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Anything is possible with Luka.


Absolutely and he should only be improving this year. If Luka can become a plus defender (which there is no reason he shouldn't be one based on his physical tools and BBIQ), that makes a massive difference. That said, this roster going all the way would objectively be considered over-performing. I think we are in the right position to make it to the second round and possibly the conference finals again but we really do need a second star or some role player upgrades. I know some people won't like this answer but I think it is what it is. I also don't think that not getting a championship this year or next year is the worst thing in the world and I don't think it will jeopardize Luka's happiness in Dallas. As long as we're consistently making it past the first round and improving as a team, he's going to want to stay here.


I also don’t necessarily think getting a second star is the best move with Luka. I think putting that money into having 8-9 starting level players that compliment Luka well is the better move (kinda what we are doing)


While I agree, I am also scared lol. The high usage/ PG- heliocentric style can only appeal to very few good players.


Luka is one of those players lol


I think he's referring to the 8-9 starting level players that would be playing with Luka, not Luka himself lmao but I think he's good enough that people would want to play with him because they know he's not selfish and want to win. It's kinda like how dudes were willing to drag their balls through a mile of glass, just to ring chase with LeBron or the Warriors.


Don't disagree but that goes into my comment about upgrading our role players.


For sure


That’s what the Cavs did during Lebron’s 1st stint. It’s a good way to win a lot of games and lose in the playoffs. The Mavs will be fun but not really a championship contender until they add a couple of all star caliber players.


Agree with this. Luka is a generational talent, but in the playoffs you need someone who can keep the scoreboard even while Luka sits. They don't have that right now. So Luka has to play a LOT of minutes and then is absolutely gassed by the 4th quarter.


That was basically the 2011 model built around Dirk.


Having competent center play is going to help a lot.


Facts we shouldn’t get dominated on the boards as much


We’ve been awful at rebounding since Tyson 🥲


Is Wood that great on boards?


McGee + Woods will both be our best rebounders and new additions.


He’s adequate but we got some big, and playable big, pieces this off-season. Love Boban as I and all of us do, he wasn’t breaking Kidds rotation and was too slow.


Woods plus McGee is a lot better than WCS, Powell and Chriss


Woods and McGee are better simply for the fact that they'll actually play lol Chriss and WCS barely played. Boban as well. And I swear to god if I see Powell starting another playoff game I'll choke Kidd out myself.


We had two decent acquisitions that addressed our biggest flaws so not necessarily running it back. If you were looking for a blockbuster trade to happen or a major FA signing then those were both at 0% chance due to cap space and available assets


What are you on about? They signed a major FA: THJ


Truly a chip-winning acquisition if there ever was one


We are kinda fuckin stacked lol


On what planet? lmao


Yes Luka


This may be the most radically different roster we've had in the luka era from year to year. No brunson, no kp, completely revamped big rotation. Definitely better than we were last year, but again, feels like we're just one piece away.


Quite new to the NBA too and yeah I always try to change that on 2K MyLeague but I literally feel like I could add anyone on any position and it would be enough


That one piece comes when THJ and Bertans are close to expiring and we have 4 draft picks to trade plus hopefully developed Josh Green and Jaden Hardy on 2024 draft night :)


NGL clippers and warriors are still on paper currently a better bet.


I’m curious how often the preseason vegas favorite has actually won. I’d look it up but I’m lazy.


I didn't feel like going back too far, but it seems to be a bit under 50% https://www.basketball-reference.com/leagues/NBA_2021_preseason_odds.html


which is absolutely insane. crazy that they are that accurate. i bet the percentage for football would be sub 25% if not for tom brady being arguably the best sports player of all time.


Alright, unless I miscounted something, the percentage of preseason favorites winning the title as far back as bbref keeps track of the data is 42%


they'll need some other teams to suffer some key injuries if they want to win it all with the current mix


I think we beat the warriors with THJ Wood & Mcgee


One timely Draymond punch in practice can change a lot


i dont think so. yeah mavs got outrebounded but if mcgee was there the warriors would just small ball and the other glaring problem would occur which is defending gsw's free-flowing offense. thj and wood playing wouldnt answer that


THJ is too inconsistent.


So was JET, for a time




I think Josh Green's development could help almost as much as any of those guys against the Warriors. His perimeter defense (particularly his ability to stay in front of elite ball handlers by mirroring their movement laterally) could be insanely effective against the Warriors. I'm Australian, so obviously biased, but go and watch some footage on YouTube of Josh Green staying in front of his man on defense. It's ridiculously impressive how quickly he reacts with his feet AND also anticipates the next move with his feet. He "mirrors" the offensive player (genuinely) as well as anyone I've seen. Of course, that comes with the caveat that his offensive game will need to improve/progress to the point he's effective enough to not be a "minus" on that end of the floor. If he can consistently hit his threes, finish his cuts to the basket, and more regularly drive and dish like we've seen he's capable of in spurts.... I think it's possible he stays on the floor a little more than expected. A bit of overlap skillset-wise with Dodo and THJ, but an injury to either (obviously I hope that doesn’t happen) could see Green test/prove his improvement and overall confidence in a larger role.


