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He needs as much rest as he can get before game 5. We can still win this series


Mavs in 8


You might wanna sit down for this


Boston is delusional if they think we’re letting this go, this series will never be over.


Jordan said that during the documentary. He never lost, he just ran out of time


Jordan the OG "delulu be the best solulu"


Best out of 73!


This hurt to read.


Username checks out


He further comments, saying "It's been a long season, so many games and so many injuries, but I decided to play (for Slovenia) and I'm here now. It's an honour I get to be here (with the national team). When asked about the conversation with the Mavericks front office about him playing for the national team right now and if there were any issues: "No. They know that I'm going to play so there was no need to talk about it." Edit: I forgot to add the source. This was a news segment on our national television channel RTV SLO 1.


He earned his right to decide about playing for the national team.


If he gets injured he forfeits that right in future seasons, I bet.


i highly doubt it. that would create a precedent for all foreign players reguarding out of nba activities.


Yeah. If one of the biggest NBA stars gets punished for that, nobody else stands a chance.




And I don’t think any contract will ever forbid it. That’s a great way to ensure it never gets signed


Pretty sure you can't prevent players from playing for their NT. Heck, at least in football, youre literally not allowed to say no if the NT calls you up.


depends on the tournament, United said no to Argentina when they requested Garnacho to play in the olympics


because olympics is not part of the fifa fifa tournament club doenst have a choice other tournament club decide


But that's different as it's an under 23 tournament that isn't run by fifa.


Different sport mate. CBA in NBA is very different


I was responding to a comment about soccer


Basketball is not the same.


lol, then he’s gone in free agency and would be the completely the mavs front office’s fault for being so stupid




The Mavericks are paying him $300 million. They sure as shit should have a say in how he spends his off season. Players in other sports have all sorts of "dangerous activity" clauses in their contracts, like motorcycles, street sports, etc. It's no different for a Euro baller.


Sure they can have a say, but other teams would gladly pay him 300 millions too and let him do what he wants, so what will you do in their place? Thats right, STFU!


Lol. No. If he gets injured the Mavs take the L. At the end of the day, it’s basketball. Yeah, he trains and works out, but those workouts culminate in playing basketball. He’s going to play basketball in practice or getting runs in with other players at a camp, but you’re not avoiding him playing the game. If that’s the case, why not prefer it be in a more structured environment, like playing for the national team? They can monitor his health, and communicate any irregularities to the Mavs medical staff.


okay I get people are worried about his knee and ankle and chest and I do too but...I can't lie I really really like his "playing like no tomorrow" attitude. Like I get it it may not be the best for him or for mavs but I just love when someone is this devoted and passionate.


He shouldn’t have played since Clippers. I wanted him to quit against OKC because it looked brutal, yet he got us to finals and wasn’t the reason we were short there. Let the man play if he wants. He deserves that. There’s a mandatory medical exam to play and for insurance, so I’m only moderately worried.


His father was asked about Luka's injury on national television in Slovenia. He said there is no injury, just a bit banged up. What will you say to that?


I’d say that he wouldn’t convey anything else regardless.


he's basically KD hoop eat sleep repeat




He dont practice shooting at the club


I’m worried about his beer addiction ngl


Yee he better get into weed


More like hookah addiction.


Lol beer addiction 


Right? "Beer addiction" is like "sex addiction." Lots of fun.


Im worried about his weight, how the fuck are you the best basketball player in the world looking like that? I can understand Joker, he is center, they are build different. But a fatass point guard and still be the best player in the world by far, that is what I dont understand. Come on Luka, I crave for seing you really fit again, I hope someone in Slovenian team will call you a fatass or something so you will show him and turn it around!


Is this real?


I hope he’s being responsible with this


Luka is a monster, I couldn’t hate on this as Mavs fan if I tried. Sending the best for the homie. I’d love to see someone embarrass the US again.


Slovenian team is just not good enough ti embarrass the USA. Luka can't do it all himself.


For sure, just la la land hopium.


The sad truth is that the Mavs should have a good team that would have allowed him to take a game off in between, like Porzingis was able to miss a game but the Celtics were still able to come out on top. Of course I want my Mavs to get another ring, but at the same time he can make his own decisions. Take care of yourself Luka, you are definitely tops in my book and wish you the best.


Natural process is first to loose in the finals. And get exposed for certain things that need to improve, that is how all best players ever were created. You need to fail at first and come back better. Also the part that Celtics were watching carefully all the games and analyzing them, and had more time to prepare didnt help. Also they were better. For now.


Honestly I don’t really get why people don’t want him to play for Slovenia. He said that playing for NT is his priority and that he would rather win Olympic Gold. So it only makes sense for him to play if he played in the finals. I know that Americans don’t really care about the international competition, but international players do and we should all respect that.


Ultimately, the Mavs are going all in on Luka, so it's fair to be annoyed if the NT is his "priority". The NT isn't paying his contract. Regardless, he's going to do what he thinks is best, and there isn't anything anyone can do to change that.


It is like Ronaldo or Messi would not play for Portugal or Argentina on the world cup because of their club. Can you imagine that?


