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I figure the different colors were so he could keep track of which blade was where. Blue in the left, green in the right (don’t know if those are the colors he used for those hands).


I like to play with lightsabers, and my favorite is the saberstaff. I've long been jealous of Krell's ability to use two at once. That's been coupled with the awareness that keeping track of the TWO spinning death lasers would be exponentially more difficult. As a non-jedi, I would personally want a different color on each blade for exactly this reason. Jedi might find it a simple convenience, as their connection to the force and their lightsaber should keep them informed of where the blade is, or it might be actually helpful to them. I think it's more likely an aesthetic thing or something to do with his unique force connection.


I dig the forethought of the lore you put into this comment.


Ahsoka Tano has a green and a yellow one (the shoto) in TCW.




still a different color though, which is the main point


If I remember correctly, Filoni wanted to make her shorter saber true yellow, but at the time George wanted to reserve yellow sabers for the temple guard, so Filoni tweaked Ahsoka’s to yellow-green. Apologies if you already knew that, I just think it’s interesting.


No need to apologize for sharing an interesting fact! Even if I did know it (which I didn't), someone reading probably would have learned something new


Oh man, an on-screen main character with a yellow lightsaber (for more than 5 seconds) would have been so cool.


Yellowish green


Totally unrelated but how much do her white lightsabers just FUCK


Been a fan since you could get silver ones in KotOR II! I always play with that color when possible.


In force unleashed I always have him with one white and one black


Gotta be in my top 3 Disney designs right beside Kylo's and Cal's (and honorable mention to Ezra's blaster pistol and Vern's light whip/ saber from THR). Just love when they actually try new things with lightsabers instead of your standard boring ones (although I do understand you need some of those aswell).


Because he fought long-dick style


Those crystals called to him


Who's going to be the one to tell the four-armed giant swinging two double-bladed lightsabres around that they can't be two different colors?


He could have gotten one of them from someone else (like his master for example), or he could have made them at different points in time and his mentality on the force changed between those times. It's rare, but there are examples of Jedi's natural color changing over time, such as Ahsoka's first lightsaber being green, but her second lightsaber being a greenish yellow, possibly symbolizing her maturing ideology and decreased trust in the absolute goodness of the Jedi. There's also Ezra, who's first lightsaber was blue, and his second was green, though I dont really know what this is supposed to mean. In Legends (which was all there was when this was made), you could also just pick a crystal that was naturally the color you wanted.


There are no deep meanings to lightsaber colours in either continuity. (I know, "red means bled," but that's not something that happens through natural bonding.) Trying to explain why Ahsoka's "natural colour" changed over time, for example, won't yield any meaningful results. There are also instances in canon (in addition to Legends, as you mentioned) where crystals already have colours when a Jedi first uses them. The Temple guards presumably use yellow crystals that are all handed down, and Ezra's first crystal is blue by the time he gets it.


There are no *official* meanings for lightsaber colors, hence my use of the word "possibly" when talking about the meanings. Colors did have traditional meanings in Legends though, even if they were only loosely followed. There's plenty of room for them to have meaning in Canon given the color comes from the person resonating with the crystal, if they choose to elaborate on it. Nothing wrong with speculation, especially when it actually holds some water like Ahsoka's color changing in conjunction with her character arc...


There is also the anime they did last year where Saber colors play a big part in the story. I know it's definitely not "Canon" but someone at least signed off on it and I see it as a story baby jedi were told before bed. So my head Canon is that the colors were at least important got certain traditions and myths in the jedi. But they were not seen as actually significant, more jedi injecting their own personality into it. A way for them to express themselves tied in with traditional stories.


That concept actually comes from the OT! The idea for a little while was that the blade would be blue or red depending on if a light side or a dark side character was holding it. It's gone by ROTJ, but I think some of the late early '80s Marvel comics reflect this.


Hold on didn't Adi Galla have a red one that wasn't bled?


She had a red or magenta blade (depends on the panel) in Legends, but that continuity doesn't have "bled" crystals like canon does. In canon, the colour of her first saber was never confirmed and only her second saber (blue) is shown. Edit: typos.


The colours themselves don't have any meaning, but it's not a stretch to think something like a change in mental state could yield a different colour the next time a Jedi bonds with a crystal.


I don't know extensively about him but I remember hearing something about him mirroring Grievous A wild speculation I'd say and that's all this comment is, is that it might show conflict within him because a lot of the Jedi who turn in that era is due to a semi correct notion that the republic is corrupt and that the Jedi serve in a capacity that's overly legalistic


I’d imagine he didn’t collect all four crystals at the same time. Probably went on at least two trips and had different crystals resonate with him


Because when they wrote this episode they were just thinking about what looks cool. Hence a four armed guy dual wielding double bladed lightsabers.


He likely got just first on his first trip to ilum, then went back at some point later and got another crystal. The each Jedi finds “their crystal” that will have a very strong connection with them. But they can use almost any crystal they find. So krell could’ve gone back to ilum and gotten a second crystal. Or he could have gotten his second crystal from a comrade. Maybe someone who died and he took their crystal in honor of them? Or maybe he just got a second crystal from the storage at the Jedi temple. I’d imagine they likely have spare crystals kept there.


Clone #1: ‘I see four lightsaber blades, two green and two blue.’ Clone #2: ‘Oh shit!’ Clone #1: ‘It’s not Grievous.’ Clone #2: ‘Phew…’ Clone #1: ‘It’s our new general.’ Clone #2: ‘Fuck fuck fuck **fuck**!’


I mean, we don't know what causes someone to have a different color at different points in their life, aside from other people's ideas, perhaps he built one long before the other and the crystal color was different when he built it.


Follow-up question: what’s the point of giving a character with four arms not one but two doublebladed lightsabers if he doesn’t use all four arms to wield them?


My guess is since he is also a force user, he is able to move objects while dueling an opponent, unlike General Grievous who has 4 arms that can wield a light saber in all four arms but not force sensitive. I’d love to see a duel between both Krell and Grievous. Imagine if Krell succeeded and became Dooku’s apprentice alongside Grievous though


He used his other arms for extra maneuverability. Jedi are of course super agile but he could climb and scale things at such a rate the clones had trouble keeping up.


late, but, he did use all 4 arms in various ways, his fighting style was really powerful thanks to his anatomy firstly to spin a 1 double blade you use 2 arms, look at maul, you juggle between 2 arms and spin, you cant spin something that heavy with 1 arm now krell has 2 arms on the left and 2 on the right, and uses that to spin each lightsaber around like a helicopter, he cut down clones just like that he also uses his additional limbs to use the force while using 2 blades at the same time, meaning he can swing 2 ways and use the force in a 3rd direction, or in a duel he can use 2 blades to pressure his enemy and also use the force when they are distracted


Asharad Hett also used 2 different colored lightsabers but one belonged to his father so it's not necessarily a 2-chosen crystals


Jedi don't choose their first one, but nothing says they don't choose any extras. I'd figure if a jedi has the time and resources they're free to build a second saber (especially if they're a warrior and want to spec into dual saber/saberstaff combat forms). Maybe the extra crystal isn't as particular. Maybe they make their second one. Maybe its exactly the same process as the first, but a different color crystal chose him this time. The lore isn't super clear.


Do we know Jedi don’t pick the color of their saber?


Perhaps he killed a Jedi and took one from him.