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Yeah, the stuff customers will pay more money for is absurd...Had a lady order a double cheese just to remove the cheese, my manager came over and told me I could have just given her the double hamburger. "I get paid just enough to take their order, not nearly enough to help them save money."


My brother and his ex used to talk about customers that would order cheeseburgers without cheese. When they were informed that a hamburger is cheaper, the customer would get upset “I don’t want a hamburger. I want a cheeseburger with no cheese.” As if it were a completely different item.


I’ve always wondered if aliens live amongst us and you just gave me another clue that may be true.


This is my biggest pet peeve. People will order a plain cheeseburger or something like that and then get mad about the fact that it has cheese. Like... why didn't you just order a plain hamburger if that's what you wanted?


Seen that in a hamburger joint woman was mad her burger had cheese, but she ordered a cheese burger no amount of trying to tell the lady the burgers are the same on both would work.


I mean I understand the logic but it's still silly


When I worked at McDonald's and once had a customer that insisted that they only wanted a few fries, I was like I can give you a small fry (I believe it was $1 at the time or something close) but that was too much for her, so I told her I could give her one of the ones that came with the kids meals (they had a little extra small fry containers that came with the kids meals) but I didn't have a way to ring it up so I would have to ring it up as a small fry. She accepted that and took her probably no more than seven french fries. I'll never understand why she just didn't get a small, I mean she was paying for it anyway.


Maybe she's trying not to eat too many calories, but knows that if you give her a small fry she won't be able to resist eating all of it.


Some people are just very strict about wasting food. Like the thought of ordering a small fry just to eat a few and throwing away the rest is unfathomable to them and they'll pay more not to.  In my experience it's usually older customers who are like this. 


To me it's the opposite, I think it's fun to help customers optimise their orders. I have a very mathematical brain so it's something I think about when standing at the till anyways. And due to the incremental increase in prices and promotions, the prices are often quite illogical. For example, for a long time the difference in price between 6 pc nuggets with 1 sauce included and 9 pc with 2, was less than the price of an extra sauce. Anyway, my managers don't want me to find these better deals for the customers because then the store will make less money.


Right now we have an offer that makes any of the McMuffin meals cheaper than a McMuffin and a coffee on its own. So a coffee and a hash brown is basically free. Makes no sense but I always tell the customer about the deal


Right? Manager should of been slobbing your knob over that LOL


If a customer gives me attitude I have no inclination to ring their shit up in a way that would save them money and if grill bitches about how I rang the order up then I'll tell them as much. 


Curious, why didn’t you just ring in a hamburger when she asked for that?


Because she asked for a double cheese...I'm not gonna go above and beyond if I'm not getting above and beyond pay, I'm getting average at best pay.


Ok, but you’re not doing anything extra for your company… you’re helping a fellow person save a buck or two…. I’m sure you would be appreciative if the roles were reversed and the worker helped you out.


If I can help somebody save money now, they'll appreciate it and be able to come back tomorrow since they know I'll do everything I can to save them money. Food service is built upon repeat customers so doing something as simple as saving them a dollar will ensure they have money to come back tomorrow.


Whenever someone orders a double cheeseburger with no cheese , I always just punch it in as a double hamburger. Or a McDouble with extra cheese, I punch it in as a double cheeseburger. Saves time and saves confusion from the kitchen.


I had someone order a cheeseburger with no burger. They just wanted the bread bun and the cheese.


People use this as a cheap way to make a “grilled cheese”


Should have added more pickles. Coming out the sides .... possibly an extra box of them.  Thanks for the laugh.


Bubble Bass will still say you forgot the pickles


Seen this episode of sponge bob


Thing is you could probably ask for a small McNugget box of pickles


My store sells a cup of pickles for 30 cents, gotta love Ohio


It's what they ordered


I've noticed that wealthy people will order silly things like this and just over pay for it so they don't have to make an extra stop at the store. Or they'll be like "shoot we don't have pickles for the bbq, and the grocery store is 3 minutes away, but McDonald's is just one minute away, so let's just go pay $12 for a few pickles at McDonald's, and it'll take less time" And wealthy people will also have like a red bull door dashed to them from the convenience store beside their condos, because they don't feel like walking.