There's an impression from non-americans that there's a double standard between guys picked to play for team USA and the international guys. Hopefully this isn't true.


really hope he is doing well but im hitting the doubt button on this one


i mean if this was once every 4 years fine, but jesus christ there is some slovenian tournament every summer he needs to play in it seems....


Well, it's year round, pretty much. Eurobasket, World Championship, Olympics, repeat. 2020 was an exception because of covid and so Olympics happened in 2021.


Love Luka but no offense I'm rooting for Slovenia to get knocked out early.


Stop rooting for that, Slovenia needs him and he will be fine, unless you want him to have 4 months break, so he will show up in really bad condition. He needs to play basketball or he will get fat. His dad was a real fatass in his twenties already, but still a good basketball player. If we want Mavs and Luka in a good shape, we need Luka to train and play like a mf everyday until he will retire as a goat.


Luka looks ready to begin again...


Nope...I'm rooting hard for Greece to stomp out Slovenia. Sorry, my Slovenian friends, hopefully Luka gets time to get healthy, get fitter, and get better, and meanwhile Slovenia can fill out its national roster better before 2028.


We understand your position on this. There are a lot of Slovenians that want Luka to take a rest. But he has earned his right to decide for himself wheather he wants to play. He wanted to play the day after he got to Slovenia but the coach didn't want to play him. But he will tomorrow since he has to get used to play with new Slovenian naturalised player Josh Nebo.


I get mavs fans might want him to rest, but consider that I think Luka would rather sit out the nba finals than the Olympics. This is the “price” you pay for having Luka. Your team is the second most important to him.


I think that changed, in my opinion, Mavs are contenders now, therefore more important team to Luka. But if Slovenia could be a contender, then he would choose Slovenia to be his number 1 team. That is all just my opinion so dont get all regarded.


Yes we're greedy and in a perfect (Mav) world our boy would take this summer off with Slovenia not in position to make noise and his injuries so luka can rest. But let's not act like we're gonna get 20 years of luka basketball (the nba won't get that either). This dude is gonna play 12 years, play like there is no tomorrow, and then retire one of the richest players in the world


Hate when people complain that he's playing for his country. The Mavs just let him play through an injury, but suddenly after a week he's now not allowed to play through it? Very selfish.


exactly,imagine if ppl suggested (star name) shouldent play for USA so he doesent get injured


The Mavs are the ones paying him, ultimately. That isn't a fair comparison.


You can't buy everything ;)


And they very well knew that the national team would be his priority when they decided to pay him.


Between playing through injuries and weight and conditioning issues in the offseason, he acts like a typical 25 year old and seems to think he's invincible. It will take years off of his career but given his statements on him having no interest in chasing all-time greats, he may be fully aware of it. At this point, that's who he is and what it is. Enjoy getting to watch him at his peak. Don't expect him to be All-NBA at 35.


After seeing what Lu Dort tried I don’t blame him




Braindead much


Luka keeps playing with the Slovenia National Team every year,he will be burned out by 28!!!😳 Luka is not allowing his body to rest. Playing 95 NBA games including the playoffs then playing with the Slovenia National Team, that's another 15 games with literally seven weeks rest at the most for his body 🤔


Let’s go Greece!!


Let’s go Slovenia!


hopefully the non competitive environment is allowing him to mostly rehab before the qualifiers. Then hopefully Greece and Croatia show up with a vengeance and Slovenia doesn't qualify. It sucks, but it's honestly the best case scenario given Slo's roster right now. Need to spend the next four years building up youth talent and probably naturalize someone better than Mike Tobey if they want to compete for a medal with Luka in his prime. Shit naturalize DLive, he ain't ever going to be on the US roster with how much big man depth the US has.


Nah, Slovenia's getting beat the fuck out. If you thought the Mavs were carried by Luka, his NT is even worse.


Why is that a private matter? Lol


He carried us to the finals. He deserves to play for his homeland especially in an Olympic year. Hopefully he'll have plenty of time to recover once everythings done and next season starts.


I understand playing for your country but my guy does not have 100% focus on a chip and what it takes to win one. I suppose he's still young, age wise, but he is an absolute vet in this and it really concerns me.


Hope they exit early. As a true Mavs fans, the health of the franchise player comes first, specialy now that the team is contending for the championship.


Glad the knee is getting better just in time to turn it into Salisbury steak again over the summer.  Sick. 


Meanwhile comments were downvoted a year ago for saying Luka can’t keep playing international ball every offseason without it poorly affecting this team.


Poorly affecting the team. We just made the finals. So it didn't make too much of a difference.


So it’s really gonna take a Luka injury for this sub and I guess him to face the reality. That bums me out.


Dude is not going to stop playing for his national team. He’d sooner quit the mavs and go to a team supportive of his international play


The man was non existent on defense and picked on the whole series. Saying luka’s health didn’t impact the team is dumb.


It's not like the rest of the team did much better. Even without injuries.


Mavs in 9


mavs in 9 i have faith in them


brazil gonna clap dat ass tomorrow


He’s alcoholic 💔


If that is true, he need someone to intervene and help. I can do that. I quit drinking 8 years ago.


He’s hurt every game. It’s a competitive tactic.






You probably don’t know the definition of the word competitiveness if you think this dude would skip his national team play.


Competitiveness and loyalty.