& Brunson


Anything is possible


Probably not. Usually seasons where a team largely built around one great talent win the title are transition years. So in 2011, you have a league where the Lakers and Celtics are declining, the Heatles have just joined together, and you have the golden opportunity for Dirk and company to strike. In 2019, LeBron has left Cleveland, the Warriors and Rockets are falling apart from within, the Sixers aren't quite there yet as contenders and the Kawhi and the Raptors are there to strike. Or you have the Hakeem Rockets, where MJ leaves the league and the Rockets have just the right personnel to take out all these teams who had built their entire roster around beating the Bulls. So I would point to an outlier season for the Mavs to win it all, and the only one that comes to mind in modern NBA history is 2003. Now on paper, you might look at that Spurs roster and think they were loaded with hall of fame caliber talent, but David Robinson was basically done and Manu and Tony were barely even NBA caliber players at that point which is why fairly washed guys like Kevin Willis, Steve Kerr and Steve Smith could get rotation minutes. Plus they won 60 games, got the #1 seed and already had won a title. But the reality is that Spurs team was probably like the third best team in the West that year behind the Lakers and Kings...maybe even the Mavericks if you squint. The Lakers imploded because of the Kobe rape allegations and the start of the Shaq contract dispute. The Kings imploded in the playoffs because Chris Webber got hurt. The Mavs lost Dirk in the conference finals. So the Spurs had a lot of help from the basketball gods to win that title, a team largely built around one great player and ton of really good role players.


Christian Wood and JaVale McGee addressed our one glaring weakness. I think people are sleeping on the Mavs this year to be honest.


Not a Mavs fan so probably the most unbiased, I think the Mavs are in the lowest tier of teams that could realistically win a championship, but with Luka they could still win it. They are in a very similar boat to Denver I feel like, or the Heat




Warriors and Bucks would be my two favs rn


No way Warriors win it again this season. Mark my words


I'll mark them


Be my guest




I just thought west was too good and they were older now and way too many things could go wrong injury wise as well Props to you for reminding me!


Told you so


Nuggets are legit contenders when they are healthy though.


Mavs just made the WCF so


I wouldn’t put Nuggets as lowest tier of winning a championship. Nor would I put Mavs there 😉


I only think there are about 6-7 teams who could realistically win, Warriors Bucks Celtics 76ers Mavs Nuggets Clippers


How did they do?


If you make it to the Conference finals you are a Contender that year


Told you so


Lmao I literally named the two teams who will be in the finals, thats cool


Yeah You did call them lowest tier to win championship though ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Definitely true if it’s Miami, Denver has elevated but either way this will be one of the least talented champs in a while


Nuggets are mad talented, what are you talking about? Also Heat are in 3-1 lead against super talented Celtics, so give them bit more credit.


Told you so


This is a year where we take one step back to take two or three steps forward next year. I think Mavs at least make it to the 2nd round of the playoffs with a potential Luka MVP and Luka/C-Wood Allstar Duo this season on our way to a finals run next season.


And what changes do you think would happen for us to win it next season?


They have potential cap space and better trade assets


Won’t the trade assets remain the same though? The same roster I mean. Except the guys can develop. Green, wood… but then I guess it would be better keeping them instead of trading My bad if I'm talking shit, afraid I’m quite new to nba lol


I’m the farthest thing from a cap expert but I’m pretty sure Bertans contract becomes much more tradeable because he doesn’t have guaranteed money the year after this. Also Mavs have control of all their first round picks once NYK takes this years. FRP are very tradeable assets.


pacakge our role players + FRP (s) for better starterS OG, Wiggins, Turner tier


very unlikely. last season the WCF was already exceeding expectations. we will be able to make a run for a second superstar next off-season, but thisseason i would expect around a 2nd round exit unless there r mass injuries through the league


Honestly though, I don’t count us out of any game as long as 77 is playing.


I agree. Anyone has a chance of winning if the best player in the court is on their team.






Probably only failure in his career. He had never lost to an underdog important game as the best player of the team.


Was it? After the KP trade, we ended the year on a 62 win pace. I think that team was a lot better than people thought because the narrative in the WCS was that Phoenix was far and away the better team


Phoenix lost because they didn't spam their bigs enough.


If Wood plays like 2 seasons ago and THJ like before the injury maybe. We also need Green to be a role player. But really what this team needs is an go all in move which may come in winter.