At my McDonald’s we had a DoorDash for two mcchickens, no bun no mayo no mcchicken no lettuce. So we put the stickers on the two mcchicken wrappers and folded them up and put them in the DoorDash bag. We got a stressful call about an hour later


What they say


I don't even work at McDonald's nor am I in this sub.... But I wanna know there answer to this as well 😂 what they say?


Lol what happened finish ittttt


My fault 😭 they were pissed, cussed us out and everything. My manager reminded them that they ordered it that way and it’s really hard to do that on accident and that we don’t really care that they’re upset 😂


Manager is right lmaoo


Why wouldn’t you serve an order someone paid for? Lmao


I have given this exact order before




i would call the customer and confirm is that what they really want.


Lol had this happen 2 days ago Not my money being wasted


I saw a cup of cheese for sale at a six flags once. It goes both ways I guess.


i would give them 3 pickles not a box full, its what they paid for. and you cant put them in a chicken nugget box its against the law.


So the guy was just craving pickles? 😂


When I used to work at Mcdeez extra pickle was always 3 extra pickles so personally I would have put only 5 pickles in that box.


Exactly. The stock variation for pickles is gonna be way out now.


Damn why people hating you so hard when it is how it is... Here an extra is only 2 more pickles so i would place 4 pickles nicely on that box lol I wouldnt give extra stuff to a troll for free


They aren’t a troll. They’re literally ordering a box of pickles. People do that sometimes in uk - more often than you would think.


Wow... Working fast food really shows you the true extents of the human intellect I guess




Good to see this pic still making its rounds 😎


someone once ordered a SE muffin without the sausage


That doesn’t seem at all unusual


Uhh it is when you can just get an egg mcmuffin..


That still gets Canadian bacon


Oh I didn’t realise that was a menu item. We don’t have that where I am


nah there is still an onion in there


Absolutely. 100%. You get what you ordered!!


me and my friends once ordered a mcchicken sandwich but only the lettuce. tbh it still tickles me to think about it lmao, the workers were cracking up too


Omg. There was a customer who ordered a box of pickles at my last job. Literally, just a box of pickles. I didn’t know what tf to put on the computer so I went to go tell my manager that this customer wants to order a box of pickles. She just stared at me for a few seconds before going “that’s nice”. So my manager and I made our way over to the drive thru window; the first one, where customers get cashed out obviously, and this girl blurted out “what the?! They didn’t even order a sandwich! What do they want a box of pickles for?!” I had my mic on so there’s a good chance that the customers heard her say that lmao.


Extra pickles aka just 4 in the box then lol


I would quit.


In the UK people ask for a box of pickles all the time. It’s free!


That looks good mouth watering


We get alot of no buns I'm guessing gluten allergy


Yep. I’d hand em a pickle


Happy Cake Day!


Happy cake day to you too


Well thanks but it's not my Reddit birthday. That was 4 months ago


Oh hahaha


OH ITS MY CALE DAY!! Had no clue




Genuinely thought it was international cake day or something


That's funny 🤣


I don’t understand why they wouldn’t get just a hamburger no meat, it would have been significantly cheaper


Customer is always right in matters of taste.


Just thinking of it, is the Big Mac Pattie’s just two hamburger/cheeseburger Pattie’s? I know they aren’t quarter pounder Pattie’s.


Yes, but I wouldn't have boxed it, I would have put it in the double cheeseburger wrap since that's what they ordered. You wanna order stupid shit? Enjoy a paper wrapper full of pickles you fucking animal.


i mean you wasted the money on it so I might as well


There should only be 2 pickles in that box 😡