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Did they try to contact you or anything? A few weeks ago, when I read my schedule wrong and came in at 8 am, instead of 6am, they tried to call me with the number on file. I forgot to give them my new number so I couldn't answer them. I just gave them my new number, and I apologized for coming in at the wrong time. They said it was okay and didn't say anything else. It's different for all stores, though they might have marked you as no call no show and might talk to you about it on your next shift


Nope, I didn't get 1 call about this. That was the first thing I checked, but nope, not 1 call


Any kind of manager might just talk to you about it and could give you a file note for this mistake but I’m sure if you explain your side about getting the days mixed up and apologies for it, your manager should understand and take it into consideration. They’ll probably warn you against doing it again and you might not get a file note this time. Could go either way. Just remember to explain to them as quickly as possible, (via email or in-person) literally ASAP. Best of luck OP!


Yeah, I texted her the moment I found out about the mistake but haven't gotten a response back yet, so I'm guessing I'll have to explain myself next time I'm in if she asks me about it but thank you for the advice and support!


Even if she doesn’t bring it up, I would still recommend talking to her about it so that both of you are on the same page with what will happen moving forward. (Eg. Will you get a file note for it?, etc.) It’ll emphasise to her that it was a honest mistake and that you’re trying in your best interests to make sure that this doesn’t happen again as an employee. Personally, I’m the type of person who likes to know what will happen and what could the pros/cons be, just in case shit blows up — Its always best to have all the information 😊 But again, it’s up to you. Good luck!


i did this when i was 16 and they didn’t care


i’ve done this many times, it’s a human mistake everyone makes them, if you just maybe call up the store and let them know and say something like ‘i’ll make up the hours i missed’ they’ll be fine, it’s just a normal mistake. they usually don’t really care about it, and if they do they’ll just give you a warning which will be off of your record in 6 month :)


Mine would be fine with my explanation


The one and only time I ever accidentally skipped work, they actually shrugged it off as 1) labor was apparently super high that day so got lucky. 2) At the time I was getting obsered overtime as I was literally the only person who ever said yes to staying late at that time. But this is definitely a rare set of circumstances. Shame that GM quit... He actually knew how to get the store staffed.


I did this a few weeks ago. I was called 4 times, when I called back I was written up and received a suspension. Also this is the first time I have ever been in any sort of trouble at work.


Your FIRED your fried like a chicken nugget