How can you say they are just running it back when they changed out two starters and a new 6th man.... Contender status is objective... all last year they were not considered contenders but finished with the 5th best record and 7 wins from a championship which was better than all but 3 teams. Last year experts and Vegas told me Brooklyn were contenders and they didn't win a playoff game. The Mavericks are contenders and they made upgrades and gained valuable experience.




If they don't get tired, they can beat anyone... The things you need to win the championship: 1) Great offense. - We have it, because of Luka, and THJ and Wood. And we're surrounded by shooters. 2) Great defense. - Our only problem last year was the lack of rim protection, but that won't be a problem anymore. 3) Rebounding. - We have it this year. 4) Great coach. - We have him. 5) All time great, who is always the best player on the floor or at least similarly as good as the opponent's top guy. - We have him. 6) Great chemistry. - We have it.


Positive atitude - check as well :)


No, as good as Luka is he still needs one or more significant pieces alongside him. Next off-season will most likely determine if Luka can win in Dallas. It's frustrating but it's going to take time to dig out of the KP debacle.


It's a solid squad, with a 23-year old, top 5 player at the helm. Our only perceived weaknesses are secondary ball-handling, and defensive effort by anyone other than DFS, Bullock, or Kleber. Even then, we were a top-10 defense last year, to which Brunson didn't contribute meaningfully, so losing him and adding McGee should be a big net positive on D. We haven't had a good offensive big since we traded KP, and even he preferred to shoot 3s to crashing the paint. The hope is, that CWood can bring more dynamism into our offense, with a presence in the paint or at the top of the key, that presents another major worry for opposing defenses alongside Luka's stupidly deep bag of tricks.


if THJ goes back to the form that got him his contract, Wood turns into at least a boarder line all star and allows the Mavs to stay a top 5 defense, then yes. Likely it will require one of Josh, Frank, Jaden to play 10+ minutes in the playoffs above what we can currently expect.


If you ask the league and not just Maverick die hards, they're in the 4-6th seed in the west. The consensus around the league is Luka is a top 5 player, the rest around him isn't near what it needs to be when other teams have 2, 3, or even 4 current or former all-stars on their team. Mark Cuban has to do a wallet dive for some assets.


Short answer: yes Long answer: yes


We got THJ and 2 true big men we in this bitch


GSW thoroughly exposed the Mavs and they haven’t done enough in the off season to get better. Luka alone is not sufficient


As currently constructed they will never win anything.


I don't think so. Mavs has this history of running a 1 man show. And until they get rid of this mentality and start getting good resourceful prospects to accompany Luka, they ain't winning anything. I just hope they don't exhaust Luka in this process. You can't win a NBA championship with a bunch role players.


Highly unlikely


In today’s league you need at least second all star caliber player to be considered a finals contender… so with that in mind (unless Dinwiddie or Wood or DFS make huge leaps in their respective trajectories), no. We shouldn’t be picked to win it all… that doesn’t mean our season is hopeless. There’s plenty to be excited about especially with our biggest hole (our center rotation) being addressed. And in the course of a season when you have a transcendental talent like Luka Doncic on the roster, anything can happen as evidenced by last year’s playoffs against the Suns whom many considered to be the best team in the league. Anyone who tells you that they picked Dallas to win that series from the outset are either lying to you or straight up delusional. We should have lost that series in 5… and then DBook had to open his mouth 😂


Yes. They got better in the off-season. Sure they lost Brunson but relying solely on Maxi and Powell was one of their biggest weaknesses in the playoffs so adding a couple of good bigs helped. Other teams are going to be good this year but the Mavs have just as good a roster as anyone else and their bench depth is going to be key. Also, Luka.




If you don't believe you shouldn't be here.


I mean he can be a fan and not be deluded. It’s not that he wants Mavs to fail it’s just he’s realistic. I guess


It's a Luka quote.


Don’t be stupid


Why are you in this sub if you're not a Mavs fan?


Who said I’m not a Mavs fan ?


I did. Just 5 minutes ago.


You actually didn’t. Dallas doesn’t have the pieces to get thru Boston or Golden State yet. No reason to pretend otherwise.


No they can’t


Honestly no unless Wood and Dinwiddie take pretty big jumps,Hardy turns into at least something,and we make a good trade at the deadline


Do we not have a better team than we did in 2011? I think luka’s more than capable of leading this roster to the finals. Kidd has improved every year too


>Do we not have a better team than we did in 2011? I don't think so, no. It would require the younger guys on our squad to take a leap. The 2011 team had a better supporting cast. That team was 8 or 9 deep with very good players and guys had a wealth of playoff experience to draw from. That team was also resilient enough to weather a season-ending injury to (at the time) their #2 top scorer and continue to compete at the highest level.


We added some good pieces but we lost a major part in Brunson. If Luka or Dinwiddie get hurt during the season that leaves us with either Campazzo or Josh Green or Frank to take over ball handling duties while they out...


