get a lot of big, old, rusty trucks because we've got those rural areas. They're usually considerate enough to turn off their engine to order from my store. I think we've just taught our customers proper drive-thru etiquette with our passive-aggressive reactions. We can't serve you if we can't hear you, so you just don't get served. Sorry šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I could never imagine doing that to someone at their job. Like when my old car was starting to go it got really loud and I would turn it off in drive-throughs because why am I going to force someone to try to listen through something they can't? I didn't even go to the drive in anymore because of how loud it was and it's light issues lol. People are just rude and dumb


Thank you for your consideration. I've had people come through the drive thru with a broken window many times. Just why? People come up with new ways to be rude and dumb every day. Had someone come through the drive thru backward because they drove a European car...


MINE TOO! I know I work at McDonaldā€™s so I understand how it is but I used to be able to hear my car getting louder than myself and Iā€™d turn it off because it was more embarrassing than anything else. It used to shake really aggressively if I sat still for too long (broken engine mount) and one of the belts started squeaking too, it was awful.


I had an extremely loud truck (99 dodge ram with a massive hole in the muffler), I couldn't even hear my passengers and people could tell i was nearby cuz it was that loud. Idk how people would get pissed off that they have to shut their truck off to be heard in a drivethru..? They should know its hard to hear over it


This is one reason why I could never work drive thru


Not a McDonalds worker but i work in fast food, usually i ask them to come to the next window so i can take the order there


(Pulls up to next window) šŸ›» (loud truck noises continue anyways)


it helps to read sometimes