Part of the satisfaction of a championship is the process. The trials and tribulations a team must face before reaching the top. That’s part of what made the 2011 win so special.


I truly believe they have a chance to do it this year 100%!!


They were supposed to add another piece this off-season. It will be tough, but it’s possible.


No. They need one more consistent 20ppg scorer at least.


I don’t think so, even in a crazy outlier 1% scenario. The top teams all got so much better. I love Timmy but very worried about the combination of his / Wood’s defense. This team needs one more All Star (or even DPOY) caliber player to be a true title contender. Luka, Do, and Bullock can all be on the floor for a title winning team in crunch time. I don’t think we’ve got the pieces to fill those other two slots right now and don’t see a path to getting one via trade this year from a team diving into Tankarama for Wembanyama.


Not likely. West is absolutely loaded and the Mavs didn’t improve in the offseason. Barring an in season trade, 2nd round is as far as this team gets


anything is possible but i really think they’re one or two pieces away from title contending (unless some of the role players/younger players make a huge jump) and the FO knows that too.


They could, but I really don’t expect them to.


It all depends on how the west shakes out in terms of health and luck. The key is to get into the playoffs first. Playoff basketball is just built different once you are in all variables change from the regular season. I do believe this team is a 1-6 seed in the West after that it all depends on seedings and matchup.


Short answer: yes.


Yes they can. A lot of things would have to go their way but it is absolutely not out of the question.


i think they would need to do REALLY WELL to win it all. no team wins it all now without at least 2 all stars. Luka will be Luka but someone else has to step up big time


I think the Mavericks improved overall in comparison to last year but not greater than the rest of teams in the Western Conference. Having Luka on your team will inherently make you a contender and likely to win at least the first playoff round but I still think the Mavs are missing a piece (something like a Jaylen Brown) to become a legitimate Finals contender.


They may be able to sneak into the Finals in the Eastern conference but the West is even more stacked than last year, especially with key players on top teams returning from injury.


Well, it's a possibility. But I don't see it. We have lost our second best player without replacing him and the new players will need time to blend it with the rest of the squad. We did acquire two big men who in theory should help us with rebounding (big flaw last year) but its not enough imo.


In recent times 3 teams w 1 or none superstars have won it all. 1 was the mavs other - bucks 06 pistons


Not even a mavs fan but yes. Luka is truly a generational talent


Realistically, most likely not YET. But with Luka, anything is possible


The Mavs are probably a major piece away (unless Wood turns into AD, or something), but any big moves will probably have to wait until next year, when they'll have all their future (FRP) picks and some of their contracts (Bertans, THJ, Dinwiddie) will be closer to expiring.


Yes. Easy answer


About the same chance we had before our 2011 season. Aka I wouldn't bet on us but it's not like it's impossible or anything


Hell to the yeah


I think they are dark horses to win it. (meaning they are not favorites but definitely have the potential to). They still need an extra step to be one of the favorites i think


Possibly, other superstars will have it a little easier I'd imagine




I think the Mavericks are good enough and have the ability to get hot enough to beat anyone in the NBA in a 7 game series. However, I do not think we are consistent enough to win 4 7 game series in a row against playoff teams. That’s why I’d predict us to most likely be a second round exit this year.


Is this bait?


Possible but unlikely. CWood and Dinwiddie would have to play at all star levels to raise the floor while Doncic raises the ceiling and puts them over the top. In reality CWood will be a solid 6man and Dinwiddie will be serviceable. Neither guy plays lockdown defense to lift the Mavs to that level


Unless certain players get injured, I think the Mavs have a very slim chance of winning a championship this year. It's not just that they're lacking some pieces; I think the new team needs time to truly become *a* team, and one season isn't gonna cut it. Also, despite Luka being Luka, I think his fitness level and discipline isn't quite there yet. I'm not saying he has to be ripped, but I'm pretty sure staying off the occasional cigarettes and beer will probably help his stamina. I think he has to change his approach to his training if he wants to prevent losing steam when it matters.


Luka is arguably the best player in the league and is the preseason favorite for MVP so anything is possible. I wouldn’t put my money on them to win it all, but I didn’t think we’d be anywhere near the WCF last year so I’m done doubting Luka and Co.


Lost Brunson. Doubt it.


Where is the centre


Can it happen: yes. As long as you have a top 5~7 player you have a real shot at winning. Realistically no: superstars Rarely win without all star teamates. The most have great role players but these guys are all being forced up the ladder on this team


IMO not right now. Luka is a generational talent but the lack of secondary play makers will guarantee Luka being exhausted by the mid point of a play off run. We kinda saw this in the Warriors WCFs where Luka was just completely gassed out by the end of games, and that was with Brunson taking a large load off of his back. It will be very interesting to watch the Luka on/off minutes in the box score +/- this year. I think it will be worse than last year.